34 of 1954 - Vacating Lonita Avenue and portion of 25th East Street ( formley known as 24th East ) Laur KOLL t..r+t.A... VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . Christensen Nickgps Romney . . . . AN ORDINANCE Mr.Chairman . i Result East AN ORDINANCE VACATING Lonita Avenue and portion of 25th/Street (Formerly known as 24th East), Laurelhurst Drive (Formerly known as 4th Avenue) and 26th East Street (Formerly known as 5th Avenue) in g Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, +gym to Utah: ,°,0 East ") SECTION 1. That Lonita Avenue and portion of 25th�treet (formerly m . NW °' known as 24th East), Laurelhurst Drive (formerly known as 4th Avenue) ho P.tr and 26th East Street (formerly known as 5th Avenue), more particularly Q IA o aN described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Amended and Extended ter+ Plat of Laurelhurst of Section 15, T1S, R1E, SLB&M, said +,y point being also the southwest corner of Lot 78, Skyline y S Heights Sub.; running thence east along the north line of said subdivision 1050.59 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 66, said Skyline Heights Sub.; thence S. 35°05! East 40.50 feet to the north line of Block 15, Amended and Ext- ended Plat of Laurelhurst, thence west 160 feet, more or less to the northwest corner of said Block 15, thence S c v 0°O1'41" E 42 feet, thence west 61.6 feet, more or less, C (recorded as 66 feet) to the east line of Block 9 of Amended and Extended Plat of Laurelhurst, thence N 0°01'26" E 42 feet to the northeast corner of said Block 9, thence west 334 feet to the northwest corner of said Block 9, thence S 0001'26" W 42 feet, thence west 66 feet to the east line of Block 8 of Amended and Extended Plat of Laurelhurst, thence N 0°01'26" E. 42 feet to the northeast corner of said Block 8, thence west 424 feet to the northwest corner of said Block 8, thence S 0°O1'20" W 80.24 feet, thence westerly along the arc of a 60 ft. radius curve to the right (tangent to which at the point of beginning bears N 80°22'33" W.) 26.24 feet to the west line of Amended and Extended Plat.of Laurelhurst, thence N 0°02'30" E along said west line 103.57 feet to the point of beginning. be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights- of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described - 2 - property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, remov- ing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs., ,publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sit Lake City, 15th Utah, this clay of Jnap' 1954• • y ecorder 7 1'; / ( SEAL ) 'S;j BILL NO. 34 Published June'16th, 1954` 1377057 o d - •JUN 1 71954 0., ita Recrde !-•7—p--.1°• Request of tr, Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase, Recorder, Cal e •o.Waty, Utah Dep.ty Book/ef7 Page/41 Re V A 2 6 • -172- East CraJNA:AL VACATI.NO Lonita Avenue and portion of 25th/Street (l'ormerly known as 24th test), Laurolhurat Drive (Yormorly known as 4th Avenue) and 26th East Street (Formerly known as 5th Avenue) in Salt Lake City, t!tan. Na it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utab East SCTION 1. That Lonita Avenue and oortion of 25tlyStrast (formerly known as 24th test), Lanrelhurst Drive (formerly known as 4th, Avenue) end 26th heat Street (formerly known as 5th Avenue), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Amended and ,:xtended Plat of Laurelhurst of soctlon 15, Tin, said point being also the southwest corner of Lot 73, Sllyline Moicrts Sub.; running thence east alone the north line of said subdivision 1050.59 foot to the sontbonst corner of Lot 65, said Okylino Feights Sub.; thence S. 35005t Cost 140.00 foet'to the north line of Clock 15, Amended and Cxt- ended :let of Laurolhurst, thence west 1b0 feet, more or lose o to northwest corner of said Clock it, ,hsnao S 0°01'41" E 42 feet, thence west 61,6 feet, more or less, (recorded as 66 feat) to the east line of Flock 9 of Amended and Extended 'flat of Laurelhurst, tbonce N 0°01126" F 42 feet to the northeast corner of said Block 9, thence west 3314 feet to the northwest corner of said Bleak 9, thence S 0001'26" 7, 42 feet, thence west 66 feet to the east line of Block 8 of Amended and b,xtended Plat of Lsurelhurst, thence N 0001t26" V, 42 feet to the northeast corner of said block 8, thence west 424 feet to the northwest corner of said dlock 8, thence S 0c01120" 11' 80.24 feet, thence westerly along the arc of a 60 ft. radius curve to the right (tangent to which. at the point of be7,inning bears S 80°22'33" Vr.) 26.24 foot to the west line of Amended and Extended .t-lat of Laurelhurst, thence i., 0°02'30" along said west line 103.57 feet to the point of beginning. be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to he public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian wag. Said vacation Is made expressly s,lbject to all existing, rights- of-way and f,fiftleMentS of all public utilities of any and every .leacription now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described - 2 - property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, remov- ing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. 