37 of 1931 - Paving Extention No. 234, 2d and finale estimate ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, ,193
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr _
Finch .. .. .... ..../.."......."'._ ....
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro-
perty in Paving District No. 33 (Paving Extension No. 274) for the pur-
pose of grading, installing sewer connections to back of curb, construct-
ing curb and gutter, private driveways, drainage and irrigation systems
to carry water across and along streets and intersections, and paving
with bituminous concrete thereof West Temple Street from 37.1 ft. north
of 13th South on the east side and 39.0 ft. north of 13th South on the
west side to 21st South Street and 17th South Street from Main Street
to West Temple Streets
He it ordained by the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
37 SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cityrn does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon
the property hereinafter described in Paving District No. 33 (Paving Ex-
tension No. 234) for the purpose of grading, installing sewer connec-
tions to back of curb, constructing curb and gutter, private driveways,
drainage and irrigation systems to carry water across and along streets
and. intersections and paving with bituminous concrete thereof, to-wit:
Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Blk. 6, 5-Acre Plat .;; Lots 2 to 29
incl. of Blk. 3, and Lots 18 to 30 incl. of Blk. 4 of Quayles Add.;
Lots 17 to 2 incl. of Blk. 1 and Lots 16 to 18 incl. of Uk. 2 of
Larson Sub.; Lots 1 to 27 incl. of 31k. 1 of South Salt Lake Sub.
of Blk. 6, 5-Acre i'lat _A; Lots 1 and 12 to 20 incl. of 81k. 7,
5-Acre Plat A; Lots 15 to 19 incl. of Blk. 10, 5-Acre Plat A; Lots
- *
1 and 17 to 70 incl. of ULk. 1 of Holland flub.; Lots 1. to El
incl. of 131k. 1 and Lots 1 to 0 incl. of Ulk. 2 of West Temple•
As.; Lots 1 and ;;7. to 42 incl. of sib. I. of Richland. Ac_hk. of
Sir. 10, 5-Acre 7.'lk:t A.; Lots 5, lo and 11 of UU. 11, 5-
Acre Plat A; Lots S to SO incl. of 51k. 4 of South Main Street.
Add. Plat A; Lots S. to 5 incl . and 7 to 11 incl.. of Rik. 4 of
Gabuotts Add.; Lots 16 to 21 incl. of Herrick Sub.; Lots 1 to
4 incl- and. Lots 77 to 40 incl. of 511:. 1 and Lots 1 to 4 incl,
and Lots 1 to 4-0 incl. of 510. S of iunford Sub. of 414. 11,
5-Acre Plat A; Lot 2 of 5 of North Columbia Sub. of Ulk.
5-,.cre Plat A, and Lot 1 of Ulh. 4 of Holland. Sub. of 51k.
47, 5-Acre Plat A; Field. Survey; abutting, on and adjacent
to both sides of West Temple Street from 77.1 ft. north of
1.'7,th South on the cast side and 79.0 ft. north of 1`4th South
on the west side to List South Street and. 17th South Street
from Main to Vest Temple Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
2his tax is leviea to defray the ex2ense of grading, in--
stalling sewer connections to back of curb, constructin curb and
0atter, private driveys, drainage and irrigation systems to carry
water across and along streets and intersections, and paving with
bituminous concrete thereof (said pavement to be two (2) inch bitu-
minous concrete topping on a. six (5) inch Portland cement concrete
:base and said roadway to be forty-four (44) feet wide on West Temple
Street from lath South Street to 7,7.1 feet north on the east side ,
and 79.0 feet north on the west side and thirty-six (so) feet wide on
West Temple from 17th to 21st South Streets and 17th South Street
from best Temple to Main streets); the portions of said property here-
inbefore and hereinafter described opositc said streets are to he '
especially affected and. benefited by said. imdrovement, and it is here-
by adjudged, determined and established that said property will be
especially benefited thereby to the full, amount of the tax hereby
levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal
and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage
upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back
'therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and theetax hereby levied and to
be assessed upon said parcels of land is Eighty Thousand Six Hundred
Seventy-five and 77/100 ($80,675.77) Dollars; Seventy-five Thousand
One Hundred. Fifty-five and 31/100 ($$75,155.31) Dollars or Six and
74/100 ($6.34) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property
for thirty-six (36) foot roadway, there being 11,854.15 feet abutting
said portion of said improvement; Five Hundred Fifty and 96/100
(0550.96) Dollars or Seven and 24/100 ($7.24) Dollars per front or
linear foot of abutting property for forty-four (44) foot roadway,
there being 76.10 feet abutting said portion of said improvement;
'wo Thousand Five Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($2,550.00) Dollars for
Private driveways, there being one hundred two (102) private drive
ways at Twenty-five and 00/100 ($25.00) Dollars per driveway; One
Hundred Five and 00/100 ($105.00) Dollars for private driveways,
there being three (.') private driveways at Thirty-five and 00/100
($$p5.00) Dollars per driveway; One Hundred. Seventy-Six and 00/100
($176.00) Dollars for private driveways, there being one (1) private
driveway at One Hundred Seventy-six and 00/100 ($176.00) Dollars
per deiveway; Two Thousand Une Hundred Thirty-eight and 50/100
($2,138.50) Dollars for sewer laterals, there being ninety-one (91)
sewer laterals at Twenty-three and 50/100 ($23.50) Dollars per sewer.
lateral; the cost of construction of which driveways and sewer later-
als and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all
within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned
in said district, which is the total of said abutterst cost and cost
pier front foot of said improvement, according to the contract entered;
into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with
Gibbons & Reed Co., Contractors, dated the 5th day of February, 1931,
and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess,
in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose
herein mentioned.
17th South Street.
The east 15.0 ft. of Lot 20 and Lots 21 to 29 incl. of .Erik!
3, Lots 18 to 24 incl. and the west 67.0 ft. of Lots 25 to 70 incl.
of Blk. 4, Quayles kid. of L1k. 6; the west 97.2 ft. of Lots 1 to
4 incl., Lots 37 to 40 incl., of Blk. 1, Lots 1 to 4 incl. and the
east 97.2 ft. of Lots 78, 79 and 40 of Blk. 2, Dunford Sub. of 111k. ,
11; 5-Acre Plat .A, Big Field Survey.
West_'T em_le_Street.
Lot 11 of 21k. 11; the north 141.0 ft. of Lot 10 of Blk.
