34 of 1943 - Vacating alley running east 119.5 feet from 15th East and between Emerson and Kensington Avenue ROLL CALL
ye- /v4 Salt Lake City,Utah, Pdl,iV !{ p;4
Crogon - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser - - - - ,/
*koakockxx - -
/--es<a _
Mr.Chairman - - - i _ AN ORDINANCE
Result - - - -
I FROM 15th East and between Emerson and Kensington Avenues.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That alley running east 119.5 feet from
. .L-4 =� '15th East and between Emerson and Kensington Avenues, and more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block g,
University Heights Sub. of Block 12, F. M. Lyman Jr.ts
a Survey of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
`,9 f� thence east 119.5 ft. to the southeast corner of afore-
said Lot 1, thence S. 21° 52t 56?! E. 13.15 ft. to the
northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 4, College View Sub.
of Block 12, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Section 16, T.
1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. thence west 124.4 ft. to
the northwest corner of aforesaid Lot 30, thence north
12.2 ft. to the place of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to a perpetual
easement in Salt Lake City for the maintenance, repair, or re-
`a`� placement of any water or sewer mains that may exist, or exten-
sions thereof, and to any rights of way or easements heretofore
granted by Salt Lake City or acquired from Salt Lake City by
franchise for maintaining, repairing, altering or replacing any
and all gas mains, gasoline pipe Lines, water pipe lines, or ex-
tensions thereof, or any public utilities now existing in said
alley to be closed herein; also expressly subject to the rights
of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under fran-
chises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace
the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone
: II
circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with
the necessary aross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed
thereto for the support of said electric telephone and telegraph
lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and maintain-
ed upon or across the portions of said street to be closed, during
the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any extension
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the healthy peace,..and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinanceXPecome etf6ctive inunediately.
SECTION 3,• This ordinance Alall'take effect upon its
first publication. : 40,
�.f ✓�
Passed by the Board of Comnilssioners,4-.)-Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /1 v-t day of N��k ? /, A.D. 1943.
ity Recorder.
,) .
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice Leo H Young
AN ORDINANCE utO A . Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
EAST 'teen FEET vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
FROM UNt East and between F
son and Kensington the Board Avenues.
Re it ordained by the o[
Commissioners of Salt LakeCity, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
alley east 119.5 1. ti 1etli East a
aalarlysndAvee ` ad more ptticu de.
cribd e follows:
lo 'neh
11011 of 1, Be> e University That the advertisennent
Heights Snh, n( Block 12. F. AL.
Lyman Jr's Survey or Section le,
T. 1 S., B. 1 E., S. I,. B. & N.;
111Pnee r 119.5.1. ,n the stain, Ordinance Bill Na. 34 — Vacating Alley
east of aforesaid Lot I,
n`ro21 des 52 M then. n
E. Lot 11., B ck 4, Collegetheast V der
of Lot to Block 4, .Lyma.-view between merlon and Kene1n ton Ave
Sub.y Block 12,N.15, Lyman Jr R.
Survey S.
Settled . T. n S.,west
1 F4 S. L. R. & ore testes corner
124.4 , Id the north west er Salt Lake City Recorder
of aforesaid e 39, tf beg r ing
12.2 al to the a is of beat nine:
n and the same a hereby vacated
and declared r'one
let liestreet,ave•• was published in said newspaper in its issue dated the
nu property r pedestrian a >
S all`.1 o pcd
Said ...ion a made tie etd teen
e perpetual enI 19t to day of November A.D. 1943
Sera Lake C-'air. or plate'ment'of" .
ter 0 a that.t
extensions nlhereof, and ''hPrett'v
rights of wayt easementsand was published � a._tirae
fore canted by r Sala Lake City ,
sect ti re,' from Stilt Lake City by
replacing"ianyd repairing,11 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
,oho Pine tines.stater
pipe"'li„es.g extensions thereof,
a nbe"`nrrtee h -
pah to he closed eherei„e: day of A.D. .19
expressly subject 1 the rights
of wan and S easements or the'Utah
Light et Traction Company a td the
grphMountain Staten Telephone a trans
graph Companyal acquired. finder trans •n -repair.b h r 1 c1s Ad2'e1't2 the g Clerk.k.
elec.. transmission, clistribn tios tot
teles.nhwi d telephone m a {a'
1 1 i L -c p 4
ponies, togetherwithcl the
14arhmenta AAA
thereon al fixed ,hereto for the
cross-armot ant electric Lelonhone
l telegraph lines, wires and dis-
tribution'„tn'e�ia`si°�etnipanencip.naR bef07"e me this 3rd •
dal/ 01
during the life of the franchises
held by pones. or any ex
tension companies.
tension ,hereof,"' A. D. 19 43
SECTION 2.in the o of the
Board of Commis.opera,"'
eSSOY 10 tills health, peace, and
a rely of the inhabitants of Salt
ha om City 1 this ordnance be e
1 ell.t'e irnm
e i
dt I d
f EC }J j �/
ION 2 This 1' ball �� ( o
t leffect n first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis-.
4, t r`a I Salt Lake City,Utah,
t h this Notary Public!.
K tith day of NovemAet,JEN{H.N,194J,
. n hL D.
I I:A L1
I Published November 19113, 1943.
Proof of Publication