35 of 1934 - Amending Chapter LVI Revised Ordinances of 1934, relating to the construction of cellarways, areaway Rec.108
lie Salt Lake City,Utah, 193
-- �„- I move that the ordinance be pas
Knight a y
Lee If€ ��
Mr. Chairman - -
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1934, by adding in and to said Chapter a new
Section to be known as Section 1293, relating to the construction of
cellarways, areaways or vaults and requiring a permit, bond, waiver
and agreement to indemnify Salt Lake City in constructing the same.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter LVI, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in
and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1293, relat-
ing to the construction of cellarways, areaways or vaults and requir-
ing a permit, bond, waiver and agreement to indemnify Salt Lake City
in constructing the same, which shall read as follows:
SECTION 1293. It shall be unlawful for any person.
to excavate under any sidewalk at any street intersection be-
Cri tween the property line and the curb line, and no permit shall
be issued for any such excavation.
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or con-
struct any stairway or passage leading from any street, avenue,
or alley, into the basement or cellar of any building within
the limits of Salt Lake City, and thereby occupy any portion of
the street, alley or sidewalk, or to excavate or construct any
area or vault under any sidewalk or any portion of the public
streets, avenues or alleys of Salt Lake City, unless the party
so constructing the same shall have procured a permit so to do
from the board of commissioners, and shall have given a corpor-
ate surety bond. in an amount fixed by the board of commissioners
in a sum not less than five thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars nor-.
more than ten thousand ($10,$ .00) Dollars, which bond shall be
approved by the board of commissioners. Such bond shall run
to Salt Lake City, and to any person injured, and shall be co -
ditioned for the payment of all damages that may be adjudged
against him or them, or against said city on account of any
injury which may happen to any person or property by reason of
such stairway, passageorea or vault, or by reason of the un-
safe or dangerous condition of the same, or of any covering,
grating or railing being over or about the same. Nor
hr..L. any stairway or passage leading into such Brea or vault
be more than four and one-half feet wide, measured from the
property line.
No permit shall be issued for any of the purposes
mentioned in this section unless the applicant for such permi
shall be the owner of the abutting property, or the lessee
thereof; and if such owner shall in consideration of granting
such permit, in writing waive in the name of such applicant,
his heirs, executors, administrators, assigns or successors,
all claims for damages of every name or nature that may occur
or accrue to the building abutting on such excavation, or to
the contents of said building by reason of water from the sew r,
curb or water pipe along the street, and in said writing shall.
agree to indemnify Salt Lake City against all damages and claims
for damages done to the property of any tenant of said build-
ing, or other person or property, by reason of water from the
sewer, curb or water pipe along the street, resulting in whol-
or in part by reason of such excavation, which waiver shall b-
duly acknowledged according to law. If such applicant be the
lessee of the abutting property, in consideration of granting
duch permit, he shall execute a corporate surety bond in an
amount fixed by the board of commissioners of not less than
five thousand (85,000.00) Dollars, nor more than ten thousand
(010,000.00) Dollars, which shall be approved by the board of
commissioners. Such bond shall run to Salt Lake City and to
any person injured, and shall be conditioned for the payment
of all damages that may be adjudged against the principal in
_ r
said bond, or against said city on account of all claims for
damages of every name and nature that may occur or accrue to
the building abutting on such excavation, or to the contents of
said. building by reason of water from the sewer, curb or water
pipe along the street, and against all damages and claims for
damages done to the property of any tenant of said building,
or other person or property by reason of water from the sewer,
curb or water pipe along the street resulting in whole or in
part by reason of such excavation.
If at any time after the approval of any of the bond.
mentioned in this section, the ownership of or leasehold in the
lroperty therein mentioned shall be changed, the principal and
sureties in said bond may have the same canceled and discharge4
upon obtaining the approval of the board of commissioners of a
bond by the new owner or lessee of the premises, which bond sh.11
be for the same amount and shall contain all of the conditions
liabilities and provisions contained in the bond sought to have
canceled and discharged; provided, that before any such new
bond is accepted by the board of commissioners, the owner of t. e
abutting premises shall, in writing, and in consideration of
the accepting of said new bond, execute the waiver and p.greeme, t
to indemnify Salt Lake City as hereinbefore provided; and. that
before any such new bond shall be accepted by the board of com
missioners, the new lessee of the abutting premises shall exe-
cute a new bond in consideration of the accepting of said new
bond containing the conditions, obligations and agreements to
be contained in the bond herein provided to be executed by a
lessee upon the granting of the permit herein mentioned.
