35 of 1928 - Curb and Gutter Extension 62-3d and final Estimate ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 1a 2;1i i O, 192 8.
Burton _ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - -
Finch - - �
Moran - -
Mr.Chairman -
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of
property in Paving District No. 32 (Curb and Gutter Extension
No. 62) for the purpose of providing for the curbing and guttering.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Dis-
trict No. 32 (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 62) for the purpose
of providing for the grading, installing water services and sewer
connections to back of curb, constructing concrete curb and gutter,
drainage system, private driveways, cement sidewalks and oiled
gravel surface two inches thick, to-wit:
Lots 6 and 8 to 10 incl. of Blk. 1, Lots 6 and 7 of
Blk. 2, Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Blk. 3, Blk. 3, and Lots 1 and
10 of Capitol Sub. of Pik. 10 in Plat F, `:alt Lake City
Purvey and Sec. 31, T. 1 N., 1 Y_., S. L. B. and M.; abut-
ting on both sides of Ilillsic'e Lvenue from Main to State
Street, and ..�'11 htrcet from Hillside Avenue to Pn6 North
This tax is levied to eefiy. the casense oS ,'.sa, in,g,
condtructing concrete curb ant gutter, drainage system, priv<<te
driveways, cement sidewalks and oiled avel surface tyro inches
thick, and installing ..ate- ces ant serer connections to
(°- 0 Ira T)c. t, co h:r sever, @
curs, Lb f iv(J (5) foot sli n tent;--four (; - ) inch ;:dtt,
on both sic':, of 111:-Ic v,nue fro i :1J,in to co L 1.
• .Lt ,Gfc( r vriuc to ,n th Lti nrLLan
OS Lt;-:et s oc)dosi te the dL'o,.crty 'gerri--lberors :nC heoeinLfter
,scribe: to i-,*_;deci 117 benefited c cc It her ac-Dv Ln'
he especially benefited thereby to the full amount of ' t hereby
ci' I rccicc or land t n d. 1
,-Lbr in r,ecor , with_ the ilheir Soot frontae Upon
said portions of said streets, fronting upon and to the entire depth
back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon
said parcels of land is Eleven fhousand Sixty-five and 24/100
W1,065.24) Dollars; Ten Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-eight and 04/100
(4j:lO,;- .58.04) Dollars or Five and 06/100 (,5.06) oilers per front
or linear foot of abutting property for twenty--seven (27) foot
wi Lb f vc, ( 1 oot 51 cwa ):,
roadway /there being l;,027.28 feet of abutting property; One Hundred
Fifty-four (1154.00) Dollars for private Driveways, ;here being •
seven (7) privLte driveways at Twenty-two and 00/100 ( 22.00) dol-
lars per arivelAay; Thirty and 00/100 (00.00) Dollars for private
driveways, there being one (1) private driveway at Thirty and 00/100
( 'SO.00) Dollars for each private driveway; tlghty and 00/100 ( iso.po)
;Jailors for private driveways, there being two (0 private drive-
rrays at Forty and 00/100 ( i40.00) Dollars for each private ariveway
Four Hundred 'wenty and 00/100 (F;420.00) Loners for sewer laterals,
there being twenty-one (21) sey,:er laterals at Twenty and 00/100 ($20.0C
Dollars for each sever li,teral; One Hundred Twenty-three and 20/100
($15.20) Dollars for water services, there being eight (8) water
services at Fifteen and 40/100 (b15.40) Follars for each water ser-:
cone L-, ceLhon of when , iiowaj - a
vice, the cost o-ii/Intalling which water services and sewer laterals,
and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out and all
within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentionL
ed in said district; which is the total sbutterst cost and cost per/.
' front foot of said improvement, according to the contract entered '
into for the performance of said work and making said improvement
with Mullins & Wheeler, Contractor, dated the 27th day of December,
1927, and the uit§k Treasurer is hereby authoried oaf directed to
: assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the
purpose herein mentioned.
, Fronting on Hillside Avenue.
