36 of 1911 - Ordinance 36 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Section 222 and creating office of Inspector of the . 1 • A 1: ORDINANCE . III An ordinance amending and re-enactin.- Section 222 of the Revise Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to the organisation o -the Fire Department, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council February 21, 1910, and approved by the Mayor February 23, 1910; and amending and re-enacting Section 238 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to the salaries of officers and members of the Fire Department. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 222 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to the organization of the Fire Depart- ment, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council February 21, 1910, and approved by the Mayor February 23, 1910, be, and the sane is hereby amended cad re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 222. FIM7. DET.A'T:f0 fT. ORGA0IATI0N. The Fire Department of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and firemen; One chief; one assistant chief; seven captains; six lieu- tenants; five engineers; one superintendent of fire alarms; one inspector; one secretary; and fifty-two men. SECTION 2. That Section 238 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to the salaries of officers and members of the Fire Department, be, and. the sa.e is hereby amended and re- enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 238. SALARIES. The salaries and compensation of the officers and members of the Vire Department shall be paid monthly as are the salaries of other city oCficere, and shall be as follows: Chief of Depart:.lent, .per annum - - - - •„2100.00 Assistant Chief, per annum 1440.00 Captains, each, per annum 1140.00 Lieutenants, each, er amnia 1080.00 Engineers, each, :::r annum li)80.00 • 36 -2- City electrician, and Superintendent of .Fire and i'olice Alsrm, per annum ;;1200.00 Inspector, per annum - - 1080.00 Secretary and operator, per annum 1080.00 Firemen during the first three months, each,per month- 65.00 Firemen during the second three months,each,per month- 70.00 Firemen during the third three months,each,per month - 75.00 Firemen during the fourth three months,each,per month- 80.00 Firemen after one year, each, per month 85.00 Provided, that any person who shall have satisfactorily served at least one year in the llepartment, at eny time within three years prior to his re-employment therein, shall commence at i'75.00 per month, with an advance of five dollars per month for each three months' service until the maximum of N85.00 is reached. SECTION 3. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinancet and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. ?assed by the City Council of Salt Lake Citv,Utah, roh th, 7911 , end referred to the Mayor for his approval. 7ityy flekr , • Approved this , -"/ day of March, 1911, ,.'" 41- ,-1-6-..S---:1,A_Tr____ li ay or. i I cl .`i'., • '-7' 11 _ L. d _'y;..-i • L'Yi .. .i5 • _ ICJ,4,. •rp .- '•.1 • .:6 .-J`.: fI✓...E7'.1,.. ) .. .1" .. .p , !.r - ,f. :.,-...1 .:iff G.t 'ltY 1 _ i .r, L tt ..� 1 1 , _ -:Ic -- .:CU en_l V' 1( �, : '1- . '-� a '' „ff % lf[ti ',7,-,_ . ..1 - •t f FOft w.. i' I 1- I