34 of 1947 - Amending Section 6714 relating to zoning RVLL I..HLL. 'vim" • t t VOTING AYE NAY in .1C)/94? Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck l' I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . . ' Romney . . . . Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . AN . • 'r INANCE Result r Ali ORDI JIrNCE , MANDI 1 SECTION 6714 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the hoard of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, Fpr'il 4, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, March 2o, 1946, April 4, 1946, June 4, 1946, August 6, 1946, September 18, '1946, October 8, 1946, November 5, 1946, December 5, 1946, December 11, 1946, January 7, 1947, February 11, 1947, March 5, 1947, and starch 25, 1947, relating to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 4, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, March 28, 1946, April. 4, 1946, June 4, 1946, August 6, 1946, September 18, 1946, October 8, 1946, November 5, 1946, December 5, i946, December 11, 1946, January 7, 1947, February 11, 1947, Starch 5, 1947, and March 25, 1947, relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said section three new paragraphs to be known as Items 34, 35 and 361, which shall read as follows: "ITEM No. 34. `ilhe following described real property in Residential 7B-3, District, as shown on the Use District Flap, is hereby amended end changed to 'Comnercial' classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord- ingly: The south side of 21st South Street from Windsor Street (vacated) to a point 75 ft. vest therefrom, being the east 75 ft. of the west 363 ft. of the north 135.5 ft. of Lot 10, O1k. 44, Ten Acre Plat 'A', Dig Field Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended -2- to show the above described tract of land and the whole there- of as part of tCommereial7 District." "ITEM No. 35. The following described real property in residential 7A,-3' District, as shown on the Use District clap, is hereby amended and changed to Residential 'B' classifica- tion and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: the west side of 5th East Street from Westminster Ave- nue to Ramona Avenue, being Lots 1 to 12 inclusive and 53 and 54, Blk. 4, East Waterloo Subdivision in Blk. 4, live Acre Plat 'A', 4ig field Survey. That laid Use District Map is hereby changed, altered and amended to show the above described tract of land and the whole thereof as part of Residential 'D' District." "ITEM NO. 36. The following described real property in Residential 'A' District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Residential 'B-3" classifica- tion and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: At the intersection of 21st South Street and 23rd East Street to include ail of the following described property: all of Lots 1 and 12, Laurelhurst Subdivision in Blk. 5, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Pield Survey; the east 210 ft. of Lot 1, and the east 210 ft. of the south 30.16 ft. of Lot 20, Blk. 6, 5 Acre Plat 'C'; all of Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 5, Country Club Acres Subdivision, and the west 298 ft. of the north 400 ft. of the northeast quarter of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Salt Lake Base & Meridian. That said Use District Map is hereby changed, altered and amended to show the above described tract of land and the whole thereof as part of residential 'B-3' District." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Caste City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall ita- effect -,on its first publication.. �7 Passed by the Board of Commissioners--Of c t ?).e City, Utah, this day of , A 1947. r. City recorder. - 4-1 CZ-7 Promoted to the Board of Commistioners AND PASSED APR 1 6 1947 • g747/AWlisei CITY RECORDER First Publicationin CITY RXHARDAR Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss County of Salt Lake • Legal Notice -.. AN,ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGthe ]]�� •wincesONf 6714 of f'LekeRCity,d Utah, L 1V1 • 1944, as amended by ordinances - lJC1CBy passed by the Board of Commie- toners on February 21,1945,April Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- s,1945,August 17,1945,December Se March 28,3946,April 4, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 3946,June 4,1946,August 6,1946, September18, OctebeT 8, 1946,November 5, 1946, December u,ry"7'1947 December 11, 1947- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State March 5,1947,and March 25,1947, relating to zoning. of Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinates of Salt That the Lake City,Utah,1944,as mended advertisement by ordinances passed by the Board of 5, April 4, February 21, 17, Ordinance Sill No �,4 1945, April 4, 1945, August 17, Ordina 1945,December 18,1945,March 28, 1946, April 4, 1948,June 4, 1946, August 6,1946,September 18,1946,• Salt Lake City lrT' fJrc tiJn O October ,1946,November 5,1946,8 December 6, 1946, December 11, 1946,January 7,1947,February 11, 1947, March 5, 1947, and March 25.1947,relating to zoning,be and the same is hereby further amend- ed by adding In and to(laid section three new paragraphs to tie known as Items 34,35 and 36,which shall was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the read'as follows: ITEM''((ep No.34 The following de- lDtial 3'eDietrlctras shown on BthenUee Dletrict Map, le.hereby amended,'of A.D. 19 and changed to'Commercial'classi- fication end the Use Dletrlct Map 18 1i, is hereby amended and changed and was published 47 aril a ain 90t The s h side of 2et South Street from Windsor Street (va- ca roee) ei last a point 7s ft. set there- the from,being the e t 75 t.of thepublication thereof being in the issue dated the west 363 It. of the north 135.5 ft. of Lot 10, Blk. 44, Ten Acre Plat 'A; Big Field Survey. That said Dae District Map le day of A.D.19 hereby changed and amended to show the above described tract of lend and the hole thereof as part of"ITEM m o.35 The follo ibedNo. op The following de- Advertising real property In Reeldentlel Advertising Clerk A-3' District, as shown on the lit Use District Map,is hereby emend- ed and changed to Reatdentlal B' laeelficatton nd the Use District Map is hereby amended and than- ea accordingly: The west side of 5th East Street _ from Westminster Avenue to Ramo- r'n to before me thisna e and 53 ad Blk.4,being 54 Lots 1 to 2 in- East Waterloo Subdivision In Blk.4,Five of elusive A- tLd'H1gi%c • A.D.19.....47Thaaci Use District Ie hereby changed,altered and amend- ed to show the above described tract of land and the whole there- of ee part of Residential 23'Dis- trict." "ITEM N The following described realal property w Ron the • That sand d,a Districtdan am is Mal 'A' DlstMa is shown on the hereby changed,eltb end amend- Use District Map,to hereby amend- etl to show the above described ed and changed to Restd tiel'B-3' tract of land and the whole thereof Notary 'a. Z. .- laaelficetlon end`the Use District part of Realdenttal 73-3' Dis- Mep is hereby amended and changed trick" • '� accordingly:i SECTION 2. In the opinion of te the intersectionof 21st South the Board of Commissioners, it'Is Street and 23rd East treet to In- necessery to the peace,health Jude all of the following describessafety f the inhabitant. of,Salt property: all of Lots 1 and 12, Lake City that this ordinance a be. Laurel5-Acreh Plat 'st C,,a Big Field Survey) come effective 1Thisdordinance ehell the east 210 ft.of Lot 1,and the take effect upon Its first publics- east 210 ft.of the south 30.16 ft. Won. of Lot 20,Elk.6,-6 Acre Plat'C'; Pawed by the Board of Commis- all of Lots 4 and 5 Blk.5,Coun- stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this try Club Acres Subdivision,and the 16TE day of APRIL A. D. 1947, 92ftnorf theast the eu north of 0Sf ft. . EAR'J. GLADE, 22,of the T.1 ,R.1 E.,salt Lake Bees IRMA F.EITHER,City Recorder. and Meridlan. (SEAL) BILL NO.34 - Published April 18, 1947