Beginning at a point 202.45 ft. east of the N.E. Cor. of '
Lot 1, Blk. 3, Plat "E", thence east 78.76 ft., being a part of
Plat "ET
Lot 6 of Blk. 26 beginning at a point 150.1 ft. south and 175 ft.
east of the S. . cor. of Lot 9, Blk. 1, Plat "E", thence east 160.ti1
ft., being a part of Sec.31, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and
Lot 6 of Blk. 1, Plat "E"; beginning at a point 150.1 ft. south of
the S.W. cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Plat C, thence east 160 ft. being
a part of ,Sec. 31, T. 1 N., L. 1 _., S. L. B. & M., and Lot 6 of
i31k. 2, Plat "E"; beginning at the N.E. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. v,
Plat "E", thence east 158.82 ft. being a part of Lots 6 and 7 of ;
B1k. 2, Plat "E"; the north side of Lots 1 to 4 incl. of 131k. 3,
Plat "E"; the south side of the north 17.82 ft. of Lot 5 of Blk. 3,
Plat "l "; the south side of the north 120.13 ft. of 31k. 9, Plat
Fronting_on Wall `street.
Beginning ._t the S.N. cor. of Lot 9, Blk. 1, Plat "E",
thence south 150.1 ft. being a part of Sec. 31, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., '
S. L. B. & M. and Lot 8 of Blk. 1, Plat "E"; the west side of Lots ;
9 and 10 of Blk. 1, Plot "E"; the east side of the north 120.13 ft
of .Blk. 9, Plat "E"; the east side of Lots 1 and 10 of Capitol Sub
of Blk. 10, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey, r..,_. iec. " , 3 r .,
H. 1. ].'.., ... L. B. _, M.
330 TIC° N.EGJLER ASSESSMENT. ( 2%.00 per driveway.
Fronting; on Hillside Avenue. '
Beginning at 'the N.E. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 3, Plat E,
B15. 2,
thence east 55.08 ft. being a part of Lot 6,/and beginning at a
;point 55.08 ft. east o the N.E. cor. of Lot 1, Elk. 5, Plat
:thence east 77.3 ft. being a part of Lots 6 and 7, of Blk. 2, Plat
"E"; the north side of the east 54.85 ft. of Lot 1, the north side
of the west 54.85 ft. of Lot 1, the north side of the east 54.475
ft. of Lot 2, the north side of the west 56.955 ft. of Lot 2, and
the north side of Lot 4, of Blk. 3, Plat "E", Salt Lake City
TO THE REGULAR SSSESS3LINT.( 30.00 per driveway)
Fronting on Pall Street, the east side of Lot 1 of Capitol
Sub. of Blk. 10, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey.
TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. (640.00 seer driveway.)
Fronting on Hillside Avenue, beginning at a point 150.1
ft. south and 175 ft. east of the S.W. cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Plat
,E, thence east 160.11 ft. being a part of Sec. 31, T. 1 N., R. 1
S. L. B. & M., and Lot 6 of Elk. 1, Plat "E"; and beginning at
a point 150.1 ft. south and 103.28 ft. east of the S.W. cor. of
(Lot 9, Blk. 1, Plat "E", thence east 56.75 ft. being a part of Sec.,
31, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. E. & M., and Lot 6 of Blk. 2, Plat ';
Salt Lake City Survey, a Sec 3i, F. 1 _. 5. 1. 3. E.
Fronting on Hillside Avenue.
Beginning at a point 202.45 ft. east of the N.E. Cor. of
Lot 1, Fslk. 5, Plot "P", thence east 78.76 ft. being a part of Lot
6 of 51k. 1, Plot "I:;"; be{;inning at a point 150.1 ft. south and 175i
ft. east of the S.V. Cor. of Lot 9, ,lk. 1, Plat "E", thence east
' 160.11 ft. being a part of Sec. 31, T. 1 N., R. 1 ,_., S. L. E. & I@.,
and. Lot C of Elk. 1, P,_s-.t ,'E"; beginning at _- point 150.1 ;,nabs
the Car. of Log; 9, 11_. 1, Plot "5'', `hsoc ._,a )_'•..,? 't-
)art or' ' cc!. i, . i E, ;-!7!. L. 7. PT., n Lot 0
c)' l3. 2, Plat "E"; beginning at a point 150.1 ft. south and 102..2p
!ft. east of the S.W. Cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Plot "E", thence east
156.73 ft. being a part of S'ec. 31, T. 1 N., B. 1 E., S. L. P. & M.,,
,anal Lot 6 of Blk. 2, Plat "E"; beginning at the N.E. cor. of Lot 1,:
,B1k. 3, Plat "E", thence east 5 .0g, eing a part of Lot 6 of Blk. 2'„
!Plat "E"; beginning at a point 55.08 ft. east of the N.B. Cor. of
!Lot 1, Elk. 3, Plet "E", thence east 77.3 ft. being a part of Lots
!6 and 7 of Elk. 2, Plat "E"; the north side of the Test 54.85 ft.
