34 of 1944 - Amending Article II of Chapter XXX of the Revised Ordinance 1944 relating to fire prevention in th VOTING` r..` Aye Ney Salt Lake City, Utah, July 27 194 4
Affleck ` I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . t %
Romney k _
Mr. Chairman . .
Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in as.c. co
said Article a new Section to be known as Section 3020X, relating to
fire prevention in theatres and places of public assemblage.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Article II of Chapter XXX of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby
amended by adding in and to said Article a new Section to be known as
Section 3020X, relating to fire prevention in theatres and places of
public assemblage, which shall read as follows:
ED IN TENTS. (A) It shall be unlawful For any person, firm or cor-
poration to erect or cause to be erected any temporary structure
composed wholly or partly of canvas or similar material to be used
as a place of amusement or for any religious, educational or re-
creational purposes or for any other public assemblages whatsoever
within the limits of Salt Lake City without first having made ap-??AA
34 plication to and received permission from the Board of Commissioa`t
ers so to do.
(B) The applicant for such permission shall file an applica-
tion in writing with the License Assessor and Collector, together
with the fee as hereinafter provided, which application shall have
attached thereto a set of building plans, in duplicate, showing
the type of construction, electrical wiring layout, exits, aisles,
seating arrangements and detail of decorations. A set of such
plans shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal and to the Chief Build-
ing Inspector at least ten (10) days prior to the date 01 the
opening of any such structure, and they shall be notified at
least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the erection of such
structure, so that they may make an inspection during reason-
able daylight hours.
(C) No structure of the types specified herein shall be
located in Fire Zone No. 1, and if located in Fire Zones No.
2 or 3 it shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from any
dwelling, apartment house, hotel or other building where per-
sons live or assemble.
(D) The canvas walls and top and all combustible decora-
tive materials shall be made flameproof, and no flameproofing
substance or agent shall be used which, when subjected to fir:
or heat, will emit toxic or poisonous fumes or gases. Such
flameproofing, unless certified by the Underwriters Laborator
ies, Inc., or other laboratories of recognized standing as be
ing of a permanent nature, shall be tested by the Fire Marshal
before the tent or structure is erected.
(E) Aisles not less than thirty-six (36) inches wide shall
be so located that there are not more than six (6) seats be-
tween any seat and aisle. For each room or space used for seat-
ing, the arrangement shall be such as will provide ready acce•s
by aisles or passageways to each exit doorway or opening.
Passageways leading directly to exit doorways or openings
shall have a clear width of not less than the width of such
doorways or openings. No aisle, passageway or exit shall be
obstructed by persons, chairs, tables, turnstiles or other
obstructions or encumbrances of any kind, either permanent or
movable, while the tent or structure is occupied.
(F) Exit doorways or openings shall be so located that
no point in the seated area of the enclosure is more than one
hundred (100) feet distant from an exit doorway , or opening,
measured along the line of travel.
The aggregate clear width of epenings serving as require•
exits shall be not less than,A4t the rate of twelve (12) iG�c ios
for every one hundred (100) persons to be accommodated. There
shall not be less than two (2) exits for each room or enclo-
sure, and no exit shall be less than forty-two (42) inches
wide. Entrances for animals and the entrance or entrances fv.
the menagerie will not be considered as required exits.
(G) Exit openings shall be located with proper regard to
the safety of occupants and ease of egress.
Exit doorways or openings, other than those normally use.
for entrance, shall be plainly marked by approved exit signs
bearing the word "EXIT" in green letters on a white field or
white letters on a green field, and such letters shall be at
least five (5) incises high. Each sign shall be provided with
two separate electric light globes on separate circuits, one
such circuit being separate from any other circuit in the
structure. All exit signs shall be illuminated at all times
when the structure is occupied.
Directional signs shall be displayed in conspicuous loca
tions to direct occupants to exits.
(H) All stairs or steps shall have a rise of not more
than seven and one-half (72) inches and a tread of not less
than ten (10) inches.
