35 of 1977 - Adding section 51-4-3(1) imposing a six month moratorium on new development within proposed Foothill ROLL CALL
7 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, M i'ch 2 ,19 77
Mr.Chairman /
Agraz / I move that the Or in ce be p4sseed. /
H ensen
Phillips ✓
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 3 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to zoning and licensing by ADDING thereto
a new subsection (1) to be known as 51-4-3(1) , relating to a permit appli-
cation moratorium.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. THat Section 51-4-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to zoning and licensing, be, and the same
hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new subsection (1) to read as
Sec. 51-4-3. * * *
(1) No completed and unapproved application for a site
development permit, subdivision plat approval or building
permit shall be accepted or approved by the Planning Commis-
sion, Building Inspector or City Engineer for any development
or construction on premises situated within the proposed
Foothill Preservation ("P-1") District, more particularly
described below. This moratorium on accepting applications
shall extend for six months or until such sooner time as the
proposed Foothill Preservation ("P-1") District is acted upon
by the Board of Commissioners and such action becomes effec-
tive. Said district is more particularly described as follows:
"Commencing at the intersection of the Salt Lake City North
Limit Line and the center section line of Section 13, T1N R1W,
SLB&M; thence South along said center section line to the
north line of Section 24, T1N R1W, SLB&M; thence West along
said line 1320 ft.; thence south along the quarter section line
2600 ft., more or less, to the center section line; thence East
1320 ft. of said section line; thence South along the center
section line 1320 ft. ; thence East 1320 ft.; thence South 1320
ft. to the south line of said Section 24; thence East to the
southeast corner of Section 24; thence South 700 ft. , more or
less, along the Salt Lake Meridian; thence S 32°18'47" E.
889.38 ft.; thence S 49°03'57" E 733.11 ft.; thence N 89°51'02"
E 307.86 ft.; thence N 3°51'44" W 1499.48 ft. ' thence N 3].°10'
W 368 ft.' thence N 15°22' E 160.3 ft. to the north line of
Section 30; thence East along the section line of Section 30,
T1N R1E, SLB&M, to the north quarter corner of said Section 30;
thence N 0°39'37" W 268.61 ft.; thence N 89°20'23" E 1651.16
ft. ' thence S 10°06'06" W 237.12 ft. ' thence S 29°53' W 819.39
ft. thence S 19°31' W 1734.14 ft.; thence Southwesterly to a
point on the rear property line of Lot 5, Ensign Downs, Plat
"E", said point being 226.84 ft. south from the northeast cor-
ner of Lot 4 of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along
the subdivision boundary line of Ensign Downs, Plat "E", "D"
and "A" to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Ensign Downs, Plat
"A"; thence South to the west line of Bonneville Boulevard;
thence South following said line to its intersection with East
Capitol Boulevard; thence East 570 ft., more or less, to the
west line of Block 128 Plat "D", S.L.C. Sur.; thence North 600
ft., more or less, to the northwest corner of Block 153 in said
Plat "D"; thence East along Eleventh Avenue to the east line of
"B" Street; thence North 82.5 ft. to the northeast corner of
Eleventh Avenue and Bonneville Boulevard; thence North along
the east boundary of Bonneville Boulevard to the south line of
the vacated Thirteenth Avenue; thence East along the south line
of vacated Thirteenth Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 3,
Block 179, Plat "D", S.L.C. Sur.; thence North to the southwest
corner of the Residential "R-1A" District; thence Northerly and
Easterly along the "R-lA" boundary line to the quarter section
line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, T1N R1E, SLB&M;
thence North along said quarter section line to the rear boundary
line of North Hills Subdivision, Plat "A"; thence Northerly,
Easterly and Southerly along the exterior peripheral line of
Plat "A", Northcrest Subdivision, Plats "A", "C" and "B" North
Hills Subdivision to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Plat "B" in
said subdivision; thence East along the north line of Eighteenth
Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Northcrest
Subdivision, Plat "D"; thence Northerly, Easterly and Southerly
along the exterior peripheral lines of Plats "D", "E", "K"
amended, "F" and "H" to the southeast corner of Lot 25, Plat "H",
Northcrest Subdivision, said point being the northerly line of
North Bonneville Drive; thence Southeasterly along the north
line of North Bonneville Drive to the east boundary of Northcrest
Subdivision, Plat "Q"; thence South along the east boundary of
Plat "Q" to the southeast corner of Lot 8 in said Plat "Q";
thence South 400 ft.; thence East 400 ft.; thence North to
intersect with the 5200 foot contour line, as shown on the U.S.
