34 of 1946 - Extending the limits of Salt Lake City VOTING ` NAY iN rya er ,r,;'
Salt Lake City, Utah, /494
Affleck ��
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Romney / 1'' ' �--
Tedesco i
Mr.Chairman . . J
.-- .i WHEREAS, on the 24th day of April, 1946, there was filed
with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 413 by E. M.
a ti o
d. Ashton & Company, et. al., (being a majority of the owners of real
property situated in the tract hereinafter described) requesting
that said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City,
and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified
tJto by a competent surveyor and approved by the Salt Lake City
Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder.
e WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Sait
Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be
annexed to and made a part of said City; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petition of said owners of saiii tract of
land and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous
vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract
of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should
be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city
limits of said Salt Lake City, accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the
following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the west side o a 100 ft. State
Highway now known as Highway 40-A, said po' t being 165 it.
North of the north side of 1700 South St et; thence North b
33° 15! West 832.61 ft. along said we side of said Highway f ,L-'
6D to the south side of Lot 5, Block , 5 Acre Plat "C", B.F.S.;
thence S. 89° 53! 42" E. 886.72 ft along said south side
and the south slide of Lot 18 of said Block 16 to the east
side of said Block 16; thence N.O0° 02! 52u W. along sand
__.. 34 _ .."
east side 574.2 ft. to the Northeast corner of Lot 17
of said Block 16; thence N. 39° 53' 42" w. 1584.0 ft. along
the north side of said Lot 17, and north side of Lot 6,
of said Block 16, thence S. 0 02' 52" E. 287.10 ft. along
the east side of Lot 17, Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "C", B.F.S.,
thence N. 89° 53' 42" W. 561.0 ft. along the south side of
said Lot 17 to the intersection of said South side with the
present city limit line which is 165 ft. east of the east
side of 2200 East Street; thence South 0° 04' 04" East
983.40 ft. along said city limit line to a point 165 ft.
North of the north side of 1700 South Street; thence South
89° 53' 42" E. 1715.63 ft.,more or less, along the present
city limit line to the point of beginning, containing 48.02
acres, more or less;
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground
as shown upon the map or plat.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above
described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential 'A'
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City
and zoned as Residential 'A' District as in the ordinance provided,
and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per-
taining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applica-
ble and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks,
alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf
Viand the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken
therein as the standard of locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder of Sai.t Lake County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned, Duly certified and acknowledged as
provided in such cases, toether with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
;,. it is nece:>sary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
.... -
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once urcri
its first publication. .
cl., , /2
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this rlfivf-day of , A. - 9
,-'., •
• _ .
.. ,
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..4 ...,
///Vi�i����^^.ate.. •\�S
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
MAY 211946
First Publication in
iC0 o Z '
MAY , i946
OUT te100e11X0
. .
. ..._.
. 10427E17 MAY 2 8 Mt
Recorded at Req}.1.6•8 of 110.11414:-4.d4
. i
at,11414060011$7-4 14.s1 Cornelia S. Lund, Recorder S. L.County,Uta,
7. :,
- - 7 •3,. , a/ki-3424/7149Dep.
Bookiillago- Ref•.
AN ORDINANCE along the sollth side of said T.ot 17 ..
to the intersection of said South side.2.,...„.....1...,A.44
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING with the present city limit line
THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. which is 165 ft. east of the east
i' -1.0`V WHEREAS, on the 24th day of side of 2200 East Street; thence i g
ik,el1 i,,,I,9 ,,L.,1-1„ge 7,111ted ., wz, it,11, ,It,
ti,..04sair.it,-,n 1
',. '• 1 CitY Pet„Dioa No,913 by E.M.Ash. to a point' 165 ft. North of the
tn-iTiot&ity"oTPthae"0,211Ie.rs'ori re"a'li-Ifopa- nthoedllOepiSics,ottail 091"'deg fl5'3"tn'littr.ee4t2
erty situated in Inc tract limit, ore, E. 1715.03 ft.. sear or less.
after described) retinesting that mid along the present city Inuit line to
D•aet of land be taken withib the the point of hoglnning, containing
limits of Salt Lake City, and also 98.02 acres, more or less:
emised an accurate noip or plat to and that the same has been los-
be inade and certified to by a cum- scatty staked out upon the groutui
petent surveyor and anproved bY as shown upon the map or plat.
the Salt Lake City Engineer to be AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN-
filcd with the City Ree0Wiee. ED that the whole of the above
WHEREAS.the mid tract of land described property be and is hero.
is eontieu ous to Salt Lake CH,' by zoned as Residential 'A' Dis-
and there is no proper reason why trier,
it should not. he annexed to and AND BE IT FURTHER OR.DAIN.
made a part of said Ciao; and ED and declared that when this or-
WHEREAS. thy Board of Com- dinanee takes effect the said tract
missioners of Salt Lake City, after of land above described shall thence,
examining said petition of said owo- forth he within the corporate lino
eas of said tract of land end CO, its of said Salt Luke ej,„lid zon.
