35 of 1946 - Franchise for Granting to Julian M. Bamberger, as receiver for Salt LakeTerminal Company, right to c VOTING Salt Lake Cite,Utah, Jan. 29th 194 6
YaaVAX. Affleck - I move that the ordinance be passed. \
-Matheson '�%
- - - t a
re de Sc o - - _ -._ _--
Mr.Chairman - - __ AN ORDINANCE
N ORDI6A 51E MAr,',T�1G to Julian M. Ba iberper, as
Receiver for Salt Lake Terminal Company, his successors and
assigns, a franchise and right of way for the construction,
reconstruction and maintenance of railway tracks upon and
over certain streets in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the hoard of Commissioners of
Salt Lake- City, Utah:
SECTION 1. A franchise and ri_.ht of sway is hereby
granted to Julian M. Ba.mberger, as S2eceiver for Salt Lake
Terminal Company, a corporation of the State of Utah, and his
successors and assigns, to construct, reconstruct, maintain
and operate a single or double track standard gauge railroad
to be operated by electric, gas, diesel or other power except
steam, for the transportation of passengers, freight, express
and mail matter, together with all necessary switches, wyes,
turn-outs, side tracks and crossover tracks, and to erect and
maintain all poles carryin., telephone, telegraph, trolley,
power or transmission wires necessary to the operation of said
railroad, all in accordance with standards and specifications
of the Salt Lake City Engineer, over, upon and along the streets
in Salt Lake City, Utah, more Particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning on the center line of a double track railroad,
on the west line of First ;lest Street at approximately
26 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block
85, Slat A, Salt Lake City Survey; thence southeasterly
on a curve to the right, with a radius of 222.3 feet, to
a tangent on she center line of said street 212.6 feet
north of the intersection monument at South Temple and
First West St•eets; the center line of the east track
of said railroad being 8.3E feet east of said monument
i j
line :rnd the center line of the 'pest track being 4.35
feet ;'rust of Caid sronumeat lips; thence south alon5
First .,est Street to the north side of Sixth South 4-
Street; to,tetiaor with the right to cross all streets
between Forth. Temple s o.d Sixth South Streets and the
rimht to Thy, construct, reconstruct, and operate spur
tracks, with. -oil the necess r-. switches in connection
thorewit]-_, that now run, fro:s the main tracks on said
First Test Street into Blocks 41, 49, 50, 59, 60, 67
68, 77, 78, 85 audd 33, Plat .A, Salt Lake City Survey,
and each of which spur t-_ cks are _:arc Particularly
described as follows:
Comr.oncinh 4.35 feet we et rant 23489 feet
north o ' t'eo city ecocuplant at the intersection of
irst ' set haa_ Fifth South Stroetc; thence rortheaster-
ly on. a curve to the rimh , hevine a radius of 200 l'•
feet, for 10 rtcu roes; thence ta.n�ent for 37.6 feet;
thence on a curve to the r.imht, ha.vinm a radius of 200
foot, to the east property. line of -first .lest Street,
at 95.2 feet, more or less, south. of the northwest
cooner of Lot 4, Ll ock 41, Plat ?, 'alt Lake City
Also, com:.encinc 4.35 feet west and 535.0
feet south of the city monument at the intersection of
01rot '.Toil; and. Third South Streets; thence northwesterly
on a curve to tie left, hevin;m a radius of SOS feet, for
43.4 feet; thence on a curve to the left, having & radius
of 150 feet, for 103.4 feet to the nest property line of
First '.Jest Street, at 355.5 feet south of the northeast
corner of 71.oe.0 49, ?let A, 'Salt Lof:e City Survey.
Also, comnencinm 4.35 feet west and 506.09
feet south of the city monument at the intersection of •
First ;gent and Third South Streets; thence northwesterly
on. a curve to the left, havin- a radius of 200 feet, for
158.35 feet to the west property line of first Test Street,
at 295.55 feet south of the northeast corner of Block 49,
Flat A, salt Lake City Survey.
