35 of 1945 - Amending Sections 6701 and 6702-relating to zoning (City Planning and Zoning) KVLL I.HLL VOTING Aye Nay ' Salt-Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck G/ I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . L Romney Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . O DVJANCE Result i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 6701 and 6702 of Charter LXV or the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, elat- ing to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 6701 and 6702 of Chapter LXV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to moning, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 6701. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COIVIIVIISSION. ArruINT- MENT. There is hereby created in and for Salt Lake City, Utah, a planning and zoning commission to be composed of eleven mem- bers, one of whom shall be the Mayor of Salt Lake City, who shall be chairman of said commission; one of whom snail be the Commissioner of Parks and Public Property of Salt Lake City; and one of whom shall be the City Engineer of Salt Lake City; all of whom shall be ex-officio members. The other eignt members shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners from among the qualified electors of said city as follows: three who shall serve until July 1, 1947; three who shall serve until July 1, 1949; and two who shall serve until July 1, 1951. In the month of June, 1947, and every second year thereafter like numbers shall be appointed for a term of six years to take the place of members whose terms shall next expire. Members may be removed at any time with or without cause by the board of Commissioners and any vacancy occurring on said commission other than that of the ex- officio members by reason of death, resignation or removal, shall be promptly filled by the Board of Commissioners for the unexpired term of such member. The members or the planning and zoning con- -2- mission shall serve without compensation except for reasunaul: expenses. The planning and zoning commission may appoint suc employees and stair as it may deem necessary for its work and may contract with city planners and other consultants for suc services as it requires, provided however that any expenditur= of the commission, exclusive of gilts, shall be first approve. by the Board of City commissioners of Salt Lake City and bein: within the amount budgeted for such purposes by saia ]luau. of Commissioners for that year. Six members of the planning and zoning commission shall constitute a quorum. The planning an. zoning commission shall have the duty to perform all of the duties and functions required by Salt Lake City ordinances an: law of the planning commission as well as the zoning cormnissf.' . SEC. 6702. DUTIES, HEARINGS, POMMRS AND REPORTS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. It shall be the function and duty of th= planning commission after holding public hearings to make and adopt and certify to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City a master plan for the physical development of halt Lake City including any areas outside of its boundaries, which in the cormnission+s judgment bear relation to the planning of Salt Lake City. ohere the plan involves territory outside the boundaries of Salt Lake City action shall be taken with the concurrence of the county or other municipal legislative body concerned. The master plan with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive and explanatory matter shall show the planning comnissionts recommendations for the said physical development and may include among other things the general lo- cation and extent of streets. The planning commission may from time to time amend, extend or add to the plan or carry any part or subject matter into greater detail. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants or salt Bake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. r.r ill -3- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall a e ect upon its first publication. , Passed by the Board of ConAi sioners o " Salt Lake 'ity, Utah, this/7a-day of'?a,/,777,-V.A.. '. .1945. . , uity Eecorde ,-7- ,t'1,,,,' .;: &;•5' „ ri _„.-4, - z , .1 zz ..,,,,„ 7,4c, .. s ..,; I 0 we 1,4 1 '.; cr, cc' 42•,!7'--,Wt . A , , ---r ..4' ''. '4 CI 4 ' • ; f.1 k jvs • ' ..., k.,... t...,,,....- . 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I.;', . ... , • -r'=.:-.VIY '7' `';x":-'''''• \ . ;;;.- '-;-• - •-•• ..4- ;;‘,. — • `,. -- s-• ,.._. . .. . -,J '.".r.-';:',7:i . „.. ;., •. • , ,. _ ' '••`'.-v.." -.•:,. .,•-;:, ;, ,.• \--7,,.‘,.