(I) Where seats are not spaced or marked off in any benc
or bleacher-type seating arrangement, a distance of eighteen
(18) inches along any bench or platform shall constitute one
seat in computing the required aisles, stairs and exits. Ben.l
or bleacher-type seats shall be spaced not less than twenty-s'x
(26) inches back to back, and where backs are provided for
seats, such seats shall be spaced not less than thirty (30)
inches back to back.
The space under the seats shall not be used for any pur-
pose while the structure is occupied.
(J) All seats must be securely fastened to the floor or
ground, except that in railed-in enclosures, boxes or loges w'th
level floors and having not more than fourteen (14) seats the
need not be fastened.
All bench or bleacher-type seats shall be constructed or
clear, sound first-grade douglas fir lumber or the equivalent
They shall be designed and assembled in a manner that will no
exceed the maximum stress of the various members as provided n
the Uniform Building Code. All chairs and folding chairs shal
be in good, sound condition. No person shall be admitted to
any structure within the scope of this ordinance in excess of
the number of seats approved.
(K) All supporting members of the main structure shall b:
of sufficient size and strength to be within the limits of
stress allowed for like materials, as provided in the Uniform
Building Code.
(L) The ground enclosed by such structure or structures
and for a distance of not less than fifty (50) feet outside o
such structure or structures shall be cleared of all dry gras-,
weeds, paper or other flammable material or vegetation which
will carry fire, which work shall be accomplished to the sati--
faction of the Fire Marshal prior to the erection of such str c-
ture or structures. The premises shall be kept free from such
materials during the time for which the license is granted.
(M),No hay, straw, shavings, sawdust or similar combusti
ble materials shall be permitted within any such structure or
enclosure used for public assemblage; provided, that sawdust
may be used within the rings of circus tents and that flame-
proofed sawdust may be permitted in special cases. Hay and
straw must be maintained in good order in the managerie, and
shall be kept away from the aisles and walls of the tent or
(N) Storage of flammable liquids shall be subject to the
approval of the Fire Marshal, but no storage of flammable li-
quids shall be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any
structure which is opened to the public. Refueling of equipmen
with Class 1 or 11 liquids shall not be permitted within one
hundred (100) feet of any occupied structure.
Circus forges, kitchens and ;41
iynilar equipment must be rok
moved from any tent or structure opened to the public and
otherwise must be made safe to the satisfaction of the Fire
(0) No smoking, fireworks or open flame of any kind shal
be permitted within or in the immediate vicinity of any such
tent or structure while occupied by the public. !INC SMOKING1!
signs shall be conspicuously posted in any tent, structure or
enclosure opened to the public, and the +ono smoking!! rule sha 1
be strictly enforced Vy the owner, manager, agent or person '
control of such tent or structure.
(P) The owner, manager or a responsible agent must be
present prior to, during the course of and immediately after
each performance to correct any violations of ordinance that
may exist. In case of any violation of this or any other Sal
Lake City ordinance governing the safety of places of public
assemblage, the Fire Marshal or his du4y assigned deputy is
hereby authorized and empowered to halt any performance unless
such violation shall be corrected immediately.
(Q) Fire extinguishing equipment shall be of such types
and numbers as may be specified by the Fire Marshal.
(R) All electrical installations shall meet the require-
ments of the National Electrical Code, latest edition, as far
as applicable. The electrical system shall be maintained and
operated in a safe and workmanlike manner. All wiring shall be
thoroughly inspected before the opening of each performance b
the operator or q qualified assistant to ascertain any defects
in the wiring, and any defects which are found must be correct
ed immediately.
The operator of the electrical system shall be a qualifie.
electrician. Qualifications must be presented to and approved
by the Chief Electrical Inspector before any electrical plant
or system is operated in Salt Lake City.
(S) The electrical system shall be adequately grounded.
All equipment shall be protected against overcurrent. Loads 10
feed and branch lines shall be limited in acocrance with thee`
34 1
carrying capacities as specified in the National Eleetrieal
All conductors shall be of an approved moisture-resistan-
type and have an abrasive sheath for heavy usage.
