36 of 1946 - Amending Section 6714 relating to Zoning VOTING AYE NAY jn' ✓- Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Vr>, Romney ✓, i L Tedesco v Mr.Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6714 of the Revised O.ui- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 17, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, March 28, 1946, and April 4, 1946, and amending Section 6722 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 17, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, March 28, 1946, and April 4, 1946, relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby amended by add- ing in and to said section five new paragraphs to be known as Items 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, which shall read as follows: "ITEh1 11. The following described real property in Resi- dential "A", as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amend- ed and changed to Residential "A-3" classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: The area between 'B' and 'C' Streets extending south 12 blocks from 8th Avenue, being the N. 1/2 of Block 96 and all of Block 101, Plat 'D', Salt Lake City Survey. That said Use District Map id hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Residen- tial "A-3" District. ITEM 12. The following described real property in Residen- tial "B-2", as shown on th4 Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Residential "B-3" classification and the Use Dis- trict Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: rs n -2 • That property on the east side of Concord Street from Iola Avenue to 4th South Street, being Lots 7 to 14, inclusive, of Bik. 4, Jordan Place Subdivision. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Residen- tial t'B-3" District. ITEM 13. The following described real property in In- dustrial District, as shown on the Use District Map, is here- by amended and changed to Industrial "B" classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed according- ly: Property between 3rd West and 4th West Streets and from 7th North to 8th North Streets, being all of Block 155, Plat 'A', Salt Lake City Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Indus- trial "B" District. ITEM 14. The following described real property in In- dustrial District, as shown on the Use District Map, is here- by amended and changed to Industrial "B" classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: The property abutting upon the north side of 21st South Street from 1st West to 2nd West Streets and being all of Lot 2, Block 7, Five Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Indus- trial "B" District. ITEM 15. The following described real property in Resi- dential "B-3" District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to "Commercial" classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: The North side of 21st South Street from Main Street to State Street and the east side of Main Street from 21st South Street to a point 287.1 feet north of 21st South Street, being the south 140 feet and the east 140 feet of the west 206 feet of Lot 1, Block 6, Five Acre Plat 'A'y q Big Field Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Commer- cial District. Yow Y • -3- SECTION 2. That Section 6722 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 6722. INDUSTRIAL "B" DISTRICT. In an Industrial "B" district all buildings and premises may be used for any purpose permitted in Residential "A", "B", "B-2" and "B-3" districts, Business "A", Commercial and Industrial districts and also for the storage of petroleum products or by-products, provided that s;Ahe plans,.,'or such storage shall be submitted to and approve; by the 40ard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City." .,-6. SECTION 3`+ En theabpinion of the board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the pegc + *health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that' thisdxnance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 4.:; This ordinance shall take--effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Co i Toners of Salt Lake C'ty, Utah, this Yat day of :.4.44_4_ , A.D " _______f/2 ' i////ta.. City Recorder. / ./ a 38 • Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JUN 41946 Fast Publication in JUN-sr 194E • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 } ss County of Salt Lake J • Legtlh Notices D M Ockey • AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION'81e4�a1 the Re?iced Ora.- Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- nanapa 1:Hut Lake.City Utah, P y 11t44„,Ned {r,amended by ordinance. painted on AI Lof CoinDN1 vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 17,1045,Anguet 17,1048,December 18 048,March 78,1048, d A nil L�1�, and mend toe,to a o eRa7 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State t eh'o Utah, Ordinances of Salt or, • Cloy, Utab, 1914, relating to of Utah. soge`t ordained.by the.Hoard of Commiseloners of Halt Lake City, Utah: ' SECTION 1,That Section 8714 of theyyRevlaed Ordinances of-Salt Lake That the advertisement City. Dinh, peeped by the epard ofConamb 1045 'April or17,o1046aoAneuet 17, Ordinance Bill No 36 1046,December 10,1046, March 28, MM.and April 4, 104e,relating to zoning, be d the same an here- by•a ended by adding in d.to Salt Lake City Corporation said'Nation'=Iva new paragraphs to 14 bed 15,wblah no as shall red ee fol- lowe ITEM 11.The following dwelt- ed'real Dronerto 1n Rertdenttal"A', s shown on the Use District Men". is hereby a c and hanged.to Reatde i 1 Zlod Maattification and waspublished in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the the U Diets at Mgp to ehra 8 ''. ai sndat� a d aucrYi R,o HtreeLe ex en ins eeoutb S 1a 4 day of A.D. 19 1rom-8ah 06 ood, being a N;01, 1 Hldek,M and 1i ppf IVr 10L Plat D`,-Ralt Lake trict Hurvey. That hand.Ups. eltare a s is ,Tune F ?946 the 'changed and attract to snow and was published - ehe above dAseded of ' "f land • part 'of geeidapt}al Ad" Dle- hlat: : ...-the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the real propert in 1ReaidentialM"e.f se ithown.on the Use Dictrict Map. ie te,1 amended.and banged d R amended 1 Ha' aged•action andL%✓L A.D. 19 the Des %grist Map Is hereby day of na d end r hanged•e dlnely: Tqat or party on.the ppgg-r Aide f Concord Street 1ret,.IbeinAvenue {o }try South Htreof,.being Lots d to is inSubdi i of Hlk..4, S or. don That'asaid UseleDiaielat Slap v Advertising Cle k herebyhaw changed and attract to MANY the above deeerlbed tract of eland r Dar(. of AeeldantlW H-I" Du• ITr'hart HM ro Tye in Ind et describe ed.1 s hOwoperty in It s-D ig. islet"as a0! on toe-Use Dig. islet'�MdaD,1lI�11.srby sb! dad and oy J;t{ap IPa LTpduuNVIl iatat' st before me this -6th day of to•htely amerA04.and ahtnsed co- June A. D. 19....46 Notary Public i' 0 IV 1 promprty between Ird weal end 4t11 Weet Streets an,,-dram lItt, j leto'lpBt4&{8 lb C1°1,. +ak:ow'turvgy. That.said Una Dleteiet Mar hereIn nfl I d and giterad to chow the-a nfa escetbed Once f land 'C EM 14. En followleM dean Ned real.yeebeletp in Indoctrial.Distr et, te hereby amended and Ishauged aIn Industrial g classification-and tee Dletrint,Map ie hereby amend- ed and ohengedaccordingly: - The pinlaety abutting upon the t feSso leorth ttdNest to DMf 12nd V elt Streets and being'all of Lot 9, Block 7, ivye� And Plat'A', Big'Field Sur- • taThet field Ilite District Map Is hereby adtofow' he lb desoibe tract land se par of Induetriel"B"Dis- trict. ' ITEM 15. The following describ- ed real property Residential "B-3" District, shown on the Use District Map is hereby amend- ed and changed to "Commercial" classification and the Ups District Men is ame nded ended and ' changed accordingly: The North aide of 93et South Street from Main Street to State Street and the east-side-of Main Street from itet South Street to point 287.1 feet north of]Iet-South Street,being the south 140 feet and the east IAd feet•of the west NMfeet of Lot 1. Block B. Five Acre Plat 'A'. Big Field Survey. That said tee District Map ie hereby,chanced and altered-to show the above described tract-of land sup part of Commercial District. H ;'T N 1hat heettotr'0739 f. the Revised Ordinances of bait Lane - City, Utah.,1944. lating to a Inc.'be d thecame is hereby amended'''4o red.as. ollows: • "SEC. 11295,,a INDUSTRIAL "H" DISTRICT. In an industrial "B" district all building and premises may be need:for any purpose nor- Milled in Residential "A". "B". "BE"and"B-3"dtetciete,Bnelnees "A",'Commerdal and Indnetetal die • - tricte and aleo fur-tile storage of • Dk4 iaendm'that(the or for dcueb ' 0 rage hall be submitted to as d ' approved be'.the Board of Commis openers of Salt Lake City." n "SECTION 3_ In the'opinion of the Hoard of eo eae.-heart rt. is ecaeaaro'to the habita•is of and n7et> f the inhabitants of Salt Lake L94v that this.sedip0nce shall t SECTION 4.This ordinance-shall take effect at'once noon its first Publication.-Den dby the Board of Com- Lsionere of Salt Lake Gite. Utah this 4th 4d day of dune,A.D. 19 .' EABJ,.J.GLADE Mayer. (Seal) IRMA CitrF. B A.ecoresr. BILPublished June lib,