sidering the eiremnstances thereof, etl as Rositlential 'A.District as in
voted by 1111FOlia0elle vote of all thy ordinance provided, and all or.
menibers of mid Boaisl in favor dinauees. Jurisdictions. rules and
of annexing said trael of land to obligations of or pertaining to mid
Salt Lake City and directed that al, Salt Lake City arc extended over
ordinance should be passed annex- and made anplicable and pertinent
COMEe city limits of said Salt Lake streets. block, alleys and ways of
COY. Metaledingl, said tract shall be controlled and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Olt. ooerr,,etl by the ortlinutk.,. ruf,,,
DAINED by the nourd of Ctimmis. and regulations of said city in that
sioriers of Salt Eake City. T;tah• behalf and the monuments of the
SECTION 1. That the city limits City Engineer shall thenceforth he
of Salt Lake City be and the same taken therein . the standard of
are hereby extended and enlarged so locations and distances.
as to include the following deserito SECTION 2. Upon the passage
cd trart col land in Salt hake Coon- of thia ordinance the City Record.
to,to-wit: cr of Salt Lake Cite shall file and
Beginning at a point on the west ,he ;,horeby directed to tile with
side of a 100 It,Stale Highway now the County Recorder of Salt Lake
known as Highway 40-A. said owl, County a copy of the map or plat
being 1135 It. North at the north above menti.ed, duly eortifled and
side of 1700 South Street: thence acknowledget1 as provided in such
North 33 deg.15 min.west 832.61 ft. eases,together with a certified cape
along said west side of said High- of this ordinnnee.
woe to the south. site of 1,01 5. SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
Block 16,5 Acre Plat se". B. F. Board of Commissioners. it is nets
S.:thence S.89 deg.Slat,,,.42 Nee essary to the pear, health and
E. 88612 ft. alone said south side misty of the inhabitants of Salt
and the south side of 1.ot 18 of Lake City that this ordinance shall
said Mock 16 to the east side of b000me effective immediatelY.
---• said Block 16, thence N. 00 dm. SECTION 4.This ordinance shalt
02 min. 52 sec.W. along mid east lobe effect at once upon its first
side 579.2 It.to the Northeast corn- publication.
er of Lot 17 of said Block 16:thence Passed by the Board of Commis.
N 89 deg.63 min.42 see.W.1589.0 sioners of Salt Lake City. -Utah,
ft along the north side.of said Lot the 21st day of May. A. D. 1946.
17,and north side of Lot 0,of said EARL.1.GLADE,
Block 16, thence S. 0 deg,02 min. Mayor.
52 see.E.287.10 ft. alone'the east (SEAL) IRMA la BITNER,
side of 1,01 17. Block 15. I Al, CITY RECORDER.
Plat. "C", B. F. S.. thence N. 09 BILL NO.34.
, Deg. 53 min. 42 See. W. 561.0 ft. Published May 24.1946.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Irma F. BitneT ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City,"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, _ _Pray 21stz 1946 lxgx__
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this 28th day of ay, 1946
(SEAL) cci<
BILL NO. 34 City Recorder.
Published May 24, 1946 11x
,eoorded at Re a t of I f 1 in La G
e a •7 f?s. .-OorneliaS. Lund, Recorder S.3oQCCounty,Utah
• , Dep. BookYVePagelY Ref:c/ 7"./.940e
1sC.79 z1 A
LEY run running south 255.1 feet from
Herbert(Avenue bet wecn Slam
Street and Major Street. ill Sot
Lake City. Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board at
Comntissioners of Salt Lake Ctly,
SECTION 1. That alley rt t
south 256.1 feet from Herberto
e between Mate Street and Ma
Street, in Salt Lake City, Mall,e particularly deserihsd as lol
Beginning east corner
of Lot 12,at th Block 10 The Main
Street Subdivision of Block 22—
Flee Acre Plat"A"—Big Field Sur,
ve' thence north 255.1 ft., thence
(Lou,east 16.5
ou, west thence small 16.5 feet to y the place
of beginning;
be and the gameis hereby vacated
and declared no onger to be elbl,�
property for use as a sliwel,ate11
alley or pedestrian ee
Said vacation is made expressly
subiect to oil existing r fights of
way and easement, of all publu
utilities of any and f.very description
cow located in, on,
under or
the confines f he above described
property, and also subject to the
right of entry thereon for the pur-
nose of inspecting, maintaining, re
Pairing, replacing. tvi
all of them.mg or rerouting said mtilities alter and
SECTION 2. In the Opinion of
the Board of Commisei ners
of(o the 11iehabrooae peace, at Sallth t
Lake City that this ordinance be-
come effective immediately-
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall
take effect. upon its first, publiea
Passed by
sioners ofSaltlak Board e City,Utah,thin
17th day of July,A.D.1946.
(SEAL) City Recorder
Published Jul_ 18th,1945.