of Lot 1, the north side of the west 56.(.N,.5 ft. of Lot 2, the north
!aide of Lot 3, the south side of the north 17.82 ft. of Lot 5, all
of Elk. 3, Plat "E"; the south side of the north 120.13 ft. of Elk.
9, Plat "E"; Salt Lake City Survey, L,,E :P!c. 1, ! 'A. , H.
!S. 3.
Fronting on Wall Street.
Beginning at the S.W. Cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Flat "E",
thence south 150.1 ft. bein7 a part of Sec. 31, T. 1 N., R. 1 E.,
P. L. B. & M., and Lot 8 of Blk. 1, the vest side of the south 50
ft. of Lot 9 of Blk. 1, the west side of the north 33 ft. of the
south 83 ft. of Lot 9 of Elk. 1, the west side of the. north 148 ft.
of Lot 10 of Elk. 1, the east side of the north 120.13 ft. of Elk. 1
9, and the east side of Lot 10 of Capitol Sub. of Elk. 10; Plat "Ti."!,
Salt Lake City Survey, Lou rec. 31, T. N., R. 1 E., L. B. M.!
Fronting_on Hillside Avenue.
Beginning at a point 150.1 ft. south and 175 ft. east of
the S. W. Cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Plat "E", thence east 160.11 ft. !
!bein a part of Sec. 81, T. 1 N., 1 1 ., • L. D. & ,1., and Lot
16 of Elk. 1, Plat "E"; beginning at a point 150.1 ft. south of the
W. Cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Plat "E", thence cast 103.23 ft. being!
part Sec. 31, T. 1 N., E. 1 E., S. L. E. 5, M., and Lot 6 of
Elk. 2, Plat "E"; beginning at a point 150.1 ft. south and 108.28 I
ft. east of the 8.1. Cor. of Lot 9, Elk. 1, Plat "E", thence east
156.73 ft. being a part of Leo. 31, T 1 N., R. 1 L., S. L. B. &
and Lot 6 of Blk. 2, the south side of the north 17.82 ft. of Lot
5 of Blk. 3, and the south side of the north 120.13 ft. of Elk. 9,
Plat IT" Salt Lake City Survey, an: :Thc. 31, L., P . L.
B. M.
Fronting_ on ball Street.
The east side of the north 120.15 ft. of Elk. 9, and the :
east side of Lot 10 of Capitol Sub. of Elk. 10, Plat RE", Salt Lake
! City Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said
city to the entire depth of said parcels of land and to collect
said tax.
SECTION P. That the assessment list made by the city
: Treasurer, as corrected, approveq and completed, by the Board of
E( ualization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of
this ordinance in Paving District No. 52 (Curb and Gutter Extension
No. 62) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the
grading, installing water services and sewer connections to back of
: curb, constructing concrete curb and gutter, drainage system, pri-
vate driveways, cement sidewalks and oiled gravel surface two inch-:
es thick upon said portion of said streets, is hereby confirmed,
and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, and ,
the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of
: Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal yearlY
installments as provided by is and ordinance with interest on the
whole sum unpaid at the rate oftix per cent per annum, payable at,
the time each installment is due. In the event any installment or
the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due,i
the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at 'the time said install-
merit and interest are due shall become due and payable, and shall
' draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the
sale of the property assessed.
SECTION This ordinance shall take effect one day aftell
-7- ,
'its publication.
I'I Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lakc City,
Utah, the day of 5 , [`.D. 1928.
C/ : f 3
I! 1
City Recorder.
u Orb & Gutter Extension No. 62.
3rd and final Estimate.
I i
li 1
tP.t " ;17 i
\ '1, irt : w't .'
t & 1/4', . .
K c73
ER 4 1928 --•
# Elk. 3, Plat "Et' thence Let 56.088
ft. being a•part of Lot 6, Elk. 2, a
1 I beginning at a point 65.08 ft.east of the
N.E. COr. of Lot I, Blk. 3, Plat "E:".
