368 of 1900 - Ordinance 368 of 1900 – Regulating use of bicycles and other riding machines within Salt Lake City 111 flO
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De it ordeirW by the City Ceurcl) of e.alt ,-,ake City, Utah, that,,
Se,. 1. It shall be .,InLmIcI for any ; r1n to ride an bicrycle,
tricycle, veleilpe,,e or other riding mehine upon anY Ptlbal't on
any of to fellowinc streets:
South, Teuwle ttween Tbir,_; rest anl 7entTe Fast Ftre-ts,
Virst rc,uth between Prat 'N,:at and ut1 ast Ftreets,
Seccrd oth betnear Dift7: West and Tenth 1,:art rtreets,
I Third and "part South rots between West Temde an' second East,
fain and rest Temple between South Temple a:A P'urth youth Streets,
T Stae Street Uetween 9rrth TerT,!, and loourth south "treete,
10 Richards, Corlirciel and 7,Tar1,:et Streets and l,-anklir Avenue,
Canyon Road,-
SecoA and Third Streets between Canyon 'load and "A" street.
PROVIDM, That between octeber 10tb of each year, and 7::ay :1st
followisc, such biccles, tricles and velocil,edes may be rid- en
upon the sidevaiks within the following deseSited i'ortione of each
iI restricted dAstrict:
1 All:of reuth Tempi* Street,
tei Piret South ntro6t east of State Street and West of First West Street
Second and Third South rtreate,east of State 'trent,
All of rourthirou-:h rtreet,
Sec. 2. (II All stroets over .seventy feet in width included in the
restricted it" net, described in the forego inc section, there in hereby
reserved and .let, n'art for the eNclaive urn or such b1n nine, 10100010/10ut
moottatitsxxxstmOgsdos a etrir corsiting Of eight feet in width in the
Center of each street; Provid.ed, That where ar!:,, railway track rens 7,:long
any such street, there shall be two strips four feet in width, on on eaoh
side of ther-kuter rails of such track. 368
Sec 3. It srail be the au% of the Supervisor Of atasets to
keep said bicycle s'rtps in -Tod aaaair, free from root: nd other Ob—
strUctionS, and See that t.h sare are riot sprinkled to oxteed orce eaoh
Sec. 4. All animaln, wagons, carriaaen, ann vehicles other
than hicyulea are hereby prohiaitea arom entarina Taw, aaid bicacle
strias, or arra) any other bicycle path which has b-en or rn hareafter
be corstraated rC,r thr use of bicyclists within tala City, except when
neesasarila crasaina tia same.
Sea. 5. It sha:1 ao ualawfal for any , oraan to ride a bicycle
or other ria'na machine on any of the slaawalas af aalt paaa Cit, at a
sped ai%atar than sin miles an hour, or to pass ary street interserition,
or turn any corner whet) anypedesarian is crosaira ar upon such intersec—
tion or corner, or' at any place ' ere ary parson may ba anterin, or
laavina a street car at any intarseation, at a spar greater taar four
miles an hour, or to pain any podeatriar on any si la alk at a spped
great than four mills an hour.
Sec 6. It shall ba unlawful for any lorson to ride any nuch
bicycle Or other riding machine Ilion any public stre-t ia Salt ,aks City
with the lower end af the harale hars an a '31ana,1ower thar t',,2- top of
tin' sad 1: at ita ul-nter, or ao ride ' taa, t aavina at Jrast art hand. on
1:!',. llo.,..11t 1,)a,-s 4Wi nata fart (-3, , ,:. i,-,1„110,
,, -- --
Sea. ". Any pm r on rldin )a, an, naah hic-4afc C.r r/ diva machine
/ . ; ,
. , -• a ')
wan anaiaf taaa -------,--- - . of laia Cit, sa11 -')/ all times patvairj
---_ /
/a.'''''' connac ,tan taerawita a aon a sufjUian7,-a-aaaaArraaa,.raars of /to alTroac,.,
and are the aamo in war naa
aing parava of i a artauh, ara ahan rldair
. . -
) batwiron ana hour at'taaariaus.wia-xrdatife hour irSf;-114eOssr shall :lava a
lighted lantern uornaiauar.ly alauta an nun'; taiaasla oa riartiaa machine,
to -ram— _parsons al: itsaap;oaca.
, '----. ---- It shall ra- unlawful ft r arr. 1 ri.10 tc, :. ,-', lay bioac2 ,, trio
a els, voloalpeda, or othar rid inn machine, or _in:' inh!i:1 ntrast Or $abliu
place within t:Iis City unless a lic,nso has beer procured for the use eller
thereof as hereinaftor providoi Provided, M',at this nectior all not
be construed to apply to such bit*cles or ridin inon owned and ridden
by Minors under the ago of thirteen years, or owned and ridd6r hy persons
temporarily visiting in the Cito of Salt !aloe.
Sec,i1Zuch licenses ohall be losued eo the . ity Treasurer upon the
/ payment of the nk.ui of ono dollar for each license, and shail be good for
one 1,ear, big December slot following tha issuance of ooch license.
