36 of 1930 - Amending Section 3 relating to zoning ROLL CALL Salt Lake City Utah 193 VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passe Burton Fehr Finch Lake Mr Chairman —V— AN ORDINANCE Result PN ORDIlditNCL RM_SDIN < "E,CTICN of an orcnance r ssed by the Loarc of (;ommisrioncrs of "'a.tt Take City, Ut,,, on the 1st dly of e tember, 19,7, entitlec "en Orcinence to regulate am re- strict the location of t>uilcinss cesi-nec for s?ec_fiec. use`, to rcrulate inc limit the helcht, nunoci o' stories and size of build- ings and other structure , ercentage of lot that may be occu leo, size of yards anti onen daces, tie location and use of ouilcin--s anti otructures and lance for trncc, industries, resincnces ano other ,ur- nose^," as amended by n ordinance "a.'eea by the Soerc of Commission- ers of Salt Lake Cjti, Ut h, on October 1st, 1w0 �srig }lF 2r oron,nec. by the T3oara of Qommissroner of alt Lame city, Utah SI,CTION 1 !net `ection of ,n arc mance o Wised ay the r;oard of Commissioners of sit Tole City on eatemher 1, 1°,7, de- scribing nd defining seven district- by reference to a "Use lristrict had" as °mended by an art sassed oy the Boars of Commiq—ioners of "aJt Ldke City, Utah, on Uctooer 1st, 1k,9, is hereb amenccc nd change,d by chancing the follovina describes real oroneity from s�esi- dcntiD.l ", as desisnatec on the said "Use District tlen," to tesiecn- teal "B" clas ification, to-wit That b_strict ano crotcrty houndcd as follows On the south hg lath avenue, on the west by "C" Street, on the north by 14th :(venue, on the east by "Ft' .street, being all of blocks 177, 178, 179, 186, 167 and 188, Diet "D", Solt Take City `"urvey, in Salt Take Cvty, Utah, and tio said 05) • It 2 "Use Listrict Map" is he,.eby amended and chanpec to show and ino.icalte said. above described nastrict as Residential "B" classification SECTION a In the o~union of the Board of Comnuss ion ers, it is necessary to the health, :cote ana s.fety of the inh;citanls of Salt Lake City that this ordinance te,.-c elf-ct immeniately SECTION f this oruinance shall take effect upon its I � first sublicdtion I � Pas.,ec by the Foam of Comm ssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the Lam -day of S�' u , i P lB 0 g„-) Mayor Lty,4114141,i i p I I City necorcer • • i i I II 7 P. ). ... F i ar , 4,._. ,,,,,,,, f c.e3 Z .,/ , , ,...., m j 1 V FS r 'JJ CJai `'w H x K 6 i I I 111 Proof of Publication 111111lllll„III UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH 85 County of Salt Lake I Milo ,Bve1eigh being first duly sworn depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day AN 0---• ANCE at Salt Lake City State of Utah AN OI1DINANCB AMDNDTNO SFC TTON 1 1 a ordinance pa?ed by th Boa d of C mid Si nets f S It I k bC ty Utah entltii d 1 An day 00 diva pte11t That the notice As Ordipai}¢e B1,].a. # $(i b 1927 r 1d10 d strict tl le 1 cation [ bv�lse egulatd andnlim• it the heigl td num b r of t en and Ise f buuilldingf, and oth r eat uctu es p entage let that may be upi d els I y ode id open spa es the iocatio a I of buildings and etructu e a d land 1 trade induatri a re I d i and the purposes ae amend a by an di ane Pas d by ti e City• d Uof tahonl Oct her let S198 Lake 9 B it oldaled by tb B gird f C m tn SECTION o1 f S 1 hat Sectionit Lake y le 3 Ia o dieallce Pa led by the Boa d of Commis lonerlszf7 Salt s or ab Citynd e n of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in saidnews f ning seven districts by t fe en es to' a Us District Map as th13 by of in its issue dated the 24th.dayof September. 19 30 Ca sin District passed by t o amended and oe, p al on mnmtablonlet 1829 its hee by a amend paper edand hang d by changi ig th 1 m wing ing de e lb d al Drone ty Y net den tiaai A e gist a defagpnat to on the and was published in each daily issue of saidnewspaper on daid ntlal B lasalficati to vit. That District and property b and d 1k tk+k#tit*>1:tJcye for �`�`�`***** a follows On the south by 12th Ay on the vest by C St t thei north by 14th Avenue n the a t by F Street bible all I blocks 177 178 179 180 187 and 188 PI t D Salt Lake City Sur ey in Salt thereafter the full period of One Insertion. Lake City Utah and th said Us Diet lot Map la hereby amended and hanged t show a cnd indinat id eA tt above des rlped dMidstt as Residential the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the £4 hr B classification SBCTION 2 in the opinlo 1 of the Board of Comm eel coca it is n o 7 Mary t the a ails pea a and safety $ePt@mbar. A D 19 30 thath this bardlnancebitant �llalae efli ct City day of m diet iy SLC'11ON I Ph s d an e hall Sal Client tpigsBo its aI�Iirl PloftCamm e Inc Raapedallbt Labs lip Yb43 ec the 'ran"'rftf av of 5ep ten4bfr'A 10 1080- JOHNA BOWMAN LIBEL MAC ONSe8) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of old Btll No G Published SBptcmber 24th 1830 September. "�� Notary Public My commission expires Ilov. 25, 1933. Advertising fee $ it Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No.