• Thence east 7l.3 ft,being a part of Lots
8 end T,of BIk.2,Plat"F. the notrth
nidthf de a fs Chet,85atft64.b 5Ltt.14 L•ot
, lorthesnorth ieq of the eat 64,416 ftt
W 68.9'.5t[t. It oL.o erth slao the north Lade
of lion 4,of BIk.3,Plat•'E."Salt Lake'
i .
- Per Driveway.)
Fronting on Wall street,the east side'
ofty LotSOot.ftof Capitol huh. 0I Elk. 10,t
Plat."t.",ant liana City Survey. '
Fronting on Hillside tearer.south
I, Beginning a point
and 1,0 [G oast of the S.W. Cor. Of
Lot 9, Bik. 1, Flat "E:" thence 'east
I80.11 ft, being part of Ian. 21, T.
of El 1 E..S. L A.&fit and Lot
6 of Elk.1,Plat"o:and beginning t'
point 160.1 it. south d 103.28 ft.
of the S.W.S.W, Co,of 1,00 9,BIle 1.
Plat •E:" thence east 56.73 }t being
a Dart of Sec.31,T.1 N:,R.1 Plat
B.&H.,and Lot a of Rlk.2,Plat E..
t 10,0 Lake
CitySS Survey,
Flu &bt SL`, 31, T.
Fronting on Hillside Avenue.
Beginning at a point 203.45 ft. t ;
n4 the N.E. Cor.of Lot 1,Elk.3,Plat
3 "E:",thence east 78,76 ft.being part
of Lot 6 of Elk.1.Plat E:'beginning
alt o te 1S5.W. fCo.r.00 h eat nd,.Blk f1,
Fat "E:" thence at 1E0.11
It, being
a P'irt Of Sec. 3t.T. 1 N.. R. 1 E., h
. ..E:.'' beginnings at La ae pointBl 150'1 Plft.
south f the S.W. For of Lot 8, Elk. j
I, Plat "E:" t
thence as 103.28 ft.
bQiL. B part d Sec.d31.oT,1 NL lllklo .E.
Plat"E:"beginning at a point 150.1 ft.
royal and 103:28 ft. east of the S..W.
Coseast 56.i3 ft.beinlg [Dart Plat lS'e thence too a
1 N. R. I E.,S.1,.B.&M'., and Lot
pOh r ICor'oOf OS b.Dili i3�P at t„Fhs 'lication
lther.c0 t 65.08 h¢Ing Port of I.ot t
e of BIk. 2 Plat "of l l gin Bag r. f
pot 5 lk.ft eat of fht en B.Cor,of
ft,tbeinglo Da Plat Lots 6h`nd ce east ik3
2:Plat"Et"the rt northside ofthe west
54.85 ft of LAW 1, the north side,of the
Let 3, the south aide or the north
t 66.935 ft,of Lot 2,the north a'.de
17.82 ft. of Lot 5, all of Elk, 3, Plat
e "Et"the south side of the north,130.12
County of Salt Lake Survey,ainl 6Pla;1,'T!"1 Salt
R.a 11E..S ,
L.R.&M. n Wall Street.t
P tie g
8 sl ," S.thNS'ence
n 5 0.ot t /
Hlk 1 PI t"E T south 150.1 1 ft. /1 / j
b ip8 p t I S L 'I 1 \ R 1
art S B &kt d Lot 8 f Bf Lot /
'9O k.side w de 80 ft. f Lot � -
'8 I HI8'} thet de f the north
2E P!ot't2N south 33 ft of) t 9 [Blk.
1 the�w slde�0f thanosth]18[t.0[
(ot0 feu". he.east aide°[the O[th-'
ptf5tt.of£ilk.L.a r,i[he east side aI
Lae 1E eft ci. .,1 heb.Of B:,<. 10: Plat t eposes and says that he is the principal
_ ..- - 'E." Salt Lake City Survey. ana Sac.
