36 of 1958 - Amending Section 51-11-2 of the R.O. 1955, relating to zoning by adding Item 39, property on 7th E Il6._4 Utl
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, JUN 17 1958 , 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed. )
Burbidge . . .
Christensen . . / , `rf
Geurts . . .
Romney . . .
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to Zoning and fixing the boundaries
of Use Districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1: That Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Zoning and fixing the
boundaries of the Use Districts, be and the same hereby is amended by
adding in and to said Section one (1) new paragraph to be known as
Item 39, as follows:
"Item 39. The following described real
property in Business B-3 classification, as shown
on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to
Residential R-4 classification, and the Use Map is
hereby changed:
"PARCEL I. Commencing at the northwest
corner of Garfield Avenue and 7th East Street;
thence running north along the west line of 7th
East Street 620 feet to the southwest corner of
ta. Coatsville Avenue and 7th East Street; thence running
west along the south line of Coatsville Avenue
124 feet to the east boundary of a 14' alley;
thence running south along the east line of a 14'
alley for 620 feet to the north line of Garfield
Avenue; thence east along the north line of Garfield
Avenue 124 feet to the point of beginning.
"PARCEL II. Commencing at the northwest corner
of Kensington Avenue and 7th East Street; thence
running north along the west line of 7th East Street
828 feet to the south line of the existing R-4 Zone;
thence west 124.8 feet to the east line of the
existing R-4 Zone; thence south 828 feet to the
north line of Kensington Avenue; thence east along
the north line of Kensington Avenue 124.8 feet to the
point of beginning.
RecLf08 200 1.58 Q.P.
"PARCEL III. Commencing at the southwest
corner of 13th South Street and 7th East Street;
thence running west 82.3 feet along the south
line of 13th South Street to the east line of the
existing R-4 Zone; thence south 127 feet to the
north line of the existing R-4 Zone; thence east
82.3 feet to the west line of 7th East Street;
thence north along the west line of 7th East Street
127 feet to the point of begining."
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to
show the above described tract of land as part of Residential R-4
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,
this 17th day of June, 1958.
1R' _
( S G A L ®
BILL NO. 36 of 1958
Published June 19th, 1958
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices
;') i oc.key
I SAl,"NL•ION 91n'''CM A IENDLSC, 7 I T i r
Ordinances of Salt Lake city,195a, Being first duly sworn,T�depos`s and says that be h8 is legal��ar advertising
relating to Zoning. I thong-the
no„ning to f Zoning
andh on c.er of the S 1 r
b tl lsc do b th n o d of
, Commissioners f C it L k Olty. GRAM, a daily (except Sunday newspaperprinted in the 1_:'n
U SECTION 1:That Section Is1-11 u. �' g
if to N Is d o dm f Salt : tish language with general circulation in Citah, and published in
i 7 ninq t n'd ixh lcwk.e bolus°n'""1�° Ct 1
t he use Dlameta.he and me Salt Lake pity, Salt Lake County, in he State of Utah.
me here'fa ffis'ged b'addt;.
t ne�tntl aald Se ctfon one (as
Itemparagraph, llows;bC Itnown a ii
Itenr 39. The following de That the legal notice of which a copy is attached rlePetO
cribca r crtY h,nu,v-=
-S 1 1[I Car,P as shown nn the
rIgediolricala lxv hereby' salt Tal;T: i.i,^ T7iJJ !o 3 c' '1, 6 095�
I theu n- t beehr l - -
eh'PAHCLL I t the An CTrd iuonce Hof:n- 1 ree,, Sen 51--11-2,
oe a t Goeteld Avc-
bd 7Lii east Street: thence -- -
oLnRth N:aiett1Strclet '2ohef t to lthc
southwest f C tsville- T- ��li,It. V) 'i,r)Il'i ,1-1,' %;I.l""' 1,i1r. L,oLlt'.th1-1_(:`; ())
Avenue cornet -
thence and Rt wellla at1oni Street:
neon running
south line of CoatsvIlleboa iv
124 feet to the east boundary of
a 14'alley;thence rtnning so Ih �)Sr� DI;i l.1'J_CT S.
long the line o�Y 14I alIc01
I for G20 sect sto rho notath line t
Garfield Avenue thence cast alone
the eet t line of 1G rficld Avenue.
124 Peet tE the ,o Co of encing.at
PARCEL tt. Commencing.at
the rtnon o c VIII MVeCI
It;c eerunning
uo l n nor Fast Stae he
thence n, n' north along the1958.
at one oro 21 line t Street 929 • was published in said newspaper on. J�rr1e �9�
lvii 5 me 901231 enc of the c
tt-1 Zone;thence west ll1A.B
ing to the oast Iinc of Oh 25 10ce
P.-9 Lone: the he south nsi ton'
tothe nosh line Is Kensington
' vcnue�, tit knee cast slang the
ti'l�et loot to then s,nlst`n 1Abcgln
I ''PARCEL. III. C l rt t
the th 2 .', 13 h Suuth' -- /`'
Street d 7th East Street;thence
Iu 1t t the ��j �south I f13h S' S St et 1t4
the l' f h 't R M1 C----
on th th 12R f t to the T Advertising
orth 1 e th Ie R.,', Legat 11aLPI'tlSirlCJ Clerk
r zone m«,ae t n2 a feet to me
vet fine of 7thali:tt Stecet;time,
I north long the s line of Rlk
• Fast Street L2'I feet to the point;
of bet:lnnlnl.0
d That s.lrl U:te District Map Is 1 ,
t hove theh.Bove.i ce lrthedcitant
a'land a marl of ltcsidcntlal 2,e4
I'the ll 11 f Corn t Is
,last[ tl
SFC LION L. In th L.ten 6f
cc 1 the t 1 trio rend 20th
let t It l h t t t salt before me this . _--___-_ ....day of
Leke Cf[octtvet this eo 'tclr�bC-] -�C
c SECTION 3.Thu soollh0eee0 hall
tulle effect upon its fltst nuhhee-,itne D. 19.. .�8
tioYaascd by the Aoard of Commis- -'-
l01150 'f sell Lake. CIU, Utah.
this 1RIh day Adtel1I.Stewart,
Herman, 'V.aen,
((��C lt ,U-r.
llILA1N O.36 f13"II
t',h111.tJ 10_.958 (C-64)I -.. .--.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 29, 1.9(a. -