35 of 1960 - Repealing Chapter 28 of Title 51 of R.O., 1955, relating to creation of Citizens Advisory Committee ROLL CALL " Salt Lake City,Utah, ' , 195 VOTING Aye I Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. eurhidge Christensen .-� 76e( rreYl'ts. 1 Romney Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE REPEALING Chapter 28 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to zoning, and enacting a new Chapter 28 of Title 51 providing for the creation of a Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements, providingg for the manner of appointment and removal and the terms of the members thereof, providing for ar ex officio chairman and ex officio members, and prescribing the powers and duties of said committee. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to zoning, be, ard the same hereby is, amended by repealing Chapter 28 thereof and enacting a new Chapter 28 of said Title 51, relating to the creation of a Citizenst Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements, the appointment d' the members thereof and powers and duties of said committee, said Chapter 28 to read as follows,: 'CHAPTER 28 "CITIZENSt ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CITY PLANNING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. "Sec. 51-28-1. Appointment. There is hereby created in and for Salt La6ie City, Utah, a Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements, to be composed of not less than seventeen members, ore of whom shall be the Mayor of Salt Lake City, who shall be the Chairman of said committee; one of whom shall be the Planning Director of Salt Lake City; one of whom shall be the City Engineer of :Salt Lake City; one of whom shall be the City Attorney rf Salt Lake City; all of whom shall be - 2 - ex officio members. The remaining thirteen members, one of whom shall be designated as vice-chairman, shall be appointed by the Board of Commis- sioners from among the qualified electors of said city as follows: One member from each of the first, second and third municipal wards of the City and four members to be chosen at large who shall serve until July 1, 1963; and one member from each of the fourth, fifth and sixth municipal wards of the City and three members to be chosen at large, who shall serve until July 1, 1966. In the month of June, 1963, and every third year thereafter, like members shall be appointed for a term of six years to take the place of members whose terms shall next expire. The Board of Commirotoners may appoint such ether members as it may deem advisable, in addition to those hereinabove named, and such additional members shall be appointed for a term not to exceed three years, which term -hall expire at the next succeeding regular triennial expiration of terms as hereinabove provided for the required appointed members of the committee. Members may be removed. for cause by the Board of Commissioners and any vacancy occur- ring on said committee, other than that of the ex officio members, by reason of death, resignation or removal, shall be promptly filled by the Board of Commissioners for the unexpired term of such member. "Sec. 51-28-2. Memberst eompensati.on. Appointment of employees Number of members to constitute quorum. The members of the Citizenst Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements shall serve without compensation except for reasonable expenses. The Committee shall not have the power to appoint any employees or staff with any Hands provided by the Board of Commissioners. The Committee shall use the employees and staff of the Salt Lake City Planning Commission as Its staff. Nine members of the Citizens► Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. "Sec. 51-28-3. Powers and duties of the Committee. The function of the Ci.ti.zens? Advisory Committee is to support community development and to encourage public officials to