34 of 1970 - Amending Schedule 14-g, Section 147, Subsections (1) and (b), regarding two hour parking time limit VOTING Aye Nay Apr i17 0
Salt Lake City,Utah 197
Barker . . . .
Catmull . . • ✓ I move that the Ordinance be p ed. //'", :1
Garn . . . j j
Harrison . . . d � �e c „ ,
Mr. Chairman .
r f
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULE 14-g, referred to in Section 147
of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to two hour parking
time limit on streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTDN 1. That Subsections (a) and (b) of Schedule 14-g, referred
to in Section 147 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to
two hour parking time limit on streets, be, and the same hereby are,
amended to read as follows:
Delete under (a):
"3rd Avenue, north side, from Canyon Road to "A" Street.
1st West Street, east side, from 5th South Street to
a point 1/2 block south of 5th South Street.
3rd South Street, both sides, from 5th East Street to
Houghton Court.
Herbert Avenue, both sides, from Major Street to State
2nd East Street, both sides, from Wilson Avenue to
Cleveland Avenue to deadend
5th South Street, both sides, from West Temple Street
to 2nd West Street.
Add under (a)
3rd Avenue, north side, 130 East Street to "A" Street.
1st West Street, east side, from 5th South Street to
6th South Street.
3rd South Street, north side, from 5th East Street to
Houghton Court.
Herbert Avenue, south side, from Major Street to State
2nd East Street, both sides, from Wilson Avenue to
17th South Street.
2nd East Street, both sides, from Cleveland Avenue,
south to deadend.
5th South Street, both sides, 1st West Street to 2nd
West Street.
5th South Street, south side, West Temple Street to
1st West Street.
Center Street, west side, 2nd North Street to 150 feet
northwesterly from Main Street.
Canyon Road, west side, 200 feet north from 4th Avenue.
University Street, both sides, from South Temple Street
to 1st South Street.
Butler Avenue, both sides, from 1st South Street to
University Street."
Delete under (b)
"Butler Avenue, both sides, from 1st South Street to
University Street.
University Street, both sides, from South Temple Street
to 1st South Street.
Add under (b)
Wolcott Avenue, both sides, from Federal Way to Sigsbee
Avenue. "
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 7th day of April, 1970.
\4"\ 1 V uNi
BILL NO. 34 of 1970
Published April 10, 1970
AN OII I.t:l On ruts N AMEND,,,, A,-I{f ida tl It of Publication
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eta rl�.nd s follow.:
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Ma pr Street]e S'afc Street zso Easl shear,be 'a f itsen.g clerk of the DESERE,T NEWTS, a daily (except Sunday)
W'tson Avcnve id Cleveland Ave-I
m drnaand newspaper printed in the English language reitlt general co--
troop AA Mole, lioih cider,
irolp !!tern T000r0 sireel 1d 7vd
wesu so-e¢r. cttlraiun. in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake
A]dj[I Avenu'�rnorlfl eidc,130 East
srreprWes••A' sfr¢at. Ode County, in the State of Utah.
Sih't South(Street!for&ite,earn
sir seem sneer, erh, m. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Court,'ffh Bnsf Siract fo HDdgt�ton
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end Easr sheer,both afdec,Horn �.t Lake City Corporation t An ordinance re-a n to
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IIEftohel J.it or;i'NSf'N, lJinvuf'
City AFccordcr
rohl,ShaW An ll le,IVJO, (C4,01
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
April A.D. 19 71
Votary Public.
My Commission Expires
"I'ebril'i r,y 17, 1 l)74