374 of 1900 - Ordinance 374 of 1900 – Amending Section 7 of Chapter XVI, re: warehouses. Bill Ne..,G. ...:..for AS ORDINANCE AMANDING SECTION 7 CHAPTER XVI OF THE REVISED ORDIN- ANCES OF SALT LANE CITY, OF 1892. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, that; Beo. 1. Election 7 of Chapter XVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1892, be and the same is herebysmended to read as fel- lows: Soo. 7. NO building or warehouse shall be specially licensed for the storage of unlimited quantities of oil or other inflammable substances, as contemplated in this chapter, except upon the recommenda- tion of the inspector of buildings, the chefl of fire department and the chief of polioe, as being suitable therefor; said building or warehouse to be located at such place as may be approved by the City Council. The person, firm or corporation making application for such special license shall, as soon as the same be granted by the council, pay into the city treasury the sum of twenty-five dollars yearly in advance; Provided, that no such warehouse or building shall be used for the storage of crude petroleum, gasoline, or dher products of petroleum which shall flash or emit an inflamable vapor at a temperature below 110° Fahrenheit, unless such warehouse or building shall be specially recommended and scoopted by the City Council for such storage, and shall have prominently painted externally on the front thereof, in plain Roman letters, at least five inches in length, the words: "Licensed for the storage of gasoline." See. 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its approval. 0 Passed by the City Council of Salt e C'ty, Nomher 7th,1 00 and referred to the Mayor for his pproval. � \�A 1 A� ✓"� O�,` eputr C ty Recorder. 0 \ , Approved this 2aay of November, 1 . �i /J� Mayor. Iet ortf I I1 K -i':ICL 0 Cac,7:t^ : TAT 'O IVR ARTURO r VIM?. DY.TOT.AAA Wa'b1AtaaR0 I11 .mil 10 eYT/D VAS T T,AS T-o C1:.A H ,land- ,r.alU a rdlio eAaa llaa 10 ltonuo0 4x-x benisL/o ti ea ade,iY,s. lb-in beaivef aril `io rvx /a*&fD To t' noitoo8 .1 .oe-a -101 as Jute/ of babneasygalad at acme t9nl tans ed •SNI to yti0 e3LaT +Ea boaneotr Jltstoega ad Slag eeuotfiriaev is Nnibltvd oft .t .oe& :envoi eidammsrlgi /o Ito 'to eeitilrruie{p bettmtinu Io wAa/ola /03 -sbonr-a.00e-1 c)1-13 noqu Igeoae osztqwdo aid$ ri boIsfclmbnao as ,aeorm erfua ,,rLJ b,s dlusalIsciag s/il Ic *iert0 ortt ,syntbliud to /odoegani aril to noil opuorf.e'sw /o 'nibi.ui bias ;/o'telaA;; eidaliue ea eeoiloq to laid.° �6 erfT .Iioiw fl vain aril tid Mayo/figs ad 1,,:a as aosIg fit a la uetaool c d o oanuoil Ietooga cons /o1 no.U.sot.Lgga nnt7iam voila-ogioo /o m/i1 enoa-eq `tio Bail otnt vs; eltaamoo aafi gd Waal% ad ear ad* ma nova fa ,itaiia ebebteoVI ;aocumba at Viaa% !safle* avtt-Urewt to ffiva art xsueae/l ebario To egasosa ads 100tiiur ii Dad, gtttbitud Yo asmadssaw rioua an tuidt I/o dam 1 a datittbieltaillt sOuloas4 Limit so ,I tloM ,avolo/faq seal ett ¢ teotaef a su lat • $a soiyar sidamalIret na tt se \' batq b en�jtiat ,irillaa6M gtatbliud Ye eauoifaiax doi - tna 45 q ffv i ash talots dui lot Sl onuob �110 ads z avi ;rtaa #Nt nut n I ,to ierdS Snort alit no ;Ilan/etxe c • ' ntlouag 3 e tag aril /a? t sot t9 :alma a#3 fdtgnei nt eedont it 1 Sirri /al'=$ bna =o eo/ t 3d Ilitrli eonii .ib/o etd'P E .oaa fi .lavo/qqa t