Geological Survey, Fort Douglas, Quasdrangle, Utah; thence
Northerly, Easterly and Southerly along said contour line to its
intersection with the west boundary of Arlington Hills Subdivi-
sion, Plat "D"; thence along the northern and eastern boundary
lines of Arlington Hills, Plat "D" to the northeast corner of
Lot 14 of said Plat "D"; thence in a Southeasterly direction in
a straight line to the northwest corner of Lot 5, Arlington
Hills, Plat "I"; thence along the northerly and easterly rear
lot line of the lots on the north side of Tomahawk Drive in
Arlington Hills, Plat "I", "E" and "H" to the southeast corner of
Lot 8, Arlington Hills Subdivision, Plat "H"; thence East along
an extension of the south boundary of said Plat "H" to the east
line of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 33; thence South along said
quarter section line to the center section line of said Section
33; thence East to the point of intersection with the 5200 foot
contour line; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the 5200
foot contour line to its intersection with the Research "R-D"
Zoning District boundary line; thence North 758 ft., more or
less, along said boundary line to the northwest corner of said
"R-D" Zone; thence East 3140 ft.; thence S 0°02'0" E 1342.44 ft.;
thence E 1320 ft.; thence S 0°02'0" E 2640 Ft.; thence East 230
ft. , more or less, to the East City Limit Line; thence North,
East and West along the City Limit Line to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sa Lake City, Utah, this
2nd__ day of March, 1977.
BILL NO. 35 of 1977 i, ,�`,,Z 7/7 i MAYOR
Published March 8, 1977 `fir
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Arl ORDINANCE Ances of MENDING Chapter i M Title 51 of the' Shana D. Palmer
l licensingr b ADDINGt thereto City, relutbSnctmon(1)e tot be
andov:n as 51.4-3(11,relating to a permit tnpplication moratorium.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commslorlors of Salt Lake j
City,Utah,SECTION L That When 51-/-3 of the Revised Ordmancss Of l Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
Sa t Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to swing end Neenah.bt,
eeeareiooii hereby
t:e aaaliaig"';ndh3 by aening tnarmo a paw Using clerk of the DESERE'1'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
Ill 40 completed^• twins set erprinted in the English language with general cir-
nI No permit,
s a a on plearvlfor site t P �, r+
development Parml end
prat sal r bolding
rah shag be ce ns eon city E the Pmnnlre crrlrrttun to Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Commission, Building Inspector o city Engineer for y
development Metr�nM M pr-I")Di trict,M within ma Corntty,to the State of Utah.
proper o rood ll below.
This ni("P-1u) oo act,11bra noliCo-
lions d nxte haloes.This the or until on eooe r .a the
lions shall extend for else tn'onths or until such sealer time as the
sad Foothill Preservation("P-1")District ie acted uoat by That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
he Board of Com parrkrrs and such action becomes affective.
Said district is more ro particularly described as follows:
"Commencing of the Intersection of the Salt Lake City North
Limit Line and Me South
ale section One of Section 13.TIN R1W, Pub notice of an ordinance retat In to a ermit
neof Section thence4,11 IIN ROW SLBB,Msold ithrence West along section line to tSaid line he north ----- gin--- ---
t320 H.;thence south along the guartor section line�fry,t H.,More •
or s,to the renter section line;thence East 1390 B.of sold
section fine;thence South slung the center Stollen line 1320%; applications moratorium
east 13u0.h.;thence South 1320ft.to the south line of said ---
24;thence toot to the southeast corner of Section 2;
thence South 700ft., or less,along the Salt Lake Meridian;
thence S 32'UVIr'E.mom
ft.;thence S 49'03'57'E 733.11 It.;
thence N 89'51'02"8;107.86 h.;thence N 3°51'44"W.1499.48ft.;
thence N 31"10'W.36e H.;thence N 15.22'E.150.3 H.to the north
line of Section 30;Medea East along the section One of Section 30,
then e N0°3'37" �north1 tl.:h.ance corner of sold Section 16 30;
e9°22''3E,.601,.d Ht
thence S 10"06'W.