Also, commencinc• 8.35 feet w a st ant 250.3
foot south of the city monument at the intersection of
First dest and Third. South `-streets; thence southeasterly
on a curve to the left, having; a radius of 150 feet, for
36.5 font; thence south 14: dem.rees 1.5 minutes east 24.9
feet; thence on a curve to the left, hev.in- a radius of
150 feet, for 92 feet to the east property line of first
Wiest Street, at 11.8 feet north of the southwest corner
of Lot 5, Block 50, Flat A, Salt Lake City Survey.
Also, coronencin; 8.35 feet east and. 59.81
feet north of the city monument at the intersection of
First roost and Third South Streets; thence northerly
on a curve to the rir'ht,, with a radius of 290 feet,
for :4.90 feet; thence north 10 decrees east for 14.41
feet; thence on a. curve to the ric ht, having' a radius
of 150 feet, for 26.2 feet; thence on a curve to the
right, having a radius of 132 feet, for 79.94 feet to
the east property line of First `lest Street, at 34.56.
feet south of the: northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 59, ,:
Plat A, Salt Lake City Survey. a '.'
rl. '
I "
.Also, commencing 8.35 feet east and 74.55 feet
1 south of the city monument at the intersection of First
i iest and Second. South Streets; thence south-easterly on _
a curve to the left, having e radius of 200 feet, for
48.9 feet; thence on a curve to the left, having a
1 redi.us of 150 feet, for 100.2 feet to the east _Property
1 line of '_first -Vest Street, at 138.2 feet south of the
I northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 59, Plat A, Salt Lake
I City Survey.
I Also, corniencine 4.35 feet ,Nest and 67.e feet
1 south of t'ze city monument at the intersection of First
Ant and Second South Streets; thence southv;oaterly on
1 a cuTve to the ridht, having a. radius of :300 feet, for
1 3 degrees 46 lioutes; thence on a curve to the right, hav-
,__io a radius of 150 feet, to the west crooarty line of
First West ,Street, at llS.e feet south of the northeast
I corner of hot 3, Block 60, Plat :`_, Salt Le:e City Survey.
Also, commencing 4.35 feet west and 045.E feet
north of the city monument at the intersection of First
-.Nest and Second South Streets; thence northwesterly on a
curve to the loft, having a, radius of 200 feet, for 47.07
feet; thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of
150 feet, for 98.50 feet to the wrest :ro_oerty line of
First 'Fest Street, et 17.35 feet south o- the northeast
1 corner of Lot 8, Block 67, Plat .A, Salt Lake City Survey.
Also, commencing 4.35 feet west and 35.] feet
south of the r i tv monument at the intersection of First
! ' r Y, and _,irst South :treets; thence southwesterly on
a curve to the right, with a radius of 2C0 feet, for
34.9 feet; thence south 10 decrees west 14.4 feet;
thence on. a curve to the ri;�_h.t, having a radius of 131.6
feet, for 101.3 feet to the west nrouerty line of rirst
Safest Street, at 148.5 feet south of the northeast corner
of Lot 6, Flock 67, Slat A, Salt La..e City Survey.
I Also, conmenc_ieg 4.55 feet west end 37'3.4
feet south. of the city _monument at the intersection of
First ':rest and South _fen-ole Streets; thence northwesterly
I on a curve to the left, hravia a radius of 200 feet, for
Ij 34.9 feet; thence north 10 degree we et 31.0 feet; thence
on a curve to the left, having a radius of 135.0 feet, for
101. feet to the test mronarty line of First .Test Street,
et 160.0 feet south of the northeast corner of Block 70,
1 Plat A, Salt Lai'c City Survey.
Also, beginning at the canter line of the east
trash of the Salt Lc e Terminal So ny 364.3 feet south
I ,,ail 0.35 feet east of the city monument at the intersection
1 of Firet fe•st end. South Temple .Streets; thence northea.ster-
]y on a curve to the right, Finvine e radius of 200 feet,
1 for 13.1 .feet; thence on a curve to the right, bovine' a
redii:re of 150 feet, for 1f;9.3 feet to the east property
1 liana of First t Street, at 3.9 feet south of the north-
r t corner of Lot 4, Bloat 77, Dlet A, Salt Lake City
I Survey.
