37 of 1953 - Vacating a portion of 25th East Street south of Coatsville Avenue ( Lot 43 Laurelhurst ) ROLL CALL S Salt Lake City,Utah, . .s 9 19 ; 195
I move that the,ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen .
Lingenfelter . . .
Romney . . .
Mr.Chairman AN ORD).NANCE
Result /
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a por'tion2e-25th East Street South of Coatsvilie
Avenue in Salt Lake City, Utah. "-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That that certain portion of land heretofore dedicated as
2 a public street in Salt Lake City and as shown upon the official plat there-
of recorded in the office of the Salt Lake County Recorder and more particu-
larly described as follows:
> Beginnings at the northeast corner of Lot j43, Laurelhurst, a
no� subdivision of part of Block 5, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & also being part of Sec. 15, TlS, Rib, SLB&M: Running
o thence N 0°01126" E 9.88 ft. to a point of tangency with a
'"D curve to the left with radius of 65.95 ft.; thence northwesterly
ocs m along the arc of said curve 61.08 ft. to a point of reverse
m curvature; thence northwesterly 31.40 ft. along the arc of a
<,- curve, the center of which curve is N 36°57'16" E 134.48 ft.
o from said point of reverse curvature; thence S 0°O1'26" W
84.01 ft.; thence S 89045' E !;9 ft. to the point of beginning.
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public prop-
erty for use by the general public as such.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now loca-
Cn2 ted in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property and
also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspection,
maintaining, repairing, renlucing, removing, altering or rerouting said
utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is nec-
essary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants, Salt Lake
%% /J
City that this ordinance shall become effective immedi�itd y.
/1,. ` j
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect,apon, rest p lication.
.Passed by the Board of Commission-ors of.-e61t make h, this
day of �xne 19536 I J --.
VI a
City Recorder. Bill No. 37 Published June 12, 53
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating a portion of 25th East Street south of Coatsvi].le
Avenue in Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 9th, x jix 1953
as appears of record in my office. �-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this day day of August, 1953 x
(SEAL) ))
.Lu-L•L„:„A:< 0(( f.. .
BILL NO. 37 Deputy ut City Recorder.
Published June..1.2th, h4¢ax..1.953
yo_aya -a7
recorded AUG 24196a at q) 02 m•
Request of a�'P1T Al CITY _ nn
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase, 71A4.4....,o7>7y
Recorder, Salt L ke o t tah
Sae Pe BY Deputy
1341 37 nook iv no Page /7- Re C,3 0^3
tion bf 25th East Street South of
Coatsvllle Avenue in Salt Lake City,
Be it ordained by the Board of Com.
missloncrs of Salt Lake City,Utah:
SECTION 1.That that certain portion
o land
street ern Salt dedicated
keatCito sand pub-
show in the official plat thereof
Lacorded in the office of the Salt
ke County Recorder and more par
titularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of
Lot 43, Laurethurst. a subdivision
of Part of Block 5. S.Aere Plat C.
Big Field Survey&also being part
of Sec. 15,TIS,R1E,SLB&M: Run-
ping thence N 0 deg.01 min.28 sec. -
E 9.08 ft. to a point of tangency
with a curve to the left with radius
of 65.95ft.. thence northwesterly
along the ar0 of said curve 61.08 ft.
to point of reverse
thence northwesterly 31.40 ft. along
the a of a , the center of
which curve is curve.
deg.57 min.18
sec.E c134.48 ft. from said point of
vature;thence S 0 deg.01
,J. s reverse
28 curvature,W 8401 ft.; thence S
69 deg.45em n.E 49 ft.to the point
of beginning.
be and the same is hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be public
property for use by the general public
h as .
Said vacation ismade expressly sub-
Met to all existing rights of way and
easements of all public utilities of
any nd every description now located
under o r o over the confines of
the above described property and also
ubiect to the right of entry thereon
for the purpose of inspection. main.
altering o outing said utilities and
all of them.rerouting
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners,it is necessary
to the peace.health and safety of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
ordinance shall become effective im.
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take
effect upon its first publie of C
Passed by the Board of Commis.
loners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this
9th day of June,1953.
tS E A L) City Recorder.
BILL NO.37 Published June 12,1953
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
25th NEact VStieOt Sotto of
•Cdetaville Avenue in Salt Lake City.
the Boad of
miaslonersd of Salt Lake CityC.Utah m• Muriel..Chappell
SECTION 1,That that certain portion
f lens heretofore Lake Ci as rub. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
Shtreat in het, L;ke City d ■
Shown amen thq official plat thereof
corded the office of-St salt Salt Lake Telegram
Lake County Recorder d more Dar. vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
titularly described ae ta4ow8:
Beginning at the first,northeast uorne=of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
part of a.Block r5,9AcrebFlate C.
Bin Fteid Surver i 11? 38:11r part of Utah.
oL thence
N 0 deg. 1 min. lion.
ib9 theft.to 0 deg. In.na n
E tt o far to point of tangency
let curve to te left with tt.rly
05.95 ft.: thence northwesterly
ft. That
along.the arc f said everoery curvature:
ft. That the advertisement
o d ''nort of r ve curvature:
thence'northwesterly cure,She at.along
the m of d r the rater.of
which Curve is N 381deg.said
57` m.18 An Ordinance Bill No. 37
v.revered 1nury fr,fthe Bald pdint 1
Oin. 9 curvature;thence t dog.of
• in. n0 sec. W 945 ft.; thence
oe deg.4 min.E 49 ft.to the Dolnt
of rthebeginning.
and declared ago`l lo onger`hereby
bey public
property for use by the general public
as such.
Said vacation le made atesalr snb•
Ject to all existing rlghte•af way and
ealemenes of all nubile utilities of
any and every de or oorlpilthe on now located
Dip on,unthe;Drve ddescribed er `property vend ales
ublect to the right of entry thereon
for the purybte'of Inereetien, math,
erng,repairing,or reroutinga gtilitiesv eat
l altering all'of' saidu an
SECTION n.In the opinion of the: was published in said newspaper on
too to Deere,b310 of ealthers,0it City
that this
ordinance.shall become effective ttn1 June 12th, 1953 - 3. time
m diatom. •
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take
effect upon eta firer publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis-
old era of Silt Lake City.Utah.pie
901 day of June,1953.
Mayor.F. BITNER,
(SEAL) City Recorder.
BILL NO.37 Peebifahed SOMA 12.1953 Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of
Jnne,. A.D.19 53
Eli r'-"1 "e
• Notary Public
My Commission expires November 25th, 1953.