35 of 1955 - Vacating street ( or right-of way ) which runs in a northeasterly direction from State Street some 3 KULL CALL I Salt Lake dity,Utah, `` ` 195
/ VOTING Aye Nay
I move that the ordinance be sed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen . .
9lfir %
Mr.Chairman . it AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a street (or right-of-way) which runs in a
north-easterly direction from State Street some 330 feet north of the North
Temple intersection between State Street and Canyon Road in Salt Lake City,
ns -.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
• SECTION 1. That a street (or right-of-way) which runs in a north-
o easterly direction from State Street some 330 feet north of the North Temple
• intersection between State Street and Canyon Road, more particularly describel
a as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerly line of an existing
o O• s, right-of-way, said point being N 89°58t48" E 35 feet, S 00
o a 07108" W 394.41 feet, and N 69°52108" E 117.25 feet from a
2s ud Salt Lake City Survey Monument at the intersection of First
North and State Streets, and running thence N 69052'08" E
c 'c 78.23 feet along the southerly line of said right-of-way;
_, thence N 0°07108" E 29.70 feet to the northerly line of said
°CI right-of-way; thence S 70°07t08" W 78.10 feet; thence S 0°
07t08" W 30.06 feet to the point of beginning
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public pro-
perty for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights-of-way
^'+ and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property;
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspect-
ing, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said
utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is nec-
essary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance shall become effective immediately; therefore, this
ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah on the
5th day of May, 1955.
- 2 -
( S E A L )
BILL NO. 35,,
Published May 6, 1955
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy
I, ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating a street (or r..ght--of-way.)..-which_runs...in..a..narth-
easterly direction from...0tat.e_S.tre-et-_s.ame...3.30...£e.et...narth-..o#'-th-e North
Temple intersection between..,State...Stre.et-.and..Canyon--Road.-in---Sa-lt--I.a.ke
City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Mzy 5th, 1955 xl
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 12 ;....day of lay, 1955 xpApc
(SEAL) (3
BILL NO. 35 Deput 0 City Recorder
Published May 6th, 1955
RecordedMAY 1 21955, at ti.v/A m,
14259(31 Request of J.%L> Gl.t'.e ee)y •
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
$ecorder, Salt LakeCounty, Utah
� 6 By �'.li/l,lr�—,l Deputy
annk_// _Page ,57b Ref,
(or righbof-way)which runs in a
easterly direction from State Street
some 330 feet north of the North Tem-
ple intersection between State Street
and Canyon Road In Salt Lake City,
Be it ordained by the Board of Com.
missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah.
SECTION 1.That a street(or right.
of-way)whten runs to anorth-easterly
direction from State Street some 330
feet north of the North Temple inter-
sectionbetween State
snR , more particularly described
n follows:
Beginning at a point on the south - -'
erly line of an existing rlghbof.wae,
said point being N 89.58'48" E 35 •
feet.S 0'07'O8"W 394.41 feet.and
N 09.52'08" E 117.25 feet from a
Salt Lake City Survey Monument
at the intersection of First North
and State Streets, and running
thence N 88'52'08" E 78.23 feet
along the southerly line of said
righbof-way; thence N 0°07'08" E
29.70 feet to the northeily line f
said righbof-way;thence S 70"07'oe"
W 78.10 feet;thence S 0.07'08" 59
be and
thet ta et ise hereby vacatedna d
declared nos longer to be public prop-
erty for use as a street,avenue.alley
or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly sub-
e to all existing rights-of-way and
easements of all public utilities of any
• every description now located In.
• under orr the confines of the
above descibe property: and also
subject to the rights of entry thereon
for the purpose of inspecting.maintain-
ing, repairing, replacing, removing,
altering o outing said utilities and
all of them.
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners.it 1s necessary
to the peace,health and safety of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
ordinance shall become effective Im-
mediately; therefore, this ordinance
shall take effect upon its first publi-
Pased by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City.Utah on the 5th day
of May,1955.
1RM F.City Recorder.
(Seal) BILL NO.35
Published May I.1955. (A-43)
room No.ADM 35A
Proof of lubrliration
3Kuiteb fotates of.Arrrira
D. U. Ockey
being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
(or right-°`'wae'which mow: ein- the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
sterly t•waelnn ch m Sl :5 rect
e,n60 feet north of the Mirth�em
ale i tion between State Street
and Canyonanyon Road in Salt Lake City,
Utah. Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
Be iC'main8 it Lake cliv,ui n°M'
m leECTIes o
SECTION widen That a e no h.e rient-
feete i1foruns In eat st?eastcrly
or fr°,n;stata�ghreet 5 m 66n That the Notice of "An Ordinance"
ec betweenhOStaty Street Dlndl Can_
section Read,n particularly described
a°follows: rVacating a street which runs north—easterlyfrom
eyiehBeginningat 0019nt on the aonth.
cold Bnc n( ni ld'N n0' ,%,,f-way. _. _._... ...
aW PpiM neln6l'N..41,feet,.
fact 5 0"OS•o F.
w'15 feel
Salt..Lalo6�CjyllSu'rrver°n,numeni State Street some 330 feet north of North Temple
at th dntershetion of,Cyst North
d state Streets, a
N 60°52V11•,and
along the 5outhhrly line or saltl
rlgt'ille ',/,ranee th o oron° Salt Lake City Bill NO 35.
20.'IO.fe.Ct.to the Bence rlv Ilnc.of
30id riiO inc w h thence '07'0"On"
.'l6.c Ft E;in-poi S 0`egin W
3tl.06 feet toil-in-point Dnlnt of ne8innipg
'g'll' the Sena.}r 3tnreby.Vacated and
aetifnd use las a�street,avenue,alter of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
,cror D pedestrian way. 6th
sm. gqativx,.maae =Prwssly'a„d etsue dated the
t k r'nu.tf
r ll P on µl It cotes m.
d every ne'F 1 cfthe her 55
e theconfines'f the Iauboe described w n en a d lsn clay of 19 -.
vy the in
uns0 of�'ifonectihc',n°nntain
maid., replacing. Boring,
'altering or reloµpng said pt4ulea and and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
1 all of them.' - . o rNo
SECTION 3t.ln the opinion
Board ofeCotfi he i03013,it D nee fxthe
dnlriabsirtssert hSalt iaxa end that tns __ _. for
d p gltall..become.mff t 1
dl 1 therefore, Llls .ordInmien
shall..tah..La effect Up L Di. m,
Passed by the Board of cnmmt-,-i .5 thereafter,the fall period of one time
f Salt Lake C Utah nn th th,dav
of atad,3005. EARL a:ClLADE
morn F. BITNER. the last publication thereof
call BILL No.J',
Yuhti.shed Ma,S.hem (A-4_
`- _ being in the issue dated the 6th day of
May / ,A.D,19 55
Subscribed and sworn to before use this _ _. ___ ..--day If
May -_,A.U. 19.55
" /1//:.(-- .-:.. ,i , ,.-,.,'' . ,: r. ' .
Notary Public.
My commission expires . Nov- 2-5 1957
Advertising fee S