1 lee beginning at 333.0 feet coach .-nd 4,.36
1 feet '--reet of the city monument at tho intersection of
fiat 'Jest wad 6 uth - role Streets; thence northeasterly
eke! I on curve ,to the ri ha , having radius of 200 feet, for
13.1 foot; thence on a curve to the right, 'eevin4 a
! radiue oC 110 feet, for 31..0 feet; thence on a curve to
( the right, nevi' : .:a x . _ s of 125 feet, for 107.5 feet
to ti._, c t , :roserty line of re t Street, et ,s.r_
1^0.. feet southbr
of e norm -c+ corner ofLot 5,
.i - -4-
I Bloc;, 77, '_:lot A, Salt Lc.'':e City Survey.
I . lso, be7i nips at 76.0 feet south and
4.36 feet �t of the city monu:ae.nt at the inter—
section of_ First ,est a South "rl Streets; ',
hence southeasterly on a curve to ths left, hc:vi ny
I a radius o ,100 Co,t, for 10.1 feet; thence on a
curve to ti;.c, loft, havi a radius of 150' feet, for
31.0 feet; thenceen cs curve to t'_-' left, . "arm a
radius o_-• 125 feet, for 107.5 feet to the east
onpronocty line of First t Street, ot 1.30.2 feet
douth of the northwest corner of "Lot , _ 1 oat 77,
I 11.et, , Sai,t To Tvey.
!Joe, 'oo7'_'nin4 at 32.1 feet south. and
C.35 feet ebot of the Jigy i6dnument i "ter-
octsou ofref I _1 South Temple trc eta;
i thence sou 1eastery on curve to the left, ,.,avinfo
Iradius of :00 feet, for 13.1 feet; Valence on a
curve the_ 1_:;f t, c ,vi radius of 150 feet, for
I 29.4 .feet; thence on a curve to tbo left, havins a
radius of 125 feet, for 91,4 feet to the east
arooerty Line of First beat Street, at 109. ., feet
south of the northwest eacca,r of Lot 5, sloe-,- 77,
-flat A, Salt lake City Survey.
I 1 o, oo a,ie cc 0- t west �-ro-,erty
line of 'First; "lest Street 330.5 feet north of the
I north property line of South `_'mole :Street; thence
across First lest Street between :locks 85 and 86,
r'J.o b A, Salt Lake City Survey, to the east y rc nerty
I :lino of First Sest Street, at 338.5 feet north. of
the: south. line of said. 121.ock 00, tl't A, Salt Lake
City Survey.
l The above tracks, that 7:',re
nor, constructed, are more
perti.cularly shown on tie att chcd blue :.:cir,.t, :;171.ch is hereby
I -;lade F). a&.7"'�t Of thisprri_'i.
CS'Tr1,i Duria' the terns of this franchise the
n•rcn tc—cc c fall be subject to the fol_lo in conditions, viz:
+; (a) That t _c aforesaid. trac _s shall be laid upon
and conform to the established orrotes of the strects, end. if
icl erodes bre afterwards chansed by ordinance of the Board of
Commissioners of Colt I ' e City, the erantee shall at its own
ex�xense, oh,n['c. tbe elevation of the troc's oc as to conform
j to the soso.
(b) 'Ihcnever streets, where the aforesaid tracks
_cc constructed, shall he naved, then ._aic rantee, its
successors and assisns, shall nave between tne rails and for
1 a trace of two feet outside of each rail with matorials, to
I be approved by the City rireer, end all ties shall be laid
1 upon a concrete base of such thicr_ness as shall be directed. by
j the City i,Insineer.
I (e ) Said 0rantee shall ,rout in and. maintain such
1 cros sinr's over the cfof -sa'id tieca as -hall from time to r,
I time be recfu:i_red. by the Board of Commissioners, and enmines
I and cars shall not be _normitted to stand on any track in
First lest Street longer than five minutes.