5 2c e Plat ;
11„_/Lots 2 to 24 incl. and 26 to 28 incl., and the north 5.0 ft. of
Lot 25, of B1k. 4, South Main Street Add. Plat A of Blk. 11; the
5-ore Plot 6;
north 90.75 ft. of Lot 6 of Blk. 11,/Lots 2, 3, 4 and 7 to 11 incl.
and the south 10.85 ft. of Lot 5, of B1k. 4, Gabbott's Add. of 91k.
5-Lcre Plat A;
11; the south 254.1 ft. of Lot 5 of Blk. ilL/Lots 16 to 21 incl.,
Herrick Sub. of B1k. 11; Lots 21 to 40 incl. of B1k. 2, Dunford Sub.
Of Blk. 11; Lots 2 to 21 incl. of Blk. 3, Quayles Add. of Blk. 6;
the south 225.0 ft. of Lot 9, Lots 6 & 8, the north 118.0,ft. of Lot
5-dcre Plat A;
7, and the south 118.0 ft. of Lot 7, of B1k. A,/Lots 17 to 22 incl.
of Blk. 1, and Lots 16, 17 & 18 of Blk. 2, Larson Sub. of Blk. 6;
Lots 1 to 27 incl. of Blk. 1, South Salt Lake Sub. of Blk. 6; Lots
1 and 17 to 30 incl. of 91k. 1, Holland Sub. of Blk. 10; Lots 1 to 8
incl. of Blk. 1 and Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Plk. 2, West Temple Add. of.
Blk. 10; the south 143.55 ft. of Lot 15 and Lots 16 to 19 incl. of
5-ocre Plot o;
8ik. 10 /Lots 1 and 23 to 42 incl. of Blk. 1, Richland Add. of Rik.
10; Lots 1, 19, 20 & 12 to 17 incl., the north 120.0 ft. of Lot 18,
and the south 127.55 ft. of Lot 18, of 31k. 7; 5-Acre Plat A, Big
Field Survey.
Lot 2 of Blk. 8, North Columbia Sub. of Blk. 22; Lot 1 of
Blk. 4, Holland Sub. of Blk. 23; 5-Acre Plat .A, Big Field Survey.
TIT REaULA._i ASEEPFMENT___' 25.OQ_Der_driveway.
1,(7th South Street.
The east 117.0 ft. of Lots 1 to 3 incl. of Blk. 1, Dunford
Sib. of Blk. 11; Lot 24 of Blk. 4, Quayles Add. of Blk. 6; the west
40.2 ft. of Lots 1 to 4 incl. and the east 49.0 ft. of Lots 37 to
:40 incl., of Blk. 1, the west 39.0 ft. of Lots 1 to 4 incl., the east
39.0 ft. of the west 78.0 ft. of Lots 1 to 4 incl., the east 39.0
ft. of the west 117.0 ft. of Lots 1 to 4 incl., of Blk. 2, Dunford
Sub. of elk. 11; all in 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey.
5-hcrc? Plat
The north 141.0 ft. of Lot 10 of 131k. 11,,/Lots 4 & 5, the
south 12.5 ft. of Lot 9, Lots 11 and 23, of Blk. 4, South Main Street
Add. Plat A, of Blk. 11; the north 42.0 ft. of Lot 3, the south 10.85
ft. of Lot 5, of Blk. 4, Gabbottts Add. of Rik. 11; the north 90.75
54,cre Plat
ft. of Lot 6, Blk. 11,/Lots 17 & 0 and 21, Herrick Sub, of Blk. 11;
Lots 23, 26, 28, the north 12.5 ft. of Lot 32, Lot 33, the north 1.2.5
ft. of Lot 35 and Lot 30, of 91k. 2, Dunford Sub. of Blk. 11; Lots 4,
7, the north 23.0 ft. of Lot 8, Lot 11, the south 45.0 ft. of Lots
18 to 21 incl., the north 45.0 ft. of the south 90.0 0. of Lots 18
to 21 incl.., of Blk. 3, Quayles Add, of Blk. 6; the south 12.5 ft. of
tot 9, the north 182.325 ft. of Lot 8, the south 104.775 ft. of Lot
8, the north .39.0,ft. of Lot 7, the south 39.0 ft. of the north 78.0
5-Acre Plat t;
. ft. of Lot 7, the south 78.0 ft. of Lot 7, of Blk. 6;/Lots 18, 19,
20 & 21 of Blk, 1, Lots 17 and 18 of Blk. 2, Larson Sub. of Blk. 6; :
Lot 9 of Blk. 1, South Salt Lake Sub. of 131k. 6; Lots 22, 24, 27 and
29 of Rik. 1, Holland Sub. of Blk. 10; Lot 3 of Blk. 1, the north
12.0 ft. of Lot. 4 and Lot 5 of Blk. 2, West Temple Add. of Blk. 10;
the north 49.68 ft. of the south 143.55 ft. of Lot 15, the north 63.5
ft. of the south 93,87 ft. of Lot. 15, the south 30.37 ft. of Lot 15,'
the south 71.5 ft. of the north 147.0 ft. of Lot 16, the north 72.05
ft. of the south 144.1 ft. of Lot 16, the south 72.05 ft. of Lot 16,
the north 40.0 ft. of Lot 17, the south 92.0 ft. of the north 132.0
ft. of Lot 17, the south 36.0 ft. of the north 168.0 ft. of Lot 17,
the south 86.1 ft. of the north 254.1 ft. of Lot 17, Lot 18, the north
96.27 ft. of Lot 19, the north 143.0 ft. of the south 190.83 ft. of
5-acre Plat L;
LOt 19, all of Blk. 10,(Lots 27, 29, 31, the north 10.5 ft. of Lot 74',
Lots 35, 37 and 39 of Blk. 1, Richland Add, of Blk. 10; the north
71.775 ft. of the south 143.55 ft. of Lot 12, the south 71.775 ft. of
'.B1k. 12, the north 5 .0 ft. of Lot 13, the south 50.0 ft. of the
north 103.0 ft. of Lot. 13, the south 55.0 ft. of the north 158.0 ft.
of Lot 13, the north 50.0 ft. of the south 110.45 ft. of Lot 13,
the south 60.43 ft. of Lot 15 Lot 14, the north 143.55 ft. of Lot
'15, the south 143.55 ft. of Lot 15, the north 82.5 fb. of Lot 17,
the south 37.5 ft. of the north 120.0 ft. of Lot 17, the south 167.1
ft. of Lot 17, the north 120.0 ft. of Lot 18, the north 143.55 ft. of
Lot 19, the south 143.55 ft. of Lot 19, and Lot 20, all of Blk. 7;
5-.Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey.
