37 of 1910 - Ordinance 37 of 1910 – Amending Section 5, relating to watermain extensions. it AN ORDINANCE . li An ordinance amending,. and re-enacting Section 5 of an ordinance passed by the City Council August 19, 1907, and approved by the Mayor) August 20, 1907, relating to water main extensions. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 5 of an ordinance passed by the City Council August 19, 1907, and approved by the Mayor August 20, 1907, relating to water main extensions, be, and the same is hereby amended) and re-enacted to as to read as follows: , SECTION 5. The sum of money deposited as p ovit J in Sec- tion 4 of this ordinance, shall be returned to the person, firm it or corporation depositing the same, or to his, her or its assi , personal representative or successor, by the City Treasurer who so directed by the City Council, by paying 25% of the sum so deposited, without interest, on the first day of July in each year until said sum is fully paid, the first payment to be made on the first dey of July of the year next following the year in which the money is deposited. Provided, that if at the time thei last payment shall become due as aforesaid, there shall not be sufficient users of water from said extension to yield to the city water rates in a sum amounting to 6 per cent on the whole cost of such extension, said last payment shall not be made. But said last payment may be made to the person, firm or corpora- tion entitled thereto, upon such person, firm or corporation exl- jeating and delivering to the city an undertaking in an amount and with sureties to be approved by the City Council, conditioned that the principal in said undertaking will pay to the city on or be fore the 10th day of July in each year in Dash, the difference between six per cent on the whole coat of such extension, and the sum of money received by the city for water rates for the preceding year ending June 30th, on account of such extension, V until the water rates received by the city on account of such extension shall equal six per cent on the whole cost of the ,iY. II -2- tension;fl I the amount so to be paid to be ascertained from a statet- ment to be made by the City Treasurer on or before July 5th of each year, showing the amount of water rates received by the city on account of such extension for the preceding year ending June 30th. it SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinenoe and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent jlif such conflict. L! t SEOTI0P? 3. This Crdixza.ncs shall take effect upon,apprOral. Passed by the City .".oiinci7. of ;<ilt 'a. _e City,dtHh; A7 Ci 1I° th, 1910, and referred .to the ;Ir.yor for his afro Ar roved this //46P/ ,4ay of <t ;1, 1910, 1I V r i P 111 I i 1 I i it 1111 -.44 _03,.;f3j.,_!, •E'; L1,1,, 96 Of Qd C'f11.10;:ti iuifF'd" c ± IsjT, o zo v.t-10 abaL! Vt -1; hovipon7 ed'rsuoms of. 3stwofita $.4,1 troit,o-id-xs .cfok•-.4 tattovo.,-.3 • -. 1 • az-s.r7.• •.! •t . tt, --• . -"f omety,rff b•To I.CA .3 elj" j.,1 Aq,tirr +1,;(4n^.-11.f VP•rm J•otri-noo itt ectolJit.F47.r. _ • f 171 • •rqt.,••-triff;1%. J-05011 o IE-11 t.`k !):1•,1 1,-r • tfT -I c'2_) . . . eco 1-3 W=• • • 1 Z. .• e ."C r-r