AN ORDINANCE. el T.t N'.,R.1 E L, It h1
AJ URUi\\NCB LE\YlYG 1 'PA}l: 6IDF,�TG I�l hl)DITIOV TO THME NEWS, a newspaper published in
iu,yd f ving District
i.u. 33 t(t.urb 1dtG f OSTIhd 0\HILLSIDE
• Al'E[E.
the P P ? Begmning t a I t 16D 1 ft south e County, •in.the State of Utah.
ptlrion rb' g l e L s'0.d i R fL t t th li Cor of
B:Il L 1 h Lot 9 Dil 1 Pt t L' t , J
ordained b the Board f y'
mi i P I Lake City, Utah:, 180 t1-Et:Dti 8 Q rt f 31 ,(l9,
1 ��////7/-� Gµ f� lout C�
CIIUN 1 That Board t I'dole 13E Plat E de M. g Lt 6 X.�--4-
ml s Salt L k City d h a
by-levy the lax d provide I h Int'16'D1 f th- f th S at C s
SeEamene of the same upon theD p -Y of Let 8,Sit. 1 Plat•'Sri, thencee _ ///���
Sy Gr
hereinafter f(Curbea and
Gutlerd In P...e On No. RIP ,Sh n13•6t M..and LAI6 of title. -ems r- tCi _ ..
tie) for the purpose of Providing ter the 2,Pltit"yrir.beginning st is point 150.1 ft.
grading, installing Water e[ ea 00 ufh.,e d 102.22 ft.nest.+€. Le 6. W. �.
c,ions tO back o[curb, c u Cor. f Lot 0, Bllt. 1:.Plat'"'I"e", 'fiane
1 dr inage system.
ate curb and gorier, 58.: fL b I g 'ppr[ P R 31.T I ()
walk. S oats gravel
sun ce 1 N R.2,'the S.soL.uth
R•.f 6I- Mod Lot h
enl sidewalk.aka and oiled cravat surface f BM f" [h ids f the nond rth I 5
is 6 a thick, tpMei. south ff. .o Lot 5 oft la fL:1. Bof Rik. %V
m and 6 and to 30 Incl.1 Elk.1,i,L of soutb-tlt"E', the sort 1
e ndtoP 131k.9, 2Ll It fit l of0 . 1 6"-.8IIL i ,s, 6 yy
CBapltot Soh of BIk le f ha iPlat d E, Salt 31 Fronting lion 1 Rail tt'egtea'-j,T na
Lake City Suht Y and Sec.31,Ttl1 ng on fTh lk. 94.aid ai.dhf Iotacln aide north I(010 t
to attached,was first p lished in said
Ft e E., S. L. 11 d DS;
bon State Street..11 god A.venWalle from Maln of Street from Salt Lake-tiCity }g Baby Ill as the same day a f
to Rllieidr Avenue top 2nd North Street. an ahowtf..ppOn they official plate 1 ated the
This tax is levied to defray the y said city tok Olin entire depth of .o,
of grnding• constructing concrete PaSECTION tom.1''l et the`alaeeasment[loot / 'l
unb and gutter. drainage eYatem. Dr mde by the Ity treasurer.a ce trait (�-t}/'-, A. D. 192.- --.
vete driveways, c sidewalks (mid ap Proved a d p.treasurpleted by thecay,!eoxrd
oiled gravel surface Inchead thick. of EOua IIxRNodcOm Review o4 the Dray,
and Installing water serueebe a, s t ray .elA rfbea 1n Sgctinn 1 of Ihln o
connections to hack of c sold o fl- dlnance In•Pav1o8.District No. 32 'Curb L lea-(.Q
way to be twenty-seven (ail tee[ be- d Gutter Extenalon No. 82) of Salt �� / `
[wean curbs.with fIre(5)toot ewelk Lake City, to[the pyrnoee of prov IAR
and [went Y-four f317 Inch gutterO° fnd[hewgrading,
r dm8 el tfonn11 to back.of.curbs a a ee coon c _
bosh sides of Hillside wail.Street iron' conatrnci;ng counter. curb and gutter, .eof being in the issue ed the...