THE-BEania_k 8EES.MENT.__
West Temple Street.
The north 37.55 ft. of the South 200.1 ft. of Lot 5, the
north 37.55 ft. of the south 162.55 ft. of Lot 5, the north 75.0 ft.
of the south 125.0 ft. of Lot 5, the south 50.0 ft. of Lot 5, of
81k. 11, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey.
THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. al76.00 per driveway.
17th South Street.
The east 100.0 ft. of Lots 25 to 30 incl. of Blk. 4,
Quayles Add. of Blk. 6, 5-Acre Plat A., Big Field Survey.
THr_RE ULARASSES T._aE]NT:M 23,Qper-Z�tgr .__
27th South Street.
Lots 24, 25, 26 & 28 and 20 of Blk. 3, Lot: 18, the east
11.0 ft. of Lot 19, the east 26.75 ft. of Lot 21, Lot 22, the west
27.0 ft. of Lots 25 to 30 incl., the east 100.0 ft. of Lots 25 to 30
incl., of Blk. 4, of Quayles Add. of Blk. 6; the west 1.08.2 ft. of
Lots 37 to 40 incl. of Blk. 1, the west %'9.0 ft. of Lots 1 to 4
'of Blk. 2, Lots 38 to 40 incl., of Blk. 2, Dunford Sub. of Blk. 11;
5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Surrey.
Lots 15, 17, 20, 22 and 27, of Blk. 4, South Main Street
'Add. Plat A; Lots 7, 8 & 9 of Blk. 4, Gabbot's Add. of Blk. 11; the :
5-Acre Plat A;
horth 90.75 ft. of Lot 8 of Blk. 11;/Lots 21, 29, 37, 38,of Blk. 2, !
!bunford Sub. of Blk. 11; the south 12.5 ft. of Lot 16,and Lot 13, of
lock 7, ouayles ACC. of Blk. 6; the north 182. 5 ft. of Lot 8, the
south 104.775 ft. of Lot 8, the north 71.775 ft. of Lot B, the north
71.775 ft. of the south : 15 BB5 ft. of Lot (3, the north 71.775 ft.
'of the south 14:.55 ft. of Lot 0, and the south 71..775 ft. of Lot 0,,
5 Bcre Plat .h;
of fit. .',/Lots 6, 7, 1F' & < B to 27 incl., Lots 14 & 1B, 18 19 c 2,
of 51k. 1, .:ouch `.'a.lt Lake "ub. of ilk. B; Lots 17 & 18, 20, 25,and
26, of P1.k. 1, Rolland Cub. of Blk. 10; Lots 1 and 6 of Blk. 1, Best
�'emlc hod. of Pak. 10; the south 70.77 ft. of Lot 15, the north
71.5 ft. of Lot 1.6, the south 72.05 ft. of Lot _le, the south 92.0 ft.
Of the north 172.0 ft. of Lot 17, the south 70.0 ft. of the north
368.0 ft. of Lot 17, the south ft. of Lot 17, the south 47.87.
5-Scre Plat A;
ft. of Lot 19, of Blk. 10;/Lots PB, `<;6, 70, and. 78, of Filk. 1, Rich-j
land .C-O, of Blk. 10; the north 71.775 ft. of the south 147.55 ft.
of Lot 12, the north l4 .55 ft. of Lot 15, the south 14:'.55 ft. of
Lot 15, Lot 16, the south 187.1 ft. of Lot 17, the north L..0.0 ft.
Of Lot 18, the south l `%'.55 ft. of Lot 18, the north 147.55 ft. of
tot 19, the south 147.55 ft. of Lot 19, Lots 20 and 1, of Blk. 7;
411 in 5-here Plat P-, Rig Field Survey;
as the same are shown upon the official Plats of said city to the
entire de-nth of the same ownership back from said streets and to col-
lect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
7lireasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equa.li{-
nation and Review of the property described in Section I of this ordi-
nance in Paving Extension No. 274, of Malt Lake City, for the pur :ose
Of grading, installing sewer connections to back of curb, construct-
ing curb and gutter, private driveways, drainage and irrigation
systems to carry water across and along streets and intersections, -
dnd paving with bituminous concrete thereof, is hereby confirmed and !
the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, and the re-
r+ort of the ''oari of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commis-
s;.oners of Walt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmedi.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly
installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the
h i
whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at
the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or
more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
may he paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the
;date this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any installment
or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes
.due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said
installment and interest are due, shall become due and payable, and
Ohall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until
lithe sale of the property assessed.
ii SECTION IV. This ordinance sh 11 take effect one day after
j is publication.
(J2 -146
-,ice -
Pas;ed by the Board of Commissioners of 'alt Lake City,
Jtah, this 5th day of 2Tovember —, A. B. 1971.
r � /
City Recorder..
?aving Extension No. 234,
ind E. Final Estimate.
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1.DOa->a8 17, Tito.i N'
sub "tilt, G. LD4e 1 t.4o% of 0.
0, I and.)-B}tlt T20'ft�g7i' -of,$Ik. +
6;,Lae 3 d S i0 1;" e BIk.'
Rolla f 944pp' 4 44 10,=ZAI0 i f 8
Ina, I'Ak :}and LAD! 1:3626 3W„f
of b97t¢000 n 14 5'Wapiti' t0 of god
Lothe•3o0tk 14 o of Il L 0,y6:ore•
Lop 33 l'teal„of Btk"l0,'6_Aoof
Plat,Al; .lehlan and 20 .B 4E Ina.of
1.0.00land Ada.of ol.. le• Lots 1,19, 20:a ad;)2 to.-17 1n61., the;n0rth.
123,0 ft, of.,Dot of 1.0 and th0 eolith.
Acre let: oCBig:M41 of 01. 7: S-
Acre Plat'A,Big Peep
l 0300pfet Road sy.