adopt and adhere to a program of planned development of community facilities. The Committee shall have authority to make recommendations to the Board of City Commissioners on all public 35 — 3 - improvements which are to be financed by the Capital Improvements Fund established pursuant to Section of these ordinances, Such recommendations may include, but shall not be limited to (1) the geo- graphical location of proposed buildings and structures; (2) Proposed building plans and architectural designs; (3) alteration of existing buildings and structures; (4) proposed changes in the use of land and improvements thereon; (5) establishment of public parks and recreational area; and (6) the plan for financing any such project. "The Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Cpital Improvements shall submit its recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on all such proposed capital improvement programs for Salt Lake City, whoch shall become a matter of public records, and the Board of Commissioners shall not approve any such program or eny expenditure in the furtherance thereof until it shall have received and reviewed the recommendations of the Committee. "The meetings of the Committee shall be held at the call of the chei_rmal or vice-chairman, or at such other times as a quorum of the Committee may determine. The Committee shall keep minutes of its proceed- ings and shall keep records of all its official actions, all of which shall be filed in the office of the City Planning and Zoning Commission, and shall be a public record. "Sec. 51-28-4. Subcommittees. The Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements shall have authority to appoint subcommittees from among the qualified electors of the City to investigate and make recommendations and reports on any subject involving Citrplanning when, in the opinion of the Committee, it shall be deemed appropriate or advisable. All such committees shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure cf the Citizens' Advisory Committee on City Planning and Capital Improvements." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. — 4 — SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1Wday of :'�,L/x.( , 1960. Mayor �`- er ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 35 of 1960 Published April 8th,1960 • r)_) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake 'Lewd Notices D. D o 0 Cke.y ANOBUINANCE9. - - AN ORpZZDINANCE REPEALING drily ) 7 tt R¢v18¢eUl h ain.-I+ncostlot 5saltfiahe Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising itY fie a386 I t'`9 Chantenr /L' 2e ,rrm 52 Dp!/ dl a t the clerk of the D1:SERET �'F�1 AND SALT LAKF. TF,IF, e l Itt 1 Y'(Car PI Ad ry n a�d GRAM. a daily (except Stndm>) newspaper primed in the Ling e Il I-I y e R nl l 7 ) / (( / k-f the. {d file Pterms m of th;" Itch language with general ('lrf'CllCttwo 'n Utah. and published in '` tt membersfflcbRb h I d tl afire Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of I tali, ' thitteewera aad ditties oI said co. G E le-I d ' N'1.- c t f That the legal notice of which a copy is attached{ hereto Utah,S11',.a�t I.That Title51 of 11 'Revisedrelating'tib'''4" Salt Lake City Bill, No. 35 of 1960 C nb ed b4 cn I1a Chanter 2d t,IC fgt, iaaoa new ehan_ An Ordinance relating ti'Zonin and r tr./co dt cldnTttic 5,rclatina to nn thd'Qt4Conn of a 0 II" Ad' Nr �D visor Con:al/Mt/cc Ca«^pl,n . tl es aml CaTtal I .i1 ls. '� taeree ]„$mo. .rC ttle'c' enacting a new Chapter of Title 51 pro- iId n mmle�e,enia chanter x°e - - - o rena aCF{AP1'E HAP T : " R 28 • t "ICITIZENS'gDV1SORY COMMI ,a TE PN CITY PLANNING AN vtding for the creation of a Cit17Pns' " CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.. 