36 of 1928 - Paving Extension No. 213-2d and final Estimate I
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, _August 24 192...
Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr -
Finch - - ---
Moran - - -
Mr.Chairman - '"_
Result - - -
AN ORDINANCE LLVYING A TAX and for the assessment of
property in Paving District No. St (Paving Extension No. 213)
for the purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter,
irrigation and drainage system, private driveways, installing
sewer connections to back of curb and paving 17th South Street
from Main Street to State Street.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissio.l of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Dis-
trict No. 52 (Paving Extension No. 213) for the purpose of grad-
ing, constructing curb and gutter, irrigation and drainage sys-
tem, private drive.eys, _nsts.l.ling sewer connections to back of
curb and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, to-wit:
Lots 13 and 14 of Elks. 1 and 2 of Rigby/Sub. of
Blk. 6, 5-Acre Plat A, and Lot 1 of Elk. 11, 5-Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, abutting on both sides of
17th South Street from Main Street to State Street,
in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading,
constructing cum 3n,, ..i,t °, , �, un. aLt� tc;a,
rivate driveways, installing sewer connections
Ito back of curb and paving with Portland cement concrete, (said
II prrveruent to be seven (7) to nine (9) iriches thick and said roadway
to be forty (4.0) feet wide between curbs, the portions of said
street opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter descr.ib-
`fed to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement,
land it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said
Iproperty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount
of the tax hereby levied, a.nn said parcels of land are hereby
assessed at an edual and uniform rate in accordance with the lineal
foot, frontage upon and to the entire depth back therefrom, and
the tax hereby levied and to be assessee upon said parcels of land
is Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Ten and 68/100 (#12,710.68) Dole
lars; Twelve '.Thousand Twenty-four and 68/100 (412,024.68) Dollars
or -ton and W100 (41.0.42) Dollars :per front or linear foot of abut--
�� �
�I ting property, there being 1.,154.0 feet abutting said portion of
Isaid improvement; Five Hundred Twenty-five and 00/100 (4525.00)
Dollars for private driveways, there being seventeen and one-half
ji (17 .)/arive;vays at Thirty and 00/100 ($30.00) Dollars for each
private driveway; One Hundred Sixty-one and 00/100 ($161.00) tol--
�� i Prcre (r)
lars for sewer laterals at/Twenty-three and 00/100 (gt m.00) Dollars
for each sewer lateral; the cost of construction of which drive-
ways and installing sewer laterals and the property benefited
thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of
the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district,
which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot; of said
hl imr rovement, according to the contract entered into Low the per-
formance of said work and making said improvement with Pickering
.Bros., Contractor, dated May hO, 1928, and the City Treasurer is
hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned:
The north side of Lots 1.S and 14 of Blk. 1, the north _
sice of Lots 15 and 14 of Blk. 2, Rigby Place Sub. of Bik. 6; the.��
7-7 •
south side of the east 297 ft. of the west 263 ft. of Lot 1 .and the
south side of the east 297 ft. of the west 726 ft. of Lot 1, of
Blk. 11; 5-Acre Plat A; Big Field Survey.
The south side of the east 66 ft. of the west 198 rt. of
1Lot 1, the south side of the cast -19.5 ft. of the west 247.5 ft. of
Lot 1, the south side of the east 74.25 ft. of the west 768 ft. of
Lot 1, the south side of the east c9.5 ft. of the east 511.5 ft. or
Lot 1, the south side of the east 49.5 ft. of the west 591 ft. of
Lot 1, the south side of the east 18 ft. or the west 642 ft. of Lot
the south side of the east 84 ft. of the west 726 ft. of Lot 1,
of Blk. 11, 5-1 cre Plat A; the north side of the east 95 ft. of
I,the west 75 ft. of Lot 18, the north side or the east 78 ft. of the
west 108 ft. of Lot 17, the north side of Lot 14, of Blk. 1, and thy
north side of Lot 13 of,B1R. 2, Rigby Place Rub, of DIN.. n, 5-Acre
,Plat A; Big Field Purvey.
The north side of Lot 1-I of Blk. 1, the north side of
,Lot 17 and the north side of the east 15 ft. of the west 90 ft. of
4,ot 14 of Elk. 2, Rigby Place 5n1). of Elk. 6, 5 -Acre Plat A; the
south side of the east 41.25 ft. of the west 288.75 ft. of Lot 1,
the south side of the east 49.5 ft. of the , est 54-4,.5 ft. of Lot 1,
jand the south side of tile east 84.0 ft. of the west 726 ft. of Lot
Blk. 11, 5-Acre Plat A; Big Field Survey; as the same are shown
-Lioon the official plats of said city to the entire depth back from
said street , and to collect cola tax.
