359 of 1900 - Ordinance 359 of 1900 – Establishing rules and regulations concerning placing of telegraph, teleph • • • BILL NO,-FOB AN ORDINANCE ES- shall be so ted or placed as to inter- ho shall t one lnsppect the sam d, ' • tablishing rules and regulations con- fere,by contact,induction,or otherwise, 1f approved by him,sh it issue a same, tifl- hich• corning the placing and maintaining of with the successful operation of any fire cafe of satisfactory inspection, telegraph, telephone and electric wires alarm,police telegraph telegraph, tel- shall contain the date of such inspection I and poleF and all other electrical appll- ephnne wire circuit or i o nstrument. and an outline of the result of such exam- i ances, and regulating and defining the Sec. 10. Whenever any wire used as a llation; current ent be turnedon .` duties of the office f City Electrician, onductor for electric lighting pur- such installation until said certificate be and repealing all conflicting ordinances. poses,shall be so erected,placed or main- issued. -21'.2.. Section 1. No person,firm,or •corpora- tain �1 as to violate any of the provisions Sec. 17. The said City Elletriclan, or Hon shall erect ny poles for telephone, of this ordinance, or so as to Interfere other competent person delegated bo file telegraph,electric light,electric railroad, by contact, induction or otherwise,with halt have the right during rea a oilyor other'poles in any of the streets the successful operation of any fire alarm, hours to enter any building,man-]tole or of Salt Lake City.except in strict pursu- police telegraph, telegraph, telephone subway, In the discharge f his official a ce of a permit from tire City Engineer, line, circuit rcuit Instrument, the Chief of dud ,orfor the purpose of making any which permit must be on the ground dui- Police,or City Instrument, es Electrician,or the corpora- tests of the electrical apparatus or apPli- Ing the whole time the work •f erecting lion person owning or entitled to the antes therein contained,and for that pur- ny such pole or poles is in progress, telephone use or y such fire alarm, police tele- pose he shall be given prompt access to bo exhibited to any policeman or other graph, telegraph,or telephe wire, cir- all buildings private or public,and ins all person who asks to see it. curt or instrument, may serve upon the man-holes and subways, application to Sec.2. All applications far permits must person, firm, or c Portion, o 'the man- the company or individual owning or in be made in writing,signed by the cot por- aging agent or officer thereof, a notice charge or In control of the same. at1On,firm or person desiring to erect any stating the manner and place where such Sec. 21. The Chief of the Fire depart- ; such pole or poles, and must snow the wires are so erected, placed or main- me t or said City Electrician,or a compe- place places where aueh pole;.r poles ained,and upon receipt of such notice it tent person delegated by them,or either are to,bo erected, said application shall be the duty of such person,,firm, of them, shall havethe powerto s e c 1nineercserved 1 , • must be left with . and corporation,all agent, or officer unk he removal le all lees .. ;i 1 office. to such wires such of all electrical • -2, mit d by notice which erected,pia ed main- culs Interfere with t • • 4�.. • • s she . duties t fire .t--.. the M1 �+ • p d d from toy build- a s - 'sec.'9. The said CI• _ way in.' 1 t -' i Tor the purpose of siing lthe keep, se to bek -- t1 mess by sldrsg,permission of the fmlete daily record of all work done,then water'm pipes, or vhi f such building,N its Issued, xanlinations made,or other other way would interfere with t 11. No person,firm,or corporation official work performed s required by of said streets. ..,t-.,e shall erect. r maintain telephone, the provisions of this ordinance or its p Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any graph,oralother poles in the streets of rules,and make a full and detailed report person, firm or corporation to erects o .id city shall string to exceed one hue- thereo to the Mayor and Common Council maintain any pole or other obstruction at deed separate wires upon the same. All on the 10th day of January of each vear. the center of the.intersection f anyof poles erected for the purpose et forth inSec. 20. The City Electrician is hereby s the streets of Salt Lake aka Ci.y,to be d this ordinance must have the bark pealed empowered to inspect or reinspect ll for any other purpose than(hut of light- from them and be neatly trimmed of electrical construction,all material and all Rig said treats. r knots,and otherwise p esent n at al, appliances used In connection with elec- sec.5.streets. any Person,firm orpearance,and within the fire limits shall rical work and the operation of all elec- potation shall erect or maintain any tele- be painted black ten feet from the sue- trical app artus,and all wiring and ppa • graph, telephone, or electric light poles face of the ground, and the remainder ilia conducting electric current for heat, or lines within the corporate limits of white;and they nix feet e t be erected or light r power In buildings 