35 of 1912 - Amending Sec. 595-d. Bread ordinance. ...<,rch 1U, 2
- .-...y, vtan,_ 191
VOTING ie. No I move that ordinonee No.--36 be passed.
Korns . . . . . j
Lawrence . . . . . ij
Morris _ .._
Mr.Chairman . . . .
RESULT - - ..........I
Salt Lake C ,
111. C. •
k. CMDT ir:01.2; cooaro re-.. ' ctins. Section f'•95d
r cc or,]1-w,nee Iter V o r t0o e-v-isecii Ordinances
r city, uta:;-1 of 1203, relatirr7 to Goal or of
Uninbts 1.s6 Inc-0(_,CtOr, )7 board
ot• conniATT,i,, ,,,r3 t Co7silaaa7; Ht c, Lyn,
-D t Doar(1 or Conttissioo,-..rs
Solt Lnhe Uta.t:
I.CTI0i4 1. Mat Cection 595d_ oF Ca Ordinance ovceccc)inC
Ciranter .)ff..11 of the -Revised Ordinances of Sal t Lake City, Utah
of 1203, rciatin'j to Sonlor o' nil Cc and Thasures H 011
Innoectcr eassoo ,eard or Cot dissioners or -intt InLe
titaIt CobruarV27 131 e and e sarne is herob7
amerooLt 000. ;-s-unoc`ted to read as follo,:s, to-'7it;
Section 5j5d. '-ver-v loaf of bread --,ade or :nrocured
For tin euroso or sale, sold, offorod or e-2.,:nosed r sale
ic t la ,e Ci ta, 1. nye cl i:cd there 'lc on-
o oic-aer?s e-',o a 1 abol :toast ono If1)311 'cart or, if rand,
at loant oee loc.; in dial tc:tor, n000 a 1 a)el theru
-11,)on 1', n
,1 tnf P.Ot 2,:11.11C1
loaf in oancosotoc,otner yith t'oo :rasinos name cod addreo
0 r 1,1,0 .ionn rae tuts,r tar loaf; doe
Cot ,;no nv!s I 0oF; 1 Feot
crne'kurs, crotots, biscuits, 'buns, scours, refis or TORVCS
Of r,InCy -bread, noi bat in .TIttion.l.7 knoim as staid o bread,
sold as nni,
CILL3TIOI 2. This ord inaoce oF cc1 1 ta. e o rfect ono dak,
after oublieatioa.
Passed •In,•, o, :oar6 (,:r: Sal t 1,27(3 Utah
C I 18th d.nv of c,,artcl 1'312,
. 2.coorder
\ •
• .
• ' , " , ' , ... • ,
cf /j-KA.L.
Presented to the Board ef CommIssieners,
First Publication in
MAR 1 9 1912