37 of 1925 - Relating to oil burning equipment ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah, = ,192 Burton Finch I move that the ordinance be passed. CGTee reen Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance amending Sections 1120, 1123, 1127 of Chapter XXIII of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1920, relating to Explosives and Combustibles. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That Section 1120, 1123, 1127 of Chapter XXIII of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1920, relatirg to Explosives and Combustibles be and the same are hereby amended. to read as follows:- SECTION 1120. FLASH TEST, DEFINED. For the pur- pose of this ordinance, "Standard Flash Test" means "Will not flash or emit an inflamable vapor at a temperature lower than one hundred and thirty (130) degrees Fahrenheit". SECTION 1123. FLASH TEST 130 DEGREES OR HIGHER. (a) Quantity under 500 gallons. Kerosene, coal oil, pet- roleum, distillate, products of petroleum, or hydro-carbon liquids of standard flash test, in quantities not exceeding • five hundred (500) gallons, may be kept or stored in metallic cans or metallio tanks of not exceeding sixty (60) gallon capacity, or in an underground tank as speoified. (b) Quantity over 500 gallons. It shall be unlawful to keep or store, or permit to be kept or stored in any building, or upon any premises, street, or place, in quantities in excess of five hundred (600) gallons, any petroleum, distillate, pro- ducts of petroleum or hydro-carbon liquids of standard flash test; except in tanks, or in barrels or metallic cans in a one- story brick, stone, or concrete building, with a concrete or hollow tile roof, with no interior woodwork whatever, with all exterior openings protected with wire glass not less than one- quarter (1/4) inch thick in metal frames and sash, or with wood- en tin-clad doors or shutters. All door openings to have masonry sills rising not less than one foot above the floor. Such buildings to be occupied exclusively for storage of oils and liquids. SECTION 11270 OIL BURNING EQUIPMENTS, AND DOMESTIC OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT. (a) OIL BURNING EQUIPMENTS. Oil burning equipments are those using only liquids having flash point above 1500F., closed cup tester. Oil burning equipments shall be operated only when a competent attendant is constantly on the premises. An oil burn- ing system shall consist of all equipment connected to the burn- er and located within the building, including auxiliary supply tanks and provisions for filling same, piping, burner, and all -2- accessories. Only systems approved by the Chief of the Fire Department shall be used. (b) STORAGE TANKS FOR OIL BURNING EQUIPMENTS. Storage tanks shall be placed underground, provided that above ground tanks of not to exceed 1000 gallon capacity may be used when approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. 1 - UNDERGROUND TANKS. Underground tanks shall be con- structed of galvanized steel, basic open hearth steel or wrought iron of a minimum gauge ( U.S. Standard) depending upon the capa- city, as given in the following table:- Minimum Capacity ( Gallons) Thickness of Material • 1 to 560 14 gauge 561 to 1,100 12 gauge 1,101 to 4,000 7 gauge 4,001 to 10,500 .. 1/4 inch 10,501 to 20,000 5/16 inch 20,001 to 30,000 3/8 inch All joints shall be riveted and caulked, brazed, welded or made by some equally satisfactory process. Tanks shall be tight mad sufficiently strong to bear without injury the most severe strain to which they may be subjected in practice. Shells of tanks shall ! be properly reinforced Where connections are made, and all con- nections made through the top of tank above the liquid level. All tanks shall be thoroughly coated on the outsislewith tar, asphalt or other suitable rust-resisting material, dependent upon the condition of soil in which they are placed. Where soil is impreg- nated with corrosive materials, tanks shall also be made of heav- ier metal. An independent, permanently open galvanized iron vent pipe terminating outside of building shall be provided for every tank. The lower end of the vent pipe shall not extend through the stop into the tank for a distance of more than one inch. Vent op- enings shall be screened (40x40 non-corrodible wire mesh or its equivalent, preferably cone-shape and shall be of sufficient area to permit proper inflow of 1 quid during the filling opera- tion arri in no case less than 1 inch in diameter. Screens shall be accessible for examination and removal. Vent pipes shall be provided with weather-proof hoods, and terminate twelve feet abov= top to fill-pipe, or, if tight connection is made in filling line, to a point one foot above the level of the top of the highest reservoir from which the tanks may be filled, and preferably not less than three feet, measured horizontally and vertically, from any window or other building opening. End of filling pipe in tank shall be turned up so as to form a trap or seal, and when install- ed in the vicinity of any door or other building opening shall be as remote therefrom as possible so as to prevent liability of flow of oil through building openings; terminal shall be outside of building in a tight, incombustible box