•;,.,;. -7,-., .,,, ( .. ... • ') - :; ' , v.i• - 4 b. . ft •71.16' r....a•• il 3• ir C 14t 5 r . illr' . • r, -, •••.._...ilk: iz. &p '!ea if. ,-,_ \ . _ ---..t , , ir h 1 ..stli 1,1 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,I County,of Salt Lako 7( Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE D 1.4 Ockey • SECTIONS ORDINANCE0 ad 57OSMe_NWD AMENDING TS°of the Revised Ordinenese Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- of Salt Lake City,Utah,1044,relat- ing unlink nlinr- Be it ordained by the Board of vertisin clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Coneiaelonere of Salt Lake City, ' g Utah: anSE TI N 11. yang Sect.. LEV. .t701 he published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1044,relating to zoning, o f Utah. be and the same ere hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC, 8701, CITY PLANNING AND 'ZONING COMMISSION. AP- POINTMENT. There is hereby creat- ed i and for Salt Lake City,Utah, That planning and stifling commission o be composed of eleven member., one nit whom hall be the Mayor Ordinance Bill Noe 35, relating to of Salt Lake City, wan shall lee • vhainnan of said co of whom shall be th`croperti Amending Sections 6701 and 67A? er of Parka d and Property of m Salt L City: of whom hail be the City Engineerwhom of Salt Lake Citymml( ofwhom ha he Salt Lake CityCorporation members a bare.The eden Ohs Be loos shall ee appointed among tng ead a Ch ed a f sm en. the qats ualified electorswof said r. until July 1,three ISM;three.no was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the ger.until July 1, 1040; and two who shall serve until July L INK. 18thA.D. 19 Ea yhe coc of June, 10e7+ andday of July 45 numbersever second shall be thereafter p a appointed far a of m rsix years to take shall l plext e member hose terms o next ]- t'_me anyi=l a with may ho removed a and was published the Board oft Cemmssiioners and� Edonvacancy 8C other than that said the°tee the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the . flare m mbere by r of death. promptly or ,oche oar be 18th July A D 19 45 promptly fine by the Hoard t _7_y of terCommissionersm such for the u°embed (tAA..1144 term of semh ember. Thea members of the planning and of cocompensation commission excel reasonable without mp expeases.p ceps ifor g At' ennin commission The planning dpr Advertising Clerk and zoning commission may wpomt such employee.and staff as it MY — -_ - eary for its nnrk and may contract with oily planner.and other commit..for such owere a thaas t arequires.ndture°ed.f hewcom- shall be first 10n.approvedlve of by tsifts, et Board et - City City Cn being within of salt Lake 19th day Of feted 1 unh purpo:N by Odd o before me this , Board of Commtesioners for that I year. Six members of the planning tulle zoning o ump... The Dplaning sanand A. D. 19 45 zoning c m ission shall hays the dutyd function perform all of the duties j on e* and by Salt Lake Clay ordinances d law of the ; I __ ' planning commission aswell as the f • eontng eommission. Notary Public. U • eb r. t�c� 01 '4----''''''' •i4,' , e''.•- ..., E I _ --- r••• I-7% (r". i et g 6'N e'103. DUTIES, HEARINGS. POWERS.AND REPORTS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. It shall be the function and duty of the planning commission after holding public hearing to make and adopt and certify to the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City a mu- ter plan for the physical develop- ment of Salt Lake City tnrludieg any areas outside of its boundaries, which in the commission's judgment bear relation to the planning of Salt Lake City.Where the plan In- volves territory outside the boun- daries of Salt Lake City action shall be taken with the ooneurreaa of the county or other municipal legislative body concerned. The master plan with the accompany- Ing maps. plats, charts and-de scriptive and explanatory matter shall show the planning commie- eon's recommendations for the said physical development and may In- clude among other things the gen- eral location and extent of streets. The planning ro may from time to time amend.eextend or add to the plan or arly any part en eubieet matter into greater detail." SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commieeicrore, it is nee- emery to the peace,health and safe- ty of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordlnanee become ef- fective immediately. SECTION 3.This ordinance*ball take effect upon it. first public.• tion. Paaseds by the Beard of Commis- e of Salt Lake City.Utah,tads 17th day of July.A.D.1146. EARL J.GLADE, Myer. IRMA F. RITNE& City Recorder. (SEAL) BILL NO.36 Published July 18. HIM