(d) The aforesaid tracks shall be Iola, end. the
road opera-ted, so as to cause no unnecessary impedient to the
common end ordinary use of the streets Peon which they are
(e) Good sn•t sufficient conduits to convey "later
hall be leid and maintained in .wood condition, at the expense
of said '*rantee, in all water ditches crossed by the aforesaid
trees so as to ad .it the free passage of -pater.
(f) Salt L:ai:c Situ reserves the 'ihht to regulate
and control the speed of al.l trains, engines one] cars operated
by the 5raatee, its successors and assigns upon the aforesaid
(;g) If said grantee, in installing the aforesaid
tracks, shall remove or in any manner interfere ith the rave-
on t, curb, gutter, waterway, or sidewalk on the streets, it
shall replace the sane so far as Possible and to the satisfaction
of the Supervisor of Streets and Irrigation.
S iCTION a. i]othinf in this =•rent shall be construed
so ao to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, con-
tractors, -oerson•s or corporation to whom a franchise nay have
been, or may hereafter be rented, from raving, sewerin-g,
l_ayi.n;-; gas or weter:aains or pipes, altering, repairing or in
any manner improving the streets, but all such improvements
shell be made with as little injury as practicable to the afore-
said tracs and the operation thereof. ,Then the city undertakes
to lay any subterranean utility wider the tra.c':.s. of the --r^rttee
it shall be the duty of tie grn,r-tee to under--sin and rrotect
its trod while the utility is being nut under the same and
said under_,inni.nf and protecting' of its tracks shall be at the
expense of the grantee.
.S]CTION 4. The said grantee herein, its successors
and assigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and
froncbises herein ;ar,_ented, and in consideration of tiie same,
does bind itself, its successors end assigns u_on its acceptance
of this franchise, to save the city harmless from all suits,
claims, demands and judgments whatsoever, whether in la'^i or in
ognity -which shall be asserted., found or rendered in any manner
whatsoever, s gcinst said city for injury or dame e to abutting
property or otherwise, by reason of the grenting of this
fence ,i-r:e, or by reason of the operation of the tforesr id tracks,
and that the :er'.(ter., its successors and. _ .ns, will Pny the
artnunt of any jud,ament, deter, . nation or adju,.ic_t'_on trhich, in
any suit or sroce ]in,",s ma.;' or hell found against Tail Lake
I .ty; provided, however, hit .said grantee, its successors or
As.,:i- no, shell have had notice of any such suits and en
opportunity to acp ar -and defend the same; and said „rantee, its
successors c,ncd, assigns, shall ampear in and defend all actions
brow ,_c seeinst Salt Lode C,itn for any injury or r a lO_fe by
reason of the construction, operation or niaintenence of the
aforesaid tracks.
i TiDn This franchise shall c'enire on the first
lay of Jonaury 1975 provide,., howevor, L_:_t if the , rant of
L... this franchise be not ucce,r ed in -:rr i t 1:'e by the srantoe 'within
sixty days after this ordinance decocaes effective, or if said
srn 1 tee, his successors or assi ns, 'xal i fail or refuse to
comply ;:it's any of the conditions, urovi'i ',,o, asrecrts, or
ob7.i ations of this rrr-l:t, or to ,nerforni any of the conditions
or oi.,li ti oils imposed upon then, ten this r.na.nc ._se shall be
nu71 end void.
lh-JTTCN 6. The term "s __atee' as used heroin ,shall,
in addition :,o its ordinary end ''enerel_ly accosted e_e, nin , be
construed. to include the successors :_c, assi';us of Tul ian I .
Saab rsc.r , as deceiver of all property and. assets of Salt t Lake
Terminal. Comeeny, = eorporsticn of the tt-ate of Utah.
S ItCli 7. In the opinion of the Toard of Go,runissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health not safety of the inhabitants
of Salt ',she `amity that this ordinance become effective i:u.edie.te.ly.
Td-TI0.? 3. T':is ordinance shall ta'rce effect coon its
first 'publication.
1 -7-
Passed by the hoard of Commission-era of Salt Lake
City, Utah, this 7/g ik day of Agg...... 7 , A. D.
,111A17 /
atn-A1/1 -4-,
City aecorder
d .
. .
'.. .-'.. li ,
_ .