of casting, so designed as to make access difficult by unauthorized persons. Manhole cover= shall be securely fastened in order to make access difficult by unauthorized persons. No manhole shall be used for filling purpose.. Tanks shall be buried underground with top of the tanks not less than three feet below the surface of the ground, and below the level of any piping to which the tanks may be connected, except that in lieu of the three feet cover, tanks may be buried under 18 inches of earth and a cover of reinforced concrete at least 6 inches in thickness provided, which shall extend at least one b of eyond the outline of tank in all directions; concrete slab to be set on a firm well-tamped earth foundation. Tanks shall be securely nohored or weighted in placd to prevent floating. Where a tank cannot be entirely buried, it shall be covered with earth to a epth of at least 3 feet and sloped on all sides, slopes not to be 11 1 -3- less than 3 to 1. Such cases shall also be subject to such other requirements as may be deemed necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. If tank cannot be set below the level of all piping Ito which it is connected, satisfactory arrangements shall be pro- Ivided to prevent siphoning or gravity flow in case of accident to 'the piping. Tanks shall be set on a firm foundation and surround- ed. with soft earth or sand well tamped in place. When located un- derneath a building, the tanks shall be buried with top of tanks not less than 2 feet below the level of the floor. The floor im- Imediately above the tanks shall be of reinforced concrete at least 119 inches in thickness, or some other type of construction of equi-, fralent strength and fire resistance, extending at least one foot beyond the outline of the tanks in all directions, and provided with ample means of support independent of any tank. 2 - ABOVE GROUND TANKS. Above ground tanks including top shall be constructed of basic open hearth steel or wrought iron of Is minimum gauge ( U.S. Standard) as specified in the following table:- Minimum Capacity ( Gallons ) Thickness of Material 1 to 30 18 gauge 31 to 350 16 gauge 351 to 1000 14 gauge ,Joints and connections shall be as specified for underground tanks points rust proofing end venting of tanks. Tanks with bottom more than one foot above the ground shall have firm foundation and supports of incombustible materials except wooden cushions. The storage of combustible material within 10 feet of any tank is prohibited. Tanks shall be constructed en- irely of metal including top, side and. bottom; all openings shall e gas-tight, exoept breather vent, which shall be screened.. All anks shall be electrically grounded by resting directly on moist arth or grounded in accordance with the recm irements for light- ing protection of the National Fire Protection Association. In 11 locations where above-ground tanks are liable, in case of reakage or overflow, to endanger surrounding property, each tank hall be protected by an embankment or 11/10. Such protection shall 'shall a capacity of not less than one and one-half times the cape- iity of the tank surrounded, and shall be at least 4 feet high, 'ut in no case higher than one-fourth the height of tank when .eight of tank exceeds 16 feet. Embankment or dikes shall be made '.f earthwork or reinforced concrete. Earthwork embankments shall .e firmly and compactly built of good earth from which stones, ve- I•etable matter, etc., have been removed, and shall have a flat section at top of not less than 3 feet and a slope of at least 2 10 1 on both sides. Embankments or dikes shall be continuous, with o openings for piping or roadways. Piping shall preferably be I •id over or under embankments; if it is necessary to install pipe hrough embankments, concrete wing walls shall be provided. Brick r concrete steps shall be used where it is necessary to pass over 3 - :TANKS INSIDE BUILDINGS. Such tanks shall not be looat- d above the lowerst story, cellar or basement of building. Tanks hall be located below the level of any piping to which they may e connected, or if this is impracticable, satisfactory arrange- 'ients shall be made to prevent siphoning or gravity flow in case of accident to the equipment of piping. Tanks shall be set on a firm foundation and those exceeding 2500 gallons capacity shall be supported independently of the floor construction. Steel tanks shall be completely enclosed with a heat insulation equi- valent to reinforced concrete not less than 12 inches in thick- ness, with at least a 6-inch space on sides between tank and concrete insulation filled with sand or well tamped earth, and with 12 inches of sand on top of tank, either between tank and and concrete slab or above concrete slab. I -4 , 4 - LOCATION OF TANKS. If underground tank is within 10 feet of any building and the top of the tank is above the lowest floor or pit of the building, the tank shall not exceed a capacit of 50,000 gallons, and must be of metaL,entirely closed in con- crete without air space. Above ground tanks may be located not less than 10 feet from line of adjoining property or nearest building. 