35 of 1940 - Granting a franchise to the Government of the United States to construct and operate a subterranean ROLL CALL / • Salt Lake City,Utah, SEP 10 MI , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Goggin V I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE to the Government of the United States. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Government of the United States for the use of the United States Army to install a subterranean armored communication cable along North Temple Street and Redwood Road in Salt Lake City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Government of the United States, herein- after called the Grantee,have the authority and consent of Salt Lake City, a municipal corporation of the State of Utah, and permission is hereby granted it to construct, operate, erect and maintain along, through, under and in the streets of Salt Lake City a subterranean armored communication cable along North Temple Street and Redwood Road, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point approximately 2600 feet north pf North Temple Street on the west side of Redwood Road, thence south along Redwood Road to the north side of North Temple Street, thence west on the north side of North Temple Street to the east side of 23rd West Street, thence north on the east side of 23rd West Street approxi- mately 400 feet, thence across 23rd West Street to the Army Hangar. for a period of twenty-five (25) years. SECTION II. All wires and cables are to be laid thirty-six (86) inches deep in and along the sides of the streets. SECTION III. All work done by the Grantee herein in the public streets, alleys or other public places in Salt Lake City shall be done under the supervision of and subject to inspection by the City Engineer of Salt Lake City and shall be completed in accord- ance with the terms of this franchise and in compliance with existing ,�a -2- ordinances. SECTION IV. The Grantee herein shall in doing underground work in the placing of the conduits or cables disturb the sidewalks and streets as little as possible and replace all streets and pave- ments disturbed by it and leave said streets and pavements in ,equally as good condition as they were before being disturbed. SECTION V. The Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, hereby assume all liability.for and agrees to indemnify the City against any and all laws, obits or damages,wh.tsoeyer adjudged or claimed against said;City by,reason of the lojation and maintenance of the underground cable' or conduits over2th0'>.a19ve. escribed route and from any and all 3osS, costs or damagP ',a2(ising in• any manner from the use thereof SECTION VI. This franchise and all rivi. eges herein granted. shall be non-transferable by the Grantee herein without the consent of Salt Lake City. SECTION VII. In the opinion of the Board of Commission- ers, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION VIII. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this , 10th day of September ,� 1940. Mayor.-.l City ecorder. - ( e a l ) • ' ' .! '! • L•s:i29 i -• : •V,", ; .••:t•ty.1-„•-.7"1 ' OA "-r `. ;P-I3!.i , "CO TI, ofrw4v:: ,•.;.!;:. 3 , • %Iv ••• cr• . ,f1 --1•): • ,• rto !)-1 .T i, - ,391- .f•T , • • • • ‘1,11 ,;i).1 .!I ,-, L.. a ' Lr; -- . _ .•) ,z1j Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,I County of Salt Lake gar, Legal Notice asorm CE Leo.T.'I.-.Young lf', dRDi ACE GRANTING A �1NoadaE the-'Government of,the Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper at:e.elonanean Armored.. communication`,kt aok,to Sealt hake°City. and Rea- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Z. THEREFORE;BE IT,ORDAIN. Utah. y yg the Beard i'Oo mleetonere of of Utah. Sat Lake City Utah:TION I That the Government•,of the lifted Stet, herel ft a called the i.Grantee, have the authority aad c°neent r-of the State of a h, an pal permission-onion f of;tha front Y Utah, and it.t. ama-ie That the advertisement Qrci,iasnite.Bi11..Ido..35..,..-Intention a -n@rebqeranted St.t Leon throt,.operate, .areo4 aad m streets alI Sga thra Lake under bto the Btrenta of Self Lake City,a 1a brranean red' ommunieation .of U. State.e.te_inatall..aulaterraneam-armed--ooamamioation lone North Temple Street and Red. o &aadmore'particularly de°cribed ,m°en'nq t.a Dint,'appromithately oable..l`1 th.T le.o .Redwood-Road S feet north of f,Yoeth Temple Street Off- 6 4ti Om west west eRedwood dwood Road,thence -'ttth'alonrt Redwood Road to the north ,'Aide'of North Temple'Street,rtthhence west It the root`bldda tit lied TWool gtre tt F rice north the east aide-of I3Yd Wbleat Str t appr mimateiy e°R feet,thence roes 23rrd weer Stet < the Amy was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the mod of t 8dt�.nA ci. 1 °?r '", psi Uth. day of September A.D. 194Q.... aildmy�long the aides of the streets. SECTION III All';w k done by the Grain. herein In the Public Meets, l- I m ovtbbr ypobbo pia in Salt'Lake 1 time °Clay° hmu be do nude on phy''Ito and was published !. It Reer of S to aid,City nd the City n1'p tpd of cetl d.,*iwith and term. ° tbte treat:and n mph with the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 1�CTION C eThe'Grah't 'herein shall hit mf,.ndde routed work i the placing i day O f A.D. 19 're yl� SaMMiiiiffiilm or ndd1°e das b tblt tde- C`= wallfa.and treeta 4 hale ptl tbie-and bplh a all Anent pes,pavementspavements't r> in At and leave Id.streets,and tre M0.Acutely B c , a they a nesg being disturbed.The dvertising C ancSRstore Y.assign Grantee.herein, Its elity f and it assigns,.h indemnify n de nify the liability for and agrees to laws, coat City apemen any and all Ira coats aainsde d Cityvb nreasona lt theeloca loca- tion,and ma i t nun ,of the°kndergraund I t i qr o11dy14 over the Obeve deeorib-i, ed. aute-a d feom any andall'loss,costs d mage arising in any.manner from' the nee-thereof, 16th SECTION VI This:} eni end.an 1 to before me this day of tr000Mirilegea herein grantee shall.be wnon tr ferab] by the.:;Gre tee'herein with- Oa;the cadent of Sett R C1tY aemot. vit. in The°°inion afore A.D. 19.4a... ooars of_commie bred, it de neceegnry to the pea health and Citltr 0.1 the any thtttrts of Salt liable My, Utah, that thlb ordinancebeoNe effective Mama d�gjelY. - OTie.Mien sTittleed Dra1tj$�nnoe.°Nall sed-by �tb.:fid f p min..fo -. -Passed-by theHosid 4 pp6mpra�7 b(dnere 9eha�t Lake City Utah,thlb iota-day`of Nora ublic. IY�t imam pAppD.�B(O.AH SHN1cINe, t ,,—city lte°e deny. MayoF. tftCtS 001Pr =:l'lt,tI OQt 'fie 4i: Oft 0.1 ' 71 %V Ed01 - oie K--.)