�"West Temp a s,Northo::
LotB $_.12 tot 1bfO 4, Holland l
of.Of 22;Lot 4, - re, to 'A,9Bg
sub, of Dlk:•.2${;6:-Acre,Plat►,Big
,Prole Survey,;
Property A10tl.0-/of Private.Drs aya_
- A moloa.to the_0 Dgu117e Assets.,
-: mats WAIL
ee Des'prlgelJe) '
.Toth,ast 11 Bte t
Theeast 117:0 1t E Lote 1 t 8 of 2 of lib lcatlon
Blk,I,.,Dynfpnd Sub.of H(k.11;Lot 24 of
Elk..4„Wusyloa Add,of Bloc.62 ttie west i
40.2 ft.Of Lots 1 to.4 d ol,and ,the '
•bast 49.0 ft. of Lots' t 37;to Lot ,.of
.Bik 1 the Feat 39 9'ft.of Lots
I 1.to 4. I
lat.the e: -69 05pf of the et 78.0
.-ft:of Lo 4 4t"lP Iola 18t 89.1v ft.
STATE OF IITA;of the a a b.of Bik 4.1;all
in Ell Field Ottrvey.1'; I
County of Salt La df-."-of.Lot 10 Df:elk. 1
ArDas-4-&6',the south
0 Late 11,and 23,of Sllr.
ire 00.033 02'aGd-OM.00 10104
10 85 ft f Lot 6.BBL 4, Gab-
AN 411411111 6 Add r B1k 11 the north 90.76 t
='4. of Loh 6 Blif 11 53.4,ore Plat A;L to ;
fy1N,11.1 ,. 17&20 end 81„RB f k$Cb,of Blk 11:'%
,, in Lot 28 40 28,=tk h rtk 12.6 ft Y L t'z d�
e;7 f i„gtr.,„NO t 32 tL t R the rth.18 6:ft Of Lot 26. d....,/il4...--
284)10r theg d(g,kind Lot 36 of BIk 2 D f dr8ub f -- _�'-""""�
in D Elk 11 Lots 4, Coe north 23 oat t
pm$tgt tlyg out -d Salt F p i-'T Dt 8 Lot it t s tD 46 0 ft [
Lot 18 tQ 2f"Mott th north.46.0 ft f
p hrap y,a Ai Be d.1 1g ttbn,th a nch 90 0,f1 f Leta 18 t 21 I { ern,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
t 4 0 carry t across d 1a g of Blk.3, goatee o Add..of Stk..6 the I
tee ann¢d i t ee t! a and pa Jag }th th '14.6 Pt. f Lot a, the Orcp
I ands ate qoa Fat th e0t West T in 1jo 3 6 It. f Lpt 8: theoath
•p b.-Barth n to eaf �uert"c'39 o'It,Soa 776 ft.of.t t 6 thenorth 39 o. Et.' DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
• .6a of Lot 7 the-eolith 29.0 ft f the
th f Th1 tesnth a to til th w t north 7&0 fls. 1 L6t 7,the south T8.0
o to 1TF ty-fl t tl�,*rat t d ft. [Lot 7 f 813 O R-A'c Plat A; 1
C_ve t.o th South tat fc lit n-Let 1e 19 28'.a'2 fElk.1 L t9'i7' It Lake County,in the State of Utah. 1
et C W 40 T 4',. t t, d 18 dt B k.'2 L aD -Bab Of$1k.,8. {{{i
e Tt 0 darned by,th Bard of C - Lot 9 11#1.-7 Sall'gall L ke hub.
phl8atan s of.dait,Lake City.Utah '. I BIk 6 Leta 22;a4 87 ai1d 28 0P.Blk.
B10210000N 1.. Via the Board f Coin-1. Holland Sub t k 10 Lot 2-f t1ce../ __ _- _
ndesl of Salt Lake City.do hereby,81l 1,the0rth 12.0 ft'of Lot 4 and
Ibvic th tax Oa parka-f thewaist--Ian S Lf!Pik 2 W t T mere Add: f //� j
pipet f Ufasemi, uponlu Paving
DOD ,Bik 10 ,- uiorlh 49.68 ft,04 the5,ft.�j 2-3 Cr
al 64t described 1 Pa 1$Mafia PII 64 t lint 16 the north 6 sft.outh
t /
88-(Paving Extension N 284) 1 f th4"p 87+ft et Lot 16 till
4 g dig'Installing th 8-- of 17a 1t1}e i W 7thy
[�!mot o t b k Y b atrh t• ft f '4 1'4g, pa
1§,�,thy -
"04 on b and guty F private driveways.north 72 05 f D E Dntl 1 f 1-'ft.
Dili/ale-and Irrf et on ayatbme to carry f Lot 16 the south 72,06 ft 04 Lt 16: ,
)00708d g thenorth 40,0'ft-f Lot 17,the smith
ate Foe a0Q at0n[;street d'ia- 92 0 ft f then north 132,0 ft of Lop 17,
L yy0na nd Da 3 i ' bh0 4 odo�•o 0.1 68.0=ft ofthe north 168 OM'.
F^u i8 eta thereof,'to-wit: t north 77 the th 88 1'ft f'the'
tea 7, 8:,and 9 of Elk.8 8 A r4:north 66.4 1 ft. f Lot 17,Lot 18 the
pet dt Lots in 20 i El, f Bik I, north 96 27,ft. of Lot 19, the fth
and ltotg 18 t0 30 1 tlt f o1, 4 .141.0 ft of south 190.83 ft.of Lot r
R eyl Ada.;Lat 17 to22 i 1 Pt 1311 19 Il of Bik.,30 b A Plat A tote lS hereto attached,was first published in said ,
al..l9 Late 16 i 18 1 1 of Blk 2..27 29 31 the north 10 6 St, f Let 24: f
,0' r! S b t Lot 1 to 27'iv 1 of BB Lot BSl 37 a d S9 of B k'1 HlOhla d.