5 - PIPING, VALVES, STRAINERS, HEATERS. Cross-connections permitting gravity flow from one tank to another shall be prohi- bited except in the ease of outside tanks where this may be per- mitted through an open connection. All pipe connections to tanks and other oil containing or using devices shall be made in a sub- stantial, workmanlike manner. All piping shall be of the standard full weight wrought iron or steel type for working pressures less than 100 pounds; for working pressures in excess of 100 pounds, extra heavy pipe and fittings shall be used. No pipe less than one-half inch internal diameter will be permitted. Piping shall be run as directly as possible without sags, and so laid that where possible pipes pitch toward the supply tank without traps; provisions shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring and vibration. All connections of air lines to burners shall be made on the upper side and whall extend upward for a distance of at least 12 inches. Piping for systems with working pressures under 100 pounds after installation shall be tested and proven tight at a pressure of not less than 150 pounds; where working pressures exoeed 100 pounds, piping shall be tested andproven tight at a pressure 50 per cent in excess of the working pressure. No right and left couplings shall be used, and unions shall be of an approved type. Piping between any separated oil containing or using part of the equipment shall be,as fer as practicable, laid outside of the building underground, and properly protected against corrosive action; if necessarily inside, it shall pre- ferably be laid in a trench with proper metal cover; if on floor or subject or mechanical injury, it shall be protected. Pipes leading to the surface of the ground or above the floor, parti- cularly risers to furnaces, shall be protected against injury. ill and vent pipes shall also be protected. Riser pipes from the oil supply lines to burner fittings shall be not less than 1 inch in size. All outside piping shall be laid in solid earth, or in a trench. Oil pipes shall not be located near nor in the same trench ith other piping, excepting steam lines for heating. Propping the pipes on wooden blocks shall be avoided. Openings for pipe through utside walls below the ground level shall be made oil-tight and ecurely packed with flexible material. All valves shall be of an pproved type. Shut-off valves shall be provided on both sides of ny strainer which may be installed in pipe lines; in discharge nd suction lines to pump; in discharge and return lines to any tulle,' near tank as practicable,and in branch lines near burn- rs# An outside readily accessible valve shall be provided on all upply lines entering buildings. In installations where the pump s located at a distance from the burners, it is advised that a emote control device be installed so that the supply of oil can e cut off at the pump in case of accident. A Check valve of an lipproved type shall be installed in each air line where an en- losed type of burner is used. A pressure relief valve shall be installed in supply line to burners and so arranged as to return urplus oil to supply tank. The use of automatic shut-off valves or the oil supply is recommended. In systems where either steam r air is used for atomizing, the oil and atomizing supply shall e interlocked in an approved manner so that in case of inter- ption of the atomizing supply, the oil will immediately be out ff. A test well or gauging device shall be installed, and so de- igned as to prevent the escape of oil or vapor within the build- ng at any time. Top of well shall be sealed, and where located utside of building, kept locked when not in use. Suitable strain- rs shall be installed in the suction line. Large basket strainers re recommended in the receiving or filling line of storage tank 111 I I -5- 1 Ito remove dirt and foreign matter. Where it is necessary to heat !oil in storage tanks in order to handle it, the oil shall not be !heated to a temperature higher than 400F. below the flash point, ;closed cup. Heating shall be done by means of properly installed coils within the tank, using only steam or water. Thermostatic !!control and thermometer shall be provided for all heating devices. Heaters shall be of substantial construction; all joints shall be Omade oil-tight. Only steam, water or approved electrical heaters ( shall be used for preheating. Heater shall be by-passed so that ;in warm weatln r, it will not be under constant pressure while not 'in use. (o) BUSBERS - PUMPING SYSTEMS. The burner mechanism shall be Iso designed as to not enlarge the orifice, and so that the needle !valve cannot be unscrewed and removed in operating. The burner shall be properly supported, if necessary, independently of the piping. Oil shall be pumped from tank to burners, except where auxiliary or pressure tanks shall not exceed 60 gallons and auto- Imatio shut-off is provided at the Burners. Pumps shall be in dup- I IIlicate, of an approved design, and secure against leaks. Pumps shall be located in a room cut off from oil burning devices and provided with entrance which can be reached without passing through mom where burners are located; if this is not practicable provision shall be made for.remote control. Pumps used in connec- tion with the supply and discharge of storage tanks shall be lo- cated outside embankment walls, and at Bich