343 of 1900 - Ordinance 343 of 1900 – Abolishing office of Sanitary Inspector and Inspector of Provisions. Tiill 110..'.L./. . Fr AlT ORDIAiiCTi ATOLISTIM TI, OTT'ICiiS Oh SKJITAR.7 ,E:SPIXTU AND 1.h -PCT0h () Ple-rIniM, A:ii) PT.POSIe '.C.1,ii FT I5 0:-' SAID OiqrSTC - Ui'Oh Tffi l'EALTY C07.7ISSTC7M. lO it ordained by the City Council of Salt i_.ak.e City, otah; Sec. 1. That the office of Sanitary inspector and also the office of rnapector of provisions, of Salt :bake City, he and they each of them are hereby abolished, tJW all uties require by ordinances of Salt T,:.00C Ch_ . to be performed by the said Sanitary Inspector and the said Inspector C: -,,rovisions, shall hereafter be performed by- the health Commissioner, as part of the duties of the office of said. Pealth Commissioner, without- soy MOitional compensa- tion. Sec. 0. The said l'.ealth Commissioner is hereby authorized. to employ, by and with the conssnt of the Council, such emploees' as are necessary in the performance of tibe duties of his office, and the coripensation of such employees shall be as may bc provided by the City Council. Soc. 3. All ordinances and resolutions and parts of or- dinances and rssolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take e:'-fect upon its passage al a approval. l . ( Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, May 29, 1900, and referred to the Mayor for his approval, v. . City Recorder. Approved this day of May, 19002' 34.1 Mayor. , j Passea ny referred to the Mayor for his approval.a „, City Recorder ,\ Approved thisVi day of May, 1900. J 6.5Ja Mayor. i !' F , . , _ ...K , E. ..„ , 7°,, • ,c) E ?. ,,,,,(-- F : a , i 1. --S-. • F.' .5 ir t. N g IQ 1 v f tI ? Vy : I [1: . 12 [.1 i N I i S4). :: 11 11 j • 1 11 j ii