S th Salt La Sub of SSIk 4 Add•of Dil 03.. e' p 'Tl 776 I'
a.ln,.l n'Plat-A; 3.-*i I 't 18 M 2U ih ut}t^9e:en t d1`2 IE t`the'ZSSue dated, the dayo,f
incl. f BIk•7, 5 A Plat A.'Lott 15 a3th 71 f7 dt df aim 12,fa et'of
'Ynol,of Dlk. 10, 6•Acra Plat A, 53.0 ft of Lot SS the south 50.0 ft,of ,
Y.land 17 to 30 incl. of BIk' 1 f.th north 103,0 ft of Lot 13 thesouth
• and Sub.;Loa 1:to 8 Inch f BM.1 65 0 ft. f the north 158.0 Pt f Dot f 3/ 1
,L0t 1 to 6,ta 1 f 131k.2 f W aL 18.th n0 th 60.0£4 f the faith 110 A. D. 1,�
empt Add., "L t 1 and 23 t 43 ft: f Lot 12 thebath 0q0.43 P. f j
1 1. f BIk 1 of$i hl d And f Elk 19, Lot 14 the north 193 b6;t 1 /J�
16, PO- tl 143 6 ft f Lot 16 ,4 ��L�_.' _-
8 pp.6 Aarfl Plat A L t 6 6,10 and 11 do th42 6 ft,of Lot i7 the t
q&E 104,16.13.§A Plat A Imt 2 t 28 ft f th th 120 0 ie. r.L tft r'
1}flfl++lkiel f Ili 4 f'Smith M Street Add south;167.7 ft, oI Lot 17, t
1 1 Leta 2 t 6 1 1 and 7 L 11. f Lot 18 the; tli (/
pi t it, BIN 4 f G bU t Ada LDt$ f Lot 19 the south 143 66 f' ' thereof being in the issue dated the../
R trig H rtt k$yb;Lot I t•sad L t 20 Ii o[Hlk 7 6-=
55 & t t}fl Lotf.87 L 90 Incl P Dlk Big p• Id S ve
A:d,;"1-t0 4 inch d'Lots 21 to Property A gesso P Palya 1
tlnelt b1 BIk 2 f D pard Sub. of' Way..'t Addition to the Ralf ,/
`�Q11[: Da 6 Acre Pl t A.Lot E [BIk. • Attiaament,935.09 Paz privet
A. D. i :-..
Y atN th Cl mbia aD f Blk :2 '.
8-.hero rim o d U f 1 of Elk 9 of Dpeat T2.hple.St of. yam.
$11 nd. t(b f Rlk B3 9 At YI t Th �i th.37.85 ft f the 9 h{h 200.1 �do,Y-��K.(�'_l(�
e-Big d both'
al of W s as ft f LpC 6.th th 3.4 86 Pt. P
dd7a�t t D th'alas P West Temple the of Oo.66 h. of Let the the
pp9at it.'0.tt 1 1L 'th of Thirteenth-76:0 1G'f.tl Huth 1$6 O It.of Lot 6 the I
t000 en th19 oast }ap.-and 99 0 It.;south 60 0 ft.a of L6C 5, of Elk 1L Advertising Clerk.
Ch Ot Thietoanth 8q th on theWest 5-Acre Plat A,Bla 1�iio5ekt 't$ofo.
SovId'Panay/first South Meet and property .49,ted Pa Prfiate Deive-
aeve teenth,oath et eat from Main to Wags In Addition to the Ragtag
Nast T pre sh'g to i Salt LakeCity - Aneeee ant yl7d 0p Per Drive-cool- `
tT,a 7s',.Fatal to.,Wray,theapvenfeenth South Street• 1
y- t( ewer, Thp east 10p..0 ft• of},�to-25 to..30
bur hira st IY.- 7*44 1 1030.ih1.AP lk+,6,.
atraatlag b ad gutter, private 6_A Plat Big P ld Su ray. F
136$•$y,e n'l0ate d-irrigation 0 -Property As eased for Sower Laterals in
#,•, h6 l ny 1tatet a m d 1 e Additi to Th Rasulae a ae- day of
1" 5 .lnf9l9 Ctt p pp�,�/ p4v[ng • Iwbat 4s,4 10 Pe
i �'oab8 o ffI ).'inch,
art SevOnte§nth_lianth•0tpeett•'
,pen, to Qt> e 1 t0y.In h ht((0 Lat.24 2t:26 on41. at. Lf-sub I
Atoka'a ao ate t ping .a; 1 (6) ,9. La!18, the-e t,41 0 ft.of Lot 19,.
-4ADh P rtw.d cement concrete b a d the eat 26.75 It. P rapt 21,Lot n2e the I
fold roadway to be forty-tour(44')feet. t 27 It of Lots 26 to 20 Inc), the
ytp�{{d a�1 Stand x2.1) etr t zq t{{lath seat tA4 , 3s x- 'Thal f��`��
gd44i 0 bet t $T 1 iti t 1411 S9 4n .Hlk 4 dP Yg14r Adii. f lri 6 fke
a8at_ L and 89 4 feet math,o4 tiT@ L T08 2 h Y Ldt S7 t 49 nick t 1
tee _1 §•A. Shirty Ix 536) set ids B(k i the-rest 31 0 St t Let 1 t .-
ft'fti F�Aft f 11t1t- 21 t t in L pf.B 2Y7.0te 88 to 69 t a1
�7a loth fautS 'Went p AIL tea SO f Bra-11;
i T to in.-at 6ata1 r ra Plat �g P1eId,8ut y 7Votary Pub ' .L !
- 9}� hf-Q08d pr D rty h l8 �yene,Te 0.,0 Went
, W 1010 €lhdite d f 1-hr@ oD -y6tal 1® 17, 00 82 d 27 f'Hiki
e•eql dtr btb t t be esD D1NIy 4.Sbnali Atka tot set Add Pl L A LDt'
1 and,b,4 f(ted by'phf itr' 7 &aafl 9 f.Blk• 4 Geibb t e'AO.
•'.g • h and it As htl epy,_aditnIg 3..0t',glie 1 the 6 th 90:76 4n f 141•
e,,i and-..e4tpbilbhed.:Oat 01�6p•p.of�Bl i. 6-A. e Pa1s� 213'
r9v. i 1 a>:1s'4 )y� b nafl `H744t�o . ' d I
tahy It the fuel asaid,n.'s'ni
t8a:14 D' 1 vied, salind said,P§ 1 of.Lot 13 ttt 3 Q ylef Add, f H,k.