a point that they will be accessible at all times, even if the oil in the tank or reser- voir should be on fire. (d) DIAGRAM OP PIPING. The contractor installing the fuel oil equipment shall furnish copies of diagrams showing all of the main oil lines and controlling valves, and these diagrams shall be posted where the oil system is installed, and also at some other point which will be accessible in ease of a fire where the fuel oil equipment is located. (a) DOMESTIC OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT. Oil used for fuel under these rules shall be topped or distilled oil, having a flash point of not less than 1300F., closed cup. An oil burning system shall consist of all equipment connected to burner and located within the building, inoluding auxiliary supply tank and provisions for filling same, piping, burner, and all accessories. Only systems approved by the Chief of the Fire Department shall be used. 1 - STORAGE TANKS. Storage tanks shall be located outside underground, provided, that when the aggregate capacity shall not exceed 276 gallons, tanks may be located inside of building or bove ground. The material and construction of outside tanks shall e in accordance with the requirements for storage tanks for oil urning equipments. Inside storage and auxiliary supply tanks of ore than 10 gallon capacity shall be constructed of galvanized steel, basic open hearth steel or wrought iron of not less than 0.16 U.S. Gauge. Auxiliary supply tanks of 10 gallons or less apacity may be constructed of brass, copper or galvanized plate f not leas than No.18 U,S.Gauge. Joints shall be made as specifies or outside underground tanks in the preceding regulations. 2 - GRAVITY AND PRESSURE TANKS. Auxiliary supply tanks, ay be of gravity or pressure type, provided that in no case shall 1 he capacity of such tank exceed 60 gallons. If located within a i uilding, gravity tank shall not be within 5 feet, or pressure tank within 10 feet, measured horizontally from any fire or flame. Gravity or pressure tank shall be substantially and rigidly in- rtalled on incombustible supports in such a manner as to inaire -6- protection against mechanical injury. Tanks for wstems under pressure shall be designed for six times the maximum working pressure and be tested and proven tight at twice the maximum work- ing pressure; maximum working pressure shall not exceed 50 pounds. Tanks shall be provided with a reliable pressure gauge and an automatic relief valve piped to discharge outside of the building. Gauging devices or test wells, the breakage of which would permit the escape of oil or vapor within the building, shall be prohibite.. Auxiliary tanks shall be filled by pumping from storage tanks or [if gravity or pressure tank contains the entire storage, fill pipei ishall extend to and terminate outside the building, as provided !for tanks for oil burning equipments of preceding regulations, and! in such cases tank shall be so installed that in case of overflow, oil will not enter building. Auxiliary tanks shall be provided With an overflow connection draining to storage tank, which pipe 'shall be not less than one size larger than supply pipe from pump. The overflow pipe of gravity tank shall not be provided with valve: r other obstructions; but overflow pine of pressure tank and oil upply pipe shall be provided with inter-connected valves, so de- igned that the opening or closing of overflow pine shall result similarly in oil supply pipe. 3 - PUMPS. 0i1 pump used in filling auxiliary tank from the main storage tank shall be of approved type, secure against eaks, with check valves located as close to pump as convenient. umps shall be rigidly fastened in place. 4 - PIPING, VALVES. Standard, full weight, wrought iron teel or brass pipe with substantial fittings shall be used and (shall be carefully protected against mechanical injury in a manner satisfactory to the Chief of the Tire Department. In all piping systems proper allowance shall be made for expansion and con- traction, jarring and vibration. All joints shall be made with .itharge. All piping shall be separated from electric wires not inclosed in approved conduit, raceways and armored cable, by some continuous and firmly fixed non-conductor creating a permanent •eparation, as provided in the National Electrical Code. The use lif tubing of any kind is prohibited. Supply pipe shall be not less Than one-fourth inch in diameter, iron pipe size, and when oil is pumped to the burner, return pipes shall be at least the same size Wipe connections to tanks shall be suitably reinforced, and proper llowance made for expansion and contraction, jarring and vibratio.. µpenings for pipes through masonry walls below the ground level shall be made oil-tight and securely packed with flexible mater- ial. All connections shall be made perfectly tight with well fitt points. Unions shall be used at burners to facilitate removal. All unions shall be of approved type, having conically faced joint, obviating the use of packing or gaskets. Pining shall be run as directly as possible, and in the case of pumping systems, so laid that if practicable the pipes are pitched back toward the storage tank without traps. Systems under pressure shall be designed for six times the working