Provided further, that by reason of this grant the
property owner or lessee does not acquire any title to land so
execavated beyond the original property line.
The bond mentioned in this section, and any bond giv-n
in a renewal or place thereof, as herein provided, shall emir-
at the end of five years from date; provided, the principal any
sureties therein shall at the end of any five-year period afte
the approval of the bond herein mentioned obtain the approval
of the board of commissioners of a new bond for the same amoun ,
containing the same conditions, liabilities and provisions as
said first bond; otherwise the bond provided for in this sec-
tion, or any bond subsequently given, shall continue in full
force and effect.
in lieu of the bond herein provided for, the appli-
cant may give a corporate surety bond in the penal sum of
$20,000.00, conditioned as above prow 4ed, and to cq' all
excavations maintained by hire or to b °madby him, 'sa`id bond
to be renewed from time to t, de, and tcopt yan for.tie c?ixitinuous-
SECTION 2. In the opinion.of thetBoar of C m:ni Mioners,
it is necessary to the peace, he2lth and et 'of the in4abitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance becoie effective immediately.
SECTION 3. ihis ordina e sh . l take effect upon its first
publication. {`
Passedpby the Board of Commissioners of Salt bake City,
Utah, this 174day of . 1934.
City Recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
a' AN--01W E AIA1dN
SALT LAI{E CITY,UTAH,1934,by add-
ing In and to said Chapter a new Sec-
tion to be known as Seen.1292,relat-
ing to the construction of cellarwayas'
b nd�r vaults
sandd agreement to In-.
damnify,snit Lake and
m constructing
Being first duly sworn,deposes and s he is the a erns-
ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,1/hat
wspaper published in
vfaed Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,
1924,be and the same is hereby amend-
ed adding in and to said Chapter a Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, the State of Utah.
n relating
on to;be known a Section 1293, ��
rotating to the r vaults
on of ceRar- p
ways,areaways onr veesa dagreem nt That the tulvertisem.en- C� •
a indemnify
!bond,o waiver and
ing _ _
to indemnity Salt Lake City re co asfol. -
g the same,whfoh shall read as So]- 3�
SECTION t 129$. It shall be lawful.for Gl
flay person to excavateIte under anY
.sldewal It a panyroperty
y line
Intersection curb
linen the o perit line and the curb /,w�//// ���
lips,and ex permit shall be Issued for
any such excavation.
I[shall n unlawful forstany person t°
erect ea construct any reef, pas-
sage _ /f 24.-Gg,->z -�t-S/
leading from any or avenue, ra(�t' /
blind,Into the basementmcellar of
lidding within the occupy
of Salt Lake
Citthe s ee thereby o o upY Y r to es of
vat and sec r y areaik,o to der was published in said news a er, in its issue dated, the
any to sldewa[construct
tanyy portion
Or vault under
Ilc streets,avenues or alleys [the Labe �
ilea Of Salt Lake
City, less the party constructing Z t7 dayof ei A.D.l9
the same hall have procur a:permit J
eo.xo do from file board of commission- - ,
rs, and shall shave given
fmissioners In a fixed by
r h° and was published �`J`--/f �
than flee thousand not lees
nor re than ten thousand 0(b10000.00
Dollars,_ which bond shall be approved
by the board of mn issioners. Saab the last publication thereof being in the issue:duted the
bond shall run to Salt Lake City,and to
bon de for the Injured,end shall be condl-
.that m djudged of I1 dhint ee A.D.I9.....---
may be adjudged against him or;that
against said city on account of 6y O
'any Injury which may happen to any
person or,property by reason o
stairway, passage,area or vault, or
'reason of the infests m'dungeo it condi-
tion r
tion of the same, r 'covering, vertising Cler .
-grating railing being f o rabou
theNor hail any vstairewa
Passage same.leading into such¢ vault
be snore than four and one-halt teat
No permit shall from
le u dro orrlanylno•
the yurpeses, mentioned In this section
shall a the owns t fry Curb permit shall be the helm' o[ the abutting
Bucher ty, or the leases thereof; and It day of
owner permit,
m nonaWiting of before me this-.-_.._.-..
