358 of 1900 - Ordinance 358 of 1900 – Providing for prevention of the befouling of waters running into Salt Lake Bill No. ..{‘ for AN 00I)i:'Ai1Cp; 3I:OVIDIMG FOR THg TreS7SHTION 0r- _'HE pn;: l)OL'iP3C OP LW r,'.i'US RIMING TO,OR IJ A 1J) 7v T';r; IN-LIATJTAWPS OF SALT LAFo: CIOY; A'V) P3307IDIPIG PRITALTi00 FOR 'rIOT,AT10Mr OP SAP?R. it ordained by the City council of Salt Take City,":tate of 1tah. Section 1. It shell b0 ttnl.::aful for t-ny porsor,or persor.s,to constr•tct,or m--ir.tain,=ny corral,shun p-,n,pir eer,c'iicker coop,stable, or other offensive erd,or outhouse,elong any stream of ter used by the.. inhahitrts of Salt Leke nit,• nywhera within; ten miles above the point '.where said stream is taker by s id Oity,where the ,,taste or drainage therefrom will Naturally find its way into said stream of water; or to derosit,nile,er1oed or leave any rt=rttre,or other offensive rubbi�sh,or the carcass of a.ny dead animal along any stream of water used by the inhe.luitants of Salt Take Oity,ar where within ten miles above the point where said stream is taken,'arhe—e t:cs ,rraste,or draireee therefrom,will naturally find its way into said stream of water; or to drive,or to , ermit,or cause,ar.y other persons to drive any lo0st, cettle,horses,sheep, or lrogs,through any cainon,frort the stream of which wate.r is,or shall he, taken for the use of the inhabitants of said City,or to permit any c,,ttle,horses,shcep,or hogs,to remain in,or near,or to pollute any • stream of water used by the inhabitants of said City anywhere within teit miles above a point where said water is first taken by said City. ect lop 2. It s;ral.l he hn ;f,tl for any person,or persons within ten miles above the highest point where water from said canon is taken for Salt Lake City to cc p within one hundred feet of the 'stream in sa.td capon or o throw,or deposit,any g-er age,or other deleterious matter of cry kind,name,or rsture,et any point in such canon within ten miles from the highest, point of diverston,es eforesaid,-.t a place where such deposit will naturally by wash of rains,or dreinage,find its way into said stream. Section 3. Any person,or persons,violating any of the provisions • _t_ 358 IP -2- of this ordinance shall he subject to a fine in ar: sum of not less than ten do.lers,nor more than one hundrd dollars,or he imprisoned >° for not less than one day,00r more than ore hundred d' s,or both such ✓,'' + fine and imprisonment for each and every offense. 2ection 4. This ordinance shall be in full force from and after its ressaf;e and aTproval. Ali l5/ I -,--- . 1 i t•‘k\k,..'.14. cu. 1 • cr'4. • S . 'a. ' ii riii,,c,,(' -7:---. • . .. 1\ v't. c, ,._ i 1 , -0, ' . , .-, It „ 1 ' i : 1 . , , I, !! ii i --t . :' , , . :, ! 1!._ i 1 i