36 of 1904 - Ordinance 36 of 1904 – Creating certain offices in various departments of the city not otherwise p AN O R D I N A -.
An ortinanca creating certain offices in tee v;ie]cue aepl.rtments of
the City not otherwise provided for by lnn .
De it ordained by the City Council of 5. 1i, Lake City, Ut.Om
SECTION 1. In tho depart:;cent of the C i ty Engineer there shall be
the following a,sistantS at the following salaries, to-wit:
1 Assistant City .,:gineer $125.00 per ,Arbil
2 Draughtsmen 1(40.00 p e mo�atn,e�ach.
1 Draughtsman .00 per mouth
1 Stenographer. 6'i.00 per month
1 Accountant 75.00 per month
2 Transit mon 110.00 per montri,each
2 Rod men 65.00 per- m.onth,erch
2 Tape men 2.25 per day, each
1 Stake man 2.25 per day
1 Teamster a iT team 90.C;0 pflf month
1 Sower Flusher 65.00 per month
1 Foreman 75.00 pee month
1 Material Agent
65. ;) poe month
1 Blue Print.or =a.'d Office As ist,:A.,(t 2.00 per day.
SECTION 2. In the department of the Land aid later Comui.-isioner
there s;la:i.71 be the following n.;-sista.nts at the following salaries, to-
Patrolmen arid horses. t_riey8s Creyon 2.50 pie lay,egeek
1 Patrolman, City Creek Canyon 2.50 per day
1 Deputy J. & S. T.. 0. Canal 2.30 per ..ay.
SECTION 3. In tho !p- .".. n of tie im v.;' Loo ;at;; :Jemetery
shall be yo].1c;ain;: aceiata.,ts ,at follooin salaries, to-
L _±'lorist b5. per month
1 Grave Digger 0 per month
SECTION 4. The Bored oP Health snail be e:atit •ed to arG have the
following assistants at ti-le following salaries, tc-jai
1 Clerk p1060.i;0 per year
1 Chomin:i :,.nu ;lacteriolopast 720.00 " "
1 Hospital Steward 900.00 " "
2 quarantine Inspectors 2.25 -" dIty
1 Sanitary Inspector 900.u0 " year
1 Emergency man 2.25 " day
1 Manure Dump Man 2.00 " "
1 Nightecil Trench Man 600.00 per year
8 Garen W9gen Mehl 4.00 :fer day,each,
3 Furnace Men 720.00 per year
SECTIk;N 5. In the deparn. of hu Supuntni of Tterworks
there 3Baji be the fAlo-Auc: assistants at sldries, to-
1 Clerk 0.000.0Ci per ynr
;.-3tencgraph.1" 0
2 Day ..Amerney Ann 2.25 " day,each
2 NiglA Emergency Yen 2. " "
1 Foreman
Storekeeper 55.10 " month
1 Pluner 3.
1 Plumber's Helper 2.1)0
1 Meter Plu:!lber and Reader 3.00 "
1 Hostler 2.00 " «
2 Valve Runners 2.00 " " each
1 Valve mid Hydrant Yen
1 Valve and hydrant helper 2.00 " "
3 Brick 1.71tRisen 35.00 " mon tb,each
3 Highline Linkmen 65.00 " A
2 Twentieth Ward Tankmen 65.00 " "
1 Parley's Hoarvoir Man 66.0O " "
2 Thirt?enth Mast Res-:rvoir Men 65.00 " "
SECTION G. In to department of the Suporvr of Strcets there
shall be the followin asistante at the folloin sa)aries, to-wit:
1. Clerk 0.000.00 per year
Collector of Poll I= 900.00 " "
1 Blacksmith 62.50 " month
2 Flume and Bridges hen 2.25 " day t
I Foreman, 1st Precinct 2.50 " «
1 Foreman 2nd Precf.not 2.50 " «
1 Foreman 3rd Precinct 2.50 " "
1 Foreman 4th Precinct 2.50 " "
1 Foreman 5th Precinct 2.5C "
1 Foreman Annex 2.50 0 "
1 Carpenter 2.50 " "
SECTION 7. It e'all he the duty of The 1,1:1"r a;,( ih the con-
sent of the Council to appoint all officers, Janitors aorIt'.!Ir persons
in tO C vdrious departme.,ts execFt in ca.,7,cr otl,eryline pro-
vicled for by the lams of t.1,.7;f; Ste to, an the en1f020c ic n tnt public ser-
vice any demand. Such apoirt:lents not be mr,Ae fur -roy definite
time, and any person appointed uncler the provisions of this ordidt.elee may
be discharged by the Mayor; Provided, that in oases of emergency the
Superintendent of Streets, the Superintendent of Waterworks, the Board of
Health and the Land and Water Commissioner, with the ocnsent of the Mayor
and a member of the committees having charge of such dpeartments mgy =-
goy such. laborers and mechanics as tho necessities of the occasion may
That the duties of each and every officer or employe of this city
shall be such as may be prescribed by ordinance,or by resolution of the
city council,or by rule or direction of the head of the department in
which such officer or employe serves.
Sec 8. All ordinances,resolutions and orders in conflict herewith
or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such
Sec 9.. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Presented to the City Council,
MAR 21,}904.
� I
Presented to the City Council,
Received and ordered Filed,
MAR 2 31904