1 1.,; �8080410,10 oo at 1 a Pal;6; theh th`18. o$ ft f Let 8 r, f
Ct{0 ar 1 otdan6 kh.'eoltk 104776 ft t,Lot Se th [ 11
fT obf 4r tag u. 00 d 71.775 ft 4 Lot 8 th Tth 79 77aA
t t t;,disyth Q th gam ft f th@@ tk zz16 39b ft.,p 1,yt b
�t t.booe q6)fat.e1ap d1 g the [oOt 0 776'0L E tb r 71-SSS 6
'$ S p.Ahpp'H8r by"tlst .and ft: f Bot 6 A'pd'tk 0 l",71 776 A
5 n- 4 y¢�yt` a fie. sls.-o1 lad,gf Let 6t.f(,pt75 9 6 AOpa-Plat A;'
{ -`'Y 4 gonotini a If ndrg3 i eve t,is..-17-.. ,,,frier$ 7 L fa 14
4T'190•Yt80 646 Y7),Dnii ee ej4 15pg,��I t I µ• p 4l' eo0�tn
Hi f Thousand 0 e ,a0.0.4.gait flak : 4 I
>r tr-fie said 31-t00 (876166.811 Doltd&,.20 2S nd,00 f Wt..sl 0 l3 11.
}-hi' et 81'sad•'t4 100 (66.94).Doll rs 1." of Elk 10: to 1 and 8 of Elk. I
Srnat ta' Basal+ f0bt of by'.1V-•
1•:W eL$0'3'9'of ,0 of D1k, 10 the
fo't11 , 11,234.15 foot.Ib UYo s030710 x 1ol txe- o.1. .s
t• s e leg,11 hot 16 tebt bit Yt,-,f Lot•tit• 2 Nth➢4 01�Ot Et of
pr8 j&1039 f e 1fl;I pro 1 0 - t3ttt p0u' 0 ft t b0.9'0tOgth.
f Ya .00,34Dat aid 9-ion.CS669 14) 132,0 0 310410 th .00 17: 3 7)09;°11 i
j,II ,�}`Haven talnd 00 1000 (>1 but--the ft. 162,t'fY f L t 1'!tl$0 aft.
Ow p ot'to jfor 1lnear foot f abut- 36.0 o[Lot 17"the eoutti 4Y.83 Yt.
1 tl 4rOpetty for"forty-faur-(44) foot o4 Lot 16 of Bik. 10,T-Acre Plat A; I
' tla ••.t,'^oY e. S 14 00, ft.' t'32.. 1
"00 100 (t2,g60.Id)' 4,der pr Vat'the north 142:15 ft of Lot 1E.el oath
drivebPays,there Abeing 4vione Ian/tilted.wa 142.45 ft.tetot-16,Lot.18,Athe south
the.P3......vr4grading,�inetal itnieewar southt0.87ft. 1 1,.tasou e e
I r•On a tl s to b k Y curb," et' t north 148 0 ft.of Lot 16,the 1
Ct f.the
Ins barb.and gut, private d i north 72 06 1G [the:south 144.1 St.
irrigation,eystbn to-carry Y L f north the 140X L06 ft f Let,1111
ft. -""--
..¢,f ag rydof
90.d fin f Lot 17,th $,"nth
teenY snod alo g Street and In. 82e0 it,of the n n6h 132,0 ft1 Lot 17,
t0r0[Slur d Paving with bit Intnods thesouth 88.0 ft f toe north 68.0!t.
1 Concrete thereof, to-wit: t Lot 17.the a nth 80.1 St, f the
I Lots 4.7, 8 and 8,of Elk.0,9-Acre north 164.I.ft so
Ldt 87,Lot 18 'the
:Plat A.'Lots 2 to 20 inch of,Bik"2, north 86.27 ft f Lot 19, the 'lath
I -i�d Lots 1.8 to 20 1 dl, of tl. 4 t 4A 0 ft of,th ,"nth 180,83 t of Lnt)4
-Qd yl Add,;Loth 17 to2i 1 6f Hlk, ft all,el Irn e,l0 6-Ao±,,,,,,e A ,,,..is hereto attached,was first published in said
1, 1d.Lots 16 t0 18 1 cl. f Blk. 2,27 20 3I,r. Yth 11E8'ft f iL.ohl SI,;
ot7 Sub.;Lots 1 to27 Intl,Of Blk. Lots 86 87 and 09 01 Hilt. I Rlehl nd
1 f South Salt LakeSub.,of BIl tl Add.of Blk.101theYth 71.776 ft f
((,,r�A Plat A: Lot 1' rd 12 t 0'the nth 148.66 ft. I Lot 12 the'issue dated, the day of•d1Shc OL BIk 7,G A e PI t A S ta,16 Opth 1.776 t of Blk. lE the r1h
,'66419 f 1 of.Blk 30 6 As, Pl t AS}i8 0 f8pf l nICIelt'th et)bth-720 0 of
I Lot 1 and 17 t 30 1n I of Blkc' 1 0{•the a tl4 1 2,0 Y f Ldt 13 theth/ 3/
„Hollandr. :Sub;I.t Y to 8 incl. f Elk;1,$0 !C :5 ai 0 lh 12B.D ft 1 Lee A. D. 19
4 end Lots AO 6 lq 1 oI Elk.2 fw,yt;12 the th 60 a Et. h 60. ,th 130
1 C,Tenipl -'Add.; L t 1 d 93't,,. ,ft Y t 1 13 the south 60.43 41 Y
i Set Elk.1 of RichlandeAdd f Hik. 17 Lot 14,th north 349.66 Y[ f
16 the south 143 55 ft, f Lat 16 --`�fL..,yam
s' ;6 Ac Plat.A;Lot.6,6,t0 nd 28 north fiuf`_ 1 L t 17 1h spot d
,r 01 Bid 11 G-Acre,Plat A;L t I-to'28 ft f thet] 120.0 ft,of L
s 1nel of Elk,4 of South Main Street Ad)L soot,167,1 it. of Lot lq t (/�'
4 Plat A Lot. 2 to 6 Incl.and 7 to 1.{t 20 0 Yt of Lot 12 they north thereof beingin the issue dated the
cl. f Hllr, d f Gebbot's Add.: Lin 4$Lot 18 the th 142.95 1 J
16 to 21 Incl.of Herrick Sub, LOt4'1 to. 4 Lot 220 all f E9k.71 6.
I 4.idol,and Lots.37 to 40'Incl. f I Blk. Big Wield Survey,
1 and Lots 1 to 4 1 c] and L to 21 to Property t weed N Ppiva
40 Incl.Of BIk 2 f Dunfo d o b..of Ways,'In Addition to.the B ve A.D. 19�1
Blk 11 6-Aare Plat A; Lot 2 of Hllt • Assessment,113800 Per DM -
8.of North Columbia Sub,'of Ells 82, - trey. . .