6ta!e Streets, e- rt 1
`D Intl°no of[said streets Ono n to the s pron. inane¢Adewaii;e,and piled
pileddri ggravela cur �/
arty heroinbe es e and benefited b said• face aistreets,i he thick upon
an confirmed,and �� A.D.192
scribed to be cand it fa hby by a ¢ e a o
deterfined and at fa hereby at said the assessments made and returned In
determined and esinba that said said completed lasts, and the sport of
property wall be especiallymontof benefited the
to the
a Board f Cord of lmaation and missioners, RooVieNV
thereby , the full amount s
hereby levied,.and Waldo narceie a if land d Lake Cllty'aee of
uare niform ebYrate assessed°dance equal
`vith the nnSECTION 3.Said tax shall be payable
linear foot frontage`upon said portions ip five dual yearly installments pro-
, by law and ordinance with In-
the sent e[reeta, hack
n [crest on the whole sun, unpaid at the j
the entire hereby
l back th to be ao and ate of ,x Der tail[ ncr.annum, Day. , • ,
assessed r a'
the tux hereby levied and to is able he flee time each Installment is duo. .
upon said Parcel. of n is Eleven in the evert any In Mall',nit
01 the -
T 5.24) Sixty-five an T. 24-10d (b IL• interest aforesaid la not paid on the
nfi 5.247 DOlinrs; .Ten Thousand Two day the came beco,n?,due,'the whole
and 04-500 f530.- xn,¢un[ oP [he epeclal tax unpafe' al � /J �•,.. �1,e-/'Y
Hundred Fifty-eight - �„ ps-lOL .a, ,;,�,. aa;a t.,2rs rl man[ and Interest /¢/�'-4.-7//__y= "�L
1.7B.A IL
Fronting on Wall Street.
134ginning at the 6.1 W.Cnr.of Lot 9,
Blk. ,Plat"E,"thence south 150.1 ft. 2 -7 e /
,being•i part of Se. 21, T. I
and Lot 8 of BIlt.•1,
the west•el de of the south 50 ft.of Lot h d f .,..4,7 '.
te vest sie o the north , .,-
133 ft otthie south S3 ft.of Lot 9 o Blk. ...
1, the west side of the north 119 f
Int 10 811,---1.-030e-sast.s04e.of the north.'
12e.18 ft.of 13110.9,and tile east side of
but It of,Capitol'Sub.of Blk..10: Plat ./eposes and says that he is the principal
— "E." kilt Lake City Survey. and Sec.
31L. B
.,T,1 N.,E.1 E..S. B.&.M..
•-arliril IN ADDITION TO-TDB A.st ORDINANCE LEVY1BG A TAk ULM! ASSESSMENT T NEWS, a newspaper published in
nhd for the on,enu`'. " Pr'''''''.''P • ' .ONTIND ON HILLSIDE
.nay.ng District No. 32 (Curb and tem., ,.. . ,,.,,,,L,,,,.:
ter Extension No.02)for the M.P..,et' Beginning et A point 150.1 ft. south
providing tor the our"...'"L'er.",‘,g,'-and 175,ft... etatof.the S. W..Cer. nt 'e County,in.the State of Utah.
He IL ordained by the Hoard uf'-'° LOt 0.,1311, I,•,Plat.'"E,“ thence east . -'•
.missionels of Sal,Lake en, U..', 160.TI ft. being a pert of Sec. 31, T. 1 C.? ..)
. SECTIoN 1. That the Hoard .s.,L.:B: & Lf::aa,,,,,
missions., Salt Luke City does he'e" of 111k•/ Plat...9E:'• beginning at a 46-44...6....4.,e€
hy levy the tan and previa.for ft.seeth of.,the 8. W. Cor. s --. 6Cf'WeZ7
session.of the same upon tli0 Pron.', of LOt.3:1011s.1,Plat"EW thence torn
hereinafter described in Paving District io"ft raf
No. 32 (Curb and Uutter Extension No. ' a
02') for the purpose of providing for ths 2,Phit''En beginning st V point'150.1 ft.
„..,,,,,,s. installing water.services end so.4n end 103.23 ft.eiv4'of the S. IV.
,sewer connections to back of curb,con. Cor,of.Ltit'll. Bilt..1.'Biat'''X'', thence
.structing concrete curb and gutter. east 64.71 ft,being.a Part of;ley.31.T. ,....Z:t.../...)
drainage sYstem, private drIveways, ca. 1 N.;R.AD.,S.L.Fl..gr.K.,and Lot 6
ment sidewalks and oiled gravel surface of Elk 2, the Routh side°tithe north
two inches think, to-wit 17.53 ft.,.of Lot 5 of Blk. 3:and the I e,,
L.ots 6 and 8 to 10 Incl.of Blit.1,Lots south side Of the north 1,4.13 ft of Blk. -'...) -
8 and i of Elk, 2,Lots I ta 5 incl. of.9. Pint"E!'Salt Lake City Survey,end
Big. 3 Blk. 9, end Lots I and 10 ot See.21,T.I S.,It.1 E..S.L.E.4 SI. .
