37 of 1929 - Amending Section 3 relating to change in zoning ordinance at 21st East and 1st West and Lucy Avenue ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 192 Burton - _ I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - �A, Finch - - Moran - Mr.Chairman - ORDINANCE Result - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 of an Ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 1st day of September, 1927, entitled "An Ordinance to regulate and re- strict the location of trades and industries, and the location of buildings designed for specified uses, to regulate and limit the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures, percentage of lot that may be occupied, size of yards and open spaces, the location and use of buildings and structures and land for trade, industries, residences and other purposes." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 3 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on Sept. 1, 1927, describing and defining seven districts by reference to a "Use District Map" is hereby amended and changed by changing the following described real property from Residential "A", as de- signated thn the said "Use District lap", to Residential "C" classification, to-wit: That district and property located on 21st East Street, from the south line of Sunnyside Avenue to a point 160 feet south of the south line of 9th South Street and extending back 100 feet on each side of 21st East Street, all in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the said "Use District Map" is hereby amended and chang?dto show and indicate said above _2- • described district as Residential "C" classification. SECTION 2. That Section 3 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on Sept. 1, 1927, de- scribing and defining seven districts by reference to a "Use Dis- trict Map" is hereby further amended and changed by changing the 'following described real property from Residential "B-2", as de- Isignated on the "Use District Map", to "Industrial" classification }to-wit: all of Lots 2 to 8 inclusive of Block 4, golland Dubdivisiop • and that part of Lot 20, Block 23; Five Acre`RIat, A" lying south lof Lucy Avenue from a point 148.feet west ofithe \eet line of West Temple Street to 1st \Nest Street,"all in Salt Lake. City,,°Utah, and the said "Use District Map" is hereby amended 'bnd;:changedto show ,and indicate said above described district as "IddUrstrial' ela.ssi- fication. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, lit is necessary to the he .lth, peace and safety of the inhabitants �of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its 9first publication. Passed by the Boa d of ommissioners of Salt Lake City, ',Utah, on the � day of _LO, _ _, A. D. 92,3 li Mayor. -�- Ali � r / /) City Recorder. • , U. , , pq !4 /-\- . 1 ' 2y Ft " tin. ,..4 -.�, I ! .,1 ; ` A t"l ..,,. RT 1L SOUTH ST. u -_39,336 - - _ -_ -.- o _ - _ - -_ 391.45 m fit J p 0 a 66.4 --__ /4/' '3 ,4/' EE /A,' /4i 614O r Geo .P l'a/ker C/ds l'V 6/ �� .yes R it0'14,-7 y ?0 a i Geo k'Wd/ker — Win/fredJP/ossPrz n ve//d W wa/kFr z 9/her/a/!4✓a/�r,r . Mary 176/7eesmen O o Il 2 ,Z 7 Z w � D ° Md y•`%tbec�.+r,c/� ✓os,A"Wd/ker Ilrra%iJS:kn55er1 1 rJar y ACbees/nen N/b r,!d;1 Kb/ker z z O CP _ - Z 0, o ✓os.,P Wa/ker W,n/;,,e 5 Prosser r z Chas K lra/ke k Alber/dWWa/4er Chas.f9Wa/ker a -.4 i 9 1 4- ` (1) 9 4- a a ,1 c'd.5 F(Wa/ker ACbeesman Ceo,f'r✓�//-er �a'Y ./ohn H f//rnonc/ pn n w Zo 15 10 5 0 0 ^ 4/ is (lea 47Xa lFar" 0 c .d , c/N.lM•(- Lppt 3965// - - ._ _ _ _O _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _� _o. '10OP O n O O O O O o O', 693• /65 /3�' 6�oy m Ne/-sr.56c//er ./!LF//mono N en 1 'N '5, ,i d [ JO%/// 'L Gu//er a's oC/ryf/or John G. Gu//er- 1 I iWolin C" G6f/er 1 , /i/e///hes! j f WdiX-er (iro/hers IPe//er3ro/hers ill ,fuburba, fuburban scree /nc. flcreaye /r7c. U A , 1 3c a /74' 4 /4/' 66' 297.0' 194.z23 p FAYETTE AVE, . °' 6s_¢ ii ii I it _ 1, A i i _ -._ 't I , , ,,,r7tAtrrcr43"3-'•fr...\ , t— it ,,...-,,, _-,---,-— - e..* , I t Tr * ' , 1 2 ‘ 2 Q 0 ..ti "-I ,. • ''0 ell A i . ..g *C , 2 7 - •-. T TS & E 1 IC‘0, DI C.- • CO 0 § S td Si7 ° CF I ilf - -_ 1 i s 1441,,, [ ' ,-, l' l• ill 1 , 1 \ Proof of 31nbr1tration Mutt?!*totes of.America STATE OF UTAH ss COUNTY OF SALT LAKE E .Mace emending section 3 of �.,me passed by the Boats of 5��+tu T`�'1 set oyy Of Y Salt Lpke City Utah agtied',An e ordinance to simulatebri land 027 H,A$RY ifoLF 4 e to .the location of trades and in d ad5 and the location of building. A dalat�rge,peo1githied uses to regulate Ell g%a of blhileioiot number h of storiese being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk e6 percentage Of lot that may be bccupi, size Of yards and open apace sthe ttruci5sr6e°and lend for buildings i fade Indus of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in tries residences and other purposed Be it ordained by the Board of Cora misalbaere Of Salt Lake City Utah SECTION 1 That section 3 of an Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah Ordinance passed by the B d of Com mfssioners of Salt Lake City on Sep tember 1 1927 describing and defining DistriotlMapmby isherebynamended and That the Notice AN ORDINANCE, BILL 37 changed by changing the following de scribed real property from Residential A as designated on the said Use SALT LAKE CITY C 011.1?ORAT ION.e District Map to Residential C classification to wit That district and property located on 21st Peat street from the south line of Sunny aide Avenue to a point 160 feet south OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER of the south line of Ninth South street and extending back 100 feet on each side of 21st East street all in Salt Lake City Utah and the said Use District Map is hereby amended and changed to show and indicate said above• laesicribe d district as Residential SECTION 2 That Se0tlon 3 of an or of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news d of Corn m�ofof le one indeedce oo alt the City on Sep tember 1 1827 describing and defining even district.by reference to a vs paper in its issue dated the And. fof Map is hereby Iurther dad and changed.by changing the dwing deserib from ed real property .identiai B 2 as designated on the day of October 192 9 f Use District Map to Industrial classification to wit All of Lots 2 to g inclusive of Block 4 Holland Sub division and that part of Lot 20 Block and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on 23 Five Acre Plat A lying south Of Lucy avenue from a point 148 feet west of the west line of West Tempi for street to First West street all in Salt October 2nd. Lake City Utah and the said Use District Map is hereby amended and changed to Show and indicate said above described district as Industrial One insert ion SECTION 3 in the opinion of the thereafter the full period of .Board of Commissioners It is neces eery to the health eaceof the inhabitants of Salt�Lak aCity that this ordinance take effect im the last publication thereof mediately SECTION 4 This ordinance shad 'take effect Upon its first publication efoneets Passed by bSalttLake Board Utfait on the being in the issue dated the 2nd day of 1st day of October A D 1929 JOHN F BOWMAN Mayor Ethel Macdonald City Recorder Bill No 37 October192 9 Published October 2 1g111 /13 �,.<:,2,Ca41� Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of October A D 192 9 Notary Public Advertising fee $ ;•*%, 0 0 (7:1 0 • 21 GI t"" 151 0 `.4 " '