348 of 1900 - Ordinance 348 of 1900 – Forbidding riding of bicycles upon sidewalks. Bill No u5'4 V for AN ORDINANCE FORIDDING THE RIDING OF 3ICYCLES UPON SIDEWALKS WITHIN CERTAIN DISTRICTS, ESTABLISHING BICYCLE- , AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE SAME/ j Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede or other riding machine or vehicle, upon any public sidewalk within theistrict bounded by the exterior lines of the follow- ing streets: Sesgnd►West from north side of South Temple south to south y side of Sixth South, thence East on South side of Sixth South to East side of 11f1'L'8 East, thence north on East side of_E]L€4}7 East to South side of South Temple, thence east on south side of South Temple to East side of J., thence north on east side of J. to north side of Third, thence west rssirk on north side of Third to City Creek, thence down City Creek to the West side of State, thence South on the West side of State to the north side of South Temple, thence West on the North side of South temple to beginning. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any such riding machine or vehicle upon any of the sidewalks of Salt Lake City at a speed greater than four miles per hour, or upon any of the public street at a speed greater than ten miles per hour; or to ride upon any such machine without having at least one hand on the handle bars and the feet on the pedals; or within the district above described, to pass any street intersection or turn any corner whwn any pedestrian or vehicle is near, or at any place where any person may be entering or leaving any street car at any intersection, at a rate of speed greater than four miles per hour, nor shall more than two such riding machines travel abreast, nor shall it be lawful for any person to carry any child or children upon any such riding machine. Sec. 3. On all streets in Salt Lake City, there is hereby reserved and set apart for the exclusive use of bicycles, tricycles and velocipedes a strip consisting of eight feet in width in the center of each street, Provided, that where any railway track runs along any such street, there (1 348 shall be two strips four feet in width, one on each side of the outer rails of such railway. S Sec. 4. All persons using said strips shall peep to the right thereof, and where there are two strips, must keep to the righthand strip. Sec. 8. All animals, all wagons, carriages, and other vehicles, are hereby prohibited from entering upon the bicycle strips hereby reserv- ed and set apart for the exclusive use of bicycles, trycycles and veloci- pedes, except when necessarily crossing the same at right angles thereto. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the duty of the supervisdr of Streets to keep said strips free from rocks and other obstructions, and to keep the same in good repair. Sec. 7. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, is liable to a fine in any sum not less than Five Dollars, or more than Twenty- ive Dollars, for each and every offense, and may be compelled to yield possession of his wheel or vehicle to the officer making the arrest, or to any proper officer of the city, as securitypending the hearing and determination of the offense complained of. Sec, 8. All ordinances and resolutions and parts oAVOrdinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. 5 I A Passed by the City Council of Salt hake City, Utah, July 3, 1900 and referred to the Mayor for his wro City ecorder. _Approved thief y i day of July, 1900. T4ayo r, l f. • ."41.1 I. le I. • tti I. I