36 of 1965 - Amending Section 51-12-2, rezoning certain property on the west side of Glendale Street north from 3 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, May 19 , 196 5 Christensen . . y I move that the Ordinance be passe . Catmull . . Harrison . . . /• i Mehl H01 T.rY. GL 6-7�'��_4 Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 51-12-2, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to zoning and fixing the boundaries of Use Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sec. 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to zoning and fixing the boundaries of use districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding in and to said section a new paragraph to be known as Item 55, as follows: "ITEM 55. "The following described real property in Commercial "C-3" Classifi- cation, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Commercial "C-1" classification and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: (Property on the West side of Glendale Street north from 3rd South Street, from Commercial C-3 to Commercial C-1). Beginning at a point which is 300.0 feet East and 508.52 feet South from the Northwest corner of Block 42, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, thence south 151.48 feet, thence north 60 degrees, 32' 42" West 85.68 feet, thence north 86 degrees 18' West 67.5 feet, thence north 105.0 feet, thence east 142.0 feet to the point of beginning, being all of Lots 30 through 33, of Block 2, Graeber's Post Office Addition of said Block 42, Plat "C", also beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 30, Block 2, Graeber?s Post Office Addition in said Block 42, Plat "C"; thence south 0 degrees, 00' 55" East 56.18 feet, thence north 60 degrees 32° 42" West 65.68 feet, thence north 79 degrees 20' east 75.9 feet to the point of beginning. (Property on the East side of Glendale Street north from 3rd South Street, from Commercial C-3 to C-1.) Beginning at a point which is 366 feet east and 508.52 feet south from the northwest corner of Block 42, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, thence east 130 feet, thence south 151.48 feet, thence west 130.0 feet, thence north 151.48 feet to the point of beginning, being all of Lots 26 through 29, Block 3, Graeber's Post Office Addition of said Block 42, Plat "C", and also beginning at a point west 52.28 feet from the south- east corner of said Lot 29, tbcpce south 89 degrees 58' 07" 041 -2- west 77.72 feet, thence north 0 degrees 0' 55" west 68.48 feet, thence south 79 degrees 40' east 53.0 feet, thence south 26 degrees 36' east 59.9 feet to the point of beginning." The following described real property in Residential "R-6" Classification, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Commercial "C-1" classification and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: (Property on the west side of Glendale Street between 2nd and 3rd South Streets from Residential "R-6" to Commercial "C-1" classification). Beginning at a point which is 300.0 feet east and 383.52 feet south from the Northwest corner of Block 42, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, thence south 125.0 feet, thence west 142.0 feet, thence north 125.0 feet, thence east 142 feet to the point of beginning, being all of Lots 34 through 38, Block 2, Graeber's Post Office Addition in said Block 42, Plat "C". "That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the said above described tracts of land from Residential "R-6" and Commercial "C-3" to Commercial "C-1" District Classification." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of May, 1965. i MAYOR t ""11 CITY ORDER (SEAL) BILL N0. 36 of 1965 Published May 25, 1965 t36 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake In: 1e941' tiagr D M Ockey Ai(ORDINANCE fl'. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Set.: Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising }$yalVt t Rev4sea O d oPeraS os rn ip he o��o e�vd4xhp tliol°a�dlet�les clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- °t use°fat""e' yy dd GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- V Cammlisl0neri^Or b5els�Leke rCl1�. 1. u,aM1: lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in �B he ReVbM dTnet BFcf S11t2L e s': gym, uteh,'tibs°a°mnna ra:a inn Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. e• end i,bL'Ple the same n lbrtlls- teas,b..y tho y- Sea br adm9 4n anR ro id 1r-i:,`,.- q.new Para rap fo able', s,known ea'Nom sf.as�hawa; That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 17EM ss. si "The mdowmo pespr bee l ^^- Salt Lake amity dill. No 36 of 1965.. Iv m eammernal �� ciasaRhta� floe, s shown°fte Sea toacol`iimeii p9 Ma,Is hereby GeP"C•1"ClassiN<alen and the U^e DBirkr M" m a nd¢d as An Ordinance rel.zting to zoning a:d fi)dng the banned COrdlnalY:booth a lM1e v sl -tle Glendale Imat, arch from 3rd South Street,lrom Commercial CJ to Commercial C�17 &a9lnnlna of a point which Is 000.0 lei it¢r kgghree soesT teetselakr4ry bour7�s.ri.es of Use Districts. n. the N9U,W st n r Plat C'u Salt Lake 11Y su rv¢Y, -ihenc0 sa fh i$t.da,feet,thence narrhl •ale nneen0 s.]2'd1 West 8s.a8 feat y,{hence north no decrees 1s'West bT.41 r-ieef,thence north 105.0 feet,ihence�, st ld2 0 feet to the point of.beam- aL area,being all Of L'o gthraUo a2,1 1r. f Block 2,Graebar'a Post Office Ads; n; elfion of,said BMCk 4]. Plef 'C", Iw bCalnningg at tha SOeNleeet f--� y, r of LOl h Block T.Grp lg Qasr ofrtt5 Aaalnon In la:"6iaak Nay 25, 1965. d2 Plat C's thence Z, U aearee. �tle9fe Ssi356.,8'¢Wt•sTn6beabB}ePi�, was published in said newspaper on so oleo ees55,9 decreesi20',eesf r5.4 Ieet ro the point of beg ahla9. vey ore 510rf4 o11 the Eest sloe at GIe l ona Sere Sfreet orlh from Son sown, 23,SreVtinr ta0.8.ifot.`whlolo IIsC364 ieef 1 d Sows N f uth 1 om led Flat C selt'L Vat,CItt}a'� sur leyi, /� thence 1 1Ra fast[t'11ett ri r. L rat IB f f In U0r wE t 1000 1 C �/-( y t- ^, ihMro iR tat aaGrter t ih.ofe'Fnf b% of be 1 III ii.,ln$.'GI b. .,,A, SOee Ad(ttiRRllllssss10of q ndlegla}.2,P1a1. &legal Advertising Clerks , B_.'weste 52.28a feet from M eneeo8uf9 de91 ca rot sal At:19 se'm' sffdtss•'Mwe'ffP6a.aa re h o.00 open is east ds rear,teethe south T9 ce ytees vd a5.0 tear,teentp auuth 26 iea,'ees Ob' e east s9.9 feat,o the pallor af baaln- nlna." Tne followlei described ai s�ls oP- ' erty InsRhpwernibl Ihe-blJoelDistriei 26th''''' an,dormer' before me this s.MaP,,Is her¢br c°r"aneed day of y Dlit 'C-1'• IasslBis a tl the and ls' Maor a nded antl le nanaed dingIv: (Properly a the west sMe of Glendale Sire¢!pet-� ylee me ale am south streets from A.D. 19 6 Resldantlal n;'O Commercial G I -\ 39 1 ,less.{l SI et s. IV feet easinand 383521nRd south freom 5�the Northwest corner t Block 4T, s Plef C" Selr Lake CITY su rWe�• , a� fe thence uth 1T5a feel,thence ' ji`_ / 1 y 1420 lest,thence 125.0 feel,thence /�L �Cf �Z am_ Ins tCefno all o LofspO3dnlhrou Bh 38, blac6C T,GraeboV Post OHlce Aadl.l � %' Notary Public Lion In saitl Block d],Plat"C". "Thel eid Used District to 5 Is hrebYIEhabove ales,i'betl directs Ow Commerom Resldenttel "R-b a°a Commercial, C-0" to Commercial �s�� [•1"District Clesslllea}Ion.' P"p SECTION 2, In the a aril 1 the 'Boerd of Commissioners Ot Salt LakO e CIry,it Is n uary to the Peace. r heelM d e city f Ihe In h dodders t Salt Lake City Inar this 0rc ins nce becomeeffective ImmealalelY. SECTION 9.This rtlinence hall .r{eke eflecr upon es first PUhlommis.- Passed bS the Boerd of Commis-2'• loners of self lake CRY.Utah,this 191h dcv Of hby,34t0RACKEN LEE] Mayor H[[EI1yyR 000 J.NOGENSEN r(SEARLPCOrdet 1 BLbLsN .MdV o! 6 7 0149) 36