1n the city of Salt Lake Cit,he or it shall enter into a set nearer than six feet to any gas or Salt Lake;and when conductors or ppa- % bond to the city in the of$26,000 to water main or service pipe,nor shall they rr tus are found to be unsafe to life or keen said city Indemnified for n ac- vary more than six inches from a perpn- property,shall notify the person,,firm or • count of any and all damages that m dicular position. rporation owning, using or operating. • • be caused by reason of the erection,man- Sec.12. It shall be the duty of the City them to place the same Ina safe and se- • agement or use of such telegraph, tele- Electrician to so direct the placing, cure condition. ,phone, or electric light poles or lines in stringing and attaching of wires upon FEES. - Id city. ,poles erected-n the streets d alleys of Sea 21. There shall be paid to the City sec.6. Any person,firm,o corps'tin id city that the me shall cause. as Treasurer, piles of the issuance of re- who shall erect an'telegraph,telephone, little obstruction, either to the travel i rpts,one which is to be filed with the electric light lines In Salt Lake City the streets or to the use.and enjoyment of ceCity Electrician.ofan when application is made • ,hall tract the same under the dice- private property, a possible; to compel for the issuance of a certificate permit- ' Lion ofmanner the City Engineer, and in such the joint useof poles wherever practice.- Ling the use of electric current the follow- • ma and place as the City Cou toil bloc, and in case the joint users of any Ing Yees; For each arc light to r an- m y by ordinance or resohttlonoprescribe. such poles are unable to agree the rile or other r aga,the sum of$1.For Soc.7. Any person,firm,or c pora.tonrental to be paid the owner of such shallpol •ch inspection or rehtspection f all • who shall erect place in position for or h use, the Citjr Electricianelectrical construction, all materials nd • telegraph or telephone urposes any pole fix such rate,provided that either party all appliances used in connection ith or poles shall have theesame of ca ross-arm or may appeal from the decision of the City electrical work and the operation of lee- sufficientck so that the lowest cross-arm or Electrician to board of three, to d erical apparatus and machinery, d all bracket shall be at least twenty-three gist of the Chief of the Fire Department, wiring conducting electric current for • feet six inches from the ground on the Building Inspector and the City Engi- heat, power light ec buildings in'the' streets-and twenty-two feet six inches on ee and the decision of eald'hoard shall city of Salt Lake, the City Electrician sidewalks onpaved streets, and pale be final and binding. hall charge a fee of not exceeding$1 per for either o the above Purposes shall be See. 13. The upper gain on all posts hour for the time actually consumed Per less than six inces In diameter at the erected to support wires and lines for the each inspector in making the Inspection, by a electricity q leeiiridll fy the but n inspection shall be made fora less • t Sec.S. Any Person,firm, i corporation by electricity,and where required by the mount than 50 cents;Provided that In no who shall erect,place in position or main- city, the two opper gains f any tole- event hall the charge or fee exceed the or Min for electric light is shall red pole graph or sele of the poles shall be rdsothed of$20 for any one person,firm,car- maintain on paved treatst erect and for the use the hoe,police,and other pUration last. crcross-ar the rill U that the lowest telegraph ph and telephone and used wires elybe_ po pp bracket sixxt shoe be from least for municipal to the r o end u the exclusively Sec. e2.paid t allh fees herein required twenty-two t t feet athee the for purr and city shall shall bere pall to the City Treasurer,who ground t the lowest p i t,and that have the right, free of charge, to place shall receipt for the a In triplicate, fee highest grout al,not exceed p thirty own mien n and or toss-of a for is- one it which receipts,find filed by the feet from the ewires and and onin unpaved Own 0 any the granting of any silos applicant for°soyppermit it the City 3'th sot that shall erect and maintain the same hies to a e person,firm,or corporation ordinance before any permitrequiredissby.the so that the lowest wireshall be at least to erect poles for any cofe the purposes ordinance its ales shall be Issued. twenty-three feet six inches from the nested in this ordinance shall be with the See.2a. The Assistant City Electrician ground at the lowest pint,and so that above reservation of privilege or right. shall have general supervision -ay•the the highest wire shall not exceed twenty- See. 14. All architects aocte r required police and fire alarm systems of the 1Lity, seven feet from the ground,except where when drawing plans and specifications to d hall have charge of any membeir'de'of it may be higher necessary to raise any of such erect any building In Salt Lake City to the departments who nncc be detailed to wires higherthan twenty-seven feet for make provisions for the channeling and perform work co teQ with this