I 6-Acra Plat A, and Lot I of Blk 4 ot.West Tgende Street /
Holland Sub, of my. 23. 5 Ap YI L Th ,5o th 37 65 St [the South E.of
'ad a $f Id both
1d abetting! and Et 1 Lot 6, thenorth 97 e6 St f
adjacent t to.bath t f,Wast'r0 ➢lh the uth he so It i t it L Lo 9-the -
'sSo t E 8e-:1 1t n th of 89tee th 1G Y 0hS a U f.]Rot 5, 1 Lol 6•the Advertising Clerk.
South on the e east th Soda add 89'0. ft south 50.0 A, Y Lot 6, 0Y Blk. 21,
north.of Twenty-first
South on thfeet and
Plat es, ed Field Survey.
ode to TweSouthrt South'att'Mt 'to Peoway. AsAdditi o he Ile tar
west 0.000 South e,t"street from ion C' o wave 1n a fle..11 t0 tar.Drive-
West Temple.streets,1n Salt Lake City. aeeeeement, we,00 For Pt19e-
Utah. Why'
I T110 tax to levied defray th y the S v nt.e •,S tk 8treetr
axp Y grading.
1oe t lli g sewer Theearn 100 0 ft Y Leta 26 to.90
I ,,g b t• Mil I Blk,4 Q yl Ads/ f Blk,6,,
ti' .1.4'" Isg 5 ;F.Apre R7 k A y n1ael&-s.Y.p..y9 F
M1riv Way ialnng6 tfd 1g d fapa4'b AO* --t4r'S.We TAterale-lu' day O!
I ten t Sae v ate f an 61t g' Addml 2o T Beauhee Ass b
etr is intersection.. and DR g men6,-E28t0 Per
with-bituminous orete thereof (sail Seventeenth ® Stre tr
pavement to be two (2). tech Oita- Lot 29,26;26 d O28 and 20 of Bar.
l n Grote to¢P1ng on a. Ix (64 3, Lot IS,'the-Beet 11,0 St. f Lot 18,
1 ch Portland'cement to b 0 And thedebt 28.75 ft C Lot.to LOp 22 the
Said roadway to'be 1 rty f u (441 feet,s t 27 0.ft tof Lot '25 to Si 1n00 One
old R t Temple Street'from 18 1 t 100.0 ft f Lots It to 30 incl.,ot
South Street to 87.I t north theBlk 9 f Q aylets Add. of Blk. 6 the
east sideand 30 D feet north n theet 708.8 ft:of'Lots 37 to 40 1 0l of
west elda and thl ty I (26) feet W1416 Rik 3 the 0 t 311 0 ft of.Letli.Let 1 t .
Tye t Temple from 13th t 21 t 9 Incl., f 131k Id, Lote 88 to 40 incl..
Notary Pub .t
South- Streets and 17th South Ste t Y Blk 2. DUP d Sub. t Blk 111
1 from!West.Tempi t Main Str6etel,.6 A to Piet A g Field,SUT y
0 rtl 'of 1d p pertY herein.�plees it, 17.tt1etr"
tat e' d hereinafter•deign-Pell op- b to if.„IS Ed 22 d 27 of Han
po it Said etrecY to be elt0 014117'4 Soup;Mein Street Add.,Plat A;r LGta
..Ho ted and benefited-'by ed 1yn.'I7 8 And 9; Y link, 4: G btf t e Add.
•pro n-lent and 1t 1 hereby adteda Id bf SIk 11, the h th 20,76 ft. f Lot
let mlbed and tbll0hed. that said,.8 of BIk 11..6-Acre Plat A; Lots 21;
grODeety'will be, p ofallY b Sited:3e 87 38 of Blk.-2 Dun�l,rI.da Sub. of ,
the by to the ' 19 adid7t of the Bile 11 the optAl2 5 is,skeitte,46 4 d
ka£qy ebY levied,'and did D4rFe] 6l,3; thtat e f ortth 1321-E@¢ayft s,ll[Lot 08 the
1 .Send'"QLe-her'ra ar dat t1•eih, o nor
I and it 4 m'rat inrd a0a'With moth 104.775 ft.-of the 8 -the.-
the Sin toot frontage-U11R d 1 776 ft. of Lau 6, the rah 71 77 tr
to the htire depth of'the sanni,bygn-the ft of the o6,325 ft G of 6..:
hip 'hack-'th f t. t x efldnonng theth71:705 775 ft.ft.of.the th.143.66
380 feet.and thet hereby"v1e l and' f Dot'6;MIT'Lhe'7eath 71•7 '!ft.!-i to b op esed ugh Id p'areeie of land Of bf I,t 4 f 6,'6-A Ylot A:;
I.Eighty Thousand Six Hundred Seven Lots 6,7 12 andd'tp to 27 ire. Late 14
j ty-five i
and 77-100 (880:676.77) Dollars: and IA s,-ID nti'22,of Elk 1;South
i Seventy-five Thousand One ,1;lundred Salt Like Sub of1Eik.6; tote-17 anA
I F11ty fNe and 31-170 (876,166 81) Dole 18 20, 26 and 29 f Bik,71., Holland'
{ lam.la Six and 34-1 ($6.84)-Dollar. Sub. of Blk,'30 7tote'1-and 6 f Blk,
1 •Perf is t of linear foot of abutting 1 Weed Tainele Add. of BIk.10, the
being 11,864.16 feet•a1t0t4-ft.foot road- south Lot•16 of L lith the'12 06north
ft.72 f
7 t ting id p rtion f sald imp a t; Lot 18 the o tl(62.0uft.of the north
,.Fire lInndred•Fifty d 96.100 ti§60 98) 132.0 ft. f Lot 17 thesouth MOIL.of
1 dod11aty b Sire land 24-100 f07 24) theth 188 0 St f Lot 17 thesouth
.ooi0Ss eo f t or'linear, ff1oot��off...Sate
p2�8 O�fft of 4 r^t th �t�hq 41 83 ft.
r R4teGa,,,f4LWM�010"`"!11 2* i�l`.ola fYs 1T'B,o 9011- '38.,t1,l1 } RfcTAr.
flag 1d portion of old Improvement; land Add. Y Blk 10 the north 71.775
Two Thousand Five Hundred Fifty'-and ft, of the moth 143.56 ft of Lot 12,
00-100 ($2,580.00) Dollars for-Private the rth 143.65 ft.of Lot 15 th senkth
drIvewnye,there being ne hundred t o 143,55 Of.of'Lots 16 Let.16, Me nth
(102) tl 1 ate driveways t Twenty-207.1 ft o Let 27,'the north'120,0.ft.
floed 00-1.00 (826 70) Dolt r T of Lot 1f 8,'the oath 123.66 ft of Lot
dr1 err y,One Hundred'Five and 00 100 88 the north 145,66 ft.of i.t 10,'the.