'ec 51.281. Annnlnttnent. There 1.hereby c atetl In dntr for " Salt 1,alre'City. Utah Citizens" Ad visor Contrnittee,. i�A I y e Itt C tp Plan. Y Gt btf Es ltl tlesbthfii �t of whom eg:i.bg tl nulleen bab -IhtecnalL n /u 7 1 r Aprl]_ 8 D 1960. of td i ittee;'oi of bbm' was published ishe( In Said newspaper On =hall be`the Planhone1Plrectnr of ' S211 hethe Cll o EMWeer se SeE Lake Clty to f Whom shall be' di LIC'f oohtin .anai15hoteLai=1 '-tide members.The remai leg tbtr. 'teen members one of.whom shall f .b d e soocd v -ehairman.j r', ----- Chell Ite a0nolntc by the Brazil f o mmisslone cs ty°ei f follows: One l t e bG th c{rt. h'l �, r"%is C S. r . L > the_ fl t O d 1 third .h L wards of the City and Advertising C r 1;Ifotte I r.sdA mentbers b Am 4L"I`f'uly Legal lYll UCrtLSLRg 1,I---. huteietenl a fo,e1tIZ ho[itthe Ci el seer I � lame,mnetbers to.[be Shesets t ' ll 3uly j 1. tafi.In shell ese nth of Tune:1 afta:nno�d cv y thtfA c thcip 'j aftm'. lihe_'mel hero fihpll�be t toi1 ted for n term of take Ilin Place o[ niembtes' hnsn terms halt „at n 4th The Board f Comna Tee.mirsXdd .Clay of Su'itD may LW,I;, atl aadlccmberadtlf�fore me this L tern to those heheinahevel named. a tl c n� 1Plo''al nr 'n'ra toe rented mr e ienm nrt A D. 19 60 0 it am - t-1 ten ,,r h t the next f th 1 h/eouleci A n id d fion or f the 'ftPoi M ab Il.. eo •1 t(t L hd the /; j . CId fell 11-, 'e l.b:t Eamon°ex j ��s'_,'it�e"� I shall b mutl tilled ebv the /� Notary Public .Board of Commieeioners for the P rt'l'n lretletmember.l esuch • Cri O 1 a nvsYmb.mA e mmnotolelnt . :_alnora zthem nagr.hrimcatic YPannm n Ems Irnrvtey 1\11 net= hllxgrwtcnn t_ .Tvej'mmitrec shalln _961e It�vlen the po r to anoint n --I emnlov , [, 'a funds ed sbv Ehc Hoam e[ Cr 11 eiuncrs. rle crmmittcc =hall ,the t5alt`Lal:ee`Cit.rd PI-rinp ti mmnbeshionf m",,,e.0 Cmn i, vtiee shall,ZTW to-� re% ..fm;,,thc tramec[imt of bvs4iass`," i n ec do.n, n rower,and daneei a tat the C llmns�tAdvisotrevComlmit- letee is to s ort c nite vehementde. and toe public v. officials toadopt tadhere to ot planned development C nfittee t shatter have i authority o to hi1 oo r c me tlations to the all r ablult sPublic improvements oprementrsl ach t tt evernccedZ 0oetl d tshe Al.t. Ihesc mdinaocea. Such notthepslmited to illuti e eonraphical location of 1voted Dulld in» and steuctupanres: 2) PetbnOpd building ethos d architectural designs: f31 altera- ion of ni t(og buildings apd m,linrueturese f41 proposed,chances • n than use o land and ti rev :hereon: IS, establishment 'of e public oaths and recreational It,the plan tor£Inane-� eh r ent. "Thor CCiteuo't Planning an Cam-' ta,itt.'on City Pmnning and Gaol-I t Imp[eov ntioee hall ubmlt c nds ate l ,IofCnntione o all suchh pr o- ...IPOSOl capitol i etpro- 1 s rains for ealLake Cilp which become amatte (mhlil Itt orris. the Board of Corm- liichmpine�Imlato noon eutptenrlilu�e sh:ithehoveflmaranaedthe thereof ent:l it eit "thn recommendations of the lCom- Itniffee. "The. meetings of the Cmnmit -flee shahmbe held at the call of 1.hc chairn,t t c-chairman, o- t sa ch otlittI noun a quorum The akecne mamutes of its proceedings d shall keep nil of ishichttshItll he filets in othe of the Cily Planning and..%oei:to Cemm.ission,and shall be n�mhlin ord. "See. lit'A oop Cvlmlttecs. on City P snnind andyC pith,lionn ones shall a 'I terns t s haoman itteee •Cyord ,-c the ^trill.led eleetm'.lpof t�ieo GitY t estiroto and mal:e, sm nd:islpi s nd pric p c Cif tali s�ng.itive.t'a,fesm o o ed Lhc'ommittee.l'tnahhall bl.kIt l - t c i.to o O!!lele. All inch t rnittees r s'Fall .itlto�ll! nfmthe Cit�eeoc��Advlcn,c Commit-I� r Cie Planning ud Capital 1 Ii S tnoa,.mco t s.' FCT10N 2.pi the i,ee.i of the Board loft tontenon.health it ' .r[.v the ,nhohitaals of Slit t 'i.al:c Gihall becomeh effectivep idm- nSI, T ON ii.Phis o tinnt 'fall I1 feke effect udo its first pubhca.I CoF'tssed by the Ao-f [ Ot- 1 thsslnnr�e of Salt 1al'htItp o F is 2Ath f tilit r.n- 19h0.1 J�DF.ACI<GN L^.G, Mavor m J`sHogcnsen ir n Aec BILL li NO of 1! Published April 8,1Il9ti9. 3S