'.;':' " -.gi,;- .I. . . .•.
" .
., .
Or. .
.7_ (
Now to the Board of Commoners
MAY 281946
First Publication in
J21424., ��
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake f
n M Ocket
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
published in Salt Lake City.Salt Lake County,in the State
of Utah.
That the advertisement
Ordinance Bill No. 35
Salt Lake City Corporation
was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
day of A.D. 19
and was published .._.May_.31._.__1946
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
day of A.D. 19
Advertising Cl rk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st ay of
June A. D. 19 46
Notary Public
, .
. ,
ug 4-•
....... ir• i
''' k r9
a — r cAl— ...
z 1
,.. ...., = ,
•Also, comm5ndmg 5,35 feet bet
Legal• Notices wild
edam net tea the t of thendof
AN ORDINANCE First•West°and •Second South
the0 7ettouth g a Y'el
Julian M. Bamberg., a Receiver -
S r Salt Lake Terminal Company, of-200 feet, for 48.9 feet; thence slop:
,h„B BUCCesera and aeelgne, a free on a Curve to the left, having a $
• tadiue 1 160 feet,for'100.3 Sut to t
c lea and[taco of way for the con. H Salt Lake,
traction, era eayutrac and mat the east 38.ty eve of southFirst Weet 'tie,grantee 4hg 1 t'its own
ottan e 1 u at0 0 tracks and a nor at 138.2 feet of the ,,, change th4+elevation QQ1
o'er° thin etreete in Salt Lake northwest corner of Lot 5, Block ' the racks•so a to..dorm to thi'
City,Utah, 09, Plato,Salt Lake City Survey. ea o
m it ordained o DSa the lt take Board Cltg.. Also, commencing 4. feet wet 'fin Whenever emote.-while the
c BeUtah: aionere of and me -feet ti of the Sty _ yfyp48aid tateke•then Mbet tad,',
Utah: pp monument at tde intersection t hall b.paved, laid grantee,
SECTION 1.A franchise
•and ht First ; thence and Second South me cab r and ssins, hall-
on a
Of way 1e hereby Receiver
Streets; .tisseon ly radius pan bet en the rails and!ga k
M.Bemberger.ea Receiver for Bolt [ to theriehn,havingspacef two feet lebe. f each
Lake Terminal Company, corp.. of 200 feet, for 3 degrees 46 min. rail with materials,to ande.of,each
s on f he State of Utah,and hie • vice: thence on :curve to the. slighallsuccessorsoed
be ttid upon se k base:
• reconstruct,maintain d operate to the west DrODerty line of First of'such the Clip as'shall M dl•
single ordouble.track- stenderd Went Street,at 118.8 feet south of noted by the Cityse•shall
1 tr railroad to be.operatedth de Blockf Lot IL
o northeast0l L°Salt oLake City Icl Said grantee Mall'put in lit.
000ept gas,diesel or other power 60. Plat A, maintain such cressinge over the
except steam,for the reeltransportationSurvey. aforesaid tracks hall thefro time
01 pl coat Bars, freight express and Also, ern--4.35,feet w t to time be required by the Hoard
• mall ni tier,together-with all nee-esaary and inea feete north of the city of CSteal 50t bee. and since and
itches, wye..turn-°uts. e.rment_at the intersection of re Mall track
permitted to land
to oceetls and alotolarmorer tracks,and hint Vet the sod Second South o any track in"Pint'West Street
to erect and maintain all poles err. • Blreela' thence northwesterly .• on
then five minute:
tying telephone. °wleoetrblle a, • curve to the lef,having•radiw tat The aforesaid tracks Mill
power o - ef.B06-4ulr-foK„tign.feat"then'' • (d)d.haed the road rackgas sol
vary to the operationne witlle said rail.
