344 of 1900 - Ordinance 344 of 1900 – Forbidding riding of bicycles on sidewalks. Bill Yo 5414 FOR AT ORDIJA'iCE 'ORIIDl)ING THE RIDING OF BICYCLES UPON ANY SIDEWATJC WITHI" CERTAIN SEASO7S O4 THE YEAR;ESTARL1SRINO BICYCLE PATHS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES WOE VIOLATIONS. Re it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle or tricycle on the sidewalks or on the space set apart for sidewalks upon any street in Salt Lake City, between the last day of May and the first day of October of each year. Sec. 2.- It shall he unlawful for any person when crossing any street intersection, to ride f,, ter than four miles an hour. Sec. 3.- On all streets in Salt Lake City, the •e is hereby re- served and set apart for the exclusive use of bicycles and tricycles, a bicycle path consistin g of eight feet in width in the center of each street, PROVIDED , that where any railway track shall run along any of said streets, said path shall consist of four feet in width on each sick Of the outer rails p such railway track. Sac. 4.- It is hereby made the duty of the supervisor of streets to keep said bicyole path free from rocks and other obstructions and to keep the same in good repair. Sec. 5.- All pereass using said bicycle path must keep to the right of the center of the street. Sec. 6.- All animals, all wagons, carriages and other vehicles are hers:by prohibited from entering upon the bicycle paths hereby created and set apart for the exclusive use of bicycles and tricycles, except when necessarily crossing at right angles to the same. Sec. 7.- Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction there of, is liable to a fine in any sum not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Twenty-Five D.Dlars for each and every offense, and may b:. compelled to yield possession of his wheel or vehicks to the officer making the 344 arrest, or to any proper officer of the City, as security, pending the hearing and determination of the offense complained of. Sec. 8.- For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance, the chief of police is hereby authorized to appoint in the manner provided by ordinance, any number of special policemen; said special policemen to serve without compensation, unless the City Council may hereafter provide oth:srwise. Sec. 9.- All ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict herewitq,are hereby repealed. I i g. 7 '.--. . : a.•,;iktiIi ' 4.,. .,\ 1 a• , ;',. t , , .9. t t i i i ' ! 1 ii, ,--- : j . ;'\ ' .. _. : .g‘ i j 1 I z