(T)Not less than two separate pit toilets shall be fur-
nished for the use of each sex. These toilets shall be
constructed so that the pits are completely fly-proof and wit
pits not less than three (3) feet deep and eighteen (18)
inches wide and they shall be located not less than one hun-
dred (l00) feet from any structure or other location where
food for human consumption is stored, prepared, served or
offered for sale. These toilets shall be removed at the con-
clusion of the performances and the pits covered in accordanc•
with the rules of the Board of Health and under the direction
of the Chief Sanitarian or an authorized deputy.
(U) Adequate garbage storage, removal and disposal facil -
ties must be arranged for with the Board of Health and a
signed copy of the agreement left at the office of the Salt
Lake City Board of Health before any meals, refreshments or
confections are prepared, served or sold within the limits of
Salt Lake City.
(V) No tent, structure or enclosure as provided in this
ordinance shall be opened to the public without first having
received permission so to do from the Board of City Commissio -
ers, who shall have received a report of inspection from the
Chief Sanitarian, Chief Building Inspector, Fire Matshal and
License Assessor and Collector.
(NI) The violation of any provision of this ordinance by
any person, firm or corporation shall be deemed sufficient
cause for the revocation of any license or permit granted by
the city of Salt Lake City.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant-
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this klizt day of , A.D. -9-4
1.. '
41 r.
6 ,,,', 'f' utiii •
1, ,g — City Necor r. r
0 .
- ) 1
5f, 4
- (F) Exit doorways openings
:hell lie so located that oro point in
the seated area of the enclosure is
ore than one hundred (100) Ieet
distant front an exit doorway
A;J OI'DINANCE opening,measured along the litre of
14 02.D1NA":It AMENDING ANTI- travel.
:NE II OE CI1APTIIIO XXX.of the Re- The aggregate clear width of open•
s,3 Cit lr..eotes of Balt Lake Clty, lags serving as required exits .hall
Utah hill. Ile adding In and to said be not less thin at the rate of
Article a new Or don to be known as (12) incites for every one hundred
Nestion 3623X,relating to fire proven- (100) persons to be accommodated.
non in theatre,and places of public There shall not be lea than two(2)
r':blow., exits for each roc or enclosure,
Ire It ordained by the Board of Com- exit shall be less than forty-two
missions,of Salt Lake City,Utah: (42) Inches wide. Entrances for n 1-
f:ECTIOIl 1. That Article II of Chap- al.and the entrance or ntrances
tsr;'X}:of the R:cvlsed Ordinances Of from the n enageric will not be con,-
Felt Lalm City Utah,1944,be and the cidered as:required exits.
o is herby amended by adding in (Ce) Exit openings shall be located
rlto said Article a.new Section to be with proper regard to the safety of
known ee Section 3020X;relating to fire occupants and ease of egress.
llroventk:e in theatres and Places of Exit doorways or openings, other
nubile assemblage,which shall read SS than those normally used foe en-
tailer.,assemblage, trance, hall be plainly marked by
"SEC. 2020X. CIRCUSES •ANI2 approved exit signs hearing the word
°TIEEN PUBLIC ASSEMBLAGES "EXIT" In greets letters on a white
RESTRICTED IN TENTS. (A) It field or white letters on a green field.
shall be unlawful for any person. and such letters shall be at least
`firm orcorporation to erect or cause five(5)inches high. Each sign shall
to ba erected, any temporary eteuc- be provided with two separate elec-
tor° composed wholly or partly of talc light globes on separate circuits,
canvas Or similar material to be used one such circuit being separate from
we a place of amusement or for any any other circuit In the structure.
religious, educational or recreational All exit signs shall be illuminated at
mimeses or foe any other public as- all Cram when the structure Is o
:mblages whatsoever within the lim- copied.
Its of Salt Lake City without'first Directional signs shall be displayed
lroving made application to and re- In conspicuous locations to direct
erlved Permission from the Board of occupants to exits.
Commissioners to to do. (II) An stairs
o r steps shall have
(B) The ppl/cant for such per- else of not more than seven and
mission shall file an application to one-half(7!r)inches and tread of
writing with the License Assessor and nt less than ten (10) Inches.