s to the last Raving es to Cause no ugneemeaiy-im;
road, ell 1n ecltlealionx of the Salt o radius of 160 feel-for Bg.60 feet to pediment to the Common and rrddll
rude sod Engineer,over.Upon d the re ,at 17.rty hen of hint nary of the streets upon which
Lake City Wub$trees 0t]7.35 feet•uth I' they are laid. •
the streets pa tin lcullart Lake C described the FlathA. coaster of Lo 8,Block (p) Oood•sod eutfident eondulN
wit. 67,Plat A.Salt Lake City Survey. to convey water be laid and
M- the aster line 1 -Alec,-eommemdng 436-lnC•west- maintained in good condition, at
HoRhi t the vegan and 86.1 feet south of the city the expense of said Knnlea,l all
double track railroad;on numeral at the intersection f water acke cto ed de!he iota-
Sne f}rlret Weet Street.,0t,apPfo>4 said lracke so as.to admit the fres
lmat'Sly 38 felfhlt k-nlit'h_3411•"' First Wes[and Fire South Streeter
east corner o1 Lot 8:Block.86 PR$Ce. thence southwesterly on a curve to nanease 1 let
It Lake Oft7'6u1e.;1;• �fala the right' with radius of 300 (fl Salt Lake City reserves'the
On s.Owe!+ for 34.9 feet; thence uth right to regulate and control the
, feet. e
n0ntheaateAy u 01 971'3, 10 degrees west 14 4 Stet; thence speed fall trans.engines and oar
rfght,,with a rapt, o u c 1 the right Raving operated'by the grantee.tie guava.
-�`` 'adios of 131.8 Seat,for 101.3-feet • ore and assign.upon the aforesaid •
to the wet property line o1 First tracke-
--"' f - West Street.at 1486 Wet south of (g) If said grantee.1 Metalling 4 �h, the meritcorner of Lake
I. the aforesaid tracker. eh all i��ep`$e f ^i'me H]°ekne7. Play A, Salt Laka City r t y Stave interfere with
• ie4 �o Sest Survey.
I emPle an•File
numepf r Also, commencing 4.36 feet-w t the pavement. mete alert
Temple and Ftree east tram
�,, ay,orSidewalk to t cur is
• center Sipe of the east triret of said and'men feet southifer the nib shall enlnd the eame far
railroad;beine-6.36.feet east o1 said First
t the ouehsed Te of peeible and to the aUefectiov 1
m°nnment'llne d the tent line First West and South Temple the Supervie°r of Streete and I[-
tenter Streets; thence rthwesterly a lion,
qf the'West ktlek bglgg•;•Sh000e to the leet, having a radius shall he co 3.Nothing in this.grant
'Went of said le Sent line;thence curve 200 f.t. for 34.9 fled; thence hall be construed so as to prevent
they along ScLFtret Weet• Ste to 10 ores eat 31,0 feen Ball Lake City or its eutop o e.
the side of the right South
Street: d
,northence O a c v to the left,hay- agents.contractors. Derepne or nor•
together with the to ceou W leg a-radius of 136.0 feet, for 101 proration to whom a franchise may
streets between North Temple and feet to the west,property live 1 hays been, or ma,9 hereafter'be
Bluth South Streets and the rled to First Weet Street at 160.0 feet south luggagranted.from paying.n pipe.la,i.
lay,construct.reconstruct,and open f the northeast of Block R sae or repairing
or t or riDga aI•
to spur tracks,with all the re• 78,'Plat A,Salt,Lake City Survey, int a. nor caste or to any manner
dry'6 hat tie Is, connectionWorn the
Also,beginning at the center line jnancoc 01 the streets.but.all A
with,that now'Firsc, tom the n the t track of the Salt Lake no little
shall be ice With
tracks on.veld First Went Sfreef.Into oferminals Company 3114,3 feet south ]ifoe injury practicable to
II. OS 41,49.•60.rat A. a-08.77, and 8.36 fee0 t of the city menu- the foretold treks and the'under.
76, 66 and 88,Plat A. Salt Lobe rat at the Intersection of First lion Lhereo2. When the city under.
Survey.and each of el,whichde spur West and South Temple Streete: takes to lay any subterranean tail.
tracke more asrticularly deeerlb• thence'nortbatingly° cu a to b der the Backe of the grantee
qd ap follower the right, having adius of 700 it shell be the ducooled a grantee
Commencing 4.30 }rat wee and feet, for 13.1 feet: thence a to under-pin d protect to tracke
m4.BB tact northinn of the City mono• curve to the right,having adiue Phil.,the Utility le being put de.'
