35 of 1930 - Creating a Zoological Department in the Department of Parks and Public Property ROLL CALL n 7 .f,1(i Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193 VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. — Burton Fehr Finch - - Lake Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE CREATING A ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT in the Department of Parks and Public Property. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. There is hereby create& in the Department of Parks and Public Property a subordinate department to be known as the Zoological Department, the same to be under the direction of the Zoological Park Board. SECTION 2. The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City - upon the recommendation of the Mayor shall appoint a Zoological . Park Board of five members, one of whom shall be ex-officio, the Commissioner of arks and Public Property, and the other four shall be representative citizens interested in the promotion of zoology and 'Pindred subjects who shall be annointed for a term of four years with. the exception of the first appointees, two of whom shall be ap- pointed for two years. The Mayor shall request the Salt Lake Zoological Society to recommend persons for appointment to the said Zoological Park Board. Any vacancy may be filled by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City for the unexpired term only. The members of the Zoological Park Board shall serve without pay and shall select their own Chairman who shall serve for such term as may be designated by the Zoological Park Board. The Zoological Park Board shall recommend to the Board of 11 _ I City Commissioner, the anopintment and employment of such officers and employees as may be necessary to carry on the work of 'aid de- 1 n-rtment and the Board of City Commissioners may appoint and employ such officers and employees at such salaries as it may de^ignate SLCTION 3 The Zoological Park Board under the uirection and supervision and only upon the approval of the Board. of City Com- missioners shall have the charge and management, including the sale and purchase, of all zoological parks, the animals therein, gardens, collections and exhibits for the promotion of zoology and kindred subjects own ea or controlled by Salt Lake City and of the officers and employees anJointed and employed, as provided in "ection 2 her/ of, and of all animals loanea tb and renteo by Salt Lake City for such oa.rks, and upuer the direction and supervision and only upon thr ap,)roval of the Board of City Commissioners ,shall promulgate rules and. regulations necesary for carrying into effect or dis- charging the powers ana duties conferred herein and shall have such other powers and outies as may from time to time be re^olved or or- dained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City SLCTION 4 The Board of City Commissioners shall have the right to revies the acts, conduct and decisions of the Zoological Park 9oora and the decision of the Board of City Commi,^Joners i Nether on revies, or otherwise shall be final SECTION 5 In the opinion of the Board of Comm]^sioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants lof `ait Like City that this ordinance take effect immediately SECTION b This ordinance snail tale csfrct ia-on I ( r I u C I on � I --- ''assed by the Board of C,ommi^sippers of ^alt Lake City, iOt h, on the 11th d,y of __September A 10 0 C7 Mayor City necoruer ' ,\ l ° m P: I ' c / oZ J i ; V ! , � k ° 6 #, t al } } ---,P, 1i\ Proof of Publication IiuUiI ull1III UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH 0s County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE CREATING A I Milo Eyeleigb being first duly ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT to the 0 partm at I Pa I a a d P bl PBeetii ordained by the Eoa,a of sworn depose and nay that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKL ,Coihmleelonera of 9 It Lake C ty I Utah SECTION 1 Thele Is h r by crest TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day ed In th Depa tment I Pa k and Public Prop ty a Bubo innate depa t m lit to be known as th 1 gl t at Salt Lake City State of Utah b Departure t th ame t be und the direction of th Zo log cal Park Board SECTION g Toe Board of C Ulm a Iai lies f Salt Lake CRY upon t e m That the notice 471 Qrdirlappa Vtli, # 35.1 mend t n 1 the Mayor shall amp l tt S rZ 01 ge .Park in h it b a mein b to e f mi m hall b z of Pulo th C minis lode I Park and Publl Prop rty and the oth Iu ac b r p ntatly tl n liti acted 11 the pr m tle a of z oloha and 1subject h al all be as e8 p a ed Yon a of four years be, he ahoeptlon df o the first appointees tw of whom hall be app fit d for two year Th May r shall t th Salt I.ak Z.o I g1 al S I Op ty t ' Cgmin d p g na ,fo app Val f. �� �, the said $may be Peed Board 1naard ofaC IOnmiesyoneealofBSald t Lake City for the unexpired t m lily The of which a copyis hereto attached was first published in said news Members of the Z log al Pa k B rd Shall eve with at pay and I II let their own Chat an vh shall serve for such t rm as m y be desig need by the Zl log al BParktl Boa n paper in its issue dated the 1� hr day of $eR�i 6lAA QZ+ 19 recomm lid to the B aril I C ty Coal 30 Mt Si Co the app 1 tment and em PI,n,lit of a 1 RI h and m and waspublished m each dailyissue of said newspaper on ploy ea a