36 of 1977 - Amending seciton 20-3-14 providing for utility revenue tax - 2 percentum of gross revenue. MULLINLL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 2 ,19 77
Mr.Chairman v'
Agraz . . ✓ I move that the bSdinance` be passed.
Gre of//// ✓
o ensen '✓/
Phillips , \ , c ��
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 20-3-14 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to utility revenue tax.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 20-3-14 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to utility revenue tax, be, and the same
hereby is amended as follows:
"Sec. 20-3-14. Utility revenue tax. There is hereby levied
upon the business of every person or company engaged in the business
in Salt Lake City, Utah, of supplying telephone, gas or electric
energy service as public utilities, an annual license tax equal to
two percentum of the gross revenue derived from the sale and use of
the services of said utilities within the corporate limits of Salt
Lake City.
"The term 'gross revenue, ' as used herein, shall be construed to
mean the revenue derived from the sale and use of public utility
services within Salt Lake City, provided that 'gross revenue' as
applied to the telephone utility shall be construed to mean basic
local exchange services revenue received from subscribers located
within Salt Lake City and directly connected with the switchboard
or switchboards of said utility located in the city.
"'Public utility services' shall mean the sale and use of elec-
tric power and energy, natural gas and local exchange telephone
"Within forty-five days after the close of each month in a calen-
dar year, any public utility taxed hereunder shall file with the
city treasurer of Salt Lake City a report of its gross revenue
derived from the sale and use of public utility services in Salt
Lake City as defined herein, together with a computation of the tax
levied hereunder against the utility. Coincidental with the filing
of such report, the utility shall pay to the city treasurer the
amount of the tax."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the City of Salt
Lake that this ordinance take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
2nd day of R,mr5ussary, 1977.
BILL NO, 36 of 1977
Published March 9, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
Jr ss.
County of Salt Lake
ING section 20-3,14 of the Re- --,--Shona_D.. PaJ.ma_g iy,Utaha16°f salt Lake 95, relatino
utility revenue'tax.
Be it ordained es'the Board of
Commissioners f salt Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
SECTION 1. ThatRevised
Section tising clerk ofthe DESERET NEWS, a daily
nonce F the Revised Ortl i- �exCPpt Sunday)
s i Solt o utility
ity r Utah,
tv65.e,relating m e me revenue' nfaespaper printed in the English language with generaltax amended
be,and the same hereby is
a r"Sec.20s ronow5 dilation. in. Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
"Sec.re iShe ehYle revenue
crnereie rerenyUtil nersueon County, in the State of Utah.
n buns en a every tenon or
con-mnere rnSalt'Lake City,In tUtah,,oil
•electric serrvice as awn` That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
xi annual
nfta equal tvu ntono
the Bross revenue derived from
the sale and use of fee services YUb notice to amend an ordinance relating. to
i of said utilities within the corlw. --__--- ------—---------._..
rate limit;of Self Lake CItY.
"The term'tress revenue,'as
.set herein, rohall be cuts/rued utility revenue tax
to m n the ee derived ------- -- -- - -----_
from the sale and use of public
fillty set vices within Salt Lake
City, gO ided that'gross re
venue''as entailed to the tole
utility shall be constrconstrued
• o rt base local(exchange
I+ubscribers looue ccaited within salt
Lake City and directly con ------------ - -------
:ected withit• the
oswitchbOad o --
•a utility
located In the city.
a'Public utility services'
!shall mean the sale trIt Rower dand use of
ieina I gas anti local exchange
telephone service. March 9 1977
"Withinfteaclve days after
was published in said newspaper on __.- -----_ r._
'the close of each month in a
calendar year,any public utili-
ty taxed hereunder shall the
with the city treasurer W salt
Lake City a r of Its Crole
enue derived or from ity nor-
c i It Lk
f fillty
dr�i .dn heroin,
tchihe Cll
comoutetion 0l the tax levied I /
hereunderg ith`the thing
of �{ f ,l � ,$_ ��`
ch rt the II Illy shall pay .y�_! _:-_`
of the tax."treasurer the
ytrihe amount Legal Advertising Clerk
the tax t
the Board of tCornmesl minion
bait Lake City,It Is necessary to
the peace,hcaith and welfare of
the City of soh Loke InaO(his
ordinance fake effect Im.
• SinCT ION g.This ordinance
firlaetioar once upon ty 16tht°brran Urn to before Inc this day of
Passed by the Board of Corn.
,•O1Ibis 2nddayLofkM City, Itch i1 n 77
_.. A.D. 19
flay Recorder
fIFALJ ,! `
BILL NO 36 oflpll
hunllshed Mardi 9,Me (17.911 t
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb. 13, 1978