35 of 1968 - Amending Title 24, by adding Chapter 6, relating to powers of the Mayor, or in the event of his disa -ROLL CALL
, April23 8
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196
Barker . . . .
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . .
Garn . . . . / i �/ //
Harrison L�lt� , �'l.
Mr. Chairman
Result . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, by adding to Title 24 thereof a new chapter to be known as
Chapter 6, relating to powers of the Mayor, or, in the event of his
disability, of two commissioners, in connection with preserving the peace
and protection of life and property in the event of riot, unlawful
assembly and civil disobedience.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,
1965, be, and the same hereby are, amended by adding to Title 24 thereof
a new chapter to be known as Chapter 6, relating to powers of the Mayor,
or, in the event of his disability, of two commissioners, in connection
with preserving the peace and protection of life and property in the
event of riot, unlawful assembly and civil disobedience, said chapter
to read as follows:
"Sec. 24-6-1. Power of Mayor. Whenever in the judgment of
the Mayor he determines, or, in the event of his disability to
act, two members of the Board of Commissioners determine that
an emergency exists as a result of riot, mob action, or other
civil disturbance causing danger of injury or damages to persons
or property, he, or said commissioners, shall have power to
impose by proclamation any and all of the following regulations
necessary to preserve the peace and order of the city.
"(a) To impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the city
thereby requiring all persons in such designated curfew areas to
forthwith remove themselves from the public streets, alleys,
parks or other public places; provided, however, that physicians,
nurses and ambulance operators performing medical services,
utility personnel performing essential public services, firemen
and city authorized or requested law enforcement officers and
personnel may be exempted from such curfew.
"(b) To order the closing of any business establishment any-
where within the city for the period of the emergency, such
businesses to include, but not limited to, those selling or
dispensing intoxicating liquors, beer, gasoline, or other
flammable liquids or combustible products, or firearms.
"(c) To order the closing of all private clubs or portion
thereof wherein the consumption of intoxicating liquor and/or
beer is permitted.
"(d) To order the discontinuance of the sale of beer.
"(e) To designate any public street, thoroughfare, alley,
park, or vehicle parking areas closed to motor vehicles and
pedestrians for the period of the cmergency.
"(f) To call upon regular and auxiliary law enforcement
agencies and organizations within or without the city to
assist in preserving and keeping the peace within the city.
"(g) Issue such other orders as are imminently necessary
for the protection of life and property.,
"Sec. 24-6-2. Proclamation. The proclamation of emergency
provided for herein shall become effective upon its issuance and
dissemination to the public by appropriate news media.
"Sec. 24-6-3. Termination. Any emergency proclaimed in accor-
dance with the provisions of this ordinance shall terminate upon
the issuance of a proclamation determining an emergency no longer
"Sec. 24-6-4. Penalty. Any person who shall willfully fail
or refuse to comply with the orders of duly authorized law enforce-
ment officers or personnel charged with enforcing the Proclamation
of Emergency authorized herein, or who violates any provisions of
this ordinance on executive orders issued pursuant thereto shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction shall be punish-
able by a fine not exceeding $299 or by imprisonment in the city
jail for a period of not to exceed six months, or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
"Sec. 24-6-5. Severability. If any word, clause, or part
of this chapter shall be held unconstitutional or invalid for
any reason, such holding shall not be construed to invalidate or
impair the remainder of this chapter, which shall continue in
full force and effect notwithstanding such holding."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
23rd day of April, 1968.
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 35 of 1968 / , /�
Published April 30, 1968 % -' "' f '� <
Affidavit of Publication
}t J Notices Legal Notices
II,i ,.
AN ORDINANCE, organisations within orwithout the
•'YfN30RDINANCE AMENDING me city to assist In presering and keep•
:�d ordinances of Salt Lake•arein.the peace l no the city. sj D M Ockey
fah:1965,by atldingt0 Tfrta pa) Issue h °essa ders
1(04 roof B n chapter to pea Imminently necessary for the-
Cheater 4,relating to pow.prMMion of ilia and properly.
p g Sec. ton o Proclamation. The
era M me Mayer,or,in me event Of proclamation of emergency rovldetl,
;1hrs di,abRify,Of two commissioners,for.herein spel
o e effective lein first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver••!n thhoo tlon with preserving the upon Its.Issuance and dissemination 1 p y
)kleapa d Drotecefon of Ilfe end fo the public by appropriate walising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
progeny me Po! lot,unlaw-media. °
WI assembly.and event.?