Sent at the mteuth Streets;
of Fnce of 1s0 feel, for 190.3 feet to the der the and said under•
West and Fifth South Streete:thence t property line 1 First West 'n and protecting
of Its tracks
eight.aeterl8 on- Curve, to the Street, et p6,9 feet th of the shall be at the extreme o1 the
right.having a edlueof ge feet, northward 1 eLot 4,.Block grantee.
for 10 degree;'thence angent for qq,plat A,Salt Lake Cib Survey. SECTION 4. The said grantee
r right,haying
a ond a curve 2 to the Alen beginning at 333.0 feet herein- its successors and assigns.
heast8 a radlue of Of fleet south and 4,36 feet weal of the city shall.and by the acceptance of the
West' vet property 03.2 eae more Fleet monument at-the Ivtereectiov a ➢rivieges d franchieu herein
ouch at e.n feet First West and-South` Temple granted.and'in consideration of the
olase,south Block 41,r Plat a corny Streete: thence rtheasterly ° a e , does bind itself, its s ocs
L Lot 4, Sve 43. Plat A, Salt curve to the right,1 having radius r and amens upon its ac eetance
Lake, commencing Survey. of 200 feet.for 13.1 feet;thence n f this franchise. to v the city
Alse, si 4.35 feet west curve to the right•having harmless from II eu1W8.claims.de•
and meu feet the i of the dry radus of 150 feet, for 31.0 feet: meads d judgments whatsoever.
mos Wee at imou h Streeter of thence on a Curve to the right,hay- • Nether la'law in windy which
First northwesterly
had Third South ury Dig radius o1 13p feel, for 107.E shall 1 teed found or e1
thebce or having a o a cut a t0 feet to the et Property line of deed,in, c manner er or
tee,left,•having radios a}e o . First.West Street, at 140.8 feet ag&net said city o[iniury or dam•
toot,for ll,4 feet;thence u•curve •
south of the northwest cornerof age to abutting property,or other.
to the left,having a radius 1 op' t b.Block,77,Plat A,Salt Lake ice.by aeon of the'renting
snit.,for 1 feet to the west t, t City Survey. this franchise,or, y reamer of the
snip line of Firbl feet north at Also,beginning at 78.0 feet south operation of the aforesaid tracks.
066,E lastsouth of the northern! and 4.36 feet west of the city menu• and that the ...Mee,Ns'eu°
corder of tock 4B. Plat A. Salt meat at the intersection of Filet re d amino ill par the
Lake , commencing Survey. West and mouth Temple Streets; amo t,o[ v judgmet, deter/
• Also, eteoh.3 o legit west thence outheaeterlg° a curve to mieatioe 0r adjudication which, or
and en a south r the Cloy the left, having radius of 200 any suit or proceedings. may r
'monument tWed
at the intersection Sir 1 feet for 13.1 feet:. thence o r•I; r io, owecel Salt'!Lake
Fleet Waot and Third South Streets; curve to the lett,having a redlyoa of C t9: Drdvided, however, that d
thence,having radius n u -a grantee- its en seers or naeeegga
the left,1 denS a the
of pro teat, cur feet for 31.0 of [see:thence radius shall have had tics t ny °k
line of.36 {o S wet a t 295,08 to the left Devineh suits d O n opportunity to- ➢pear
line s First Went Street. L 386 comer
of 136 }eel, for 307.E feet to the and and
the same and cad,
t , at•13,line o[ First Wut
flat•mouth of the northeast corner Street, of•130A Seel eolith of lock grantee.tie's end d ell
1 Block 49,Plat An Salt Lake Coy hell Dear lv-end defend ell en,Survey. northwest . 0f Lot 6, Block Lions°brought against.Salt Lake
Also, clog L30 feet eat 77, Plat "A:comer
Lake City Sur- City for IDiun damage be
and-360.3 meet' uti t the city -Also,beginning at 83.4 feet south rearm of the c004iyntnon, tiers•,
Fire trot l the lntou h Streets;
1 tioe r maintenance•Of the afore.