($106.00) Dollars for private, Ou drIV• th 143.55 ft Of Lot 19,•Lot.,,20 End
i ys,.there being lyres-(0) private 1,of Blk.7;aillln'6-Acre Plat A,:Big
driveways at Thirty-Dive arid-00.100 Field"Survey;' --
'(8E6.00) Dollars, Per drlveway9 One As the same are shown upon'the offi-
Hundred Seventy-Six 'and 00.106'Gal plate of said city to the',entire
(ma,tot Dollars Lor prinaie drives/aye, depth of the mama oemerehip-back,from
there being one 41) Private d t ewsl eaid000001eaot streets fo^' ll ct said tax. '.
t One Hundred 8 ty-slx.and 00 100 SECTION II ,,ghat the assestIment
($176140) Duller. P r'dr1Jq Y To. 11 t made by the.Olty Treasurer
Thousiand One Hundred Thirty/eight,porreeted. approved d cOnieleted'by
and 60.itt ($9,138.50),,Eollare Sor Sew,the Board of EOltallvatlne and Review
er-laterals, there being ninetY0114'(21),Of the'property ftee0ribed In Section.5
swat• tat rate,at 'twenty-thee and.of Chi.'ordlna e`511 Paving'Ent/Melon
6U-Oil(03,Se)Dollgre par goner later- N 234, of S it Lake City,-1 t.ta
' a] the Cost of construCtlon t hich;❑ p e of grad!g Installing sewer
driNeWaYs and ewer laterals d the a tbOne th'b k of curb, t ct-
prope ty..benefited thereby is hereinafter Ins curb and gutter, private- d ve-
t cut.and all within the boundaries of ways, drainage ggaeeyy��pd irrigation!systems
t the lots,'bl'ciee.One'streets above Men-to carry water a:0ee and t ng teeetb
tion d In said dletrict, which i the and lnterb00tleh and poising•or tl bit
tatel df said abutters'coat and nest per umtn0us concrete thereof, he hereby
front toot'Of said-Improvement.do0Ord-co Slimed and thetfie nseessmentsmade"
lug to the cent[ G entered into:. for and returned In iefild completed fiats.
.1.2be performance'of said Work:and and thepert oft,MO Board,of En aI.
m king a ld'Improvement with.Gibbn:..atl and Bed to.the 8 and .of
le,,,,5p,�d CO.,Contractors,:bated the,5th,C mm(e0fdm5'4 Of Stein 7A e City are
i TdL,y in brua Y 1231 'and theity p eel-.ratified, approved and-Confirm,
reasurer tp ah by authorized. and ed.
I directed to as, to accordance 1th SECTION III, Said aol Shall beceato
the provisions of tole ordinance,fork Qt.able In ten-,80u44_Yearly lnetall ant.
I ;puree.,"heroin mentioned. as,provided:by law end ordinance with
, Thirty-Six Foot Hon¢wn74. Interest on-,the' 01
Whole nu unpaid at
1 17th South Street; the to of nt Per cent per n num.
.Tl -,e t 16.0 it.of Lot 20 and o
to payable t the tittle each installment
21 t .29 incl. of 13114, 3, Lots 18 t t due; provided.'however, that one dr
' 24 Incl. and'the wont 67.8.Yt e of Add,m f r;h 1 tat to'l t] Order
25 t .30 Incl., f BII 6i.Qua Of Add;payable,. thewhole fax may bepaid
'of Blip'6,the meat,D7:2'ft. f Lots,1 without interest lthin ,[ilia n (16)
' o 4 f on,'Lote .7 to 90'Incl., of Silt-lava from the date this ordinance be-
: 1,Lots, 1-to'4,Ina-and the t 07.2'comet offectIve In the event 0i in- .
ft. ..Lets 38, 3D 'and 40 f.Bik, 24 etallment'or the interest aforesaid mis
Dunfdrd.Sub, of Bllt. 11; 6-Aoro Plat not paid on.tire,day the becomes
B81tgg Field Survey. due, the holeamount-.of[tire'special
'4`West Temple Street, 10 tax unpaid`'at ke tme eatd Install_
Lot.11 of Bllf, 11;.the-north 111,0,meat and interest are due,eha11(become
St. of:Lot,i0 of Bik• 11,, 6-Aargc Plat due and parable,se Shell draw Inter'-
A;'Lots 2 tp 24.'inel, and 26 f0 28 est at the ate Of twelve per
cent per
Incl., and the north 4 '6.0 ft. 1 Lot 26.annu until thesale of the prove.)
• f Hlk:4.South Main Street Alt.Plat assessed.
A.of 13114. 11; thenorth'00.78 ft. f SECTION IV, "Tide ordinance shell
Lot 0 of Hik. 11,.2-Acre Plat A; Lot.take efteet,one Day after Its publica-
2.3.4,and 7 to II Incl.a .and„the"south'tie
10.86 ft.of'Lot 6, of Blk.'9,Qabbotf. Pawed by`the p3oard.Of Cemmisalen
Add of Blk. 11; the south 264.1 H.'It re of Salt Lake City.Utah;'this 6th
Lot 6. f Ells. 11,,b-Aoro Plat Al Lot;day of November:A: D.. 1081
16 to 91.Incl.,.Herrick Sub.of'S6'k,1.1 . JOHN P. BOWMAN,
Lobe 121 to 90 Intl, of Hik. 2;,at Siru ' - .blsyor,
cl.,of B1
.'Sub,Dt Bik..11;Lots 2 to 21 In1t. ETHEL,MACDONALD,
2. Qua1lee.Add. Of BM. 0; the.'south. ' - city Recorder.
225.0 ft..'ot Lot I•L. Late 6 end-8, the Bill No ,e0.
Incite.lls.o ft,oft ot 7' ,d.the c P:n''.ne.Extension No. Mt, Sod&Final
118.0 ft, of Lot IL, of Hlk. 6. 6-AOra re Estimate.
N'944".4t&1 Z'*42'4P,S,'44'$)1C'1y an9'.t044104`Nhyi¢tlifft•¢the_1281.'