disobedience. Sec. 24.63. Termination. Any
Bet it ordained by dhe Board of emergency proclaimed in accordance Lew•',- 1. • printed in the English language with general cut-
Bet of Sall Lake City,with the provisions of this ordinance j,
Dtalt: , - ha0thierminate upon me Issuance ofjulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
SECTION 1.'That';♦h9-'Revised a proclamation determinIng en ether
Ordinances of Salt Lake City;Utah,gency ne9anger exists. oulit)',in the State of Utah,
1965,be,and the same heeteby are, Sec.24.6-d. Penalty.Any person
amended by adding to Tlliaeg4,there-who hail willfully orders
fait or refuse to,
of newchapter to be known. g Mply ith the of duly au-I,relating to popoft:of the thenzed.9av enforcement°'leers ° That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Mayor. In-the event othirPfsAL personnel charged with enforcing the'
Willy,of two 5ommissloners.In con-Proclamation of Emergency a thor-
n rion with preserving the peace trod.hetaln,or who violates any epro- l
and protection a Bra d property irons f this mnance .c°. Salt Lake City Bill No 3 of 1 68
blthe event of riot unlawful assem.five o ders I'$uee pursuane thereto. .. ._
y and'civil disobedience, said off it be guilty of• misdemeanor,
chapter to read as follows: a.upon conviction shall be punish-
"CHAPTER 6 able by a ne not exceeding 3299 or An Ordinance relating to powers of the Mayor
RESTRICTED CONDUCT IN TIME by Imprisonment to the
eta edit sot
OP RIOT,UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY,a months,or by both such x fine and
"Sec. 24-6.1. Power of Mayor,. "Sec. 2465. Severabllity, It any
Whenever In the lodgment of-the word,clause,or part of This clap'er---- -----
Mayor ne dererm Ines, r i the shall be held unconstitutional or in.
event of his disability to oon two valid for any re such holding
members of the Board of Commis-.shall not be construed to invalidate
'oners deform lnerhat an emereen Cy'0 imrdlr the r cinder or this____.- .._
e Isis as result f foIot mob•-I,chapter, hich shall tinue in lull
rfon,or oilier civil dlsr elT2.ce ca ,for and effect notwithstanding such
;per Danger of Inlury-or or s°to h°IdE,19."
convent or Proshall he, °r said' SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
is loners, hall have power r°j Board of eom!nissioners"t is aces-' -" --"
�;°°°se by pracla.'°1°n ny and all are to the peace,nee lfh antl e
of.the f°II°wlpg rc lotto°' n 'far of the'Inhabitants of Sail Lake
,spry M preserve the Feecee"dIeff ctveah madiatel ordinance betomel�as publisher'in.said newspaper on April 30� 1y68
feet oe me env, v.
' (al to Impose curfew uponall' SECTION 3.Thls ordinance pence shell
any portion of te ityip eytake Passed by
ifs firdt of Commis.
requiring all persons i such desig- .Passed S the Board t Commis.is
looted curfew real to forthwith M Sall Lake City,Utah,this
themselves from the publie,23rg°Oey of April.ACK
I streets,alleys,parks or other public' J.BRACKEN LEE,
places;provided,however.that phy-' Mayer
nurses and ambulance°per- HERMAN J. HOGENS EN,
'inane, (SEgLI City Recorder '---'--
aiors performing medical serve BILL NO.35 f 1966
i ail ify Deis nn erf°rmine es ntlai Published April 30,1969 (A.43)
public services firemen and enforce.
- /J1-�-r •-—7
thormerit d or e rand.ped law enforce.
meat officers onop8 ur net may be
exempted r order etheRclroew. L.Aal Advertising Clerk
•business a tliaryment anywhere,
lemfergency,nlsu suchfat
the businesses to the;
elude,but note Pinged to,those self-
;/Uo s,°r beer,gasolinensing,orzi thergSlam-m ale Ikquids or combustible prod.'
Iuc(cl°TO lro deihe cosine f aft
o(vote tuns portion ihereot'and sworn to before me this____. Zed day of
ii7ste i the c umptiro °f intoxi-
I18dIng liquor and/or beer IS permit-
Ire Td abe me ai'°°ptinuanceKay A.D. 19_6a_,
,v'`.; sole M beer.
(e) To designate anyPublic
vehicle Parking areasclosed or;
Motor,vehicles and pedestrians for
If)T call upon regulern and aux-,�
I taffy law enforcement agencies and,i _ ,6.r2 L. '1
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Mar 28 1972