Collector, together with the fee as not
here seats are not bench or spaced
hereinafter provided, which applies- marked off n blereis r-
tion shall have attached thereto a type seating arrangement. any
set of building plans. In duplicate, of eighteen (18)inches along a .
shcwing the type of construction, bench tor Splatfrem tgall egoist
eleci:rleal wiring layout, exits, aisles, on seast to nsringexits. Bench required
.eating arrangements and detail of aisles,
rlecorattone. A set of such plane shall bleacher-type seats shall be spaced
he sebmttterl to the Fire Marshal not lean than twenty-six (26) inches
nor to tiro Chief Building Inspector back to bock, and where backsre
at least tear (10) days prior to the provided for seats, such
.h scats shall
date of the opening of any such be spaced not le's than thirty (30)
structure,and they shall be,notified Inches back to back. rats shill
rt least forty-eight (48) hours prior The spat underR the s while
n the erection of structure,
such stcture,s not be used for any purpose
Cleat they may make an inspection the structure Is occupied.
during reasonable daylight hours. (J) All scats must be securely
(C) No structure of the types fastened to tier visor or
r gnd,
neolflod herein shall be located In cept that In railed-in enclosures,
Fire :lone 11o. 1, rind If located 1n boxes or loges with level floors and
litre Zones No.2 or 3 It shall be et having not more then fourteen
fasten (19)
least Cis hundred (100) feet from seats they need not
any dwelling,apartment house,hotel All bench or bleaoher-tyPe seats
or other building where persons live - shall be co struoted f clear.or
e able. first-grade doll^lac fir lumber the
or assemble.
Tire cent/.s walls an:l ed n]'1�a d rgestvatent. They shish be designed
e'1 combustible cents,
materials assembled in nor stress
r hail be made flameproof, and no Oct exceed the mionnetun tress of
flameproofing substance or agent the various members as provided in
shall be used which.when subjected the Uniform Uudd:ng Code. All
to flee or heat. will emit toxic or chairs and folding chairs Noshall be
poison neue fumes or gases. Such in goad,s. person
flame. oofing, unless certified by tdrall be sound
to lea strcture
the Underwriters Laboratories. Ioo.. within the r this, ordinance
other laboratories off recognized in excess of ter., number cf scats
standing as being of a permanent ap:roveds e `nenrbers of
Cure. shout be tested by the Flee (ID Ali rup^or'l•^^
Marshal before the tent or structure the min a structure:hal be of rol-
ts erected. ficien'.e`.%'c e,r-1,:I renr'.1 to be within
(E) Aisles not less than thirty-six the limits o- :-tress echoed for like
(36) inches v.lde.shall be so located mum e:Blip. ne din,pQotlded in the Unl-
that there are not more than six(6) such
cats between any swat and aisle. (L) The Ground enclosed by s
For each room or space used for seat- structure ,-,1`Ires al,' for
ing, the - t shall be such distance of not less than fluty (50)
s w111 provide ale once.by aisles feet outside _ ruct e or
r•passeyr'aa',y, toh exit doorway structurestha
n i red of ill d
or opening. Passageways leading dl- grace, weed.'. rep,'ire o other firm.
'ec('.1y to exit doorways or openings mable material r vegetation which
shall have a clear width of not less will carry fire. which wore: shall be
than the width of such doorways or arc douched to the eatisfacttrlon of
openings. No aisle, passageway or tier Eire M.ar'hal proles to the erection
colt shall he obstructed by persons, of such structure 1 structures. The
chairs,tables,turnstiles or Other ob- premises shcllu be kept fee from such
oriel^dnrnz ti time for which
structle)) or encumbrances of any too ll�ense is monied
kind, either permanent or movable. ,
while Um tent or".-uctur'e is ecru- tit No hey, re ,Ila1.nvs,eery-
Died a or milsee com�bn.tlble materi-
als s•shall cteorehe permitted) within any
such strnctnre orused for
prtbu: noeinbleCC;^vdt'stn t, that
t r'rrrt may be used within the rings
of circus tent`red that flemeproofed
e.wdust,may be,permitted In special
Nay ear]straw Inu et be main-
Wined In good order In the menag-
eries, and shall he kept away from
the aisles and cans of the tent o
ture.st>(ll _ f Ile our able i II(midi.t
he.11 hey?^bjert to the elmrOv of
the Fire Marshal, bet re storage
• flammable llordds:harp he permitted
within one hurvtrr'1 (1001 feet tof
any stricturev'ill Is opened to
the pC10'. RTC:Nina of canlnmao'
with Clare I or IT limild- hell not
h-1 n•mltted within one hundred'
(1001 feet of forges cp .d lad Unlit,
ovlpment must he nerimiod from.
aro lent or
Onened to the
mobile and otherwise !mist be adP'-
safe to ... _a..__a,t:en of the Fires
(0) No smoking,fireworks or open
flame of any kind shall be permitted
within or l the Immediate vicinity
of any.such tent or structure. NO while
by the shall
public. "NO SMOK-
ING" s '.tan be c ' u en'fgn5 e
posted osur in one tent,the structure
the " opened to the r shall
the smoking" call
sir. agent enterced ey Lhei con matte
such otor structure.
/ control of
such tent oretrumanag 9 an The ena o
eta :� a re-
to. attiringtbin 1110 must beotlipresent Prier
to, ya the mime of and ce to
re• -root attar each 5 performance to
eat any violations of any
tion may Isis r Inc v���re
es of ina o ally case
ilc Lake
City aces o governing asse the safety
Fireof places of Pttblir, assemblage.ass• the
deputy Issher o' r,t riseassignedlit'-em-
powered to oe perord n
powered to halt any performance roe un-
icss such vyes alien shall be corrected
(R) Fire t ',1 (apes l numbers
shall be of such specified
anal n limners
its v be tspeotflod by the Firm
(N] All c7netrIcalripi)r ass; of the
shall nacre the requirements;t.a t edi-
tion.• sl Elfar a5 appcallicable.
Code. het o
telen as ter a anpucmai aine Ge
system satall be d m
aintained likit
operated in sari and war be thee-
Atla wiring :hall be thor-
oughly each
e1 Inspected before the tr
Or each performance nt tit0 operator
Or I.defects
fectrled assistant to ascertain
coo is which
it the found and a
collect which found r>_ttst ha
corrected Imnr Of thy.
Cemho r rnl:ir Of the y; electrician.
.ct temi
Qua shall be a motility;lfled esonted
e nal approveds
be Chief
li to to
Ind approved re the elect rei leant
or system
before o r electrical(Lake
system is operated 1-n Salt Lake
IS) The electrical system e shall he
ntlal lately reminded. All All imtote-
curr be protested
rat. Loads limited
feed end branch
shall carrying
neili i etch....
heel thetbe e. Nolte e r
fley tin ntlimivla chInal Electrical orCode.
All r-e,el^'cr^, shall rt of on au-
iyitl n .hre iveshea„t tar heavy
have on nahre,gfve sheath !o. .tc..
(T1 Not lees then two srl'a"tte pl'.
toilets shall be furnished for for ime
of each see. These toilers (hall be.
tnstrneted so that the nits ore
010Lc1� e fly-".'ini end with pals not
lem then the, (3) fret clean and
sighteen t'el Inches tide Intl the+(
hall he melted nil. Irc.s I.hoc
hundred 11001 feet from at stoic-
oth location where food for
lt'menth,to n'.ion 1 stored. two-
red, oon offered for all.
These ion toilets 13 removedat and
ncpita c of the prrfo ,dencos a
the pier:c ^tl t n:y,nrr wltth
the titles of the Btr.o if I-t e
coder the ,' ell tics el the potvf
nlfp ri d r chalet stria,.
,11.Sa t' en
moval e sale salt;^;t see b and d-
Oa• nttr A for,oral,IUr Bead ore 1pt
Ct n s1r„r9 conylies of inc a
ot rt ut,> r h,tr'r ;'
City IIi--.t .tfis.'I`°}I tal�rh Salt Lake
gals, refreshment, or • tr^ am
relivedpre orsold within
ter lloa'ts of Salt Lake City.