City and County of Salt Lake,
Irma F. Bitner , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating alley running south 255.1 feet from Herbert Avenue
•---het,vee-n--Maits--Street-and--3o°a-j-or--Street, in Salt -Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 17th, 144x 1945
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 23d day of Ju1.y...194-5 attttex.
NO. 34
City Recorder.
,Published July 18th, 4pc 1945
a x
Affidavit of Publication
} 88
County of Salt Luke
D M Ockey
Legal Notices'
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
WHER 9g,S.there on the s4f led°y wiof th vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
the,City Recorder Of Salt Lake
City Petition No,412 by E.M.Ash-
ton &Company, et, al.. (being published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
majority of the owners of teal pro- �r
after describded)-ridueetiop`ihat sale Of Utah.
tract of lend',be taken within the
limits'of Salt Lake City, and also
he out o anadd'edrLatlo iedb-qor p•at0 troo
Pete� eynr=..and elMtered hr- That the advertisement Clty Engineer to be
filled ith the Clty Aecordar.
WHEREAS.the said tract of land Ordinance Bill No 34
is c here is e. to Salt Lake City
It should no Obe.Droner reason
•made t e �a
WHEREAS.the°sard` d Salt Lake City Corporation
miseionere f.Sait L f aom-
said petition Lake City.
9lders examining o•saitract of land and w
ering the nirauroetanaed thereof,
embers ed said Boardl`i of n favor
f'annexing said tract of land to
SaSalt Lake City and dlrActed that e
ingordinance ...Id be missed was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
i d tear{lord d the extension.
of,O the toy Innly",.of said Salt Lake
E'Boar IIE IT CA• day of A.D. 19
Donets by the Board of C tab/•
t 18a]E Lake City, Utah:
°SECTION ].That the my limits
of Salt Lake City M and the same are hereby attended and enlarged ao and was published ._Pda.y..2.4. ,.46
a to Include the following deacrib. -_Q
d tract of land in Salt Lake Coun-
,de of a 100 ft.aSate'Highway now
--.-the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
known as Highway 40.A,odld point being leB ft. North ot the north I
• ids f 1700 South Street.• thence.0 rth 22 deg.15 min,west 932,e1 ft. day of A.D. 19
along said west side of said High.
n'ay to lha eputh.side of Lot 5,' Block 1e.a Aora Plnt"in
S.•thence S.69 deg.ai B, ne
A.�8eg.72 it. alone said min.
• and the nth side of Lot i of sa• id Block 16 o the east de of Advertising Clerk 1 he s le; thence o no der.
oof k 02 min.82 sec,W. long said east
Ede 574.2 On,to the Northeast corn-
N.99 deg.l53Int.4jln¢c.]w,1664.0 It.along the north Ide of sold 7qt 17,and north nde of Lot 6. f said Block 18, thents S.0 der.02 min,
ea ee,E.SB7 Q
Subserited an sworn to before me this-_25th day of
May A. D. 19 46
, .
Notary 137blic
. ,..
-i' IV wcl_
c 1) o
... . -
co ...., =
side of Lot 17.Block 15. 5 Acre
Plat "C', B.T. S., thence N. 89
Deg. 53 min. 42 a c. W. 581.0 ft.
along the south side of said Lot 17
In the Intersection of said South side
With the present city limit line
Which is 1 It. east of the east
side of 2200 East Street: thence
South 0 deg.04 min.01 gee.East
90340 1t',along sold city limit line
to a point 185 ft. North of the
north tide of 1700 South Street:
thence Savth ge deg. 53 min. 42
err. E. 1715.03 ft. more or•tee..
along the present city limit line to
the point of beginning..eontaining
48.02 acres. or lees;
end that themore
same has been cor-
rectly staked out upon the ground
as shown upon the map or plat.
ED that the whole of the above
described property be and is here-
by zoned as Residential 'A' Dis-
ED and declared that when this or-
dinance taken effect the said tract
of land above described shall thence-
forth be within the corporate lim-
its eei Salt Lake Dist and son-
ttl as Residential 'A'idd,D an a
the ordinance provided and all ea
i of o rt ra rules and
Salteali ke Ot or pertainingtento said
Salt Lade pp a extended ne
on made i applicable Of and pertinent
to the mild tract b1 land,and the
strsaid tract shall alleys be controlled'end
governed by-•the ordinances:rules
and regulations of said city in that
behalf and the monuments of the
ak taken Engineer
the thenceforth
locations and.diatosree.e o
SECTION-.2..Upon 4.1i0 passage
of this ordinance the City Record-
er of Salt Lake City shall file and
he is hereby directed to file with
the County Recorder of Salt Lake
County a copy of the m or plat
above mentioned.duly certified and
acknowledged as provided in each
cases,together with a certified Corp
of•this ordinance. •
SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
- Board of Commissioners, it is nec-
essary to the menace health and
ts of Salt
City that thisf the b ordinance shall
become effective
4.this aso inane shall
take effect at once upon its first
Passed be'the Board of Commis-
sinners of Salt Lake City. Utah,
this 21st day of May, A.D.1918,
Publtehed May 11,1910.