36 of 1956 - Vacating an alley running east and west between Lots 1 to 8, incl. & Lots 9 to 16, incl. Charles S. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,UtahA'f 1b3b 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . - Christensen . . . Nicholas Romney . . . Mr.Chairman . . ��/ AN ORDINANCE Result /* AN ORDINANCE VACATING an alley running east and west between Lots 1 to $ inclusive, and Lots 9 to 16 inclusive, Charles S. Deskey's Fifth Addition, r said alley running east from Orange Street between North Temple St. and Gertie Avenue, Salt Lake City, all abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake @ity, Utah: SECTION 1. That the alley running east and west between Lots om 1 to $ inclusive, and Lots 9 to 16 inclusive, Charles S. Desky's ,o, 55 Fifth Addition, said alley running east from Orange Street between aas North Temple St. and Gertie Avenue, more particularly described as bo follows: o Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot $, Block 1, Chas. S. Desky's Fifth Addition, being a part of Section 34., T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M., thence north 13 feet; thence °'i east 210.38 feet; thence south 13 feet; thence west 210.38 feet to point of beginning, be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public o property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing right- of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every des cription now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property ; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Bond of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately; therefore, this ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 36 - . .. • -2- 24th this day of April, 1956. ,-• ---) (., , - /,, ity Recorder a y , . ( SEAL ) BILL NO. 36 of 1956T, Published April 27th, 1956 -., - Recorded et Re / iYIAY 1956 14.f�4?3(D gee,f of... .r e/Ciir1/ �r 11� 98 Hazel' ehh STATE OF "'�n��2 P�1uf of //��A M fee paid$.�L,12Q0 aggert Recorder a Lake Cou Utah BY A;7LC� ,,, - Dep. City and County of Salt Lake, JJ 4) Bessie Judges Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby /No1 'Y certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating an alley running east and west between Lots 1 to -8 inclusive, and -Lots--9--to- 16-incl-usive, eharies-S:-Desky's Fifth Addition, said alley running east from Orange Street between N North Temple -St. and-G-ert-ie Avenue, Salt--Lake-Eity;--ail---atrutting..-.- property owners having petitioned for the vacation" g�f✓ passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 24th, 1956 as appears of record in my office IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of 23d May, 1956 said City, this day of Ai4x (SEAL) BILL NO..:36 of 1956 Deputypity Recorder Published .April 27, 1956 p ) : 36 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCEdACATINGse alley runningt an Ween ltel ° rlseeklstfiusive,ChaeS.Dey' Fth Ad- dition. said alley running east from 'Orange Street between North Temipple St,and Gentle Avenue,Salt Lake City, all abutting property owners having 'petitioned for the vacation. misloners ordained Board City.Utah; eaSECTION 1.st and EThatwthe een anyLots running W e Inclusive, and Lots FiffthAddition.l said Deltweenn North Temple St and Santa Avenue.more particularly desontbed as: follows, Beginning at the northwest 0 Deak ofe Fifth Addition, beingS part f Section 34,T.1 Id.. .1 W.,S.L.R.&id.,thence north 13 feet; thence east 219.39 feet: thence south 13 feet;thence west 21938 feet to point of beginning, be and isvacated and declared linosante longer to`bebe public prop. erty for use A°o street.avenue,alter °[ pedestrian way. a Sold vacation is made expressly sub. lect to all existing rl.hbef-war and easements of all public utilities of a end every description now located eeIn, 'abovelder described property;ver confines d of mho /subject to the rights [entry thereon foe the purpose of inspecting.main. Seining,repairing,replacing,removing paltering o rerouting said utilities and 'all of them.rer SECTION 2.In the opinion of thr 'Board f Commissioners. it Is Peens Isary to the peace,health and taeety 'the inhabitants f Salt Lake City me shin Ordinance become effective lmme 'dletely;therefore,this ordinance sitar take effect aeon its first eubltesttne. e osed br the Board Of C°mmlestee s of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 74tt ;day of April.1956. ,(Seal) ADIEL F.STEWART. IRMA F. BITNER. City Recorder. Bill No.36 of 1850 Published April 27th,1990 (B-9) • 36 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake - Il....;_i,._cickny AN ORDINANCE ni. Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is adver- AN �RUINAI\(.E VA('AT1NC. says 11[Y r n nr esl am' st helvvicen I.i'l i to 8 Inclusive a d loots 0 to 10 din.+ro ch 'Ios s. e,key.s F,fth nd-; using clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- tlou, d ]ter 1 r g ,st from Cranse Street hehve nn Northu Tcmnle 1„I oa'eut i��11C o1Ca;.th „,',Sakr cny, paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the Qtltianed for pt'hc v ^dmt° havin8 Hv rt ord Zell by the Poard f co.- L 9E('Tl Os',..,, yl'haC ati a Cl le>vruh inR State O f Utah. OhuslvolS a kila4 D°t° [its'n clnslve Charles 6.Desk'y,a Plfth Addition.s¢ii b weer"NOWT ryfig STatinB i TT'' That the advertisement of which a copy is attached Avenue,mot pa�t,e ola eiy descrbed a ml hereto E 1 1 et tl went f Let U gl k 1 Chnsco9 '] 1c ll e f Section A34It 1 N.htr 1 alt Ls:ce (:l.tR! I'il1. No lit of _',t/!6, W,S,1-13..i M.,thence north 1.3 � t t 210,96 foot: ioTh'e ttlo l3 r tt 8Ib s tnlnet. AI: (TiI)1 fi [u(:JS Vae°,1;_t 1 c1 I al l_C}* tun^,i nI cost. and. 'fee, b o ma and Betel d lth 1 s b I I id t sheet, II v m tr de b t•rce'c 'letwe ,i: Lots 1 to inc)uoive s.nd Jots 9 to :i.6 :i.ra- d t R _ -t 1 nt t and t r R 11 Fi'C d�. on, under ;bed° " rtes aad111°ol, c1i:,ive Chas; �;1ceZrlI, Fifth ndc'itione tubleet to tho[tents of ittev°thereon I altr fhc e *£e line' n er a,repairing, ntac1nu, po"m. al[erJne o' o ling saf<t u!ilitiesvnnrj 1 alIS6C1.SIT 2e to the °Pinge, Hoard £ Ceenenc onor, it i °n the ry to the neece health id s,fev of diethe hIDabfiante°i•Solt lobe c;t'.'that was published in said newspaper on lel �tl (beet ti:''c hail taPaa.Passed the unon ii ( e Fall ry et of SkIt Lake Cite,1/tab,,this 29Lh i- IL71y';l_� a r, 1�5 E1, dn,:.n4 APrll.19+r (Seal) ADIOS P. S'1'P.WA(-f Mayor,Mayor, ' 1RM.4 }c, R33'NI'R. c¢y P°eorder. Rill so..36 of 1956 I Published April 27th,1956 u Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30ti' day of hnT.17 A.D.19 56 j/ . Notary Public My Commission Expires Lov :5 1957