(V) No to ut•.tnre r.t t-
rd t this n ,a11
r enormity,'
Uo opc`ies re it itte rule,ast?*ce t+fl Ito
• map t 'rtl hermof Gni:C i to t
from who
hadv(o?fate Comet ronort
echo span frame re
ceived crltIn.0 from 0Ilcnhfr
teria.n.Chief Building Insncrto::'P•ire
Marshal and Llecnee Assessor and
(W1 The violation of RAY pro-
vision.of tills m� r tnans by any per-
• , ffirm or coarporation shall he
deemed sufficient,cause for the revo-
cation of any license or permit
granted by the City of Salt Lake City.
.SECTION 2. Lt the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners,it is necessary
to the peace,health and safety of the
(inhabitants of Galt Lake City that this
ordlnance become effective Immediately.
SECTION 3. 'Phis ordinance shall
take effect upon Its first pCbltoatlon.
Passau by the Board of Con-
s of Salt Lair.City,Utah,,this this Commission-
day of Silly.A.D.1944.
City Recorder.
BILL NO. 34.
Published Jul;;20th,1941.
Proof of 4lnbltrtt#tnn
3initrb Otatrs of Amrrica J
being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk
of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
That the Notice
of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper
in its issue dated the 29th
day of.-.......JULY , 19 44
and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
JULY:.-29th for
thereafter, the full period of 1..TIMS
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the 29th day of
JUL' , A. D. 19 44 '.3 A
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lot day of
AUGUST A. D. 19 44
/._ Notary Public
My commission expires Nov.25,1945
Advertising fee $
I -
• (F) Exit doorways or openingn
thell ea eo]ooaterf The:enclo�eure fs
AN ORDINANCEem,a jbsp sane hundred (100) feet / the yubllc. Refueling o[eqm meat
AN ORDINANO;.AMENDINO ARTI-� distant Srom an exit doorway I bet peress I or n mitted wlt»ilnquids one eheR1�a
CLE II OF OHAE'Y.R XXX of the Re= paring,measured a10ng the tine 02 (100)feet of any occupied structure.
vised 1 aisle .-�t .lnSalt.Lake City,, travel. l' Circus forges,kitchens and similar
Utah 19;(t .f,g,ln and to'cold The aggregate clear Width o1 ape equipment et be remove from
ATtlele 41-A 1 t0 be known as ice serving eff required Xlta hall tent or structure a opened to the
eeCtl 902�• to fire hundred public and otherwise must be made
Lion 1 th'� proven- be not leas than at the rate of twelve any
aesembl .ar[ES plaCea of Public 12) inches for every e one fe t the eatlsfaction oY the Fire
ag (tvee persons to be an bun
ed. AQeTahal.
Be 1y Ord• I
he Board of Com- 7Rlexe hall riot be lase than tiro(2)
misslo11eri�01j eke Clty,Utah: eXita 3t each room or enclosure,andRome No
any kin phialwbe orks or openSECTIQof Article II Of Chap- rio exit.shall be less than forty-two 1 within or In the Immediate vicinity
ter XXXak 1- eed Ordinances of (421 inches wide:Entraneea for ant- of any uch tent or structure hile
S It.is 15 Cl1� 1044,be and the male and the entrance or entrances
u i d b
ram t shert}J-Tiled by adding in from the menagerie Will not be n- occupied
aIgbs the plublie conspicuously. "NO S OOK-
d 'old A ' new Section to be sMeted as required exits Oster!In Lent,structure s
P etwy ,;Settl• X,relating to Sire (0) Exit openings shall be located p opened tent,
the sties en-
I. 1129geet and places of with proper regard to the a fety closurehe "no smoking" eaten shall be
past i r•-sem e,which shall read as occupants dB and ease of egress. other .strictly]enforced by the owner,man-
