355 of 1900 - Ordinance 355 of 1900 – Providing for issuing & disposing of certain bonds for purpose of increasi • BILL !40.....`:. . for Am o di e amending an ordinance passed under the designation of 'Pill '•o. 5 an app e July 27th, 190e, providing for issuing and disposing , cer.ain and by S t y. ?e City er • irat r th 'ass - ' . -- r systtim , an Tul;,r 16th, 1900. -.- BILL NO.Wit NOR AN ORDINANCE. .t pviding for issuing and disposg of certain bonds by Salt Lake City / / ��� corpo- ration,fur the purpose of in o.reeeing the 1J water supply and improving waterworks system of said Salt Lake City corpora- tion,as authorized by a vote of the tax- W Payers of said city on July LR 1:N10. • • See. 1. That for the purpose of increasing the water supply and • • improving the watwrworks system of Salt Lake City, the Committee of 'inane : of the City Council are hereby authorized to take all necessary steps • • • looking toward the issuance and sale, of $250,000 in bonds of the folliTing denominations: • 100 bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, and • 200 bonds of the denomination of 01000.00 each. • Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be known as Salt lake City Water Bonds, • • and issued and sold for the express purpose of increasing the water supply • and improving; the waterworks system of Salt Lake City. 040k Sec. 3. Said bonds shall boar .the date of , 1900, and shall be payable twenty-years from date, and shall be numbered from one • • to 300 inclusive. The principal of said bonds shall he payable at the office of the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City, and interest shall, be made • payable at either salt Lake City or New York City. Both such principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United States. Sec.' 4. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed • • four per cent per annum payable semi-annually. • Sec. 5. Said bonds shall bear coupons for the interest, so arranged • that they may be detached without mutilation of the bonds, said interest bonds to bear the signatures of the t'syor and City Recorder, either by the`r own hand or by lit'ogtaphic copy of each. • Sec. 6. The Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and • directed to s n and deliver said bonds to the purchasers thereof on iL _ 355 BILL B'o.:. ' . . '� . . 'tor An o di e amending an ordinance passed under the designation of Pill "a. 5 an app e July 27th, lfrfs, providing for issuing and disposing eer.ain and by S t T .e City )•r rat r th ost en?' increasing water su y and impr ens t e to r eyst,dm , as eethorized by a vote' of the tax payers of sal City on July 10h, 1900. ordained Be it ordained sec. 1. That for the purpose of increasing the water supply and improving the waterworks system of Salt Lake City, the Committee of 'inane of the City Council are hereby authorized to take all necessary steps looking toward the issuance and sale, of $250,000 in bonds of the folleWing denominations: 100 bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each, and --1 200 bonds of the denomination of $1000.00 each. Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be known as Salt Take City Water Bonds, and issued and sold for the express purpose of increasing the water supply � I and improving the waterworks eye'em of Salt Lake City. aia Sec. 3. Said bonds shall bear .the date of/ , 1900, and shall be payable twenty-years from date, and shall be numbered from one to 300 inclusive. The principal of said bonds shall ee payable at the office of the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City, and interest shall be made payable at either salt Lake City or 'New york City. Both such principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United States. Sec. 4. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed four per cent per annum payable semi-annually. See. S. Said bonds shall bear coupons for the interest, so arranged that they may be detached without mutilation of the bonds, said interest bonds to bear the signatures of the SSayor and City Recorder, either by the'r own hand or by lit'ogaphio copy of each. Sec. 6. The Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to sign and deliver said bonds to the purmkaeere thereof on 355 behalf of said City and shall attest the same by the corporate seal of said City. See. 7. The City T?ecorder is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for said bonds for a period of ten days, said advertising to be done under the instructions of the Finance Committee of the Council. el' Fee. e. The revenue from the waterworks department shall hereafter be kept in a special fund by the City Treasurer, and said fund shall be expended as follows: First, a sufficient part thereof shall be :et apart to pay the interest upon the issue of bonds provided for by this ordinance Second so much thereof as may be necessary shall be used for the general maintainance of the waterworks sysem and such extensions and improvements as may be from time to t±me ordered by the city Council. Third, after paying interest on said bonds and e xpenditures for maintainance and improvements as above provided, the revenue remaining shall he set aside and placed in a special fund for the purpose of redeeming such bonds as may be issued for waterworks purposes including the bonds herein provided for. Provided, however, that said special fund may be invested from time t to time by the Finance Committee of the City Council, subject to the approval of the mayor and City Council, in bonds of the United States, the State of Utah, City or County of salt Lake, or Felt Lake City School bonds, and provided, further, that when the fund so created shall equal the amount of bonds issued for waterworks purposes, then and thereafter _the net revenues of the waterworks department after paying expenses, improvements and interest, shall be placed in the general fund. Sec.*. The bonds issued under the provisions of this ordinance shal be exempt from taxation by Salt. ;Ake City. and the ordinanc Ir amended Seer=-10.. This rdinance s e in Three from and after the approval.of this ord 7/_ GCS CO Aga t� -� Gil��{ x 0,,t yZf_Aff behalf of said City and shall attest the same by the corporate seal of said City. Sec. 7. The City necorder is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for said bonds for a period of ten days, said advertising to be done under the instructions of the Pinance Committee of the Council. Feu. O. The revenue from the waterworks department shall hereafter be kept in a special fund by the City Treasurer, and said fund shall be • expended as follows: Pir;;t, a sufficient part thereof shall be :et apart 1 to pay the interest upon the issue of bonds provided for by this ordinance i Seeond,so much thereof as may be necessary shall be used for the general i maintainanee of the waterworks system and such extensions and improvements as may be from time to time ordered by the "its Council. Third, after paying interest on said bonds and e xpenditures for maintainance and improvements as above provided, the revenue remaining shall be set aside and placed in a special fund for the purpose of redeeming such bonds as • may be issued for waterworks purposes including the bonds herein provided for. Provided, however, that said special fund may be invested from time to time by the Finance Committee of the City Council, subject to the approval of the mayor and City Council, in bonds of the United 'tates, the Sec. 9. Salt Lake City hereby pledges its credit for the pa4'ment of ' said bonds and interest as the same fall due. improvements and interest, shall be placed in the general fund. Sec.h. The bonds•issued under the provisions of this ordinance shal • be exempt from taxation by Salt Fake City. • and the ordinanc y amended See--C.. This rdinance s e in fhrce from and after t$e approval.of this ord �� // GZ Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City August 7, 1900, and referred to the Mayor for his approval /� /2 City Recorder. Approved this 9 i `day of August, 1900. 4i/fa, Mayor. , . lre ...1 . i! .... ,............1 +.: : . \45r 1 ,...„. ,,..: ..., . . I . 1 ' 'Fr (•,/ j.r- . . /1 ! , ‘.. . i..- , 1 1 . N 1 •I) •- ''' . i I . ,_ ...• ......___ 1 ' ! , . 1 i 1 i I i