341 of 1900 - Ordinance 341 of 1900 – Amending Fire Department ordinance. Bill No.M1. . for AN ORIMANCE A7,,RNDING"AN ORDTNANCX MATING AD OROANIZING THR, PIR WPARTrw,NT OF SALT 1AY:F1 CITY, TJTtH, pr,scribing the number of officer and firemen connected t'!,Prewith and regulating thP same, and rerealing all conflicting ordinances and resolutions of the City Council." Sec. 1. Be it ordained by tie City Council of Salt Take City, '1' that Section one of"An ordinance creating ant organising the fire departmen' ' Of Salt, La City,", approved March 22nd, 1899, be mended to r-'ad as foflows: Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Take City, Utah, 'That the fire depart:lent of lait Lake City is hereby created and organised which shall consist of the followitr officRrs aid firemen, each of whom '6 shell receive thr, monthly compensation provided by ordinance, which shall 6 be in full payment for all services rendered by themto the City. le 1 Mead or Chief of Department. \) 1. Assistant Hoed or Chief of Depart/sant. (.1apt,tn's, $ Lieutenants, 0 1 R:nrineer, IS I City glectrician, 16 1 Secretary and. Operator, (2 "\ 41)Firoziont. • • frpm , to6t44.41-41:434+.41111149•Mbeix. Ott. 111riponsatiori f.sir tne Pdrn emplo:red h the r: f,:r '1, 1-1.4104 --. ,. \c\ s:tifase.seatteatees6e,twriesmaetieopeat. she t he :,7n ;)J town Tv Teirr4t three tr,onthr., r1.0,0k1 per rIonth 9(;) r,. pPr mr,r, 1; tiaeo mrths, $70.00 per L'sO frr,•r, -5,00 .vvpeF ! )!0-.1); L111 ,2 :,y; ::ttr tO 2O per ' Al . 1PrerIrr, 5,t pre8ort rioy:'.11 'rots com- 1,1,t fuer;rr.; of sey-,! oP • r(•:, 2. 'ohis ordioapoa n1rali ake erfrt and 1-e to 'orre rot, wid appr , //-Z7--4:22 341 I I • I It i is 1. • I>, L: -o a ff �� i ... r ,, , Co I.sN -V, i^...: \:...,521;Xf t'"' „,..."'" „,.. ..< . \, , ,,, ,,, , 3>4- CI' i......, f:.)-.. "-I co CC 3 01zoc, t o n .. C 'O t it •;-- r \-3 N. -\\. 4..... \-:,,,-.--,-s.:-..--. X H l Y t. 1 i 1 + ii