s Exit oocrWa9os s oPnre marked
e - ager, agent or person in control 01
3 CIRCUSES AND than those n rmaily such tent or structure.
P. 'LICASSEMBLAGESTENTS, IIt Ironer hall be plainly 000 marked by (P) The a manager or -
apProved exit signs bearing the word to, during agent moat be present prior
`Z0 a.$ IN person,
h '--yt tel for any pe nuee field o in green letters ❑ ly thecourse of and imme-
diately Ion to exert y Oausa SIel4 or white letters on a green fSeld. correct after
e ❑ performanceandim cto
to ',any temyorapo¢true- and uch Ietteri shall be at least orrect any violations'of ordinance
who{19 or partly Uofsed
be (5)inches high. Eaep sign shall that may exist. In case of an
44,...1s.r material to be used ' be provided with two sep.!t¢lac, Lion of this orSalt viola-
amusement or for asp lobes on separate frcutts, Cityordinance anyiiother Lake
ref " Cat1oTT}}pp11 0[recreational one such circuit beingenatete Rom public
governing the safety
ii a or ady'otlter public as- • other circuit in the truoture. f places o1 nor a assemblage,assi red
•memli. k':t01Setsb within the lim- Y shall be illuminated at Fire Marshal or his duly assigned
Its Ofh='' eke City Without first I All times signs the structure is no- deputy is hereby authorized and em-
sll when powered to halt any:erlormance b
having Shade application to and re- ¢opted. lees c h violation shall be corrected
•Delved pien00olon from the Board of • Directional signs shall be •displayed immediately.
Commissioners so to do. in conspicuous locations t direct all Firey extinguishingandexits. oftypes numbers
mission shall file att application in (H) All stairs or ae en end may be specified by the Fite
writing with the License Assessor and a ilea of not more than ' as
together with the fee 8a one-half(734)inches and tread of (R) All electrical installations
hereinafter provided,ve which ereto - pet leas than ten (10)Inches. hall meet the requirements at of the
Linn shall have attached thereto a (I) Where seats are not paced or National Electrical Code, latest're-
st of building plans, in duplicate, marked oft 1n any bench or bdistance Won,as far as applicable. The elec-
showing the type of construction, tope seating arrangement,a tries.system shall be maintained and
electrical wiring layout, exits, aisles, of eighteen (18) inches along spy to
shall canstftute operated In a safe and workmanlike
eating arrangements and detail of bench o[ ploo putmg the reoPlree manner. All ed shall be t
decorations. A set of such plans shall one sat to ComnSi r o inspected brims the opening',
be theed to the Fire-Marshal Isles, stairs r d exits. Bench of each performance by the
and to Chief days Building rate the b18aCheT•tha eats ehtr111 20 Incc
nee or a qualified assistant to ascertain
at least ten (10)opening prior t the not its than twenty-s (backs a any defects in the wiring, and any
date of the of any ed bask to bask, and where defects which,are found must be
structure,and they shall be notified ptovlded for 8,ats, uric eats shell Corrected immediately.
at ams erection
hours e, o be paced not less than thlYty (30) The operator of the electricalletr ys-
t o the erection ofsuch n ion ore,so inches back to back. tern shall be a qualified electrician.
that they may make an inspection The eprrece nde[ the 6este hall Qualiications must be presented to
during:reasonable structure
daylight the typesy • not be seed foe spy pudp0se while and approved before the Chief calElectricalplant
(C)ciNo etrueture of In the structure is ebe s orals Inspector any electrical plant
specified herein shall be located in All seats musta system 1s operated In Salt Lake
Fire Zone No. 1, and iI located in fastened to the floor Ot ground ez- or
Fire Zones No.2 or 3 it shell be at cent that In railed-in ❑closures, (S) The electrical system'
hall be
least O hundred (300) feet from boxes or loges with level floors d' adequately grounded. All equipment
any''dwelling,apartment house;hotel roving not more than fourteen (14) shall be protected against over-
or other building where persons live seats they need not be fastened. current. Loads for feed and branch
or assemble. All bench Or ble ne[-type starts lines shall be limited in accordance
(D)The canvas walls and top and pall be constructed of clear.st a with the carrying capacities as sped-
all combustible decorative materials first-grade-.DT efts fir lumber o the fled in the National Electrical Code.
hall be made flameproof, and no equivalent. They shall be deslsine.d All conductors shall be of an ap-
h oolong a bstan0e [ agent and assembled In a manner thrat will proved moisture-resistant,type and
shall be used which,When subjected pet ortcsl the maximum In have an abrasive sheath for heavy
tofire or heat, will hilt toxic of the various members as providedusage.