Such licenses sall contain 1j,,FY 11,3::19 of the owner, the rake, style and
number of ouch bicycle or machine, en0 may be transferred with
tho machine for which ineed, hut not otherwise. There shail be /sousd
with such license a metal tar staed with Vie noolbcr of lieense„ which
tag loudt be attached to the head or steering gear of si:ch machine:
Provided, that noch tags shail rot be of the Ham shape or design for
two ccnsecutive yore.
rou, 14). The r,ity Treasurer z ai.lkeep a coroiete record or ail
licenves 1psued unael. the I:rovisiono of thin ordinanue.
/ Sec.11). Any p.,rs on inT, any o loyal,. or riding mao3. e on 'which a,
_icenseois;required without 1 the tag rent lonod in the /,.recesdiogg
serration 4Wacher6 at tac0Yrni54-1t.tedizmt lo any mincer violating ally of
the provisions of this or.J ranee, shall be o'olty o0 a misdemeanor, and
ol..on conviction thereof sha)3 he liable to a f5ne ir ur rot leoo than
Pine or more than Pifty Dollars for each and over:, offense; and when ar..
rested may be compelled to yield 'eosteession of ;-,in or Ler wheel or vehicle
! -
to tiol officer making the arrest, or to any orol.sr officer of the City au
curty perKtini: the o;01,:tx),, arid determinaticr of the or.i'esse complained
Fen: L . AU L'Irjes. recovered for thi violation of this cod itanne, a
and all license fees herein provided, snail he raid into a soeeial fund
which. is h'rely orcrated to t) ? knovn as the ioad rund for the
pont of constructing and ieTroving roads, paths, yarks,parking, and
bridges to be used by V:telmen, and. particularly for the c(listr,:iction of
einder paths aiono, the bicycle strips created by section R.
Sec. 1 whenever any cinder -path in cc:' le:ted, as meffl..oned in
the foreeoine section, all sidewalks earallel to the name shall immediate
ly be closed and absolutely forbidden to the nos of bicycles er.i other
riding machines.
Sec. 14. It shall he urlawfel for any persen to break a:e, injure,
disturb, or place any obstructions in any of tbe bicycle otr yr. or paths
hereby or hereafter created, except ehen necesea.ril;; done in re; a+ring
streets or car tracks, and in rsnoh cases no noeueesary obstruction chall
be created, nor :;hall the+ earth or other material removed be placed on
Baid strip or path. The person by or for whorl such obstruction or
excavation ghat_l be made shall guard same by a ra'i or other seffielent
fence, and (elan also keep over paid obsrructioe or a:,cavation, from one
111 1 hour 8 to sunset until one hour befo:o sun 'ise, a lie;heed lantern or
other suffiairrt lid ht as a warn in;c; cs,,rart, the whole tine ,,etch obstruction
or excavation aha.Ll exist.
:sec. 13. ?or the pur.ose e,f e.nforcine this erdioaece, the Meier of
Police it hereby n thorized to „el,point it :d manner provi ed ey law,
any masher of she r ial pol ice"len, not :.,seed t=en:y, who seall ant as
such st ec al ;coli.cem.:+n durinte the pleasure of !.re noun.il, any aall serve
without compensation, unless the City Codes-] shall. hereafter otherwise
Fee. 16. All ordinances and reCelutions anti ears of ordi.n:alees and
resolutions reeelatine the use of hic„cl a ,elt bins 'alt Lake 'Otte, are
hereby repealed, and this ordirsa ne shall teeeeffeet upon lee aeproval.
Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of riders of 4cyeles and other
v'riding machines, whenever they shall meet each other upon any cycle-
9 path:•or sidewalk„each to seasonably turn to the right in p ssing;
and in musk cases where there are two cycle y paths on any street of the
city, riders ma 'gavel upon the path at the right side of said
t street, and it 441.1 be unlawful for a rider to travel upon that one
of such pathsAwh .4;a4s at the left hand side of the street reckoned
in the direction t,r-rich he or she may be travelling at such time.
fence, and e!ail also keep over said obtrauet:ion or e='cavation, otn one
hour ' ter sunset until one hour before sunrise, a 1.101ted lantern or
1111 'other Str,ffiaiart 11�*.�St ats a warnir,e; c1rr^i^t" She w .nle tir:A +.+ups ohnt^`uution
Or excavation 1911 exist.
Sec.- 15. Por the pur;:Use+ of anrorcin;, ra.2s or3:ia-aooe, the ,,,;.ief of
Police i., eb as thorized to a,a•oirt it tF ', tnarnr prov : he law,
any muMber of sp eo ial policemen, not o _.oa d t Aer:1 , who !.3.1I aut as
Such s/peal pol.A-oemen durin!- the iaoasur'e of _.: e council, an :S"37..:. c,,rve
without er ipe s.-ition, orlss the Cit Cotrnctl rt.&1 hereafter otherwise
Sec, 16. All ordiran,:es and reeblutionc and parts of orh1naEuee and
resolutions regtsia;Inc th<? use of bicyul,zci within ''alt Toako .'lt;-, are
hereby repealed, and t his ordinance shall t:ae effect upon i° a oroval.
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