35 of 1959 - Vacating an alley in the vicinity somme 144 feet west of Goshen Street and running north from 5th S ROLL CALL 1 Salt Lake City,Utah, Mi.i t, .,.1.,.1.4 , ir) VOTING I Aye I Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . Christensen . . "f` 7 .. ,_�, -.....�,.�k. .:,,.... � Geurts. . . . V' Romney W° Mr.Chairman �` 1, � AN ORDINANCE Result i AN ORDINANCE VACATING an alley located in the Vicinity some 144 feet west of Goshen Street and running north from 5th South Street; a m all abutting property owners having petitioned for the Vacation. o In Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, +J o .0 al, 0 Wtah: oh SECTION 1. That the alley located in the vicinity west of cm > Goshen Street and running north from 5th South Street, more particularly bP described as follows: o.o, °rn o Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 7, City .t Park Subdivision of Blocks 20, 21, 28 and 29, Plat "C", o . Salt Lake City Survey; thence west 12.0 feet to the.south- a, N east corner of Lot 2 of said Block 7; thence north to the east .-4 bank of the Jordan River; thence northeasterly along the a w east bank of the Jordan River to a point which is due north o u of the point of beginning; thence south 160 feet more or less to the point of beginning. be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is ecessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. ., Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this i 12th day of May, 1959. / ' x emp racy . airman t C ( SEAL ) RILL NO, 35 of JI959 a) Published May 14>; 1959 • - c)`i STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I Bessie N. Judges, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance vacating an alley located in the vicinity some._.14_4._feet west of Goshen Street and running north from 5th South Street; all abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 12th, 19590x as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 21st, , day of May, 1959 ITioc (SEAL) } • r BILL NO. 35 of 1959 /i Depufy gity Recorder Published May 14th, 1959 yfwx 35 • t. -- A,..,,,, • 800(161a PA:.;ElUD 1654498 Recorded MAY 2 2 1959 ../ . P.- at .i- lu. .,in, Request of . ,„.. Fee Paid.Nellie M.Jack, '. -• , ,1 ,_Rer,Salt Ignite 'Utah $ 2.cv. B .,y-- s..•..-. . Depui i•,-. Ref. e .4/./— / A.- •. . „.272.44.z. i i'• \I) n .. , , AN ORDINANCE's c.. ^ ..ri ^. AN ORDINANCE VACATING ) an alley located in the vicinity some 149 feet west Of Goshen Street and running north from 5th South Street: ell abutting , having nettloned ffie'tft.e•vv:CU.Po'g. C\ q .. Be it ordained be,the Board of ,\ Commissioners of Salt I.ake Oar. Utah: SECT/ON 1 That the alley to- rated-'1 • in the vicinity west of 1 -.. .,... -f...rool'n'ergtIV;noeutthanSdtX.19niVrenopraT 46 "I\ ‘ Ocularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest con . \; ner of Lot I. Block 7 cilY,Paris 8 riV2V."1'31'atol'C.I°V2t l'alt4A:ii'. . , Survey, thence west 12 0 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of ' . said Block 7-thence north to the n River; rgnconn'or?.lieg'teerl‘ryordolo,ne the , ;' eas,,toibnatnwkhowtnthi: ' a',:<- Point of beginning: thence south sloe dar'.north'Since e theto 160 feet more or less to the Point of and hereby is,vacated . and declared no longer to be pub .1,. tic property for use as a street. avenue, alley or pedestrian mug. 1,) Said vacation Is made expressly subiect to all existing oghts or soar and easements of all public Li. "Tki'lgi" "lei'f thiri;mnIon of the Board of Commissioners,d Is —:..\ nccessaq to the ggn holgp ral rat'Crty the 'this ordrnence'halt benome effective inorneotately. SECTION 3 This ordinance Shalt take effect upon its first ty,bli. n2"14s 5/1.e.t.' b,',_.' the al,T--,i,^J.i.;11& tnil:%.t.nr'dar of Mao. 1959. LC ROMNEY Temporary Chaliman HERMAN J HOGENSEN City Recoi der BILL NO 35 of 11353 Published May 14.1959 (C-811 • 35 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. NI. Ockey AN ORDINANCE I AN ORDINANCE VACATING "na117aa1°an w'g[h et cgVen j Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertisin g ' vneQsZ4 Z rt"e,A°4 clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELL- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eag- Be mAafnad by the Board nf; E°m'nastoners of San Fake City., fish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in t h Ice in the'That the;Hey'Oil Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. ipsnen -tree, o r mh,g north( from 5th south street., r tIwlarl."desct thee as ilows:oa He ,nlna n1 Street = inwe�t ee. Thatlegal 1copy attached hereto ,1 not,Blnek cus Rark thenotice ofwhich a is i s�teaftdalo,t or Rmcic=�zr. xl, za nd 211, 'l C'.Salt Lane snr"" °i 10 fe�`t Salt Lake City Bill No. 35 of 1959 snid sAlnk a7L lhcncc.nrtr�oltr�lhe Ikof'cc 4 terl,v bank f the .Ioolan River, torheac alnna h,:. ed An Ordinance vacating an alley located as nn,.which12 clue mot,of the et'beoinninc: thence snot` 160beet moo.er leas to tc noln.l be nth e neheeh"< ae=te,l in vicinity of 144 feet west of Goshen �i;°d a la�i:�i�o la�teer io'ne nun Street and running No. from 5th South. sublcct Lo II exis-[tug gPL �tl ECTIl a sell aof�Ilta Hill nuDlic lh0 Board Nof Cmnmitasinne,ts O1�1 nr the e.health:turd i o Citf the hab Con[e 'salt .(Eexa cl�r That iiia°,a�.:no��narl b<rnme rmaa i,nt,,:atay. May 1.4, 1.959. SECTION 110011 This nrclir:ntcc xhall Care effect its lira n�•nli.Cation, was published in said newspaper on �assed by the Huard,el Chm., ts5 12lh arlaysoft Move 10 0,Utah., L.0 ROMNNY Tetnnnnar)Caah man HERMAN S.HOGF;NSEN Cilr Recot dcr IFt:.11.1 BII.r.sltedrf�M1 of 19G11 ... [u tli Mav t4.1{JnA (DPI Legal Advertising Clerk/ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May A.D. 19 59 • Notary Public My Comt fission Expires961. Nov. 2 c.;