650rION 2. In the opinion of the board of ,,ommissionorsj it is necessary to the peace, health and aafety of then inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SiCIia 3. This ordinance tate efloci upon Its first 7Alblisation. Passed by the Board of :;ommissionors of alt Lake City, Utah, this 15th day of June, 1954. Earl J. Glade Mayor Irma F. Bitner sty Recorder ( SEAL ) BILL NO. 34 Published June 16th, 1954 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacat ,ng..L.anita_.Av.enue-a_nd-port-i-on---o€-25th--Eest--Street- - (Formerly known as 24th..East.).,_,Laur-elhurst"Drive---(-Formerly"known as- 4th Avenue) and 26th East._Street._(.Formerly--known--as---5th-Avenue)--in--- Salt Lake City, Utah. June 15th passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ZAIX..1954 as appears of record in my office. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,this 17th day of " June, 1954 9 (SEAL) BILL NO. 34 Depu City Recorder. Published June 16th xfpg 1954 3y VORM NO,ADM 35A Proof of Publirat tin • Intttb Otero of Autrtittt COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ss. STATE OP 1ITAH AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING Lentta A and portion of 25th East Street '<Formerly known as 24th East),Laurel-. Must Drive (Formerly known as Avenue,and 26th East Street(Formerly known as 5th Avenue)to Salt Lake Cit.I Utah. De U. 0ckey Be a ordained by pie enard f cpm- mSECnel'.s f Sah Lake City,Utah: Scion f L That t Street Avenue a d Portion a th East ourrlhrir l Drive-(formerly known s run East), Ave uer at th (formerlyastStreet known as rly Avenue and 26th East orefparticularly described5as being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of follows: Beginning at the rthweet f nmehaea a e 'PV,a Pirt[n e the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in Laurelhurat of Section also T1e south- west Seat earner point being kn Skyline eonhts e. ep nni of Lot o7e,pertai Heights the Sub.; running thence ivi along the -feet north is of scorner of Loot60.ISalt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. said Skyline Heights Sub.: thence S • 15N5'East 40.50 feet to the north line of Bleeck 15, Amended and Extended Oa Ordinance paeatin�; Lonita Avenu@ Plat f Laurelhurat, thence west let That the Notice feet,more or less to the northwest coo ....................."'-"" "'-' "-'"'- f er f e'd Block 15,thence a 0,more e 4a feet ordea n 46 feet)feet,00pthe oast• Salt Lake City Corporation cogs tine f Block 9 of Amended and Ex- tended Plat f feete to the thence N corner"of said Bock to northeast tp334 feet pr to the northwest r f laid corner 42 feet. thence A eat'thence6S ll telthe cast line of thence wart 66 feet to dhe -- --- -- ---- ---- -- at Laurel8rrstr thence d and O901e26'edE 142 feet to the northeast r of said corner Block e, thence ofwest 424h feet to the northwest corner.2 said of a,the thence. ............... ........... - ..... • S A°Olong Wh 8arc feet, thence60 t. adhs cur alto Rthte aright (tangent fto which curve point of beginning Rears Ni of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its 80°22'33" W.) 26.24 feet to the west t line and Extended Plat ntll of ne Oreif uayta taQetr avenue,vacated sand issue dated the... -- Ei along said point of bcglnni 4. „ e IonR to be o eric for herday of.. June , 19.. 54... Pedestrian said va tion' ads expressly sub. lent to ell a leti r ns gh[s•of-war and meats of all public utilities of art: somaevery description now located in,� and was published in each dailyissue of said news a cr,on under r the confines of the P P P above described proverb,and also sub.: Bird to the rights of entry thereon for te purposTe f inspecting,maintaining., repairing, placingss removing. Tall eg - -_.-.-.-. .for or theme[outing said utilities and all f SECTION 2. 1n the opinion of the one time Board of Commissioners,it isnecessary, to theileacnts.o health an safetCity y o this thereafter,the full period of ordinance shall become effective l,n- IncdiatetONy. SECTI 3. This ordinance.shell take effect open Its float nnhheetmn. the last publication thereof Pas.ea Rr the Board I ciasmnera of Jeer,1054 City.LteR,this 15th daY Earla,yo lade lGth Irma 5' Bane, being in the issue dated the_.__. . _.day of City Recorder (SEAL) June BILL NO.14 1 Published June 16,3954,. (A.11) _-, ..,A.D.19.5�._. /C. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of June ,A.D. �9 51. Notary Public. Nov. 25, 1957 My rolnrnission expires Advertising fee ,`. .__._._.......