35 of 1942 - Granting a franchise to the Government of the United States to maintain subterranean discharge pipe ROLL CALL •
VOTING e - Salt Lake City,Utah, MIN 30 I942 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser - - - -
McC onkie
M=.Chairman - AN RDINANCE
Result - - - - -
WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Government of the
United States to install a subterranean sewage discharge pipeline
northerly along Redwood Road from North Temple Street to 9th North
Street, thence east along 9th North Street to the outfall sewer
line of Salt Lake City.
NOW, TIREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Government of the United States, here-
inafter called the Grantee, have the authority and consent of Salt
Lake City, a municipal corporation of the State of Utah, and permis-
sion is hereby granted it to construct, operate, erect and maintain
along, through, under and in the streets of Salt Lake City a sub-
terranean discharge pipeline northerly along Redwood Road from North
Temple Street to 9th North Street, thence east along 9th North Street
to the outfall sever line of Salt Lake City, the center line for
said sewage discharge piipeline being more particularly described as
Beginning at Intake Box, the center of which is 120.0
ft. south and 20.5 ft. east from the northwest corner of
Block 114, Plat nu, Salt Lake City Survey, running thence
N. 45° W., 251.7 ft. to a point 163.0 ft. west and 62.1 ft.
north of said northwest corner of Block 114, running thence
west 3734.4 ft. to a point in the center line of Redwood Road,
49.5 ft. south and 33.0 ft. east from the northeast corner of
Lot 1, Block 11, Jordan Plat NA?, running thence south along
center line of Redwood Road 7082.9 ft., thence S. 20° klt N.
74.9 ft. to a point in the south side of North Temple Street
7.2 ft. east and 105.4 ft. south from the southeast corner of
Block 1, Chas. S. Deskyts Fourth Addition.
Beginning at center of manhole, 163.0 ft. Lest and 62.1
ft. north of above mentioned northwest corner of Block 114,
Plat nu, running thence N. 45° E. 130 ft. more or less to
connection with existing 60—inch sewage discharge pipe line.
I �
for a period of twenty-five (25) years.
SECTION II. All of the sewage discharge pipeline is to
be laid below frost line excepting where it crosses Jordan River.
SECTION III. All work done by the Grantee herein in the
,public streets, alleys, or other public places, shall be done under
'the supervision of and subject to inspection by the City Engineer
of Salt Lake City and shall be completed in aqcordwe with the terms
of this franchise an. in comp4 ce with � "�irgg^,�inances.
SECTIONIV The Gr e herei shad Yining undergroiin
7 * Ivvork in the placing o v c posal 1 tia.sburb4Ie sidewalks
and streets as little tQr#p sib and re 0;e] algets and pave
W { k q,,
ments disturbed by itR a. kpa , aid streWits nd pat ents in equal
/ r M la «n, C
, ly as good condition nay we ,'before Bing dicta*lied.
SECTION V. his fra" 1tise and all privileges herein
granted shall be non-transferable by the Grantee herein without the
7';' consent of Salt Lake City.
S','CTION VI. In the opinion of the. Board of Commnissi.oners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Galt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective im:_e-r
SECTION VII. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. "-_,
, (;Ze./c2. -_____
Passed by the oard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this ljy 4day of , A.D. 1942.
lqq e
� City ecorder.
y7 fI?
G 8 : it
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
j ` legal Notice Leo II, Young
tpHIgF7 10 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
yVHH6EA9 it theintention of the
Goyetarma t rite-the.United.St tea to vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
eall a anbterraneam sewage discharge
fo''" t"ee'teRtofil t-rmrorhTmpleS et th North published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
:Stereo„thence east along alto North Street
00 tilt outtell sewer line of Halt Lak6 Utay
.City,' of t[.
ED Dv the Board of COmm4elonera of
Sa1t Idke.Ctg, t the
St e.That in Government SOCllet of the That the advertisement Ordinanoe.Bi11-No. 35 Gratel1,dee haves, a authority celled the e..--....
I Salt eke'City a municipal carperat on
.01 the State of Utah, and permisal0e is
,hereby granted it to construct, DDerate, reg.arding-s-Qwage--pip-eline..Redw-pod--R9ad
;errant t1d maintain.along, through, under
$it`d IR lthe treeta'of Salt: Lake Cty,•a
On aMan'dleeberire n1011ne uortherly
dlo itedWoaE,.Road BUM. Temple Salt Lake City
rots t•id DOI North Street, thence east
,fir�� Inn Ngrih St,she to Ythe'l 'tint
0e'�t.sad Mw°5Ke,L°dh0,City, the carte.
�4i,m dka 0OI ed.as be.
Wwaprmprb',DarttcNlatlf tlleorDSed as 'Sel-
gBetlnninK 24-ldialte Bole,'tbe enter et
1c71 ie.?goo ft. oath and 20,6 ft.east waspublished in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
-),so nq th eat cotnor Of$look lie
V ?' Salt 014*VI l e Nay,rnnmnl
.0 ft. west
24 ie. te.north ofp/odd
prthwat rd f 81 k lib nnlna .--..1st day of July A.D. 1942....
to wet 11ae f ft tos point in thecenter
9:.0,$edWq d Road-foe It, t and
a ° 1t,teat from '°°,n lh°a" corner and was published nee
3.0. '1,block tt,Jordan Feat 'A",r
Sde•nlpir then oath along e ter line of
Redwood Road 10e2.1;tt thence S.70 One.
11 min;W 1e9 it,.to' p i t N the eolith
use-nf,North,Tempe Steer 4 a ft.seat the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
9e,f Si, }.14 f.Oe* tp .ao inert
Bloq:.4. ..,be. S-�IMekrii
Welt ea r a ryBlookg 11 lot day of July A.D.19 42
inn`:eyg It o9 ter bf m4nN le, ne3 0
�i.,!(.qyx� above men
t' DQr`RWe1t erne f B7 ek ia:
Adv r sing Clerk.
a bhaarr
9e4r;t°T`.e Defiob o,f a4wenty.ilre {gel
'DRGTIO0e II,'All t the age die.
ergo Irtitine ern ref laid below boat
Ii xeeDlfntwhere it crosses Borden
adlles a III. All•worktoUbl done fir the.
eXelict herein In the pas. s. l bee, n
under,the eu public peaces,shall be done t
der,the eunaryiyep•of aDd groaner to
110 the Geto F.pgln gr of call„ Sod day of
Laps Gtt.. a na,i N,onmpir.l<„ m ae- n to before me this
with�anr..with of tei3O . ordt-
sand-In pompllaveo.with existing. oedi�
;•Undo,SLED - A.D. 19.42..
SECTION IV,The.Granteee herein than
In doing un dergroond work in the placing
of e qi l lino,disturb thetilde-
alks andgreats little ai possible
Dd D1are all tr t.apd Shoot at.-
tppWed by It d 1 ada. id street* and l /
Da BMetltH-1 as I(.as good c alln n an YYII{1\S,\t(+— ----
thek a before being disrobed. - --. -
SECTTON P. Thle franchise. d all
prinlar<yy herein a,• tea ehan and Notary Public.
g eferable.bv.the Grant. hereiv with-
iit'-Iha cement at Selt.Lake City.
DICTION VI, In the Diatom of the
In th of Oe,heneionern fi is ogee
'to he plaice, health and Safety of9°the
,tab blrente.of Stilt Lake dve'Utah.that
•6bie"ondinanee become-effective immediate.
•17"CV" VII, Thia a l
hek ;trat-npon "� pamication.•
n'f�8alt�ak0 P.I4v,Vtan,othie gosh deg f1
idut�,A:'D, 1 997. AS BEN Meyai.
LpI - a !t
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