376 of 1900 - Ordinance 376 of 1900 – Amending Section 35 of Chapter XXVI, re: fowls and animals. _,,, wt„,, . , _ ... _ ,.. ,, . . , . .. : ::.:,,,, ,1/4_, Bill No.......... for AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION OF CHAPTER XXVI OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, that; Section 1. Section 35 of Chapter XXVI of the Retised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, be, and the same is hereby anended to read as;follows: " Sec. 35. It shall be unAwful for the owner of any domestic fowlsior animals to permit such fowls or animals to run at large, or to tresspase upon the premises of any other person; and any such owner permitting such fowls or animals to run at large br trespass, shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding ten dollars. Seotion 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its approval. t 3T $C-4,..1 lf..1i ,,- , ; s 'z C . t Ir0 0 5"•.•.•.•.\..k.\,.A cf: o 1 1 TA I- 0 6.>) r toff .„:r in f.-)r11 .....<: ' ,..,,() 1eu tir -'-' , -" ''o PM: [o. ,;;-;''' 9() d'', ir.-..i L.2 • ,.. t's,_i;-;.f..,0 ; / 01,1,, •,,,,„, ,Q 0 ,•,, -10' 1 41',',41,1111 d !: Lo L1-• .'I •;,, t o.4.1..8 I' Js., .., 'I (d 8 L' ...i, 18, 10 81710 1 ,0k.,2. 4.1 ,I0i' 8 C.k ilfiff „i0.*4",..4 ,i *I t ,•.),"?, i F..: 1),. • 'C50811 .: .410 ,...IT ...1)t, 'Zie4, 4.i 4! . .., . 0 i-- .ig - , , I._•..• '3 ,71 3.,"',1.18 9'1., Ificy.,"11,14 14.11 1 8 1:j,a, tO El tali) '), ',.: ',•171.1:' pr 1 1 fag ' 4, .56N.".9.1i ., ,,r4, ,I '- : 0-, . 0 f ', '1 Zei . Lk':::., 14 :',• ...) '. . ',.,: 0 ; P 3 Fa • t ,..., a — .:. ...;..,... ,„ • , ''....s.' 1 '---- - — .. . .