35 of 1931 - Amending Chapter 1349 revised ordinance licensing of wholesale peddlers of fruits and vegetables and ROLL CALL >s
Salt Lake City, Utah,.........Nov, a, , 193.1_
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Z-C • ` C .
Lake `.+
Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1349 of an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on February
llth, 1930, providing for the licensing of wholesale peddlers of
Bruit and vegetables, and other food products.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. hat Section 1349 of an orainance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on February Ilth,
e3ei� 1930, providing for the licensing of wholesale peddlers of fruit and
vegetables and other food,products, be and the same is hereby amend-
ed to read as follows:
SECTION 1349. It shall be unlawful for any individual,
firm, corporation or partnership, to engage in, carry on or con-
duct the business of a wholesale produce dealer, wholesale pro-
duce peddler or wholesale produce trucker in Salt Lake City
without first obtaining a license so to do.
A wholesale produce dealer, wholesale produce peddler
and wholesale produce trucker, for the purpose of this section,
shall be defined to be any individual, corporation, association
or partnership, who shall ,peddle, hawk, sell or offer for sale
from house to house, or who shall exhibit for sale, sell or
offer for sale, or deliver, in wholesale quantities, any fruits,
tegetables, nuts or produce, of any kind or character, in Salt
City, Utah, in or from any dwelling house, store, storeroom,
stall, tent, building, structure, stand, railroad car, motor
vehicle, truck, trailer, or other place in Salt Lake City.
This section shall not apply to farmers or fruit
growers, who are bona fide residents of the State of Utah and
engaged wholly in selling their own products, produced and grown
by them.
SECTION 2. The License fee for engaging in the business
of wholesale produce dealer and/or wholesale/peddler, or
wholesale produce trucker, shall be One Hundred. Fifty ( 150.00)
Dollars per year, or any part thereof, payable in advance.
SECTION 3. No license shall be transferable, and no li-
cense shall authorize more than one individual, firm, corpora-
tion or partnership, named therein, to operate thereunder, and,
ash 11 not be relieved from the provisions of this section by
reason of association with any local dealer or in the name of
any local dealer.
SECTION 4. Any person violating any provisions of this
ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not exceeding
Two Hundred Ninety Nine Dollars (4299.00) or by imprisonment
in the city jail not longer than six months, or by both fine
and imprisonment.
SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,.
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.:
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of `alt Lake City,
Utah, this 31 ___day of Novembers
City recorder. �� 35
2 Y
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.. � ..
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lakest i
, ordinance Deiced I., the E'er',
of Ocnnrnlasfonere'of Salt Lake City,
Utah,ort•February 11th,1930,providing
tor the licensing of wholesale peddlers ol
fralt,ftrel vegetables and•other food ..--Se.',i '-',..
,preduotet • '
76--EVIt ordained by the Board of Com-
miesionete Of-Salt Lake.CIty,Utah:
'SECTION I. Tha Section 1349 of
or tdinanee passed,ny the Soar&•of Corns . being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
AtSelneore of Salt Lake City,Utah.on
February Ilth. 1030, providing for the
LieensIng'tit wholesale peddlers of fruit an egetables and other fo prod ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
d vod, ucts,
be and'the same is hereby amended to
read es,.fellOwO '
Section 1349. It shall be unlawfut for
AlsY,,IndtVidbal,Orm coriteratIon or part- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
nership,to engage.'in..carry on or con-
duct-the.business of a wholeeale pfoduce • /. ....z...0Z.24... .,..,_....c.......e....,.
;dealer.,wholesale produce peddler. .or
•Wholesal6 preduce trucker in Salt Lake That the notice
City,w1thout fleet obtaining Ls 11c.se-so ,
wholesale terodUce dealer,whalesale
/-5--(--- 1.
• , /
...'Produce beadles end wholesale.produce r/'
trucker,.for the purpose of tnis'section, '
.shall'be defined to bo:'any individual,
I cerporation, easectation or partnerehip,. .,'
'who-shall peddlo,bav;lr,sell on offer for ,7724,goe / )4"" .2/ -
1 sale from sense to house or.who,shall
exhiblt.for sate:,sell or oircr for..sale,er
dellvet-In wholesale qua.titles, any
fistliar,i,oUetables,'nuts or produce,of any
folid M..character,.In Ealt Lako-City,
P1.14.In or from.any dwelling;house,
store,.storeroom: Oen._ tent,.to trail the blinding.
etructure,stand,railroad.car,motor ve- of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said
/Eels;' ick. er or.or'.1,1 .. in
Salt Lake City,
'.'Thicsection-irlsall.,netaPply.to-farm. A/
erruor,fruit growers,who.ares boneand,Ode newspaper,in its issue dated, the 7 day of
residents,of the State.of•Utels, en.
gag. orbolly.in eelling.,•their
d,715tT.DI'CIT.VITI.dcrenwene P4;-74m,;.:.
7'7 A. D. 193../
s.sts,in the business of wholesale,no-
dose dealer-.Eliot.wholesale produce
.Peddler..,or-wholehale.produce trnoker. ,
shell.be One Hundred Fifty.(080.90)
Dellets per year, or any',plert-thereof. and was published 6r---24-,.— --e-
Payable.in advance.,
SECTION•-S.-No license-.hall be
transferablk-and no'Menus shall author-
ire mote titan one individual,firm,cOr. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
perMtion or•partnership.named therein.
,t,operate.thereunder. and they shall
not be-relieved from the h previsions of
tla aectien by reason of association day of . 07-A-62--2-.-<-4--7.-- A.D.
with any l oca l dealer or In the name
"StnjT1(1,114d.114:Iterson',meting as'r
previslone7 of this ordinance shall
Punished by,fine in any sum not ex-
ceeding TWo Hundred Ninety Nine Dol.
tars,($299.,00) or,bY-Imprisonment In' '
the.Cita,jehll fninot longer than six months, Advertising Clerk.
'or by,bote and linprisonment.
SECTION 6,In the,opinion 00• the
Bokrd at Cominissionere,it Is necessary
to themes,,•health-and,aafety of the
inhabitant.of Salt Lade Clot,that this
ordinance become.effective.iminediately.
.,SECTION S.Thle ordinance shall-take
effect upon.its fifst'bublleation.
Passed by the Board ef Commisslon.•
Ms of.51alt Leh,Cloy,Utah,this dO day
tbf November;19 •
31. B me this 9 day of
City Reorder. '—' A. D. 154.??./.
-Published Novomber 4th,1931.
' Notary uKlic
Al 1 �
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