Fleet Went.and Third South 8tc andt a feet east of the city mono- • d tracke. -
• to lit. a t.haeterly a cures150 merit at the jth Tempin of First 9ECTTON 0. This}ranehiee ehaB
to the]eft having radius of 180 West and South Temple 9trelp: upiro r7 th?I..
'fihel ear- [J u
feet,•ssfor 30.6 feet;thence th 14 thence out0cina la on curve to 1873.vrovlded.however:theta,l2°trh{
the left, Daring radius of 300
It, minute/east left that: feet,.for 13.1 feet; thence a •et°[ this hanepiea']e-.pot
insure on a curve to the ten,hay- having s aline pled t writing be-the.''grantee
totog a recline or 180 feet,for 93 Teel to et, fort 39A feet; thence vwtithin'sirty dame flea.thin•OMI-
to the set'proffer.Jig feet
o it f •of H60 urea, to betomee effective,.ore if Mid -
thest Street, 4 nere feL north of c to the left having grantee. hie successors na
the Pat A,Salt
career of Lett,,Survey.,
radius of 170 feet for e fN 4 First
shall/ 1 'refli 4 plady..with.
M.Plat A,Salt Lake'City feet e. W the t at
property fine of h of spy o2 the dd tih moyL
Ale, commencing.mar 8.O feet L the Stre , t oroo Seen south f ag[ m t or del by,.,OOt,eief
and met fle4n oath o1 the cloy thenorthwest7, PlOf Lot Ci5,ty
t to Dee •tlna�+i f,the
?Ointment al the in oath Sir of Block 77, Plat A. Bah Lake Ctty sdti er
pgban• t meld Third curve
Streets; S l y __ them �b UO ° og#
LI'lot oitlo rla n o0f a the Ale coos ofelFi at the west
risht. Beth. radius of 701 feet,ors 3 .5 b line of of the
Wert Street
SECTION 6 1 T es,iqr' "Aymtae"
• 34.00 lget 'th theme north 30 a comer
erIc net north eke north Drop- d h ..'rFe••• 0(tt°n't°
a t for 14 41 Isetr thence on a curse ty•line of.South Temple Street: 1ta rU - o tall accepted
tore.'right having a radius of lee them First West Street re
meant b cone u d t lnwuae
feet,for 38 3 feet:theme on a curve tween Hloeke es and 6to Plat A. the ecp gnB f Jit
to the,right leaving•reline of 133 Salt Lake City Survey, to the e t - -]ten M B toRe1::::°.
Diet,f¢ 70 B4 feel t the east pros, at 33rty,line of First West Street, all D p t asset Saltarty line f F1ret Weet Street. t t 3386 }eel n th Of the a thLakeT Inal Cam vC Do•i{A1'Slaf.IO¢fh Ot'.the brthwbt tine of saidBlock .. Plat A,Salt aYt f the IYSN Of Utahcorner f.Lot 3 Block.60.Plat A: Lake Ctly Survey. •SECTION 4 In tbTheabovetracke, that othe Board r1.lbmmeaslope ,ort.y
S4R_L¢ke Clty Survey. t ted, are m particularlya an G.the peh o the attached blue print• Luke t(the lash hatb,Land
which Ishereby made a Dart of tee Lceake Cijl.that thih t t f'Sslk-'
e active 1m b tdly �be•
SECTION 3,During the term t 9EC710N 8 TH D dtnaaae ehatl
thin franchise_the grantee hall be take effect upon to firetDubBca-
blest:to eha.lgU¢w141L.SQ_dttiOve, t1OFaxeed by the Foard o1 Commie•
alp, • j Vo e e of Silt Lake City,Utah,this
ill -That the !donned°m nsgto
hall be laid upon and-t .mire t o g8 day of Eay A.!GLADE,.
Poe.entsbllehed.grades-otehs�arbtee EARL-4 GL4DE..
• -IRMA F, $1TNER;- -AVM. -
.. .._. (anALI Ole Recorder, '
• Published May 31st. 1946,