3ti thong such o permitf such&pl writing
executors, administratorslcanselgne he)o• /�
successors all claims for damages of --- A. D. 19
n mature that may occur
every sine or
or b one ao theto buildingh r`l f
such excavation, re to the water
said bewllding by reason of pipe
from (i////
the sewer,curb or water pipe tong the .� �t/t- - -
street, and In said writing shall agree
to Indemnify Salt Lake City against alldama - -
gas. pa claims 40r denangos done Nota t blic.
to the property of any,tenant et Bald
boVooinnge, then Deraon r propertty, or
t water Rr our the se curb •
inateholeigo along r In parthby reaset,on
rot lting
excavation,'which waiver shall b'e dulY
acknowledged according to law.If such
applicant be the lessee of the abutting
property.-in consideration of granting
such permit, he shall execute a
porate surely bond In an unt fixed
by the board of commissioners of not
less than five thousand(y6,000.00)Dol-
lars, tror than ten thousand
($10,000.004 Dollars, which shall bo a
it by the board of commissioners.
;Such bond shall run to Salt Lake City
land to any person injured, and shall.
be conditioned for the payment of all
damages that may he adjudged against
the principal In said bond, or against
;said city on account of all claims for
damages of every name and nature that
may occur or FACCCUO
to the•building
.abutting o gulch excavation,
vation, or to.the
contents of said building by reason of
water from the sewer, curb or water
pipe along the street, and'against all
damages and claims for damages done
o the property of any tenant of said
building,or other person or p oynerty DY
reason of water from the'sewerurb
or water pipe along the street resulting
In whole or In part by season.es-.atof•gush
If at any time after the approval of
any of the hoods mentioned in this
section, the ownership of or leasehold
in the property therein mentioned shall
be changed, the principal and sureties
in said bond•may have the same can.
celed and discharged upon obtaining
the approval of the board of
missioners of a bond by the new
or lessee of the premises, which owner
shall be for the same
amount and
shall contain all of abae conditions, lia-
bilities-and provisions contained In the
bond sought to have canceled and dig.
charged;provided,that before any soe1Y
w bond i cepted by the hoard of
mieelonersg the owner of the abut.
tine premisee shall, in writing, and in
consideration of the accepting of said
new bond, execute the waiver and
agreement to indemnify Salt Lake City
e hereinbefore,provided: and that be.
fore any such new bond shall be ac-
rented by the board of commissioners;
the new lessee of the abutting premises
shall execute a w bond le c nsidera.
x Lion of the accepting of said new bond..
obtaining the conditions. obligations
and agreements to he contained in Ober
bond herein provided to be o cuted by
a lessee upon the grunting of the per.
mit herein mentioned.
Provided further, that by reason of
this grant the property o or lessee
does not acquire any title to land en
excavated beyond the original prapertY
The bond mentioned in this section,
and any bond given In a renewal o
place thereof,as herein provided, shall
expire at the end of five y fro
(date; provided,the principal years
ties therein shall at the and of any
five-year period after the approval of
;the 'bond herein mentioned obtain the
prgval of the board of commissioners
at a new bond for the same amount.
nntatning the same
onditions 110111.
ties and'provisions a .said.first
otherwise the bond provided for in this
ectlon y bond subsequently given.
shall continue In full force and'effect.
In lieu of the bond herein provided
for,the applicant may give a c rats
surety bond in the penal s of f20.-
t. conditioned a above n milled:and
coverto all excavations maintained by
himorto be made by him, said bond
in he renewed from time to time, and
terra ro ntlnunsly,
SP,TTCV 2. Tn the minion of the
Ro+rd of Commissioners. It to necessary
o the o . health and rafetv of the
Inhaintnniaof Salt Take City[hot tine
ordwisnoe heroine effective r ehnitately.
�ettoot TT(1bT 3. ti-ar dinanca aball take
_nt Passed
a n 1th fret nubf c hot00
P of salt
l y the Anardtiy. of Commies inn.
of a e Lake CAy. Ptah. this 24th
day of December. A. n., 4.
7.CIUI9 MAd RMer
ETHEL Tf City her recorder.
mu, 93.
Publili shedell December 18th. 1971.
Proof of Publication