poisonous fumes or gases. Such the Uniform Building Code. All (T) Not less than two separate pit
ilemegr0OYfng, unless certified by • hairs nd,folding chairs shall be tofleta shall be furnished for the use
the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., In good•sound condition. No o etu[e. coerson ofnstructed
each sex. These toilets shall be
or other laboratories of recognized shall ba tlmitted to a v s c elegy ted so that the pits are rem-
• ng:' being ofto-a Permanent
Fire wltritn Che coos of into ordinance pletely fly-proof and with pits not
nature, shall be tested by the re in excess of the number of seats less than three (3) feet deep and
Marshal before the tent or structure approved. eighteen (18) inches wide and they
1a erected. (g) All 0uptOrtln4 members of shall be located not less than one
(E) Aisles not less than thirty-six the main structure shall bof suf-Withia hundred (100) feet from any sttuc-
(36) inches wide shall be so located fide else and strength to be sure or other location where food for
limits• there are not more than six(8) the of stress snowed for like human consumption is stored,ere-
cts between any seat and aisle. materials. a provided In the tint- pared, rvetl offered for ale.
For each room or spa a Wed for seat- SO TO, Building Code. These toilets shall be removed at the
fng, the arrangement readyt shall be h (L) The ground enclosede by such conclusion.of the performances d
as will provide access by aisles structure or structures and for the pits covered in accordance with
or passageways to each exit.doorway istance of nt leas than fifty (50) the rules of the Board of Health and
or'opening. Passageways leading di- feet Outside of such structure or der the direction of the.Chief
raptly to exit Ways or openings structures shall be cleared of all dry Sanitarian or an authorized deputy.
shall have a clear width of not less grass. weeds. Paper OT other foam- (U) Adequate garbage. storage, re-
than the Width o1'such doorway,or enable material or vegetation which moval and disposal facilities must be
openings-,No aisle, pesOageWay of will Carr/fire.which werk shall be arranged for with the Board of Health
exit shall be turnstiles
by persona, aecopr❑lished to the satisfaction erection of a and signed copy of the agreement
•chairs,tables,turnstiles or other oh- the Fire Marshal prior t the erection left at the office of the Salt Lake
structiOns or .encumbrances of any of such structure or structures.rres. The City Board of Health before any
kind, either permanent or movable, xshall be kept free from such meals, refreshments ents or confections
-while the tent or structure is occu• premisesl re prepared, accord or sold within
pied. Lariats during the time for-which the]imps of Salt Lake City.
the license la granted.
(M) No hay.straw,shavings. w- (V) No tent,structure or enclosure
dust or similar combustible mateti-
for provided in this ordinance hall
ale hall be permitted within any pe opened to the public Without first
such structure or enclosure sedtifroart having received j
tided. PeTmltalon se t0 de
public assembage; pro from Lha-Board.of.City Commlaeron-.
wdreu tro be deed Withla the rime [s,•oyc shell have recelCed a report.
sa dusts tents end that Tlameyrocin- t5 fps Orion Rom ilia Ch01 Sa{-
sawdust ay a dastraw must ibesmang- Ma shag'Chief Building AsoOreor, d'
abled Hap an grehal and -LlrerLae Ata0etOt and
reined in Rood order In the menag- Collector,
aria, and shall be kept way from
(W) The violation of any pro-
the aisles and walls of the tent de vision of this ortlmsnCe by any pe e
strecture. flammable nqulda an, firm or corporation eaoseIo hall be
(N) Storage of deemed sufficient cause for i e shall be subject t the pProval of
the FIYe Marshal,but nfoe:,trage 1 cation of any license or permit
flammable lisuids shall prrmitted SECTIONnted y the 7 In the Salt Opinlonk0f fle ip
Wtthm vodeed Is oPa❑ea t0. •Board of Commissioners,It Is necessary
any.structureto the peace,health and safety of the'
inhabitants of.Salt Lake City that this
ordinance become effective immediately.
' SECTION 3.' This ordinance shall
),�'.: 'tate effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commfsafon-
_.. --- Of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 27th
--- "-- - - - day of July,A.D.1944.
City Recorder.
(SEAL) 1
Published July 29th.1944.