35 of 1937 - Vacating an alley way 125 feet South of Stratford Avenue, running East between 15th East and Fillmor ROLL L CALL Salt Lake City.Utah, NOV 23 1937 193 VOTING Goggin - I move that:the/Ordinance be passed. 7 Keyser - I Matheson - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN 0i? INANCE VACATING alley way located one hundred and c;eitwenty-five feet south of Ltra.tford. Avenue running east between �.s 15th East Street and 1`illmore Street, in Highland Park, plat IA,, 46:76s Section 21, T. 1 S., P. 1 E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Be it ordained by the Board of ComMissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That alley way located one hundred and twenty- five feet south of Stratford Avenue running east between 15th East 419 Street and Fillmore Street, in Highland Park, Plat 'At, Section 21, T. 1 S., I . 1 E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the E.7• Cor, of Lot 1757 Highland Park, Plat A, Section 21, T. 1 S ., R. 1 E., Salt Lake Case and Meridian, running thence east 121 feet, thence south 17 ft., thence N. 45° W. 7.07 feet, thence west 11E feet, thence north 12 feet to place of beginning: be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer public pro- perty as an alley way. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs publication, / n, Passed Lw, the Board of Commissioners `alt Lake City,Utah, this .;_a a,day of -K-a, Su,/,1937. ` d Mayor. tCi ty Recorder. - ? , . ,.. . . . . • . . . . - . . . . . . . . , ftessated to the B.ard ci Ceriolicrent . AND PASSED NOV 2?)1937 . lbet4114401/4/1:4eL . . . . CITY Ez.-.‘•.,:iR,.ER . First Publication Vis-co--0 . NOV Zfl937 aitt-phaktepina .-. . . • CITY RECORDER . .. . .. . .. . . Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake J? Leo .Tone'; Legal Notice Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- AN ORDINA.N'CE, AN ORDINANCE VACATING alley way located n"° hundred and twenty-five ing east, ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper of general' smith of 9t Easld Avenue g re I Street, IHi Easl Park. and NShl",,, 21,'c T.1n .,R. rid Park.Plat A.Section 31,T. 1 S.,R. 1 E.,Salt Lake Bane ana, Mit circulation,published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, in BeBa;t ordained by Lake Roma Utah,con, , of. T et Rn City, Utah: one hundred 1. Thin alley way located hnnford and Avenue running Peas south the State of Utah. of e], nu; East run,lan east he treet n t plan Street.ary, and Fil'A'. Sec Orn Street. in Highland Park,S lake Base O-"G1?7Q1',1�(, 'Jill L,O♦ 35 and Me T.di 1 R. 1 re That the advertisement and d Meridian, Ma more particularly aea ec Bed as follow Ighl Beginning Park,th , a' 1 Lot 1'S1I 1. ('.T.C. 1-L1_�i,loi R,man. alt Plat A Section 21•T.1 S, VLiCG.l.11"I ..�lt;;y e vl,ct l,,l,; - - 1. running 1 Salt east: Bale and _eeelaialh thenceeast:1de ref fl ,th 1Rit lh N 4i.g W 7 r'1 I.ol,- _.i, Lhenm, ar11LI el, n,en°e ,rih Ia fea.�i i] -hl-.7t1 1'��.f_� (�a1t L�:)ce CL-.,,� CoPo- ;.:L i or to place eof beginning: Be and he o hereby eared a l declared+ longer public DroDerly as an al SE SECTION the3 III opinion of the Boas at Commissioners it,1. fa + reasary to the heaSai +A efcly Hof the ,,to -or Tat Take Ce, nlnl iale ordi ,Pe 1 1 talro coact hn e shallr. was published in. said newspaper, in its issue dated, the ]Oe a�lieia oca keel I .hall take efP as mien ha 'Board of Con. mmissioners Passed,by the'Boned of Comn,fsdionace A.D.19 r Salt lmkr rbw, Blab, Ihr.23a day of 2/Jal= day of i;ovc�nb.--- � November, 1931. E.R.E&WIN mayor. 1 time Ethel Ma and was published City rdonal (SEAL, j31LL NO. 35. !PublishedNovember mbar _. '.— the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D.19 1c22::,,,,4:70 2 I ,G.--c- A ising Clerk.If . Subscribed and sworn to before me this Zat'y+ . day of l•o:v.caoI:_r A.D.19.5'Z.... "rotary Public. oa , 3S_ L. Proof of Publication OF Attorney.