SECTION S. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, an roved and completed by the Board of
Equalisation and Review of the property described in Section I of
this ordinance in Paving Extension No. 112, of dalt Lake City, fQr„
he purpose of grading, constructing curb an utter, irrigation!,
and drai.ngge system, private driveways, installing sewer connectioril
Into bac), of curb and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, 1
��i.s hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said
completed lists, and the report of the Board of iccualization and 1
Review to the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby I
ratified, approved and confirmed. I
SECTION ". Said tax shall be payable',in tena�equal yearly
linstallment s as provided by law'and or dinrlrige with 'ini ores b on the 1
whole su0 unpaid at the rate bie" five ger ;gent t-)e aritlAin, payable
at the time each installment e due. In the `eveht anY installment
,or the interest aforesaid is nail, paid on the day ithe 'wine becomes
due, the whole amount of the-50eoial tax un eah l rrc la 1;ie aaict interest and inst a1Lnenr are 1uc,_' shall bcc.o ;e duo ant?' . .,cable,
anal shall r rev; int oilt at tfierate of twelve per cent per annum
l the sale of the property assessed.
SECTION th1s? or•c inane. shall Lake e Foot one ca.y
1 L'ter it:. „u1;lication.
Passed by the Board
°+oofCommissioners of Salt Lake City,
7.Utah, this aa.y of ���N� , A.D. 1928.
k".___C./ .."--"1""--°"°-2-"ir-•-`,„
.5444 i •17i&zattaL,e4_
City lrecorcier.
Paving Extension No. 2lC.
2nd & Final Estimate.
1 1
I. C
< 6 V
ri u' /)
rims '
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake f
• 46E 014D114(114011: . .--4-7 / ldj-;(,l'
E DillkiT2E0 21 1 TAX
iiron we: x(21 tor •ba b Purpotm being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
%int.co,.,,uctmq mo rind.guitar:ilf dee,-
ramege emitatim private drive:
Ve,'W9?mltalll of aewei OgnimatIone tfi
(ICU.oi Oindi and navine:1201,flonfh
clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
$ieet from Main 11treei-ito btate Strett.
ag:Be it;ortleined.1141:111.,;,,:FoOrd,
tpleeionem o!Mot%Ore L‘ag:Udmotf.con,.
nirtalWo4(10.1aVrrdoeo herebY Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
Hely the tea and provIde-for the deawit ,
WirriV.Virag4tar'.4721.1' foi That the notice KL(..-,-:...4:4-1.-ee—
line mirpeofil/Fr FIWIIIR, cOnstr tiring 1
"d grelel'Itg:i
a,Z(4--- - a--/-------7 - „3
Wkli.UtOrtW, ;'°7"'''
4:fi'dit,:."ft-b.44:131M1..;1'"gf 1,1V , i-t-t..) 3 c
1 ,rme•Viw „i,,,v,,,toll W. .:
Z11:ATJr i131Mlg,V:4 ,T.I:
. .. ..
of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said
.0.. tit%blink ef cull, aing,naging: 7—/Q1 iwifb iiHartilihd.,ceirlent-generale, iIsatil newsp7..z• az-Ks issue dated the day of
It'i,V7hig ttd'e21,,,(41d4y"tht7,,t,
;fort. (HO feet,wide'bete/gen curb. the..
A. D. 192GS2
'..h.,01,..d .,Y veld improvement, and 11
Lir/hereby adjudged down:Mee end etw b and was publz d Cr-1-1,e
,tanlIalled that field propertg will e as-.
WHIM/. benefited. (beret.. to.the 011
laniouut of the'tax:lphalby•levied, en(' ,)/
,anid parcels of lehel are herein:assessed the last publicatio eof being in the issue d the C5r-
.at'itn admit ling uniform rate in ateord2
16.901'with the 11near foot:frolltag$Moon:
miff!to tbe entir6'depth been therefron
nd the tax hereby levied,and to tal
laseesaed ilOOrf wild pergela of lend 10 day of A.D.192.1
lTigelves Thonmenl bleVed Huodred Ten
land 118100 (112.HMIS) Dolieril Twelve
Thoutiont:Tiventy•four add 88.100 i;t2.•
ii:24.611 DOM,mil Ten and 12.100(BM 121
Dinlare per front oi IliThar nun of abut
riMg,.propatify. there be no.1.164.0 Mel
it butting eald•per Om of no lot prove-
1 mein, 'Five Hundred,:Teibeiv•five and,
14Vaga, trtere being aeventeen end one:
1141f f17.6):Private driaeloage et Thtrtii
,and.110.100.(180.00).Doile6.ger edelT Prl-
,,vate,,,$tivelaffilit:One Hil : i 6.$1Xig•One
and lOOT60 41121,00/ Defiers for sisfer
laterals the ee'beiandng fitia0..19elibi (91 leterale:
at;Twenty-thr 029.00)
/Dollars for Oen sewer latgral:the o 9.
oI ConatructIon of which bnIg-wage cudi
1%if Ifrettirt:274V Ile 14fibtiti7t,i 1,
191( and/1/ wl hin her. l
abiar.e o 1
the Mt., blodaa,and at ots anOve,ined•
tlaffed:lb eala dlatriet,reirtIon'11,,tha
total 1.butxterai neat'and nogt per:HO t c-P — day of
Itt°::6,,t1tgi 244.17113'Kre&II.' Ore me this
loth-mode of mild,wora end makingieal
Improvement with Dic11,6111$$_,_Dodeo.$101:
'V&A!,It'&!,414t tat 1A.D.192
dipeote$ id armee. in ad4 h
taanoa WAtn
the provieldne of tble ordl ande for te
p_min_liegeln mentioned:
Notary blic,
, •
_ -
t. .1:1 , _,.. _.
