353 of 1900 - Ordinance 353 of 1900 – Levying tax on assessed value of taxable property within the corporate lim BILL No. J5 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING THt TAX on the assessed value of tax— able property within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, county of Salt Lake, State of Utah, for the year 1900. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City that there he and is hereby levied a general tax on all property, real personal and mixed, situate, lying and being within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, made ta�x9b;e by the laws of said State and the ordinances of said city, sevAh m3Jills on the dollar, as follows to— 4011 wit: let, to defray the contingent expenses of said city, triiills on the dollar. exees, 02--uentro33 :tithe water f zs-a"lzdA,®i:tY; ar. / 030, to defray the expense Of opening, improving and keeping in /repair the streets and sidewalks of said city, l on the dollar. 'ilk 41 3 .4.b,r; to defray the expenses of constructing and keeping in repair sewers and drains in said city, dre46ird mill on the dollar. d„.„.G- '.5.t.h;to defray the exp4nses of Maintaining a public library and / 2 reading room, one—fourthrmill on.the dollar. Section 2. Said tax shall:.be collected by the treasurer of Salt Lake County, at the time and in .th.e manner provided by law for collect— ing State and County taxes, and said treasurer shall have and exercise the same powers respecting the collection of said tax and sale of de— linquent property as are conferred upon him by law respecting the col— lection of state and county taxes. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its _ approval. Passed by the City Co ncil of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 25, 1900, and iir:r. referred to the Mayor for his approva l' City Becor r. Ppproved this°/iday of July, 1900.' L U,5 f 3 ," a p- i-iU Mayor. .0'.f ;,II ;.• - . '' -D nr.rit;*, l';92-: -.r, P';-..` ro 7/,' ' ',;-, vrof- ,i r..nr,„1-1:6- -;,:u..)f: ,-;J•t.'") pl.:1ml J-11-;; 41;c: p.::-_ti:_; 1 p.t.-...:.oyrL.!-; P.:;.' !1-:..,..i... ' ;;: - ; _ ;r;:py s;i1 ..co't ,ii.o.tU -.:o -.1 ,:;'1 ,;-.:,:;,‘ ; .iv- ,;., ..;-; JI. ',7.(J :"...1-prtro:.'; 7J.tp pitt Iccc hfrtt,q).ro .tf ;;.; ..r7 rzc.i.-Th ; • -4 ;-.o.!..r,r) p ,, ritriJk.1 ±,Itt. c 1-;ftc: : ftir',....1. i.ft.tr ,. • ::; r'. l)tii- "cc. --in! erff ycf pZcfs7J3J ^hIrt ,,r.f-t-, ':E:•,[ •••••-r. " • ,• i"-- -.,: r,wo:...ro'l- ;1'; , Jr) ..--;i:J -o nrrli i; ve.; ,yzito hip.; 'It; ,.,:-•- ;;; c ,•-•-; ;.:,: :.',.t r =:: ' ,-. .;-1:} :)tiln -to tipprinc:.=.f.; j:-;r•-it.t..trsov 6;,:.="m•!-,:t1I) 0.:. , .' , ' ,l'-‘`!..... V-3',. -.,,'', oS' t' : .‘cri.[_ro_li t-•,:,, r() -'-i- ,-"-": — - -.•,-, , : ---c, :.: wOrECI.. t ,7..trtite c.."o 'to -;:,.:t ,;!'..; - LI* -.,;;n=p;-1 c4 tr7'. .;....... _ •j-; f-- ::.; ft' -:-. - ". ,; ci.,:z11-)_=..;;;Joo 'Co nt,pf pl-t, ;=;, • : ;) i rf.c; .1".J..f.f bfj-i;:.:.) ,.. -';,-f;7_1.z; r ,eiti.:;. •,i.,• -• r ‘, J):11', -„,..,tri-rn"i_s ;).1-r- . , :1,r.,..tr,,±rl j'fkij'f:t 10 '.' ''''"':, .....1: .: ,''C, 0 0,,..•l J' ,,' e........ . ,' : t. . 2.. '; ---' : ...•:, .TolLof; c .-F..;.:. f.ft:1 i;,;-;:.:-.-.:r.-:.. .0 , :---p'r bo —0 . '7..c. n,.r.mn,;nr.r.' r'C:: 17,cr 1.); ,,F,...'.1%;,0 ireji.j.; - ',:. . .,. . ,—. • 111.. f-.-7,1.: S...riP . fraft-, r:-.;:' r i : r : •-..i,f,y:r. !.:;.:t" riO.r.T.: ; !..'';''. •' :" .' tit ' . \ -:- ; -:c.; :_r„, r• .f,rzs-; xr*..1 1).1-m1'10 ro_IJoc:-.1;•p ;,i-,:,; ;-;./-0-.;,,-,-,--;,, ,,-, • ; ,.._ , •; -,IL :::,L : ? vf,c,r.c-r"J : vsi= 1„cii- r:oft: i-.; •-;•c; I.P;c:, -B '_,.; 7,t-',--,. C';' •-• j-1,,FIZr.r4 .,....,•,,, : : .00 .F!”.. t' '',' .:', 1:0 P.0 if , f . . , I I,. • Ili: