36 of 1910 - Ordinance 36 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 222, Second & Final Estimate. � r Ad O is D I d A :i C B . An ordinance levying, a tax and fur t*o aasesment of prep ,rty on Third ti o t ) of the south ;,;i�iM of 1}11'.d ..,.:til ;7t '®',t i;at+:'iIPT! -:11Ti i;U rl 17.- .' Streets; on the north silo of 'Third. forth Street between :-.;irince and Second West Streets; on the east side of First ';lest Street Let..".een First ;orth and Fourth forth Streets; on. the ',tat side of First West Street between Third forth and Fourth forth dtreotu; and on to east side cf Geocod "lest Streit bet'ae-n Third forth and. Fourth forth dtreota, in S3a;e-'r Districts blue. 1 and 2, for the construction of sewers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt L..ico City, Utvi:: SECTIC2 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and yrovide for the vsse:sment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Serer Districts Troy. 1 and 2, for the construction of sewers, to-''::pit: In dots 1, 6, 7 and 3, dlook 121, 21st "A", abutti% ou the we's aide of First Feet direst between Third I1orth and Fourth Forth Street . This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructinb vitri- fied pipe sewers ei6ht (3) inches in diameter upon the portions; of sold tka streets opposite: the property hereeinhefor.e and hereinafter des- cribed to he especially affected and benefited by said iwirecr e t, and it is hereby ad.judo ed, determined and eutabliahed th€.t sold prop- erty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby lavicd, nod u6 lend are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordsmee with the linear foot f.'onta6e upon, „_yid yofiion,,,s of said stroote frentick pn,n and to a depth of t' ant,y'-five (251 feet bai thecofrem, end the tax hereby levied. and to be assessed upon n id parcels of 1,;nd is eight niusf ad fifty-two and 3311f f (vpd:52.33) :loners,, or ,._.. 39316jr1% ,.icu (y1.36di6) dol- lars p r front or linear foot of abuttinc proia:vrty for oevterl on said portion of the atrr-t a eve cc: .,or:r Diatrietc true. 1 nod. ;einf 610 feet of abattio pro arty v ithii! the lrdr:riss•of the lots, block and street above mentioned. Ic said districts, anidhroh x it fie tot?.,1 ...out rin:::: cdo ,t,• 1.(or 2.-(7(..r.t. 2out Of :raid uer.a..r, rie(ou-.O.i(.4; to th.e oohtraot Otto tel into 700 Co', ,)or for.:err ce of th.-id. .aerk area I...Lk:Inc; ,aith J. :O. nahley, (h.:tea the lftli Toy of Soi./toldbor, 1009, ,...-.1.1,1 the Trea,enrer in hor(.14 authorirred urrai direated to riordeee ia act 'it.we ,.-i-t11 the .-,ro-vrteions of this ordinr.nce fof the .dtt-rpoee here- in Itentionad: The auuth 14.2 foot of the er...,A oido uf Lot 6, the ueot dide of ....of,. 7 and Li, and. the north 14k, Zuat of th,: oorrt krido of Trot 1, Mock 121, flat "h.'', Suit Luke City Survey, .,io tie cone are ehi ,,,,h ripen the of fie ial .L.)1e,t;:, of oaid city to a delith of tyonty-five (25) .ifc :-.t attic fr on Cal., utro c t, tind to o ollic,at j&if, toot. 2:22TION 2. 1.1,:i.id tux. uheil -become an.(1 he jelloiaJoLA j;:e die .; equa yairly inotalLoronte, ndth intereet on the ',;,rhole :hue uniAild at the rat• of six gear cent idor annuli., yable at the ti(o(-,,, ee.c7a. in(;to,-1L,-ent 10 duo, to-wit: One-fifth t',-.oer(.,.of ono year rd.7ter -tl.e (......,J.,:r.uval o 7 the ordivan..e collrirMillb: the lovy of the tax for t.Ito i.eay.ent .1:. ' ouch i.z.iirev ,-..,hit; one-rift:1 thuroof in to year(.5 after (ohoh air,,rovel; ono-fil."th thereof in threo ye too aft.tor".:ioith ai.., ,co-,,-(..i; ere-r-,79:3'i t'1ereof it for yonro after ohoh air,...-uvol; .,„-a1 one-7i7th t'our..er,7 in .;.'ive ,;(C.e,3:6 aft oe such a.,,%,,rrovo.l. One, or Liore uf nr.id lot 1,,.2_1.,:h((o., to' -:he ord or in . Lich. ':1:, or -'6'-.c..-: ,v::.1.01 . ..,,t.;:,ci:71. -1.-,:::,; .::..k.;;- ',-.,•:: ,)i.id. aL ,.::.:;.;: ti-ao v.i thin til:1 rty dery... .,.-,:,_",..-:.-;.r lion u,...,„..rov,1 ';)!!' t',‘r, L,7-10w.)00..,•. ,..;,ol,f'".,-.: i-r;[. the lev-d of the tax, ,((itho -!,-, in.,ere,..t. In the evuont of rier..„.' r:.,.:',•.: i"..LiJeut or 'uho ihteor,',at afero.,( It no 1-,i,i;_:, ,..,...ia ,J.L, 1:,,,. (lato th,.3 ,;-2L±C irecodiee I due, the •Inole al:leant of tho ...„..,,•:t..1.1...1 tar,. an ,.if at tl .:! tit',.-e•. oh1(.7 i''..:- stolle.-Ht L..iia. -i-c,,,r,,,,-t. t.,...:c , 3.,,, :-.1.,..-Li .bi,,..,- ,,,-,•,. ,,,„..7. ,,, ,:,,z,-.L..,, :.•,, . z...-L,• c.,,': -c.i.. .L.;-:-:-,i,...ct,,,, :,,,, ....- ,-,,,,.d; kere .,11.,n], ,.a.1,. o.• :,:o...-_ in,t ..7.7._1'•,. the order ii, 1,r_lTa ''Ca-;,, oe,.- i, .1.2,.., or ::-..,,, ',.i.00l,„ ;...,,radh 1 1:r:•:',. uni.nid. , ../ ,.. __----1L-- m,,,y "he ,„.“,Id oil V.), J.::,;,., an„/ in, tall ,- -',., 1.,:-.co.it:ti jrt,-:, by ,ount thereof anC, IA,, re.,'k to ,.-,;,id SEG71::`, :). Thik; orlim.nce shtJ11 ts.:3e eff:let u„)on Lc.L.,.e.iuv 1 LieNe-: Exten.sion ilo. 22Z. 1 Second o 7iy cl 7,EitiAtIt• e rAssed by the titifra ConAcil ofSalt 3,,-)1ce City,TI4,..h, Airtr,41 4, 191Q and re ferreit to the`.31aor'-'-for his ----\ i e Order ',- Approved this 0 .-37'da/ of A ril, 1910. ... -:, qayor. 1 A I /1 / ' t F . V \rl.l ./ c. 1 J J _ t, 1 t r :I ; L__cs t . ,1_,,ict «zy : . ..9 _t V 'i 1 i we 0 \I