pressure and installation when complete shall be tested and proven tight at twice the maximum working pressure. Readily accessible valves shall be provided near each burner and also close to the auxiliary tank in the pipe line to burners. Control valves shall be of approved type provided with stuffing box of liberal size, containing a removable cupped gland designed to compress the packing against the valve stem and arranged so as to facilitate removal. Valve shall be designed to close against the supply, and to prevent withdrawal of stem by oontinued operation of the handwheel. The use of packing affedted y the oil or heat is prohibited. The size of the orifice through hieh the oil is supplied to the burner shall be limited to furniso my sufficient oil for maximum burning conditions when the con- trolling valves are wide open. Valves shall be arranged so as not to enlarge the orifice. I -7- 5 - BURNERS, INSTALLATION. Suitable automatic shut-off to prevent abnormal discharge of oil, at the burner shall be pro- vided for all systems. Burners containing chambers which allow the dangerous accumulation of gases, or conveying pipes or parts !which, when subject to intense heat become stopped up due to car- bonization, are prohibited.. Burners shall be so designed as to permit of ready cleaning and not allow the leakage of oil. Auto- matic systems shall be so designed that the flame cannot be ex- tinguished by operation of the automatic control valve, unless a pilot light shall be provided in the combustion chamber. Previous Ito the installation of the burner, the ash door of the furnace shall be permanently removed, or bottom ventilation otherwise provided to prevent the accumulation of vapors within the ash pit. Stoves or ranges originally designed for use of fuel other than oil should not be used in connection with oil burners unless spaces in which vapors might collect are adequately vented. No (damper shall be permitted in the chimney uptake that may entire- ly shut off the passage of fumes or gases up the flue. No com- bustible material shall be stored within 10 feet of furnace door. (Near the furnace, and so located as to be convenient for use in emergency, there shall be provided a hand fire extgnguisher of approved type suitable for use on oil fires. A card giving com- plete instructions in regard to the care and operation of the system shall be permanently posted near the apparatus. Said card shall be placed under glass and framed. Oil burning equipment shall be installed only by properly qualified meohan&cs experienc-I ed in this kind of work. (f) PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION. No new plant, or any recon- struction of any old plant, using oil for fue;.,for producing power or heat, or either of them, shall be constructed, enlarged, altered, operated or maintained in the city until plans and speci- fications of the same have been filed by the owner, agent or corn tractor in the o:ffloe of, and approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, and a permit issued by him for suoh construction, re- ! construction or maintenance. The plans and specifications to be filed with the Chief of the Fire Department shall show a diagram o the piping, looation, setting and capacity of tanks, burners and pumps, and all other information required by the Chief of the Fire Department. (1) Upon the approval of such plans and specifica- tions, a duplicate set of which shall be left on file in said off- lice, and upon the payment of the fees hereinafter provided, the (Chief of the Fire Department shall issue a permit for the construc- tion, erection or maintenance of such plant. As soon as the Chief of the Fire Department has issued a permit as above provided, it shall be his duty to see that the execution of the work permitted lis carried out in conformity with the plans and specifications. (2) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any ew or reconstructed plant, using oil for fuel until he shall first ave procured the final certificate from the Chief of the Fire De- artment that the plant is constructed in accordance with the plan nd speoifications filed with the Chief of the Fire Department at he time the permit was issued. (3) FEES DOR INSPECTION. A fee shall be charged or the inspection of plans and specifications for the construe- ion, reconstruction or alteration of any plant, which fee shall noluded the issuing of permit and certificate in case such are ranted, as follows: For plants in residences $2.00 • For all plants except in residences 05.00 Said fees shall be collected by the Chief of the ire Department and by him paid into the City Treasury. Section 1 147 does not apply to cases where this fee is paid. • i -8 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,i 1 it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitantle 1 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediate) , 1 ! SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its publication. l III 1 I Passe by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this \\ day of G \Ja , A. D. 1925. l ( 7iliG � L -1 Mayor. City Recorder 1 1 I I la& fldlu _ j!),41RIP r 37 Ordinance r -t ttoNtt. oft t r I • IN 0 r.P ... T . • • first tPUI)1iCatiOin iL ll lJ &u /2.1025 CITY RSCORDER