may n a y e dry n thew k f said depa tin lit and the Boa d f City C mini I n r may appoint ep oyes,d too y h fa and **** *** *** * design the at such alai`es as it mayI for '� 't1' design t SECTION 8 Th Z o1 gf 1 Pa In Boa d a der tl a dl ction and super via n aid o ly up n the approval of thereafter the full period of One Insertion. the B d f City C ml 1 n r shah haa m m th ha g a d n IN mane In lading the al and pa ha to esiinagarden l p Ile tteh and x the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the lit h, hjb is to th p m ti n t o01 gy and RI idred subjects owned or con troll d by Salt Lake City and of the Offices a nas mt yee d solo lint do all and day of September. A D t9 30 her of and f all nimal 1 an d to slid T lit d by Salt yk C n for such _ Parksad under the dl a ti and pert it and only ion th ap pro al f th B rd f City C lucid oner shaft yror�lopg»es A.-1. lidd tt0ns Mhanloi g thr ca;tryere aht6 a Or dlenharging th p were and dal ea conferred he in and shall have Subscribed and sworn to before me this bith. day of ) du h otherT powers and duct y from Stile tithe b remolved or or dallied by the 13 aril of Commissl lie s of Balt Lake Cliy $apt e' s r. SO _ SECTION 4 The Board f City __ Commloalonera shalt hav th Ight to r vl w th ate nduct and d el 10 9 of the ZoologiOal Pa k Board and the d felon Of the Board 1 City C m l ��.r j p �misalob rs whether n review or 1.. _-_,_ oth rwi e shall b f n 1 SECTION 5 In th opinl n f th, ( �— Notary Publ c Heard 1 Comm1 s n 1t 1 n ce a Yet"to the ppeace,health and saf ty the Inhabitants of Salt Lak City t the rdma ee take effect fry25, 1933 r.state)7{`y � My commission expires Nov.OY. ©TIOt53t ThlSeordlaahee shalt off et riles It fi st publ cat ti. a ut ty oh aa0erd ur Commie Advertising fee $ ton a t Ysatr�C t Utah n h tfig F BO A 1939 JOtiN F BOW AN "d May r } t% ETHEL MAlty Recorder .Lj City Recorder s PubllSh a6 Sept rob 11 198e Proof of Publication From • The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No. Proof of Publication iituilftltiittl UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) STATE OF UTAH 1(` as County of Salt Lake I Milo J veleigh being first duly sworn depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCP CREATING A TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day ZOOLOGIt AL DEPARTMENT n the D pa tin lit of Pak and Publ pigperttt a I a by thB a f' at Salt Lake City State of Utah Col BI colt I a of Salt L k City l Ghat SECTION 1 Th h by e.t ed n th D p line t of Pa lc and public P Party a ub ra bat d p i That the notice An. Ordinance Bill # 25. men[t b known th Z 1 S 1 IDopa tin nt tl am to b and the Weed n [ th Z of g I Pa k B a d ',Stoner O z Th Salt LauC ty s C up r mm •m d li n I the M Y hall API/ t a Z I g1 I Pa h l3oa d llf tbiv xe i b f w f Parks and Publi Pei th P op mrly ini `nil th the I hatalld bi the P tat mot1V ft t 1 Sy al wahlgyred sub/ to Who-Will ha,, I jolntea for a t rm f fou yea A VI t the exo Pti o f th I t app Int a tw of wh m shall b app Intel f two y;the c 7 ak h Z May cal h 11 refine Y tc of which a cops is hereto attached was first published in said news sSalt rea min nd p rs n f appa ntln nt t th out Lmog I P 1 Bba d A Any aafa`cmm Y ht,f11 sabyLto paper in its issue dated the lit h..day of .September. 19 30 oarCity for the unexpir d t m my Th in b rs f the Z 1pPay In rbell a d lean their h shall and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on lout their own Cm m { gnoh t m a m' bed g mac°a Dy th Z l g l I' k B rd Th G l g al P k B it h It r o amend to th B d nt an C m t}****** for ******* mil a th app Into nt and em; plot nt t a 1 III and ploy[„ ,i of bs Id d Pa t tut'and' tl; B a a of City C mints n a m y thereafter the full period of One Insertion. app int a at such al empl h If and en Pl a it may designate the lastpublication thereof beingin the issue dated the Ld, br F]a'PION und tl Tn o a St n gi dI pe k sign and ly up n thn aPP a1 f the B d f City C into i n shall ha th hag and n,nag A D 19 30 Mama`¢didgicatye he andth pun mall day of September. th On gars n u➢ tiown nil xgy ��r/ /// ` }iib to fo th pr mutton f 1 he �GCy/'C-/r4// and 1c dad ub/of wn d rof [ i%(`.�U+t/vJ_y_( t 1 Ooiled D e v by mP]y City nd d and, fit toyed as p rl d in Sesti 2 'Ware.f and f ail ntmals haired t td rent d by Salt Lake City fo atich eupoevis 6n tinder roth dp ntithe and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th. day of p of al s tha B d I C ty C mmls 1 p y l at ale d _ elope papon n .a y for ar ring into Sept ember. 9,30'. __) ff t r dI ha.gi a th P W d dutfisther Po ehe and dull shsall have may f uom tim t time be re Iced or r Clain d by the B a d f Commissioner yy LE.,_.[/._--rrL..,� of Salt Lake City _ _ ___ ^- SECTION 4 Th Bad f City Notary Fublic C mints loners hall h the gl t to r VIh the a Is nduct and decisions of the Zoologic 1 Park B aril and the decision 9{ the She f City yr o My commission expires Nov. 25, 1933. th •1 a hall b f naL SECTION 6 IQ th opt0lla nIPch Boars of Ole pea Advertising fee $ le pea OfTt e0 a health and eflf ty t[bla ordiieanc take Of Inhabitant ft effect imy tha 'VAN talc ff at u p n Thi it s erpttl$tt at ce shalt Pasaedof Salt Lake City,Utah.' theb1p, the IItU,'daY of HN P r 4p P 193, 7OHN F 3sO' R'Noc w. I ETHEL MACDOR9clit't r A City Bill m `dbli h h d S Pt nib r 11 .1130, Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No