the purpose of crossing electric.street car pocketing of buildings for electric light branch the sevice,and i batteries, Pbonds ara- rea and to avoid coming in contact with and power wires and in specifications for tus, instruments,and•shall keep and maintain the trolly arm of street care,and no pole electric gas lighting to require a two-wire and wires, u he shall for this purpose shall be less than six circuit, whether thebuilding is to be them in proper working 'der; aches i diameter at the top; d so far wired for electric lighting or not,s that at all times have access to the lnstru- s practicable line racticable said electric light shall no part of the gas fixtures orm gas piping is at all stations. be erected on the opposite side of any be allowed to be used for the electric Iie shall give practical Instructions'to street or alley to that which is occupied lighting circuit. me mbers hers of the department, as to the by wires of a telegraph or telephone line; Sec. 15. All electrical construction, all working of the Instruments. as will en- cableed, that whenever 1t is impractin material and all appliances used in con- able them to usethem readily ad keep cable to carry out the provisions of this section with electrical work, and the the same In good working order. section as to the height of the wires,the operation of all electrical aparatus in He shall promptly report to the Chief Of City Electrician shall grant permission to buildings in Salt Lake.City shall be in the department any interruption in the change'rho limits of the height of such conformity with the rules and regulations working of the lines o apparatus,which wires ' wires where such change does not violate set forth i what Is known as the'Ns.- may cause delay In iving or receiving any provision of section 9 of this ordf- Ronal Electrical Code," being rules and any alarm of fires, stating about thea ° a nanc;and Providede further,that ie any requirements for the installation ofnt elrc- length ofit time that will probably occur oone stile by street mayi be-occupied-on nd�he i ,-heatrm.n pow r, at ear same --tboll report se. -and' when re to thelt2 '— sloe by telephone ices and on the light, heat and power, as the same arehen report the same lmmedlately to the othersi side by telegraph wires, and l Is now established,and the said rules and Chief.hal desired to erect said such ectng meats togethr with any amend- Shall answer we c allh alarms ofbe fire In the one Bide esls of said street,placed onch electric is and ,are he made therein from district which u may assigned' light wires shall be placed the s time to'time,are hereby adopted and ap- shallg wearthe regulation uniformntand aide c the streetrtheas the telegraphwes. wires proved. badge adopted b_ the quarters h and . .under tit is necessary wires. Sm. a .a alteration orchange shally When absentwii from he quarters he ashall e Sec.9. Whenever t is pproach or cross be made in or stall atop a wiring in any may word with the secretary where he electric is light wire n approach r building,placed nor shall building'w installationpurpose maybe found. the h, f any fior term, police Loh- of unisin aele curren the lights, one. h4. Ahall person,n, to graph,shall ap o h telephone late, the of ernlrfing electric currents for lights, lion who hall fall,p neglect ons or or corpora- graph, me shall not an three or cross at a eta- power or for any mpli purpose whatever comply with the provisions of tal, di- or be of leas than three police either above without a strict fied compliance with the rules nonce shall bd deemed ogn vicyt of a lseo- o belay said fire alarm,ire,trodindividual, therf ahell ao firm rg,ailbeforeaentering upon shall be(BOO) not more than hundred sly tautened e supports placed as the any alteration,ora any change or extension otify dollars days, or imprisoned both not re than snear ecurely as prael gn orb,to ere telephone pollee of any wiring of tan in.wag,shall giving notifys sects days, or by both such fineand or shall , telegraph, oresor hoes, the Crely Electrician of in. work giving imprisonment. This orshall be carried i bores or troughs general description es the work to be per- ice.2:5. This ordinance shall in force • to across the route of said fire alarm,police formed. In all eases of concealed work, and take effect from andafter its ar- tele graph. telegraph, or telephone lures, rho City Electrician shall be notified t proval,and chapter 50 of the revised o trnctel nod placed as to prevent leant forty-eight (48) hours before the dinances of 1892 and all amendments the electric light and telegraph ,n teb- work is covered. • thereto, and all ordinances nd resolu- of oe,er lines coming in direct contact In Upon completion of the wiring of any Bons or Harts of ordinances and solu- ither should break or become de- building,it shall be the Odot of the n - dons In conflict herewith are hereby re- tuched from fixtures. No ire used en son,firstcorporation, doing the same pealed. , conductors for electric lighting purposes to notify the Cit Electrician,In writing. - • �ll9�y /''„i .seas-. f __ i-.-�.•t 4't p ll`f _. 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