35 of 1924 - Amending Chapter 21, relating to dogs ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, JUL 1 4 ,I92 Barnes I move that the ordinance beJpoomil. / Burton green I Stewart Mr. Chairman Result Lray,Jr 0-404 NI •±NCtec der.V7-vt'014--e- 4-1.-N4aNkiitibe I -""v:PirrV ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah, sT.une...27.., Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Stewart Mr. Chairman.. Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AIIEIWING CHAPTER XXI, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1089, relating to dogs; Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter XXI, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1089, relating to dogs, to read as follows: SEC. 1089. DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE. No person shall cause or permit any dog owned or kept by him to run at large on any street, alley or other public place, nor in any public hall, restaurant, coffee house, ice cream parlor, soft drink parlor, office, store, market, milk depot or confectionery shop, during the time that the said place is open for public business, or in the hallway of any building occupied by two or more families within the City of Salt Lake at any time. .nny such person being the owner or keeper of a dog who shall suffer such dog to run at large at any time in violation of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. Every day on which such person shall suffer any dog owned or kept by him to so run at large after the first conviction under this section, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. it SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty-one days after its passage. !j Gl�//u24 sed by the Board Commissioners o aalt Lake City, Utah, this day of , A. D. 1 City Recorder. II li it . • . . . . • t ---.) • , C-.., .,.. i.,_ ''.:•+''„"\) i',i- i. =,-ii, 1. A i'''.' C: . — ii-1--- • • ' r ....kc,.,.. r i-7 •,••.i \j i C,i'.. '-'4.;:: I'' 'ci • r_<,,,i, ,:.; --, -2, .4 0... p 51, 1,\ 2, 1 ;.;," i . •t.,.. , t4 '•-4 ::..-: .. c•-) . ...- 411 y , t . . P 1 . _,__,_