354 of 1900 - Ordinance 354 of 1900 – Providing for issuing & disposing of certain bonds for purpose of increasi An Ordinance providing for issuing and disposing of
certain Bonds by Salt Lake City Corporation for the purpose
of increasing the water supply and improving water works system
of said Salt Lake City Corporation. AA m thorised by a vote
of the tax payer of said eity on July 16th, 1900,
Sc.e 1. That for the purpose of increasing the water
supply and improving the water works system of Sit Lake City
the Committee of Finance of the City Council are hereby atthorized
to take all necessary steps looking toward the issuance and sale of
$259000. in Bonds of the following denominationst
100 Bonds Of the Denomination of $200. sash and
Stop Bonds of the Denomination of $100 0 sash.
Sec. id. Said Bonds shall be known as Salt Lake City
Water Bonds and shall be issued and old for the express purpose
of increasing the water supply and improving the waterworks
systems at Balt Lake City.
f See. 3. Said Bonds shall bear the date of August
20th, 1900, and shall be payable twenty years from date and shall
be numbered from 1 to 30Q both inclusive. The principal of
said Bonds ball be payable at the office of the City TVeasnrer
in Salt Lake City end interest Ball be made payable at New York
City, or Salt Lake City, or their successors Both soh
principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the
United States.
See. 4. Said Bonds shall bear interest at a rate nct
to exceed 4 per cent per annum, potable semi—annually.
See. S. Said Bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and
City Recorder and attested by the Corporate Seal of said City.
See. 6. Said Bonds shall bear oappens for the interest
so arranged that Whey may br detached without mmt$lation of the
Bonds. Said interest coupons to bear the signatures of the Mayer
and City Rocorder, either by their min hand cr by lithographic
ocry of each.
Coo. 7. Tho City Pecorder is hereby instructed to
advertise for Lids on said ibpic ,.`"or a period of 10 days. C:'.1d
e 'advertisinc: to be :fine mnder the instructions of the Finance Committ-
ee of the C-:ancil.
Sec. 3. There Mall he sot aside, and placed it a snec-
ial account annually out of the receipts of the Water Wo.rLs
Department frbra eater rates, a sufficics_rt au m to pay the :i.n(,erest
o:'. said Bonds.
Sad. 9. The net receipts of ho ;'rater Works Departnoent
ehazn bo laid aside and placed in a spuci41 fundeprovided said N,,
special fund may from time to time :e invested by the Finance
Cornritteo of the City Covnoil subject to the approval of the
bayor and City Council An Bonds of the United States, Ctate aC K
Utah, City or County of Salt Lake, or halt Lake City School o nd.s.
arc. 10. The Bonds issued under the provision_ this F
} /
ordinance shall be exempt from taxation by said Salt Lake City.
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Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 25, 1900, and
referred to the Mayor for his approval.
City R o' er.
;:""Approved thisz7 day of .Tuly, 1900.
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