Capitol glob. of Bat. lu in Plat to'. Salt Fronting on Wall Street,.
Lake City S.SUMeL. y aand: , n of 1,,10,;•satiA.the nd See.31,T.1 N., . The yet ride of the north of i20.1ot 3 ft. to attached,was first pyi. lished in said
13. abutting o 131 , • east ed. -,,L '10
both aides of Hillside Avenue front blein of Cahltn1 S0.13. of Bib. Or. Clot ..E.'
to Slate Street. and Wall Street from Salt Lake City•Survey; as the came
H 2nd illside AvenVe to North Street. are shown'. upon the official plats of Z./....t.K
This tax is levied to defray the eg. said city to the entireated the depth of said day of
,ens of ,,,,,,,,,,. fosf,,,,..„ conor,,, brineof land end to collect said tax
,.saN, s,„in..sf, .f.te,..n. pri. n,onarnst..brIOt.N.2.Th,art atber assessment list '
1 vote driveways, cement sidewalk. and Y.h.,isIty e su er,as corrected,
oiled gravel surface MO Inchee thick. ,t,trovearl,1114,.cempleted by-the Board .
, A. D. 192 1.
and installing water.serviCea." .'" arty'IsczArd'itndSZt.i'olml f tht' :
connections to bock ..f curb.sold road-
weir to he twenty•seven (271 feet be.i daLnanne_,1ne-Dtvxlet.D.Instrin't No°.,3-27C,u'rcb,. rf'1,4 .......4,...,...e_
tween curbs with five(5)foot sidewalk t7ffe TT,n fotl.i Ihn.i,,,,,r,Dol,o;oa,F rnv,a, ,
and twenty-four (24) inch gutter °^ for the gr'ading.Installing water?serv'r'.e.'=
both sides of Hillside Avenue from Main and sewer connections to back of cu'rb •eof being in the issue
to State Streets, and Woll Stree from constructing concrete •curb and gliter. the
HnIold t t
e Avenue to 2nd North Street,the drainage system, private driveways, oe-
Portion of said streets opposite the poor- merit sidewalks and oiled gravel stir- ,
arty hereinhefore and hereinafter de- face two Inches thick upon said portion
efited by said of said,streets,is hereby confirmed.and
scribed to be especialtY ben A.D.192 ef)
improvement,and It Is hereby adjudged. the assessments made and returned in
determined and established that said said completed lists. and the report of
property will be especially benefited the Beard of Equalization and Review
thereby lo the full amotInt of the tax to the Board of Commissioners. of Salt
hereby levied and said parcels ot land Lake City are hereby ratified.appYoved
are hc,by assessed at an equal and and confirme0. •
1 uniform rate In nrcordanos with the SECTION 5.Said tax shall be payable
linear foot frontage upon said portions
._in Tye beouiralyertrly installments as pro.
ot said streets. fronting upon and to yu1 I y w nod ordinance with In-
cerest on the whole sum unpaid at the
the entire.depth back therefren, and
the tax hereby le, Al:.°,.`tV:tgr,
[ upon said parcels of land Is Eleven installment is du, •
. In the event 'any'hinstallment of the
i Thousand Sixty-five and. 24-10 (511, Interest aforesaid Is not •pald on the , 6/ I)
t 065.241 Dollar, Ten Thnusand Two day the i.ame becomes due the whole . - --g
'Hundred Fifty-eight and 04-100 MO.-
; amount of the special to; urinal.: at
268.04I Dollar. or Five and 06-100 the time said installment and Interest
.05.00) Dollars per front or linear foot
!are due shall become dUe and payable.
I of abutting property fOr twenty-seven land shall draw Interest at the rate Of
(27) foot roadway, with five (61 foot twelve per cent per annum until the
sidewalk, there being 2.027.28 feet of seie of the property assessed.
abutting property: One Hundred Fifty' SECTION 4.This ordinance shall take
four(5154.90)Dollars for private drive, effect one day after its publication.
I ways there being seven (^) • privets Passed by liar Board of Commissioner.
i driveways at Twenty-twn and 00-100 of Salt Lake City. Utah, the 20010 Ca,
(522,591 dollars per driveWay; Thirty of August, A. D., 10211
and 00-100 1530.00) Dollars for private JOHN F. BOWMAN. —
driveways. there•being one II) Private , • Mayor. /...)
driveway at ThIrtY and 00-109 030.00 Ethel Macdcneld,City Recorder. -
Dollars for each priv ,
ate driveway:kngh. ..,ill.N.e•.95• -7-7 day of
ty and 00.105 ($80.001 Dollars for prI• nre& ut,er Extension-No.sz.
Third ard flnal estimate.
et0 driveways end 00.100
vete driveways there being two(21 prl-
Published Sept 4. 1328,
v ' et Forty
(540.001 Dollars for each private drive. •- H.LA.LYGL,
ant',Four Hundred Twenty and 00400 .. ..---------
(3420.00) Dollars for sewer laterals / .---
Mere being twenty.one (21) sewer lat. S
...........___ ,r .
ernie at Twenty and 9.0-100 (520.00).
Dollars for each sewer lateral; One
f- Hundred Tenpin:three and 20-100
(5123.20) Dollars for water services, ----..,
there being elot (8) water services an '---- NOta;ry Public ."
Fifteen and 4o.ino (515.40) Dollar.. for
i each water service.the cost of construc-
tion of which driveways and installing
1 which waler services and sewer later•
als, and the property benefited there,/ i •'
1 Is heremafter set out and all within the U'/
1 boundaries of the•lots,blocks and atreets
I above mentioned In said district:whieh
Is the tote) abutters'cost and cost per
front foot Of said Improvement, accord-
ing to Ihe contract entered into.for the
performanne of said work and making
said improvement with Mullins&Wheel-
er, Contractor, dated the 27th day of
December, 1927. end the City-Treasurer
Is hereby authorised and directed to as-
sess in'acoordanee with the provisions of!
this ordinance, for the purPose herein
mentioned. • ,
i Fronting on Hillside Avenne. 1
I 'Beginning et a nt 202.-15 ft. east
i lof the N.E (..-Mr of poi Lot Ohu.3.PI,
.w91.V th'ence.east.78 76 ft.,' a being pert 1
of Lot 6 of 111k.1.'Plat"E."beg nning'
at_a_point 150.1 ft..south and 1/6 ft.
east of'the r.W..Cor. of,Lot O. Dik.
I. Plat ."E,. thence east 160.11 ft., be.
ing a part 6f Sec, 31.T.1 N.,R. 1 E,..
S. L. B. &M... and Lot 6 of Dili. 1.
Plat "10;" beginning at a point 150.1
ft,south of the S.W.Con of Lot 9.Blk.
1, Plat F., thence east 160 ft. being a
nart of Sae.31,T.1 N..R.I E..S. L.
B. & M.. one Lot 5 of hilt, 2, Plat
"B;"beginning et the N.E. Cm.of Lot
1,Elk. 3, Plat 'E.'. thence east 158.52
ft,being a.part of Lots 6 end 7 of Rik.
• 2, Plat "El" the north side of Lot, I
[0'4 incl.of Etlir.S.Pint wE," Or south,
• side of lb, north 17.52 ft. of Lot 5 of
• 13114. 2, Plat "E.'. the south side of the!
north 120.13 ft. Of DIR. 0. Plat "E."
1 .
Fronting on Wale Street.
,. a at the S.,'. Cor. of I.9t t
9, Elk. 1, Plat 'E•;' therms south 160.1 i
j ft. being a part of Sec. 21.T. 1 N., R..
1 E., S. r,, B. & II.. and Lot 8 ,...
• 191k.1,Plat.13...the wear side of Lots 9
and 10 of Elk.. 1. Plat "F.;" the tort
side of the north 120.13 to, o f Pik. O.
Plat "CI" the east side of L•hts 1 and
10 of Capitol Solo.of BM.IS.Plat"B..'
Salt Lake City SurveY and Sec. El, T.
($22.110 Per Drivewity.)
• Fronting en Hillside Avenue.
RegliMing at the N.E. Car.at Lot 1,
o lot