0 W.237.12 nth;thence Soot S 2st rl W.819.ne!1.
thence S or 31' lin of ft.;5,Ensign on Plat
to a point on
the tear g 226.34 tline 01 Lot 8,the
or Downs.Plot f told
point being ls6.N ft.south from ton northeastSouthwesterly
lo corner of Lot d of
sold li a of itenceowns,Pat'6 eking the subdivision
A -----. - _.
boundary line ofof lot
Pbo s,P^D"eonenc tooth ---
tottheast toner Enel05 Downs,Plat a S;thence Sting
to the west line of Bonnevillea Boulevard;thence Spats following
Eais line to Its intersection elm East Capitol Boulevard;thence was publisher)in said news paper onMarch a, 1977
st 570 ft.,more or less,to the west line of Block 122 Plot"D",S.L.C.
of Blocck 153 In said Plot"0";thence East alpong he Eleventh
Avenue to the aest Ilne of"B"Street,thence North 82.5 ft.to the
northeast Corner of Eleventh Avenue and Bonneville Boulevard;
f ncoe
Ilsh e loofn
thte vacatedWThi trtemMB Avvennue;N ncceeaE so
along the south line of vacated Thirteenth Avenue to the
nortnons0 corner of Lot 3,Block 179,Plat"D",S.L.0 Sur.;
thence North to the oouthwest corner of the ResltMntlnl"IOTA"
District, thence Northerly and Easterly along.the" IA"
boundary line to the guar ler section line of the Sout Reast Quarter
of Section 30,TIN R1E,SL11AM;thence North along sold,1uarter C {�� C\J '
ction line to the rear boundary line of North Hills Subdivision. \ � -tr /tie �� • _A.„, '�9--�
Plat..A"i thence Northerly,Easterly end Saufheriv alone the I
tenor peripheral Ilse of Ptorr A' Northcreet Subdivision, l.(:gal Arlvettt,Stttg Clerk
Plots"A","C"and"B"North Hills Subdivision tette southeast
corner of Lot d,Plat"B"In said Subdivision;thence Eist along
the north tine of Egineenih Avenue to the southwest comae of Lot
r..Block 5,Northcrhet Subdivision,Plat"D";thence Northerly,
Easterly and ","Id"lV alrstg the extent"pp"p t000hn 0tlw of
Plate"D",et 20"to amended.her and"H"to the said
corner f Lot 25,Pet"e NNorthrest Doi id thence
South ore northerly Ilse of North Bonnevillenavhle Drive;rlento
the east boundary emNort circline et Sundials.,NOrth Plat"Qvilie Dlthence re' Ise this_ 1'4th day of
South 01000 thecae boundary of Plat"0"to hie southeast corner
of Lot 8 in said Phil"O";thence
eSou.400 ft.;t
ihence East 400 nth;
on the U.5 Geo01nnoc t SSSurvey,Fort Doonius,Dondrane°s,Wear',_ A,D. 19____.
thence No'tr rr,,Easterly and Southerly along cam contour line
to Its Intersection with the hest boundary f Arlington Hills
Subdivision,Plat"D",thence along the northern he torn
boundary lines f Aritnoton Hills,Plat 0"to the eastern
dtlI Lot Id of Id Plat D";thence ine Soultreosterly
oe Ir straight line to Me northwest carte/ f Lot 5,
Arlington)Hills,Plat"I";thence along the northerly end eeeterlo
roar lot line of the lots on tiun north side or Tomahawk Drive In
Arlington Hills,Plat"I"-E"and"11"to the southeast corner al
Lot e,Arlington}�llls Sub M "It";dl+lsi •PLAT" ";tY2nce Fast along
tinexIire sWl/.ip`NO'11,heS6'cntiuov00,nbl fmt;Nn to.o coat Notary Pnhltie
uarter section line to the center sect' line or said Section a3
fnunce East to the point of mtersncnoe with the 5300 font mnmot
thence in a Soattwamerly direction moms the 5200 loot
contour line to Its Intersection with the Research"R-D"'Zoning
District boundary line;thence North)58 ft.,more or Tess,alom)
ski boundary line to nu.northwest corner of ld"R43"aona,
t •So
r hence East 31n0 n th th; ence 5 0'So'0"E.1'142.41 It.,thence E.
329 ft;thonce S 0'02'0"E.2640 ft;thence Ens!230 H.,mote or
less,to the East City Choir Line;thence North,P_oct and Y.'est
alum;the Cite Limit Line to the point of Deglnnn,u."
Commissioners 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissiu of
Salt Lake City It Is necessary to the hence,health end welfare of
the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance became
cifective lminedlettaly.
SECTION 3.TM1IS ordinance shall fake effect upon Its tlrst'---
Passed bd the Board nl Canmlesloneos of Salt Lake Cltr.
Ulan,this 2ntl der ai Mooch.t9l/.
City Recorder
illLL March
of h3,
Published arch 8.19/1 (C.10,