35 of 1963 - Vacating the alley between Hope and Whitney Avenues and between 2nd and 3rd West Streets. ROLL CALL __ salt Lake City, Utah, _-- ——_
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen .
Harrison . .
Romney . .Smart . . . \,f�
Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING the alley between Hope and Whitney Avenues
between 2nd and 3rd West Streets, all of the abutting property owners
having petitioned for the vacation.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the alley between Hope and Whitney Avenues between
2nd and 3rd West Streets, more particularly described as follows, be,
and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public
property for use as a street, alley, avenue or pedestrian way:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 24, Block 3,
Deskey's 2nd Addition, a subdivision of Block 9, 5 Acre
Plat "A", Big Field Survey; thence North 10.00 feet to the
southwest corner of Lot 25, of said block and subdivision;
thence East 581.00 feet to a point 23.00 feet East of the
southwest corner of Lot 47, of said block and subdivision;
thence northeasterly 7.07 feet to a point on the East line
of Lot 47, said point being 119.00 feet South of the North-
east corner of said Lot 47; thence South 20.00 feet to a
point on the East line of Lot 2, of said Block and Subdivision,
said point being North 119.00 feet from the southeast corner
of said Lot 2; thence northwesterly 7.07 feet to a point on
the North line of Lot 2, said point being East 23.00 feet from
the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence West 581.00 feet
to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights
of way of any and every description now located in, on, under or over
the confines of the above described property; and also subject to the
rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining,
repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities
and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this day of June, 1963. 7
f://2k %� ////, '7 Mayor
Chief DeputyCity Recorder 35
(S E A L) (A certified copy given to the City Auditor's Office, June 18,
BILL N0. 35 of 1969 nl., _ ---rriinc in +.he office of the County Recorder)
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING the alley between Hope and Whitney Avenues between
2nd and 3rd West Streets, all of the abutting property owners having
petitioned f or the vacation.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 11 196 3
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 18th day of June 196 3
1' `-'g6
Published June 14 196__3._
BILL NO. 35 of 1963
Recorded ....._JUN 19 1963. .
1927490 Request of O ass_o,rr .__..._._.._...D
+�, order,Sa a 4f ounty,Utah
._�YI,I'.T..` .. ui� Deputy
w\ Ref. `f ;Y ..�.... tTa...
c acx 2065 PGf265
alley between ORDINANCEN Hope y and TIWhitney
Avenues Streets,a l of the 2ndetween abutting3 properd rly l
• vacation.
owners having petitioned for the
Be It ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION H 1, ThatWhitneythe alleyAvAvenues
between Hope and W Streets,
between 2nd and J described ret as 101-
morarl lysamee as fol-
ae de, and the same hereby to
vacatedp and property
faro longer to
(\ bstreet, alley,roavenuef or pr ee as a
1 w Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 24, Block 3, Deskev's Td
n of Field Block
thence North 10.00 feet to the south.
west corner of Lot 25,of said block
Cyr and subdivision; thence East 581.00
�\.., feet to a point 23.00 feel East f the
southwest< r of Lot 47,of said
block and subdivision;to tpo on
sit 7at feet to point rthe
East line of Lot 47,said paint being
119.00 feet South Is the Northeast
of said Lot 47,thence South
line corner of
to a point on the East
l line of Lot 2, of said Block and
Subdivision, Said point being North
ear fiesaidr Lot 1he 2, thenceastorrh-
NesterlY 7.07 feet fo a point onthe
orth line Of Lot 2,sa'd point eing
East 23.00 feet from the northwest
corneof said Lot 2; thence West
r feet to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly
subject to all existing riehtsx way
1 any and every description n
coaedn, under or r the
confines a in,lsoa pied described rights
of entry thereon for the purpose
of inspecting, maintainin, repair-
placing,removing,altering Or
rerouting said utilities and all of
Passed by the Board of Commis-
sionellfhrs odayf aof J ne,ake 1963 ity, Utah,
El Rita M.BeesleMever
Chief Deputy City Recorder
BILL NO.35 of 1963
Published June 14,1963 (A-5)
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Do M. Ockey
1.70n1. Notices
VACA Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
A�e,,Pebe1'rF''' NU" ,f,e, clerk of the DE''SERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
.,,=' °°`tb'',taloned r°"et` GRAN, a dail ,except Sunday) newspaper in the En -
sel,a,.bav1°� 'Irr d Vo "' y ( Fprinted9
erdained by me ooara of lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Commis5loliers of Sall Lake Ciiv.uIa°` Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
betwe'eIie 1. That the ollev be-
belwaen one Sig wmmev Avenue:
articularly tlesc�lj�d Streets,
b¢caeube,and rtcre ds'n¢ fa-
P m 3 Lo That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
s eyal, alley,avenue or Us= ,s a
w Ptles`IrldO Bill Iv'o P 35 of 19E'idl,
roe Lot 1T as eI tlile nar,hwesi comer
Atltlllion, s bdivision0o'fIBS' 1ud
.s ncrc North,YA,,,elo F'1'rile"'Y; An Ordinance vacating al]ey between
faSS NPrth MOO reer 0o me c.
ntlt e°bdlvis M:1;1 enc 'Easll Bil e Peet PP a,poor ,..ee fe¢r Easpor d,e Hope and Vrhitnr y Ave a 2nd and 3rd West
fhwe¢st f Lol ), f s d block nd 4bdlvls on,thence to s-
Easl liner f Lof tfiesa'tl Pi°Inf beln.`
TO.411w foet Soorh I the Ne soot,
rrecf silo La,ar;I7' Saoln
lin¢ of lot i Poisf de Ions,
SUbtlivlsien, sail ofpponr1tln BrsekNorlh
ner of r¢eI'dfrom ti,e uf�east c ncr Lor ]; ihconce 'no I1,-
srer{vv]�Or reef fo o i rho
Norin Ilne f Lot 1,saltl poii,f baln9 Easr 7J.oe feet Irom the northwest i ace i.00rerrmi°rnem i; rhence wear fUnC 14e 196 J.
snm acanon ioanr en bPximm�s, was pra6lished in said newspaper on
.5 rbinrl l0 11 er isfintl,'7,s of"ksy
iocaafea ini° erve,riPron P,ne o fines t Ine'a ,,,: w;,',tl n v; d Iso sublecr to fM1e ri�hl"s
olf nIr thereon for the Purpose
o InePnctiny, miinial�nina.
Ineurinndesa" r ' nffer all
them. Id urllltl¢s'and II'of ,f:
Pes,,ed by the eoarif f C¢mm is. //
of Sal' Lake lly, Uta,' 7 L' —'`• 6
this¢l ith tlay al June,1961.
- J. QRACKEN LEG ` r 4 -`
El Rita m ee al"."' Legal Advertising C{er/i
Chief DePUIy CII,¢Recortler
eILii N0.JS or 1"3
Published June ld,I96d (A-s)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th - day of
AD. 1963
,-,-7,v 1)
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25_, 19650