-Potty-Foot Bondiae•
The-.into h side f Lots 13 and 14- f.
Rik.1,the north tilde of tote 13 and 14
'of Ells.-2,HIg1Y Place'$hb,of BM'6 the
south,890o of-the east'29.7 ft. of the
st 368 ft.'of Lot'I`and the::outh
side of the eat 297 ft, t ehe eel 726
ft.'of`Lot 1,of Elk.11;�6•Acre-Plat A.
Bls Plaid Nhr¢ey
Tha south side of the-apt 66:ft.,of
the west, 105';f1. of Lot 1,.the sodth
side of the east 46.5 1t f the Wean
24- t G e{ 1 eauth IE t
e"A 1 t e'puyuh 7 ee'ttne0 41
the'3G of 0100 wet 044 6 ft j fiot-L
the'west efa f the Lottat 46 6 tte'ot;
the west 694 Yt, of. '1..the ooqth3
tside-of the east 4 ft.of tale tveet.342
t.-of Lot, e 1, the south I.{e f the east'
84.ft. of ito wear'J26 ft. .,tot 1, III
of BIk(. It. Acre.Plat Al the Itnoffb7S'
t.or Lot lteast 38.the north l e the lee welt
83'.ft.of:tite west 108 ft.-of.Lot II, the
north''elde of Lot 14,of Ill. I,and that
north.else of Lot 13 of Elk. 2, Rigby'.
Piss" So4h. of BIk; 6, 6 Acre Plat A;
BIK-Pla II.nitrite, "
Thee ih:11,1 t Lnt 14 of Blk-'L
the n tthelde f Lot 18 ana the north
eta,of the ,t 40 0/, of the west 90
ft. et Lot tl.5{ 13t{e. 2. Rltby Plate
Sub,.of Ens.e 6 Aare Snot t.the south
We of,the east 4I'.26:ft._Of-south side
the ea_t 49.5-hot west
the at 4'an ft ofthe wet 5It 6'he
of 1.0('1;'and the eo west
std.i or It
eat 84.e ft.of' the w t tt: ft. of Lot
I. tilt.11:B Acre Plere,a loll upon
thef 9a the can ere,.ally e
the Qf(Icint teas of said ally Jo illit.
entit4 d'yth el< [turn anal street,and i,
Ile-t .8 tax.
yOthe T.I seerhe teem or cat
made a en iroasµttle as correct.1
tl, ems-SeedaEq end cohlPlild R,by the
s•t1p@p Qcppf ]Il0d enrathiopp apd o Rail's,/ nt
CMIe}oEtlAldaid-nellfi Zge'44$ L34
1 11isiqol'(io e n lY lot.for the
and RA-`.
f ittinn`lon dnQ 9 alnRt.eyet 3!
y iti l'a@ero Melt llpi F1WeC %
r -i t Pak { b and th 1 e Wl le
tl a ant 6ncratetha t--fa
It er py dn{f mea n IlS .Je Pa
mepq. q ta(urn89 � is ompl teQ
lleti.en9 th, 1Pt4t1n of 11t5.$e n (j
0,Co lead el and If act.to the Bawd
C0 m istlfied, of prove and
CRY ore,
heneoyy Ratified, approved apa con-
r1n C
6EQP16N a. elm tax enell be uyyv-I
e01d 1ti't4h e4PAL ypr 1neRmeMte
in prop(don by lam Whole ethyl unpay l h
Old . S e Palli Co
tha to f ffveine apt Pet annule
40Payable. In
et e e elite encn 1Nealment r
dup i the 6 ree any 1040 ptt t
the day
,the Mena ecopiaea flue, oh.'
Wdta amount of the Lot 3t62 toe o-
`Pafd t t. atlnye af4 fateteet d Iqo
o!aril t a e Qve a�11 nWadma aHy.
� tfd 'rranle_�jnH�xl417 tp rton
Until (6 f1(u
et th ttT1[l DY.
$yEO'yION 4. ThRd o ptann ems`-
tatte effect he--de -gf iI Ittpt ppn11rot
!inn. �y
Pgpa d in o°e H 4rII of ZIVITIle�lop;
a 0 eel!August.
Al --f tots, "(nla $OtE
day Of AusueL D BOWICAO
- -JOHN 1t1;HOW
ETHILL ,bf;ePONAl, .t
Otto RL es a
'SodB4O0a N anti flee] estimInt ate oPU ran.-
Awont 816t,394A. j
z aid
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